Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Thursday 14

Outside the cities

Golf: British Mid-Amateur Championship Si .-\iiili'c\\\ i.lll|\\. ()iti .\' .luhilcc ('iiiiixc. St .'\lltilt'\\ \. ill ill -i()(i(l(i(l. ’I'hc lop ciiicigiiig giillcix liuin Iliilaiii ciiiiipclc un lhc .liihilcc cuiiixc lll lill\ annual

Outside the cities

Golf: British Mid-Amateur Championship Si .'\lltilt'\\\ Link» ()lil «k .liihilcc ('iiunc. SI :\lliilt'\\ \. (ll ii-l ~l(i(i(i(i(). Scc 'l-illl iolr

Saturday 1 6


Football: Celtic v Dundee United ('cllic l’ai'k. Kcrryialc Sli'ccl. l’arkhcail. 55] .\’(i5 3. llllll. ('cllic haw hail ilic \Iiaklcxl iii \lal'h iii llic \t'ilMill. hiil lhc Iiiiiiic \iippiirl \iltilliti Iill Marlin ()'.\'cil|\ inch in put in a inurc cum incing pcrl'urinaiicc.

Outside the cities

Sailing: MG Laser National Championships l.;il'§_'\ Yuclii llaxcn. In inc Riiail. l.arg_'\. ill-175 075333. National laxcr \ailhual chaiiipiunxhipx \piinxui'cil h} .\l(i cars. Golf: British Mid-Amateur Championship Si :\Iltil't‘\\\ link» ()lil «k .liihilcc ('uiirxc. SI Andrcxu. ()I33-14(i(i(i(i(i, Scc Thu [-1. Motonracing: Glenvarigill Ferrari Trackday Knuckhill Racing (‘ii'cuiL Knuckhill. l)iiiilcrin|inc. ()l 383 733337.

"illll 5pm. £7. Around 71) c\iitic \iipcrcai'x hcing til'l\L‘ll ax [in/u l-‘cri'ari “(illiii ha\ c \\ l\ilL'(i.

Football: Livingston v Motherwell \chi l.uilii;in (‘uui'ici' Slailiiini. .'\ltit‘l'\liillt‘ Ruad. l.i\ing_'\luii. (ll5llh -ll7()()(l. 3pm. Built \ltit'\ 340 min lhc tic “illi hcadx Iiclil hiin truiii llic \lai‘iing Saliirila}. but a huinc ailxanlagc \iitilliti \cc llic puintx ski) in \cht lulhian.

Football: Kilmarnock v Partick Thistle Riigh) l’ai'k. Riigh) Roail. Kiliiiarnuck. ()l5h3 525|.\'-l. 3pm. Kilinarnuck'x cunlidcncc \\i|| hc al a pi‘ctl} lim chh liillim iiig al halici'iiig at lhi'u\. .v\l lcaxl I’ai‘lick 'l’liixilc \xill hc lc“ challcnging Uppthllliill.


Hibernian v Hearts l-iiixici' Road. I2 Albion l’lacc. (ml l875. 3pm. .\ rcinalch ul lhc l‘cxmal (‘in llihx

\\ ill nccd in l';ll\L‘ thcii' gaiiic [U axiiid a i'cpcat ul lhc I'L‘\llil.

OutSIde the cities

Sailing: MG Laser National Championships l.arg_'\ Yacht llawn. li'xinc Road. Largx. (ll-175 ($75333. St'c Sal I0. Motor-racing: UK Rally Challenge Knockliill Racing ('ircuil. Knuckhill. Duntcrinlinc. (H383 723337. Hiin iiclaiic lliUlUl' racing.

British Mid-Amateur Championship Si .'\lidl‘c\\\ i.llli\\. ()lti & .liihilcc (‘uurxu St Andra“. (H.334 4hhhhh. Scc Thu [4.

as THE LIST 2: «a .


There can be only one question on the lips of Scottish football fans: will Harald Brattbakk once again prove to be the nemesis of the Scots. He may have been an object of ridicule during his time at Celtic, but tasted sweet revenge on dumping his former side out of the Champions League in 2001. This time it’s Scotland’s national side which is travelling to Oslo to take on the Norwegians in a friendly. It’s a game Scotland need to impress in - Berti Vogts could do without a demoralising defeat in the build up to the Euro 2004 qualifiers against Faroe Islands on 6 September, and Germany just four days later. Let's hope the travelling Tartan Army support can help lift the side to victory.

I Norway v SCOi/(Illd. Wed 20 Aug, 9pm.

Monday 18

OutSIde the Cities

Sailing: MG Laser National Championships’f_'\ \‘aclii lla\cll. li'\inc Road. i..'ll'f_'\. (ll-175 07.53.35. Scc Sal Hi.

Tuesday 1 9

Outside the cities

Sailing: MG Laser National Championships'§_'\ \‘aclii ii;l\L‘ll. lr\inc Road. |.ai'g_'\. (ll-175 07.53.33. Scc Sal Hi.

Horse Racing lluimlinn l’ai-k Racccuiirxc. Bullm cll Ruail. llaiiiiliun. (HOUR 233h'lliy 3pm. till [I5 iiiiidci' Ihx l'i'ccl. Racing h\ c li‘uin Hainilluii l’ark. \\ illi thc lurk lihiir inccliiig hi'uadcaxl un lhc giant \ci‘ccn.

Wednesday 20

OLiiSide the Cities

Sailing: MG Laser National Championships l.;ll':_‘\ Yiiclii Hawn. lr\inc Riiail. |.;irg_'\. (ll-175 (37.53.33 Scc Sat Hi.

Outside the cities

Sailing: MG Laser National Championships Largx \‘achl llawn. lr\iiic Riiail. Largx. “1475 (37.55.33. SCL‘ Sal Hi.

Horse racing: Musselburgh Races Miixxclhurgh Raccciiui'w. i.llli\ilt'lti Rimtl. .\lll\\c|itlll’:_'ii. (H 3| 005 335‘). 3.25pm. L'll) U5 iL‘5; iiiiilci‘ Ii“ l‘i'ccl. li\pccl a mum Ii\c|_\ aliiimphcrc lliaii il\ll;li al lill\ llat racing iiiccting it'\ part Hi llic l'riiigc llliltlllt‘\\. \U c\pccl picnl} iil iilllrack

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Actixities Arid l uii

Rock Stars of the 19705 lhu 1 : \iig. 1 3pm licc l’cnplck l’alacc .\

\\ iiitci (iaiilcii. (ilaxjgiixi (iiccir 55: ii.‘_‘1 \j.'c\ 5 1: (Rune .lllii \il\'\\ up in all llic clillci .lllii plain mt "lk luck \l.ll\ [limp lll Shields and Symbols Hm I l my.

1 3pm ilcc \l \liiiipi» \ill\t‘lllll «it lx’cllciniix I ilc .lllii \ll.,‘('.1\li\‘\llt\'i.77; :557 (in iii] .1 \hnil li‘lll .lli'llllii l’imaiiilK Iniilxhip. ilixcmci lhc iiicaiiinj.‘ iil ilt‘ldiiih \_\llli‘i‘i\ and then Illahc _\i'lll nun \l‘.li ml

3D Sculpture Workshop iilll l 1 \ii;._‘ ‘il‘lll licc (Lilla) iii \ii‘iit‘lll \it_ ()llt't'll \llt't‘l. 3:" i"‘”‘ ii.l\t' .I ‘1'“ .Il cicaliiij: .i 3|)\\iilpiiiic ll1\l‘llt'iii‘_\ ihc \Jlltlllal} l \illi‘llli‘ll

Treasure Island Summer I lllli \ii‘ll |.\ \ii;f..‘ 5pm Li 50H. 3 .‘5i. \illitilt‘ll licc \\ilh pa}iii;' .liillil cuiiccxxinii Ihc |.i|| Ship .il (li.l\_‘_‘i‘\\ Hali‘iilll. lllll \inh. um Read. 333 35l3 Join l min: .Il'illl \ihci .lllii .Illll .lllli Itcii (illlill lui Jail) .icli\ilic\ ilimn illi llic lall Ship liuiii iii.ikiii;! i‘llt't'allt't'l i‘l‘l‘hlll.lli\\ li' t‘}t‘ [Milt ilt'\

lxci} illt'\ii.i_\ llicic .iic \l\ll\ liuiii lhc Juli} Rugci \\llil ill\ xpcl pii.ilc |l1.l_‘..'lt \him

ABC to 123 in l5 \ii;. I 3|! 3pm l'icc Scullanil \iich Scliiml \ilht'lllll. \ill\\‘lllll Hi liliicaliuii. .‘35 \ullaiiil Sliccl. 357 “5”” liilciaclixc iliup in \liiiuclliiig.‘ \L‘\\lUll\ lui lhc iiiiilci t'ljJilh Children’s Tours of Sanctuary I ll 15 .\ii:_'. Ham | 3llpiii l'icc (i.i|lci_\ ul \ii‘iiclll \ll. ()llccli ~\Illt‘cl. :3" i‘Nlt Spcciall) ilcxigiicil li‘lll\ lui chililicii l‘i ihc Saiicliiai) c\hihiuiiii uhnh iliilix\ .il lt'\|liill\t'\ [U .i\_\lniii l\\llc\ it'llh i.l\l 35

Art-Cart Sal i(\,\llf_‘. l -lpiii licc (illiicl’) Hi \iiiiiclll :\ll. ()llct'll Slit‘t'l. 33‘) I‘Nh. ’lakiiiy _\iiii lhiiiiigh llic \llllllllcl huliila) \. (i( ).\l;\\ .iil cail cuiiicx packcil \\llil ll'.lli\. _L‘;llllt‘\ .lllti .iil .icln lllt'\ Pottery Workshops Sai .\u;;. lliiiill (ipiii. L5~ l-iicuiiikx Siiiiliu. 35a “iliiliilhlt' Slicct. 3;: i-:\ '\f_‘\'\ *1: i \c llic paint Pill\ iii il.l\ c .i _L'l' on lhc punch “llt‘t'i Ill lilt'\t‘ \\ t't'hl} \\i‘li\\il|‘[‘\ liil cliililicn

Farm Open Day Sun i“ \ii;.

“Mill 3 3UP”! ‘l-l‘ilkiil'\\ i’alh. \\c||\hiil Ruail. "(i3 l.\(i3 .\ ila) Hi l.iiiii|} liiii Ill lhc chililicn'x laini


Activities And Fun

Dino-Birds Events: Dino Dig l lilli Sun 1" .\ii;_'. \liiii Sat Ham. | |5pin t\ 3pm. Still 1 l5pinik 3pm Ll Rinal \liixciiin. _‘ (‘liaiiihcix Sliccl. 3-1"

'3 \~.:c\ \- innf m2: :t‘utc .ifma'. 1i~~~IE~ and tin: L;p.:t5:::.~\..1.: .1'. il‘w 112a \\i'ii\\i‘.i‘l‘ \cc phuli‘ . apftutt Environmental Sculpture iiil.

11 ii: i‘ \t.;' Ei'.~.::i c “(all (iaiicn '3 llclluzii Rim-.3. 'i,‘ 1 (CNN \z‘c\ \ lc‘ “cskcmt \iuthhup \xzi'f‘

Julianal “pcx \ mating

\caiplurm and. lll\i.zii.iililil\

Circus Workshop \ii in \ii‘l‘. .‘\ \uc Ill 3".iiii lli'i‘l. lrcc (mulch, ll'i'i xi wizit\.itii liixciicitii Rim “,3 .i 5| Rwil :ip :iil: lcaii: thc lll\ R\ n! 1h.- hurl;

Digital Animation Workshop \ii.

1" \ii'.‘ i“.:llt Hi; I \lizi‘iiiivh \\.l\i\'ll!\ \il llcpailrticiit 5'» llcziilczwi; i\’ii\\_ (if: in.“ \->-\-\ Iii.

lx‘n\.:l iiiitazii.

zip Mth (mum and

ipii: fi‘

\I‘illil.1it'\i‘l17 \il.i\‘.lllf.‘\. [‘ili'ii'1'l.ll‘il\ .lllii I.i\i~;:i:1c l‘i\|\-\i\iiliiii\.1ii\i.i\ \iiii'mhup lull in (nail \\i;'l.‘\. .1'll\l in lt‘\l\i\‘llt\' .:! lihiil‘uich \\.iilc:i;\ (..h It \i \Zl it'” i“ i‘i'i‘ix .t l‘idt C

l Xi‘li\'ii\l7l

Crater Makers l mi: illt‘ m \.‘p

L.‘ till til \‘i l\’n\.il l )i‘\\'l‘~.lii‘l\ \ [\lli'l (t'llllt‘. Ilia. "Mimi iilii. “05 \ 1H1 illlii i‘lll lhc liiilh .li‘l‘lli ci‘lllt‘h \\ llll\‘\\ lht' i‘iliil wt .lti‘llh'i tiil‘iiiuii1\ii\li\.lii lllt‘lt‘i'lthllli‘ll! (‘i.ilci \\\'l\ (\illi‘llli‘ll

Myths and Monsters l iilil Min :1 \in.'- !."’5i13“h i)\ll.1|lll\ i.illil liuhiimil Ix’iiail. “‘1 \H'I iill\ liillllll” c\hil\ilinii\ i'lli\ \ciilll\i1\i‘.i‘\\lllt' t‘\[‘il‘lt'\ lhc \‘-\'llii. \kniiilcilu! .lllki \\ .lI\ \\l‘ii\l nl Illi'll\l\'l\ lll\iill\.ii .lllii ili'lli lhc hci} hicalliut'|'llii'ii1\' in.” in! lhc thicc iiiclic illt'il il.ill\ \t-li \‘.lii1 .iiiiiiialiniin c\hihil\ .iiiil ‘.'l.ll|i lili‘iilh \

Outside the Cities

Activmes Aiid l uh

Minibeast Roadshow l uni \ii” \ii;'. .‘ lpiii Iicc I’.ii\l.-} \ill\i'llllli\ \ii (Lillci). Ilijnh \licct. l’.ii\lc\, \\‘l il‘l /||‘ hiiiij: llicii \Iinilnunt lx’iiailxhuzx \ihcic hi.i\c \ l\lli'l\ \.I|l inccl \ ii'cpx \l.l\‘-il\'\ liniii liuiiic .lllii .ihinail

Street Life lhii I 1 Van l ' \ii;'. l in- |’.ii\lc} \ll\ ( ~ciilic. \cv. \liccl. l’.ii\lc\ 5X“ llllll \fgcx I 3 I" \\ pail ill lhc \Iiccl lilc piuictl l’.ii\lc} \ll\ ('ciilic hm cigghl \\\‘lh\ililp\ iii i)llll‘.'_ lllll\l\ \lx'alliill ( \ll .lllti hicakilain iii;' I’ii l. \xliichcwi iii‘.li\ )uiii l‘lhll \|\|l

nun \liccl lilc lcxlnal 1'le lill iiinic

Neeniepops \Jl In \llz'. iialll mum llk't' Panic} \ll\(-t'llilt'. \t'\‘- \lli'cl. |’.ii\|t‘}. \V‘ I‘ll” Rciilicuxhiic \ll\ hm lcaiiicil iip \iilh |<ciilic\'.\liiic I).iii.c l’iiiiccl in hiiiijx tun i‘.‘.t‘\'ll|c|‘H[‘\ .: liiii \c\\tiili all \ icalixc iiimciiicnt, \l'|l_'.' .iiiil lllll\lc Iiii lhc iiiiilt-i il\\'\ liiiiiicllli'


Theatre é; [lance

The Kosmic Krew ill I< \uv.

7 3llpiii Uiitvl 5th \Iulhcmcll iiicailc. ('i\ it (mm. \\ iiiihiiillhill \liccl. \ltiiht-mt-ll.iiliiiix :iijmi'i \;'t-\ i ll \ l.llll.l\il\.li \\‘-.i\ili‘llci.illl}' \pac c .iz'c iiiiixical lt'dlllllllf,‘ l.i.iiii [inlaii tiniii I)l\lic} ix [NIH]!!! /.'

Delve back millions of years to prehistoric times with special workshops relating to the current Dino-Birds: Feathered Fossils From China exhibition