punk traxh and cathartic “0|thth pnp. tlc\lj_'llctl In L'lL‘al' all nl lltc \ltll ntll nl )Ulll' carx. Rathn l‘x charnnng \'Ic (iallnua_\ and Mr Paul \L'ctllcx arc in chargc nl thc nnmc.
0 Funk Room at lhc .'\l'cllL‘\.
Ilpln .ianl. £8. |.\' Jul. Mnttllll}. Sunnn Bight-at and Andrcu l)I\ Inc arc ltllllt‘tl h) Mark Rac (Rac and ('hrixtianl. anx nl Manchcxtcr'x mm Icgcntlar) (irantl
('cnual. Mark Rac. DJ and llltl\lL' Inakcr
mlranulinau'c l\ a natural lUl' thc l'unk \\ Illl lnx cnntinunux arm- ltl\\;ll'tl\ hrulglng lhc gap hct“ ccn \nullul hip- hnp. tlccp lunk. hrcakx and Ian. l‘nr I/m (lulc (Ill/V 'xlle/Rtl/t/ hull/(n k’rl lull] [H'u'c ('IIII‘\ lu'lun' mu/niu/ll.
I Gavin Pearson and Adrian Coll at Mctlla. I lpln 3am. L'thc. \Vcckl). 'l‘hc tun l)J\ \xltn atlnrn lhc lnp nl' tlux leting. Ill tl\\UL'l;tl|Ull \xith (luk- I. al tlux ncul} I'cxalnpctl \cnuc. l’unthn‘ tuncx and all drinkx Int [2. .\'nl had.
I Global Groove at thc 'l'unncl. llpln Rant. [7 (£5). \Vcckl}. Big nalnc tttttl lncal ltutm‘} actinn. gllcxh thc.
I GOOdfOOt at thc Rtu‘hnlc Sncial. Nut tlatc thc.
I Graduation Party at (ilthgnu Schnnl nl :\t'l. \L'U tlalc llk‘.
OThe Great Summer Soundclash at 'l‘hc 'l’unncl,
llpln 3am. [12 till“. 35 Jul. Mnnlhl}. lln“ nltcn \xill )nu \cc a hntm‘ and Rcfill \nuntlclaxh lcatunug \uch high- prnl'llc |)J\ ax Rngcr Sanchc/ and Slcw \Iunnth' Suthcrlaml'.’ l‘S hnuxc l\ pittctl againxt l‘K Rtfill. and thc hatllc “ill hc might}. A llttt\\l\L‘ night lnt' thc club that\ putting itxcll hack nu thc map
\\ ith m cr) \\ cckcntl.
I Kinky Afro at thc Suh ('luh. Nut tlatc thc.
I Heads Up at Suh ('luh. .\'c'\t dalc llk‘.
I Hustle and Bustle at llaha/a. 6pm 3am (l)J\ l'rnnl I lpun. l-‘rcc bcl'nrc l lpm; £5 al'tcr. \Vcckl}. l’aul 'l‘ra}nnr. Bill) JUltC\. Rn“ McMillan
and (‘anuu_\ ('I‘alg: I'Ip ll up \\ 1th \UIIIL' lughl) chargctl Rtkll and lnp hnp llll\t'tl \uth lunk} and lunklcl‘ littL‘kx.
I LiVGVEVi' ttl (ll;txf_‘0\\ Scltnul Hl .'\l'l. .\‘c\t dalc X .'\llf..'ll\l.
I Latin Fever at lla\ana. ‘lpln 3am. l‘l’cc. \Vcckl). l)J Kcnh l) \plnx up \UlltC (‘nlunlhIaIL (‘uhaIL \c'\\ ank and .»\l'rtcan \alxa. atltllng a t“ [\l nl l.auu chart. Rtkll and glnhal hcatx tn thc I'h}thltlic‘;t| \tc“. lint}.
I Legacy at Mcrcul'}. lllpln 3am. UN. 25 Jul. Mnlnhl}. 'l‘nhal lcch ltnuw mm lull pcrcuxxlnn \xnh ('atnphcll \\'l1_\tc and \nmc \cr) \pcclal gucxlx tn hc annnuncctl. l‘rcc cnu} nn l|u\ launch night.
I Life at lhc ('nrinlluan. lllpnl 3am. U). \VL‘L‘kl}. KL‘HII \lc'l'ltll'lttltc lllL‘al ll)()l pla'n thc llllL‘\l Ill \nul. lunk. Rtkll. ltnllxc and HM \cltnnl L‘l;t\\lc\.
I Medicine Wheel at lhc Sub ('luh. NL‘U tlatc llk‘.
I Midi Hi-Fi at lhc (ilaxgnu Schnnl nl .'\n. .\‘c\l tlau- lhc.
I Moda at Mntla. ‘lpm 3am. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. |)arrcn Dunn caxcx lll\ \xa} tlu'nugh thc night \uth thc llllL'\l llt hnusc. garagc and Rckll
I Monox at thc Snuutlhaux. 1 1pm- 5am. L‘h' 1U)». Mnnthl_\. Mnnn\ prcwntx thc .\l.\'.\ Rccnrtlx‘ launch part) ulth \pcclal :JllL'\l\ ("\Inhnl. Dccncm. Mlchacl l‘nl'xhau and Dr 'l'cntaclc all tlnlng thcu‘ In c lccltnn thing.
I Music for Pleasure at lhc .~\rchc\. llpln 3am. Uhc I Aug. Mnnthl). Ktlxlu and |)a\c Mnnrc
\\ clcnlnc ll)tlt'ntll\cn nl l’at'l\ lU lllL' ct'al} lunk) part}. and thc cllcctx arc \urc tn hlnu _\nur mind.
I National Pop League at 'l'hc \Vnndutlc Sncial. 3.45pm 2am. £3. 35 Jul. Mnnlhl}. Much Ilkc lhcu‘ npcning tunc. um I\ clubbing \ltlllc clil'lcrcntl). and mm l'lnc rcxultx. 'l'hc} pla) thc hcxt Intlic pnp. ('36 and pmt punk tn a cum d that knn\\ lhcu' \lull. c\cr} mnnlh. :\nnthcr linc patch in (ilaxgnu \ nightlilc tapcwtr).
I The N00 Groove .u 'l‘ht- l'tmcrxal. Sauclnchall l.anc. I lpln ittlll. (5. IN .lul Mnnthl}. l’ack _\nul \Pt‘t'tl()\ and huckct and \patlc and cnlnc alnug tn thc l'nncrxal l‘nr \UlllL‘ (ilaxgnu lau lun. 'l‘np qualu) Inuxic lrnm thc tun l\n_\\ \\ltn I'clnclnlwr gning: tlnnn lhc \xatcl. \Ic‘k l’cacnck and Brian \Villlamxnn at nnc nl thc L‘nnlc\l \cnucx In lnun.
I Numbers at .'\tl l.ll\. \c\l tlatc llk‘ I Nurture at ('luh (fl). .\‘c\l tlau- lhc. I Offset at (‘uhu lll._il)|llll 3am. {H thi l. \VL‘L'kl). ()ll\t'l \\ Clt‘nlllt‘ a laxclnatlng: nc\\ I‘cxnlcnt. nnnc nlhcl than thc tlchghtlul Rchckkah ‘lcaxtlalc. .l/uum cnlunuuxt. Sun Mlllcnnnun (an and lnl'lncl l’la)l\n) ccnu'clnltl. Suppnrllng lltc lmcl} lad} arc Sunnn l'n}. (lat) (’urlc}. Jun l)a llcxt and Richard
l.t‘\ lll\(lll.
I Off the Record at .'\tl In». \c-u tlalL‘ lltc,
I The Outcome at lltc :\l't'llt'\. \t'\l tlttlc ll‘c.
I Pinup Nights at Blackll'iarx llthclllt‘ltl.
I Pressure at lhc .'\I'L‘ltc\.
lllpln 3am. U7 tL'lSl. 35 Jul. Mnnthl}. l’clc .\ln\\ nl ()unn Rccnnlx. l’aul \Vnnllnrtl lrnln Hack tn llaxlcx and thc \cncrahlc MR Jnxh \Vlnk arc thc hn}\ nn this tlatc nl' tcchnn and hnuw cra/incxx. Slant dn thc u~ual hnst thing. hand rnund thc canapc‘x and Inakc \urc c\cr_\nnc\ gnt a drink.
I Radar at lhc (ilaxgnu Schnnl nl An. .\'c\l tltllL‘ thc.
I Red and Gold Room at Arta. lllpm 3am. l‘rcc hcl'nrc l lpm; £7 altcl'. \VL‘Ckl}. l)J Michacl ()'Shca pnpx up tn \pin nnl} thc lutcxt \;Il\‘.l and Latin tuncx In a \cr} \\ clI-hcclcd Arta cl'nxul. I Relentless at thc Rixcrxulc ('luh. .\'c\t tlalc thc.
I Rockit at Bamhnn. 5pm 3am. £7 (£5 l. chkl}. .\'c\\ club and bar \cnturc that bring \nlttc nl the mnxt \\nl‘llt} reattan in (llaxgnu tngcthcr l‘nr l'unk} httth and Rc‘x'l‘l \L‘\\l0ll\. (iL'nll Mnntl‘nrd takc\ carc nl thc l’nrmcr.
lISIal\18 Clubs
Audioporn 7»: tltltwl‘V'YI . ‘1. "","..'.R¥°.-"l 'Ht‘trw ltulu w;
l'Mt"? r‘~'. ta tux
l'l1§;‘;‘ H 3n: u. t'~c~ "H um at it»-
nltltw.“ amt "tilt rut .tttt‘ \l‘ mm". fattv‘tt f'mn" '.'e“ " V" t/i/l
The Funk Room A tlxw 'ult lv 4» lzlrlnxatnr lllteww; fl‘w .lt-r‘lw at tltv Mth Haw
nl Han and ( autumn nu up flu»
ltlttk llt’")l". tlu‘; "\wrt‘fr-
lt()tlf;(?. am! I?» m- tun lav ~ wt funk mil nn Ill till ‘? tlut; nun A/ylws, / 71"} Jul
Death Disco A [H :wt lrnrv. llu- n‘xnntan wlm law ‘lwl a lllt urgantl
mutt Inn-It a
[Jlellth [)nnu l Ill? f'nntxuman. lad; lVllUE; Kw, almnqmtlt: upm ml (punt Hnl) lllltllll ‘llllthll‘ll ( llll't Ala/2mg \‘Jal «TL/(11’
Mad Dog: The Final Fling f3». (1 ltflttl lawn-mil tn tlm, Hunt pnwwlul nl haulw, and “lt'l tr» rnglltty Mad Um; aux/aux kw-r/ lt()‘.‘. tn mault at up. (lll’l tlu‘. llltllll ()l I'tzulntaus ‘.'.’llll tl‘w wwlmtx f;ll()tll(l ()I‘Jé tl‘; nrw lant waa‘mrt tn revert) lllr: lmrl lam .‘Jntwflnu/a. 8;)! IF) Jt//
The Great Summer Soundclash UK ( nanny: allrl ll“; House (y) howl t1, lvwl at tlw. l"<'lf;f')l*./l: "mall up Stun: Sutherland llltf‘, tr) l)£llll‘,‘ Ilt‘: l'll'llll ml the one. llll,‘ (ml; l/lr ltwryer Seuuzltn/ llu‘; n; (yum; tn (to all Ill rm tlll(;(,‘ll(tltt turr'tu INN/W. In L”; Jt//.
Caledonia Soul A (l’Mllll‘: header 0? nnrtlwn mnul Htflfltnl guest type gulllmm .wtl- tun nl th; H1081 l)l(:‘)ll(}|<;l.", tumult: slam on tlu: SHIN; \Jn Wallace :1er Sllamya llétlf,‘ Muss", sultlnm l'lf)£lllf}f$()ll1tl(ill tn mmth V/U/xlfgldo fine/(M. Sat 2”; ./r//
Vegas Still out: ()l lll‘: lmnt (,ltllfl; éll’Utlllll. Silll 0W; nl tlv: best dressed (HOV/(l8 |lll(l()|l!£il)l‘:. Hm; Vnodnn Daddy lmatured; an: specml guests at llllf} party. cntertammg the S‘.‘/Illg(:l.‘5. lll‘m paramoms all’l the rest of the so? (see Otters Page for C’fllllflfllllwll) Barrow/and. Sat 26 Jl 1/.
\xhtlc l’aul l‘n\ tlt'ill\ \\ Ith lhc laltcl. gnddauunil.
I Salsa Seduction at ('cntlal llnlcl. NC“ (lalc llk‘