Theatre events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after Theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to anna®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

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\\ '\ \‘.l lat" \\ \ \ \\ ln't'L ll,lll A ‘I'i "" i'.llLlll_'l.l«lllll\'\. \\( \l [i ,lii Ii.

GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS VI {ll ( Ilt'.” \\ '--li'lll l<H.Iil. {‘1 )1?) \\i .\\ \l

Antony and Cleopatra l nnl \nn ." lnl inn-i \lnn .‘Ii ani l, lilil, 'i lh' lu-Uilnn' linun \In It'lll l t'}[‘l in lxlli t wl'nn ilHllJ, ilnulnl \kllli l‘.illni'i \ '"i‘tIIH Hun [llilllll\\'\ illl inn'wxnnz' n' Illlt'lI‘lt‘lAllHll ul \ll,ll.<'\"t' Ili‘ \ l.llt‘

Much Ado About Nothing I nnl \nn ‘5 lnl lilt‘l \lnn .‘Ii 7pm LX 1H)! \lmlv [units \ \ I‘lllt'tl_\ nl Inu' .nnl

tlt'k ml. \(l lll Illi' \nn tllt'lkllk'tl lll\i‘.in lnllx l\ li'nnz'lil In lllt' \l.i;'i' iiilllli'x} HI (ulmz'nv. lx’viwlun (’ninlmn} \\l|ll «Inn liwn li-un l\.ili‘ \.nnc) MITCHELL THEATRE

(. ( mumlli‘ \imi nx Ii Hn Will |l|, Ii. \\(‘. \\ \|

The Thistle and the Rose Im-

.‘.‘ .lul ' {Ul‘vn (unli'nipumu lmllt'l

[mininmnu' tuulli‘x} nl \leml \IMrnwnl Ill \I‘llllllltlltlll \\llll (ilmpmx (II) ( l‘llllt ll \ I .nnl \i‘iuu'x


Tally's Blood at Byre Theatre, St Andrews, until Sat 26 Jul

RSAMD l'H’l‘I‘ul' .- \I.. " ll \\( \‘.\ Fame - the Musical 1 ~ It lnl *"5‘19 'iHI‘ ill. .'\\,i ills .‘!II~H'\;M[~1...:: 'i.‘.-!_ ,‘ mutt.

'.1lln'l; !.Vl. film \'..‘i;1‘ In .1.;'.. ,li‘lllll n jimmy“? ".i'il'l' ~I..\5. 'i .11,.'

In» in.le ll 2;: Hr." ixifwii'n p


“.i \illlillllt'\|\lk' l\,".l\l. f“) iii" ,I" ll!

International Folk Dancing Hm .‘l lnl 7' :len 9, ' \HiUH Hunt; pu‘ilninmnt 5 ln l)lll|\'llll| I).lll\\'l\ il\l\t'l\ 1min llic \\\\'llll‘l:\ lx’i'i'llh

HI ;| .‘.‘H iii" m l \lm ll.i|i HI {I _‘_‘\ I“;

An Evening of Ballet and Divertissements I n ‘\ lul

{Minn \H i !_ ll lln' l\’ll\\l.lll li.lllt'l \micl} \limnuw lllt'll \‘..ll\'\ FESTIVAL THEATRE

1% .‘U \iudwn \nt-«i. \‘U Minn ;||. \\(f \\ \l

Scottish Youth Theatre I n Ix .\ Nil l‘l .lnl lllpni Hit: ll \\ l'x Slanil up ( 'nlnnl) ,\ lx’i'xnt' \ulnw [llt'\t'l|l\ llnx \ptx l.ll l\\l‘ nn'lil Inn \llH\\\.l\lllL' llic funnivi l.llt‘lll llic inulit Ill.llll\ .uc .i:'ml lwlun'n lh .unl .‘l .lllll lmn‘ Liki'n [nil Ill .1 hm ‘.\\'k‘l\ \liu l.lll\l \kill\ \l'lll\\' \‘.llll lllt' llnuini' i'nnilmn}

The Singing Kettle: Medieval Madness In I.\ \lun .‘I .lnl \m' l\|tl\ ll\llll}'\

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (illllillu) \llk'i'l. .‘ l.\ l.\l.\ l \\(f \\ \l

A Chance in Hell in I.\ .\ \..i I‘) ,lul ", mm. L!) ll, in \lnnnm Init'k In

A CHANCE IN HELL Royal Lyceum. Edinburgh. Fri 18 Sat 19 Jul

A load of old malls

I did most of my growing up in the 19805. This perhaps is why I have a nostalgia bypass. l was keenly aware that I'd been cheated even at the time, for aside from the extreme and ongoing Conservative backlash, perhaps indeed, because of it. it was culturally the dullest decade of the last century. Only pure hormonal drives gave me any sexual desire at all. for women (and men, too for that matter) seemed to embark on a fashion competition to see who could render themselves the most unshaggable. Clothes got so baggy and move aroundable in that you didn‘t need a house. and hair had to be lowered on by a crane to be acceptable. Music was pish. and as sex symbols, all we had was Sabrina. You can keep your J-Lo Sabrina's still the second sexiest hot-blooded Latin woman to tread the earth.

All the same, people will create retro-chic from anything. and I suppose nostalgia is forgivable if you weren‘t actually there at the time. That's the story with Tim Primrose, the young writer of this new production for the much-acclaimed Lyceum Youth Theatre. A musical comedy with a cast of 55 and music by Kirsten Roan, the play speaks of the shopping mall mentality of the youth of that generation. and for that matter, this generation. The recent successes of this young company, which has been invited to attend both the Royal National and Oslo‘s Den Apne Theatre with its production of Jon Fosse's Purple. make this well worth the visit. A mullet-see. (Steve Cramer)

St Andrews


Mme} Sim-i. HI H1 .1750nn |l’. \\'('_ \\ 4\]

Tally’s Blood l'nnl Sui 3!) Jul inn! Sun) Spin. I‘llli .lul tk 3(llll .lul 3 illpln .\ Spin. t5 *H [H M) itR L‘l SUI lillltit'lllllk' .llltl ll llt' “)lt' illt‘dllk'

Li) \qimn'. (ll iX.‘ 3.? {R W ll’. ll. \\('. PICM'III llll\ l‘lllt'l\\\k't‘l \t‘nlnxli llnliun \\.v\l lmc \lni} lullmxinj.) lllk' lll l.llt'(l Inn- The Happy Gang’s Big .illun lu'luct‘n ;i )iiung |l;ili;in ~s'nl .llltl Adventure lllll Il' Iul 8w Klil\ llt'l Scullhh lencml.

ll\llllf._'\ Mary’s Wedding l'nnl But 3!» Jul In my Tribe Im- .‘.‘ lll 3* .lul \w Mini Sun) NHIHH. I‘llli .lul t\ .Thlli Knlx ll\llllj..‘\. Jul 3:14pm «k N. l *pin t7 Llll Dundee’s Hip Hop Story Sal H. «Li L7i. Slcplicn .\l;i\\u'nllc\ lt'lltlt'l .lul 7' -l\'lnn L-l ILl all L h K\\t‘\l lulc nl lll\l Imc unil lhc llllk't'llillllllt‘\ _lulin\un\ Kinnlmn} \l.i|.ikln lll\t' Inp nl lulu,

llHP. lllt'dllk'. «lunu' .llltl l).l|n_:,' Ill llnx The Kosmic Krew ll! 2* Jul Sn" l.l\l [maul lnnt' ll.l\\‘lllll:' \liu} Klth ll\llll_‘_'\

llic Nilx .l\ l )l [llt'\t'lll\ llnx lk'llH numunl t'\ll.i\;i§,i. \i'l .il lllL' Iit'igglil ml the cm. ill .1 lxll\\'ll \Imppnu' lll.lll

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Sweet Fanny Adams in EDEN