liihk' Ill liailiiioiial iiiuxit iii lliv llli'lll.lll\l\ lk'dllllllli' \iiliui ('oiiii.i\l.. \l.i‘.".'l\‘ \l.l\l)l'\l .lllkl \Iai} \iiii Ki'iincil} .I\ \iu.ili\l\. lillhk' \l.l\(ilt".'|’l on liilillc. lll‘_'ll\l lluiiili'ixoii on piano .llltl \ i.Il\.I\ li .llltl ( 'h.i/ \icuail on
Saturday 26
I Glasgow International Folk Festival ll llk' \Uilia IL”. I l2 \ioJIui-ll \lii'cl. R*2 808l 8pm l'i'cc 8w Iliu l" lHIIIL'lIl lk'JlllllllL' l)i (‘ook .Illtl lllt' Hour-ix
I Ceilidhs at the Caley (Kili'ilnlllall Ilium}. ‘12 Slult‘liml Rinnl. .328 3088 "pm l.illl Ui iL‘i Su‘ s.” I”
I Summer Sessions 'lollmoili. Jail \\_\Ilil. “l ".\(i fulllllll \HHII l‘IL'C SUV \Jl l‘)
I Glasgow International Folk Festival lllt' Syolia Hai. I I2 Sliu'kucll Slici'l. “2 8081 8pm. l'icc 8w lhii I" lUlll_‘._‘lIl lcaluiing; lllt‘ (‘ohiaiiialii'x
l dinl)urgh
I Fundraising Concert for Fiddle 2003 (iii')lii.ii\ Kiik.
(iic) liiaix l’lau‘. 310 0*)“. 3pni. [ Ill it'8i .\l.l\(l.lll l'l.l\\‘l oii liilillc \\llll \alalii' ll.l.l\ on (cllo. pci'loiining a yonu'il Ill .Iltl ol l'llltllt‘ 2llll3. lo liiid
\\\\\\ \k‘(|l\lltltllt‘lt'\ll\.Il.\'Ulll
I Scottish Guitar Quartet 'l'lic Huh. (lixllcliill. Rina] \lllt‘. 473 2llllll.
3 l5piii. L" 51). Thu populai _:_'ll|l;ll cnxcnihli' ciilcilain \\ illi .i llll\ ol iii/I. l..llllI. ll.I\llllUll.ll and \xoild \l) lt'\
I Enoch Kent \\’cc l~olk (‘lulx Rinal ()ak. |iiliiiii.ii_\ Sliu‘l. 55" 2‘V0 8.3llpin. t 3. 8w 'l’hu 2~l I Live Flamenco l-.l Baum. Ill-l \\k'\lpoil. 22‘) 880i. llpni 3am. l-iu‘. Scc Sun 2”.
I Summer Sessions ’l‘ollmoih. .Iail “)lltl. (ll “80 27-“)(N). IIUUII. l'IlL'C. SCC Sal I‘).
Monday 28
I Glasgow International Folk Festival lhc Smilia Hal. I I2 Slockucll Sliccl. 552 808|. 8pm. l‘iu‘, Soc Tim I“. 'l'oiiighl lcaluiing (ilaxgoxx \Ung\\l’llk‘l\.
I The Edinburgh and Lothians TMSA Branch Regular Session 'l'lic ()\l'oi‘il Bar. 3 Young: Sui-cl. 53‘)
“l l‘). 8pm. l-icc. .\ inoiiihh \L‘\\ion loi' \harin; \oiigx a lunc oi hm and gt‘llt‘l'ull} hax in; a good lllIlL‘.
I Me Suena Tu Cara 'l‘hc |)oiic 'l‘axciii. 15/10 Markci Silver. 225 MM. 8.30pm. l‘i'cc. 8w Mon 21.
Tuesday 29
I Glasgow International Folk Festival 'l'hc Scolia liar. I I2 Siockucll Sliccl. 552 8081. 8pm. I’i‘cc, Scc Thu 1". 'l‘onighl lcalunng (ilaxgim l'iii\ci\il} l'olk lah‘x
Wednesday 30
I Dan Hicks and The Hot Licks RUIN-Tc“ l‘it‘l‘l'}. (‘hilc l’lJCk‘. 35.3 SHIN). 8pm. U250. Siiigci'woiigui‘iicr Dick lllt‘lu \\ll\‘\t‘ lllllt'\ in“ 0 been inadc
l.lllli'll\ h} lhc \opianm mint illklk'xl lll’C iiiial cpiwilu \xiili ‘\\ licic'x Ilic
\loiic} " .llhl noxx I‘L'lliilllh \\llll hand llic Hol | I\l\\
I Glasgow International Folk Festival llii- \uilia Hal. lI.‘
\llk l\\'. \llt‘x'l. 22: \“Ni \I‘lll l lt‘t' 8n- lliii 1‘ loiiighl lcaiiiiinf: \Illg'lltdll liilh l<t'\l\.ll
I QC Country Band (jun-ii (‘lLIllHllt' RtN'lll\. ilk! (‘lllk'cli (‘lIJllHllt' \im-i. 3“ (mm 8pm L2 <0 i1} Illll\l\ l.lll\l \i'c \\\'ll 23
I Crackin’ Ceilidhs lollmoili. ,l.lll \\_\ml. iil“.\(i 271mm “ illpm u.
Ilainil) lit‘kcl UM Scc \\\'ll 2‘
Thursday 31
I Gaberlunzie Si \iiilim \ Ill lllk' Squaw. ()Il Saliniaikcl. 8| .\iidic\\ \ Sin-cl. 3-18 002i) 8pm. I" ILS' Hull] llll'llt'lll and liailiiional lllllL'\. plux hchxccn VIII“: hanlci iii lhi'ii iiiiinilahh' \l} lc lioin llivw all iound \‘IIlL‘IlulIIL‘h I Glasgow International Folk Festival '| hc Smilia Hai. I I2 Sloykucll Slii'cl. 552 8081 8pm llk'L‘ 8w lliu IT. 'loiiiglil lcaluiiiij; lhv (‘awiii
I Out of the Bedroom “gm-rim Hai. I SI .\l.ii)'\ Silt‘t'l. 55” MS“ Upin ninliiiglil l'icc, 8w lllll I",
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@|, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.
Friday 18
I Bremen Youth Symphony Orchestra Si Mar} K (lulu-dial. 3()l) (ii'cal \lecrn Road. 337 2802. 7.30pm. l'i'cc. llciiwi' Buhlinann CUIIIllIL‘l8 ihix 0(l \li'oiig orclitwli'a ol l'ClIU\\IICIl _\oulh lgllL‘lll.
Berwick Upon Tweed
I Mozart Series I’a\ion lloim‘. l’a\ioi1.(l|28‘) 3802‘”. ll).l5ain. £5. Siixannc Slan/clcii and (iiix/lin livino pcrl'oi'in .\lo/arl\ I0 \onulgix l’oi' piano and \ iolin owr 8 «lap. llcrc {ht} pcrlornr INF-J II) If Hui .llii/or and K30." in .\ .llii/ur.
I Allegri String Quartet with Anthony Pleeth l’a\lon Houw. l’a\ion. lll28‘) 3802‘”. ".45 0.45pm. £15. l’a\lon llouxc\ \lllllllk‘l' lllll\l\' IL‘\II\;II UPL'II\ \\Ilh lll'ilzllll\ UltlLNl» cxlahlixhcil quai'lcl plining llayln'x Sirius Quarry! 0/) NH. licclhm cn‘x Quurli'! III I; mum; ()p 5‘1 and Schuhci'l'x Sir/liq Qua/14'! [I] (i.
Saturday 19
Berwrck Upon Tweed
I M023” Series l’;l\lnn llouw. l’a\lon. (H280 3802‘”. HHSam. £5. ~8‘uxannc Siaii/clcil and (iuvlm l-‘cino [‘L‘l‘lfil'lli .\Io/ai'l\ K303 III (Minor and K3”: III I: Hill .lIu/ur.
I Mozart Series l’a\loii Houw. l’.i\loii. H128” 3802‘” 5pm L‘ \thlllC Stan/clcii .llltl (nu/Ln luii_\o pciloiiii \lo/.iil\ l0 \Ull.ll.i\ loi piano and \ ioliii owi 8 din lh‘ic ihc} l‘viloini A3 "I ii: (i \Iiiiw am." A ‘20 n: \ \Iiriul
BeiWic:l< Upon Tweed
I Andy Goldstone l’.i\lon Ilouxc. l’.i\ion. “128” 3802‘” a 4* " ~1<pin
L l ‘ ()llt' ol Hiii.iiii\ IIIU\I wlchiaicil [‘l.llll\l\ pciloiiih 8t‘huhcil\ \J'i'i an fro In (illllllt'l. \uiiirlu I” (and \uiiiziir I” H
Benwok Upon Tweed
I Young Musicians’ Platform l’a\lon Houxc. l’.i\loii. 0128‘) 3803‘”
2 -lpin. L'lll. Siuilcnix lioiii Ilic Roin Scoliixh -\\'.I\lL‘III} ol \quit‘ and l)i.iina pciloiin \ongx In lhc \‘Iilllpn\k‘l Huggo \\oll \xhow L'CIIIL‘IMI} l.Ill\ llll\ Man
I M023” Series l’.i\IHn llullu‘. l’a\loii. ll|28‘) 3802‘”, Spin. L" Siixaiinc Slaii/clcii and (nix/lax [Vino pL‘iloini .\1o/ai’i'\ KW“ III/ ‘Li/I'I .iiiil Kill/i111 I) .lIu/m
I Edinburgh Quartet with Gusztav Fenyo l’axioii Ilouxc. I’a\lon_ (ll 28‘) 3802‘” 7-15 ‘) lfipni [15. 'l'hc higlil} .iu'laiinml l'.tlllll‘lll_‘_'ll ()uai'icl pci'loi‘ni l|a_\iln\ String (Jinn/ii III I) numu. (Hi7). .\lo/;iil\ Slims Quin/(l III (and Hi‘ahiux' I’iilllu (jinn/r1 m / [mum ()p 34. lvalui‘ing (illx/lm Mano.
Wednesday 23
I Organ Recital Si (iiIi-x‘ ('aihi-ilial. Ro}al .\lllt‘. 2259-1-12. 8pm. (71(5). \VIIIIIL'I' Ul llIL‘ RH);|| (.Ullt'gk' UI ()i'ganixix l’ciloi‘inci' ol the Man ('oinpcliuoii 2()()(). (‘lhc l)I'l\l\Ill Sinilli PL‘I'lUI’IIh lllll\lt‘ h} )(Illllg langlixh coinpoxcr. Jonallian l’iikin. pllh \\iil'l\\ h) Bach. Hurullc and .'\l£llll,
I Manuel Barrueco ('and Hall. ('il_\ Square. (H.382 -l 34040. 8pm. [l2 it'8i. ('laxxical guilai'ixl Manuel Barrucco'x lil'Nl rental in Scollaml lor l2 _\c;u‘\. l’iirl u! I/II' Hum/n- (iii/Iii; I‘r'xln'ii/.
Thursday 24
I Bach Choir Bethlehem lxhci llall. Inlhian Road. 228 IL“. 7. 30pm [Ill {20. (ii'cg l-‘unl'gcld tlll'L‘Ch llll\ HS Wong \oluiilccr choir tlt‘lllt‘lllt'll lo lhc lIIlI\lL' 0! Bath. \uppoi‘lcil h} a lull} pi'olmxioiial oi‘chL-xu‘a and “(Hill I‘L‘nimncd \oloixlx.
I Anne AppIin and Geoffrey Pratley RSI-\Ml), Iriii chi'rcu Sim-i. 332 50577.3()pm.{7.501(450). I)i\ung_'ui\hcd piano ducliixlx pci'loi'iii l'i‘oiii a (ll\L‘l'\L' l'L‘PL‘I'lHlI'L‘ ol' inuxic l‘caluring th‘il‘ 2i) liiigci'x racing aci'o“ IllL‘ kcflmard.
BGFWICK Upon Tweed
I Mozart Series Pinion lloiiw. l’a\loii. (H289 3802‘”. Ill.l5ain. £5. Siixannc Stan/clcn and (iuvlax l-cn_xo pci'l'orin .\Io/ari'\ [HUI m (i .lIu/oi and K38!) III I: Hui .Ilii/m'.
I Craig Ogden Mari-ya Hall. (‘ln Square. ()l 382 43-1040. l.3llpin. £4 iL'2i. 'l‘hc .-\u\u‘a|ian-horn gllllill’hl \xho llih pci'l'oriiicd \xiih ihc l'K'x lcading iii‘clicxu'ax llix rccordingx l'oi' (’hanilox iiicludc IIIll\IC ITUIII lhc nm L‘l\ ol Louix dc Bcrnicrm which \\a\ the (‘handox RCCOI'IIV IllxIL'xl-L‘u'l' \clling (.l). I’url u/ Illr' Hum/(1' (iiimir I'i'xri'i'ul.
1 3.55 i a; \\ CL‘O'J. shims MUSIC
Ben‘i’ii‘lx Lli‘oi‘i Need
I Katharine Gowers, Adrian Brendel and Gusztav Fenyo l‘.i\ioii lli‘ll\\‘. l’.i\ioi‘.. lll2\‘l 3\0_“ll "1* "1<[‘lll :l§ \li‘lllll\l (i\‘\\\'l\_ u‘llixl Hicnili‘l .Illkl [‘l.llll\l Icino ioin loycllii'i lo iwiliiiiii \lo/aiik li’:..l:« law a: li’ |l.i\ilii'\ /':i.':o /'.‘i' I'.'( .lllil lix‘x'llhfit‘llo [MN .‘I: I; ‘f...’
Saturday 26
I Edinburgh's Fiddlers Rally l \llk'l l UllllJll Rikki. _‘.‘i\ ll“ ‘piii L I“ 1|R I ilinhuifjli lll}'lll.lll\l lx’ci'l .llhl 8ii.iili~pc\ \m iclx pump!
()"| ‘1 '
\oiiic ol \‘ollanilk llllL'\l lllll\l\ lioni lll.ll\'llk'\ lo ll}'\ aiiil iu'h
Benwck Upon lweed
I Mozart Series l’.i\loii Houxi'. l’.i\Iiiii. lll.‘\" 3802‘” I” I‘ani 1* .\II\.IIlll\' Man/civil .Illtl (nix/Ln I k'll\U pciloiin \lo/.iil\ A ~' ' ‘ iii/ Warm and A ill-11H / Nil/IN!
I Simon Dinnigan (and Hall. (in Squaw. (ll 38.‘ »l 3 Will I 3llpiii tllifl ()iic ol llic lincxl 3.:uil.iii\i\ ol lll\ gi'ncialion. 8iiiioii l)llllll;‘.lll pciloiiiix \\Hll\\ lioiii ill\ .I\\ l.Illll\'\l wlo l\'\tll\llll;‘ Ioi lhc ('laxxii l'.\l Iaiwl Ilic lull “min I’m! 4'! III: Hum/u (rill/(H
ll \Illll/
BerWick Upon lweed
I Mozart Series l’.i\ion llHll\\'. l’a\loii. lll.‘8‘l 3802‘” *piii H Suxaiinc Slaii/i'li'il .iiiil (iiix/lax Icino pciliiiiii \lii/.ill\ A2001!) I Vii/HI .iiiil A'."Hv\i III I)’ l/(ll llil/HI
I Viennese Music Concert l’.i\loii Houxc. l’.i\ioii. lll.‘.8‘l 3802‘” 7-15 ‘) 45pm L l i .\ii t‘l|\\‘llll\lk' ol lllll\l\'l.lll\_ lk'.llllllllf2 Siixaiiiiv 8|.iii/i'li'il and Kalliaiiiic (ioxwix on \ ioliii. Rom-i ('liaw and Ruwn (illllll\'\ on \ iola. .'\Illl.l|l Hiciiili-l and l I\lll.l Sinilli on u'llo and (nix/Ln l'i'ino on piano pci'loini .\Io/.iil\ Ii/uuiu III li‘ minoi. St'hovnhi'igg‘x \I'IA/(lllt' \m III and Si‘lilllwil'x I’Iiniu III” III/ I/u'l
I The Assad Brothers (Liml ll.lll. ('il) Squaw. (ll 382 43-10-10 8pm L'l.‘ (LXI. :\n L‘\\'lll\l\L‘ l‘lllllpk‘illl tl.llk' lioin k'lll\\|t';ll guiiaiixlx SULL'IH and (Man I'm] u/ I/Ir‘ Hum/(r (iiiiliii /(’\Il\(I/
I Scottish Guitar Quartet lin- lluh. (lixllcliill. l<ll'\.ll \lllt'. 1’33 2mm 3.15pm {Till The popular f,‘ll|l;ll cnwiiihlc ciilci'laiii \xiili .i llll\ ol |.l//. l.;iliii. ll';l(llllHIl.ll and “odd \hlcx
Ben/Vick Upon Tweed
I Mozart Series l’;i\loii Ilouw. l’a\liiii.l”28‘) 3802‘” *piii 95 Siixzinnc Slan/clcil and (ill\/l;l\ l'L'll}H pcrlol'ili \lii/;il'l\ K37) III / llii/ul .'lll(l K-M’I in l'. Hill .llii/m,
I Paxton House Summer Music Concert l’auiiii llouxc. l’a\loii. ll|28‘) 3802‘”. 7 4* 0.45pm. L'l‘ :\ll ciixcnihlc ol lIIll8lL‘lilll\. lcaluiing: Siixgiiiiic Stan/elm! and KullLIllllL' (ioucix on
\ iolin; Roger ('haw and Rim-ii (iIIlIIlL'\ on \iola. .'\(ll'l.'lll Hrcndcl and l‘ixiila Suiilh on gcllo and (nix/Ln l'ciiyi on piano pclliil'lli HCL‘lhin L'n'x I’uuiu Quurlrl Hi I; lid]. Up /0. licig'x Mimi/u fur Plum: 0/) / aiiil Hiahinx‘ \Iimu SKI/('1 Ill (i ()p 3/).
Wednesday 30
I Celebrity Organ Recital Si (iilm‘ (‘aihcdraL Ro)a| Milt. 225 9-142. 8pm. £719.54 l’clcr Backhuuw. ;l\\l\l£llll organixl al Si (iilcx' pci‘loi'inx \H)li\\ h} Huuchudc. Hindcsniiih. l'i'anclx. (ill!\\ and Slanloi'd.