otIl llllllk' lotk tlolh \tkallllll: Il III \lllllj._'\ .llltl l.lltlllj,' It to tl.lll\ platt'x \n .nottxtn \oIIIt Youth l\ oln' t l.lllll lanl .Il lllL'll «loot and who .nt' \w to .ngtn- ' Support lloIII llIt' \ltlllth k'lk'kllllllh le ()Pt'lJll'l \tlto'x llt'\\ l l’ I\ out \tntll on lit-nbctttla I The Informers, Sad Society, Social Insecurity .mtl Critikill

\\ llk'tll\ll\'tll. 3"- :ll() li.llj_‘lt‘t'll thlll. Ho ‘Nll " lllpnI Li l’tntk .nlIolI

lllt ltItlan; l‘ltlll\k"\ lht- lllll'llllt'l\. ax mm \a} 'a mic ol punk llt'\t'l \lltl .Itttlmll} an} ll.lllll

I Punch Drunk Monkeys Hm-

I lltlt‘l\‘.ttlltl, ll.IIItIt‘IIII.III\. \Itltll} \ltt‘t'l. 55“ ‘35-1 .\ 15pm L-l l’ttttk ltlIt' up llk'.l\lllll\'(l b_\ l-tlIIIbtllglIK l’tIlItlI l)lttnk Honky} \ lxtlpptlll lbt'l

I Miyagi .lllll Give Way \Vlnxtlt‘btnktt'x. l (I South litttlpt'. 55" 5|l-1 ‘IIIIII llllel t‘llk'l}_‘_\ tlatn't' \Hlll l_\pc\ \lI_\.I_~:t .nt' bayk b_\ popttlal tlt'IIIalItl. ulnlv (inc “a; ptox lllk' pop .llltl ll‘t'lx \ll\k'l\ .Il IIIltlIIIgltt

Saturday 26

G assgow

I Urban Allstars featuring Big Brovaz, Lisa Maffia, DJ Spoony .lllll Firin’ Squad ('atltng: ,v\t‘.Itlt‘tII). III l'.;'ltnlon Sllct‘l, ll‘Hl5 H3” i‘l‘l‘lllbflll "5| Illllll ‘lpnI L | 5 l.a\t IIIllnIlc .nltlIlIon lo lht‘ \t'atlt'III} llnt' up. lt‘.llllllllf.j jJ.ll.lf,'k' ltlt- combo lltj: litma/ and So Solnl ('It-u "x lt'tnalc tIn'IIIbt'I ll\.l \lallla

I Big Bad Voodoo Daddy \t‘fa'ax. llalltmlantl. I-eriallougalt‘. 553~1(I(ll, 5pm. Ll-l. So('a| own; band \xho lt'dllllt'tl till lllt‘ SH III;‘('I'\ \ttlllltlllat‘k. \\';IIIIIII;:. thy} haw bt't'n tlt'xt'ttbctl ax 'lIgght ht'atlt'tl’. thl lhc) \lltlllltl III III happtl) u llll tht‘ alIIonpltt'lc at lotIIIgc t‘lttb \t'gax.

I The Grim Northern Social, Captain Soul and El Hula KIII; ‘l'tIt‘x \Valt \Vah llltl. I‘L’a St \'Int‘vnt Sltt‘t't. 331 53”". X. illpltl. {(I. \kn'lt‘tl ll'Iplt' btll ht‘atlt'tl b} (ilaxgou '\ (illlll \Ullllt‘l'll Sot'Ial. \IgIIctl altt‘I' .Ippt'aI'nIg .It l.le )t‘at'x 'I' III lllt' l’atk. ('aplant Soul atc l’oplont'x lalt‘xl acqtnxtlton uho haw bt't'tI t'olnpat‘t-tl to llIt‘ /.onIbIc\. BI}! Star and \mana. lit. I'Igltt. lil llnla L‘U\t‘l lolk. l‘lllL'\ aIItl \tllll b;th .'\|l\l .\laol'I l'll_\llllll\.

I Miyagi, Merika and The If llat‘ll). .‘bll ( ‘|_\tlc Sltt‘t'l. “le UH“ (NW). 8pm. £5.

I The Needles “IV I illl \olt' (Ktlt‘. 50 (Ill Km}; Stl'ct'l. 55i Ibis. ‘lpnt. L i. Rt-lt‘o t‘ocktng l'I‘otn .-\bt'l'tlccn.

I Dieselbone, Shine and The New Radicals \ucc‘n'Slt-a/t. tjl Sattclnt'hall Stlccl. iii 00“. 9pm. local lntllt‘ rock.

I Charger and Khang Slt'aubt't'l') l'ilt‘l\l\. Sh ()\\\;ll\l Sll'k't‘l. 034.5 “.55 WSW. ".3llltlll. L5. ()u‘l‘ l-lx \llt\\\. llal‘tlt‘ol'c nIctal bill.

I Arizona Flame (ll';llltl ()lc ()pl'}. l’;ll\lt‘} Roatl loll. 43‘) 53W). “pillpnt, H H." Incntbctxt. ('otIntI’).

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Slt'ccl. lllh' (it‘ttl'gt‘ Sll‘L‘t‘l. 5.5: (ll-l I. "put. L5 lLlltSll \\ Illl tllllllt'l'. S“ L‘klt‘ll‘\ gl't‘uln‘xl upot'l l‘cltwtl.

I The Counterfeit Clash .\lt'('htnll\. ~11) lltglt Sllu‘l. 553 3H5. lllpnI. l-‘I‘cc. ('la\h and other you-Ix,

I Jamie Barnes & Cochise \lacSot‘lc} "x. 43 Jatttatca Slt‘ccl. 348 85M. bpttt. l‘t't‘t'. Rt'xnlcnc} l'I'oIn thc lx’tkll \clct‘an.

I Open Stage 'I‘hc llall liar. tho \Vootllantlx Roatl. 5(1-1 I53“. 4 8pm. l‘l'cc. Wall} wwton [or local ltntxtctanx. I Freeview ‘l‘hc llall llat'. tho \Vootllanth Road. 5h-l I52“. ‘lpnl. l'lL‘t'. I The Outpatients Samucl “on 'x. (‘5‘ ql .\'llll\tl;llt‘ Rtnltl. 4:5 llllla, Sillpm. l-"rcc.


I Black MacSabbath 'l‘hc l.lqllltl Room. ‘lc Vtctot‘la Stl'cct. 325 3504. "pm. £8. ;\ ll'lbtttc to tho Intght) hunt ntctal \Ulllltl\ ol' Black Sabbath.

I Retro Futurist Space Jazz Ensemble l'olt‘xl ('alt'. II \\t-\I l’un. III “I i" “put. l’|.I_\nI§: t'\.n'tl_\ uhal )otI'tl upt‘t‘l lIoIII a band IIalIIctl lllL' Rl-Sllr.

I The lllt'k‘ lilltlt'HM‘llkl. llanltt‘InIan'x. \Itltlt') Snot-t. 55o :251

H ~l5pIII. H. Dccp antl lIIt'aIIIIIgltIl \ottgx ltolII .‘\lltllt‘\\ .\lt"l'a}_'j_'.nl\ batttl lltt' Rtt'h lllll HIIPPHI'I ll‘t'l

I The Ruffness and The Usual Suspects \Vlnxtlt‘btnktt‘x. -l (I South Body. 55" 5| l-l ‘lpnt. llltlt'x. lt‘g;g_'.n‘. (lllllll tk ba“ collltlc \\llll thc Rllllllt'\\ plnx lttnk. “ml and blttt'x ltonl lhc l'xnal Sttxpu‘lx lt'onI ntltllnghl.


I Live + Loud llatnptlcn l’at'k. llptn (Ipltt. LIX, 'l'It'kt‘tx ll'oIn 'l‘n‘kt'lntaxtt't. (Hall IN) “Hill. ltt‘kclx St‘ollatnl and local otIllt‘lx. ('ht't‘k \\ \\\\.ll\Cdlltlltllltllllll‘ lol' tlclatlx. .’\llct' l;le walk cant't‘llallon. ltw av l.Ull(l llltl\L‘\ lo lllt‘ lIIItlt‘t'onl llt‘illk‘tl llantptlcn. \'Il'ltt;Ill_\ L‘\L‘l'_\ pop ad III lhc countl'} l\ on lhc btll lht' bl; lllllL'l'\ alt‘ liltn‘. l.tbt'I't} X. (iaI‘clh (ialcx. Sugababtw. lllhlt‘tl. l);ll'lll\. l)a\ Itl Snctltlon. \u‘t‘ \lal'k ()ucn. .\ll\ lt't‘t]. l)atnnt \lllIogttt‘ aIttl (ln‘lx .'\ltllltl. What. no ()nt' 'l‘I'tIc \on‘c’ SL‘C [‘I'LW It“

I Martina Topley Bird Km; ‘l'ut\ \Vah \Vah lllll. Fla Sl Vulccnt Stl'ct‘l. III 53“). 3.30pm. L". l-ot'ntt‘t‘l} lhc ltghl ll'lpplllt‘\\ to link} '\ datk bIootlnIg. .\lat‘lnta l\ potxctl to lClL‘ihC hct‘ cclct‘ln‘ tlcbnt \olo .IlthIII Qnttnln lItlt'I'ctl \kllll gttcxt contt'tbtlltonx ll'ltlll ()nccnx ol lllL' Sloltc .-\3_‘L' and HM l\l\ llUllllL'\ alttl .»\I'ttoltl.

I Reanimator and Pointless Creation Hal-ll}. 3N) (lulc Sum-l. (WU 0H“ (MN. Hpnt. £3. l’lll\ a \ottntlll‘ack ol llll';l\ll. lIat‘tlcot‘c. tlcallt Ittt'lal and lock L‘l;l\\lt'\.

I The lzzys antl Kain nht-I \tt‘c'tI'Slcal}. ~13l Sattchtcltall Stt‘ccl. “‘ WIS". 0pm. 'l'ltc l//_\\ arc .nt \\'(I'l‘;l\t‘tl tt'Io galhcl'ntg [It'atw lt‘l' lllL‘ll' L‘Ullllll'). blow. and gatagc rock Inclangc.

I Numb, No Escape l-'mIIItl;I_wIIc ’l‘hc lilh \otc ('alc. 5H (Ill Km: Slt‘ct‘l. 553 In“. ‘lplll. U i

I The B Movie Heroes Sll'aul‘CI‘IN l’lL‘ltl‘. Sh ()\\\;lltl Sll'L‘L‘l. llb-ls ll.<5 92.5"), ". :“pm. [5. ()\¢I'- le \ltou. lit\l\ll}. ntclotltc lock III lllL‘ \cln ol thc \thtlhcat'lx.


st "as Music

Mink Lungs play King Tut‘s, Glasgow. Sat 19 Jul

I Sean Cannon and Pixiestixs lht- llti\\\\t)tl(l ltIn. \laln Sltt't't. l|o\\\\ootl_ III .loltthloltt‘. lll5ll5 "Hi H” L5 lllll‘llllk'l\ \ot'altxl pt-Ilottnx .I will \t-t

I Engine 'I In sum... I I: ll: Slot'luwll Sttt‘t'l. 553 Nbbl -l|\lll l'lt'k' Rtk‘lk (tn L‘l\ lt‘fltlt‘llt‘}

I The Cobramatics lllt' St‘olta.

ll: l l~l Slttt'luu‘ll Sllt‘t'l. 55: «\(tbl ‘lpnt. l'tcc Rot‘k‘n'toll twnlt'nt'}

I Acoustic Session I Itltlltl I oltthJt'. ‘H \\t'\l l{t'_~:t'tll Sllt'ct. ;5: (I: W “pm l'lt‘t‘. “‘llll lllt‘ l‘l'L't‘ (“.llltl'\ (-Ullt‘t'llu' .llltl gum lllll\l\'l,lll\, \lonthl}.

I Big Blues Jam Stuttm ( )nt'. (iltl\\t'llt)l lllllk'l. (ilmu'ltot lcltat'c. ill (I5lb (Ipnt l'Ict- llll\lk'\l b} lllL‘ \c“ lllttcx Stnlcn \\llll t'otIttlthlIoIh ltoIII Sltttlto ( )IIc lL'lell.ll\ \ttt'h ax Rm Hot and HIV \ttIIIIIo lltolht‘lx.

I Phil’s Sunday Session l‘nggt- llt‘atha. :3: “Itotllalltb Roatl. th l5‘NI (Ipnl l'I't't'. Hun): )otn oun lll\lllllllt'lll

I Live Music \l.It'StIIlt‘)'\.»13.l.nn.nta Sll'ct‘t. 3-13 .\'5.\l XIIIII l'I't'c 'llIIt-t' tntxthIt-tl local bantlx


I Chaos Theory Soltlln-III (‘Itm (‘altn (I la ('ot'kbntn Stlt't'l. “33 “(I33

5 (‘l‘lll l'l't‘L‘ St‘t‘ \Vt'tl I;

I Dionne Warwick RIM lllL'JllC lllllltbltlntl. l’llllt‘LN Sllt‘t‘l (l.lltlL'll\. ::b

l I55. ".-15pIII. {l5 'lln- \llllllllllL‘ \ot'alx ol \ttlll \llljJt‘l lhotntc \\.ll\‘~l\'l\ \\lltt ltaxn't pt-t‘lol‘nIt-tl III Svollalltl \Int'c I‘HIX \Ing\ claxxn‘x Iltt'ltnlnt): '\\'alk on By .llltl 'l)o You Ktto\\ lllL' \\'.I_\ to San low. \thlch paw hct lht' lll\l ol lt\c ('naIIIIII} ll\\;ll'll\

I Live Bands 'l'hcc l'ntlctuotltl. llannct‘ntan'x. \Itltlt} Stu-cl. 55h ‘35-1 N-l5pln. L11 Scc l‘l'l IN

I Lee Paterson and Dougal’s Room \Vhlxllcbntlam. -1 (I South llt‘ltlgc. 55" 5| l-l, ‘lpnt. Rock. l‘lllt‘\ and pop (U\L‘l\ lt'otII l’lllk'l'Mlll and rock all lllL' \xa} lt‘ont .-\bct'tlccn lIoIn l)otI§_'al\ Room

Monday 28


I The Blasters 'l‘ltc l'L‘l‘l’}. ll (lulu l’lau‘. 4:" WI” \ptlt. {l5 ('ttll ('altlol‘lnan Iooh bantl. lIoIIlctl b} l).I\c .Intl l’hIl .\l\In. \xho (“\L‘l lHt‘lIxal‘lll}. bltltw and 0mm”) \l_\lc l)a\c \l\In Molt- '.\laltt'. Malta. to t'owt‘ctl b} Shaan Slcwnx

I Rocket Science .unl Mower Klltt' ltth \\.Ilt \\.Ilt lllll. .‘ i.‘.t \l

\ Itnt'lll \lIt‘t'l. .‘..‘| 5.‘ "l \ llll‘lll l.‘ \lt‘lbotnnt' batnl \xlIo \\lll|\ ll" .I bIl ol oltl xt‘ltool ;'.It.t;'t' Im k'lI'loll \xlllt .nltlt'tl llaIIIIIIoIItl otpan .It ltotI \ttltttotlt'tl b_\ (ll.lll.llll ('o\on\ l.l\ttlllllt‘ sonny: baIItl. \lll\\\'l llt' ltkt'tl lllt'lll \o lllllt |I. ltt' \Ipnt'tl tlIt-III lo lll\ o\\ ll labt'l II.III\t'olIIt lllk'll taxt} (lk'l‘lll album /’I I‘ll/l In. \Inlllgc I\ out at lltt‘ \l.lll ol \ll}.‘ll\l

I The Screemin’ Stukas .llltl Electric Overdrive lllt' I In. \olt' ('alt‘. 5” (Ill limp \ltccl. 55‘ lbix

\ illlllll L1 l llllll\ll batnl III llIt‘ \.llll\' would .I\ lllk‘ How

I Adrian Byron Burns \llltlltt ( )llt'. (noanol lll’lk'l. (lll‘\\t'lllil lt‘lt.nt' loll littt'x Roatlt. ill (I5lh ‘ltItII llt‘t‘ lllttm

I Acoustic Jam \lt't‘Illihlt‘J/fi. 1.‘I \attt'lnchall \llct'l. H“HIV Rpm llk'k' \\ llll a low tlttlIk .l\ |ll\'\'llll\t' lot patllt'tpanlx

I Open Mic l ltlllltl l oIIllg't'.‘)1\\t-\l Rt'ggt'nl \ltccl. *5 i (I: ii ‘lpln lIt't- \t'ottxltt lllll\l\'. pot'lt}. «'lt


I Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra th\\ 'l ht'attt' ll.llltl\l.llltl. l’ItIItt‘x \ltt't'l (iattlcnx. Elk l I55 5-15IIIII

Ll“ 5” L3" 5“ loolx .nItl lnx balnl plat t‘laxxtt‘ boogn- \tooglc .Itnl lllk k‘n'toll lllllL‘\ lot _\otn IIIt'IIlIIIt-Itl

I The Atomic Dogs, Namik, Mr Zebra .llltl Paco Zeus litttlgfo ( 'lul». ll \th Sllt‘t'l. .555 thll ‘lpltl 2.511% Rod and llltllL'

I Chaos Theory \ottlltt'tn (‘Iov (‘.Ilt‘.biafoykbtnlt \lltx'l. 0331"»)? Upnl lIIltlnlgght llL't' \t't' “ml 3* I Open Mic \\lll\llt'l‘llll\lt'\. l (I \otlllt litttlgt'. 55” 5| [1 ‘IpIII \t't- \lolI II

I Acoustica (‘alwt-I \ltltgmt: m 4.x lllan Stu-cl. 33” M70 llllllll l'lk'k' Ixoltnttat} tl'llllll‘lllllllh on t'\lll \t-t- \lttll :l

Tuesday 29


I Longview and Soul Seven Km}:

'ltIl'x \Vah \Vall lltIl. I'la St \ nut-tn

\tlct-t. Ill 53“) b illpttl UI l’oIItlt'IotIx po-lat't‘tl llltllL‘ Im'k llHll‘. \laln'tnltan

('oltlpla} \katllIabL'tN }