The Link (iallery. Morningside 'l‘erracc. 22‘) 3555.

The 9th Staff and Patient Open Show l'ntil Mon 25 Aug. Selected artworks lrom the ()pen Show touring iron] the Western (ieneral hospital.

ROYAL FINE ART COMMISSION Bakehouse ('lose. I46 (‘anongate. 556 669‘). Tue Stiii llam 4pm. Common-Place l'niit Sat 30 Aug. A look at how btiildiiigs are conceived and developed TUCllSlllg' on nine Scottish projects including lidinburgh’s Dance Base and a shelter on Tiree.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (iallery. HM) Princes Street. 225 I501. Mon l‘ri ltlam 6pm.

The Competition t'niil l-‘ri 3| ()ct. Specially commissioned ‘behind the scenes' photographs ot' recent R()Sl. Aiiiitial Music ('ompetition linals by phiitojournalist Richard Smith.


l6 How e Street. 225 2010. Mon Sat ltlam 5.30pm; Sun by appointment. Antique and Contemporary Eastern Carpets lidinbtirgh's new est liastern rug and carpet gallery set up by Brian MacDonald TCitllll'es a line selection of contemporary rug art from the liast as well as antique rugs and tribal bags.


l6 Dundas Street. 558 1200. Mon Fri ltlam 6pm; Sat Illam 4pm.

Adam Bruce Thomson (1885-1978) Mon 7 Jul Sat 2 Atig. Oils and works on paper including still life. tiguratiy'e and landscape studies by Adam Bruce Thomson. one of the tiiistiiig stars of the lidinbiirgh School. NEW SHOW.

Summer Exhibition Mon 7 Jul Sat 2 Atig. Paintings. drawings and prints by Scottiin (iallery artists including lili/abeth Blackadder. James Morrison and Barbara Rae.

Summer Show of Crafts Mon 7 Jul Sat 2 Aug. A group show of new work by leading crat't practitioners including ('liun l.iao. (‘atherine Martin and Duncan Ross.


5 (‘richton's (‘lose. ('anongate. 557 2876. Mon rliri l()am 6pm; Sat

noon 4pm.

Poets’ Portraits 2 L'iitil Tue 2 Sep. The second in a series of three annual exhibitions of new photographic portraits ol~ Scottish poets. taken by students from lidinburgh ('ollege of Art.


Reiach and Hall Architects. 6 Darnaway Street. 225 8444. Mon Fri 2~5pttt. Donald Urquhart: Seven Notes From a Light Place t'niil Fri 1 Aug. New work in the Sleeper space by Edinburgh-based artist Donald l'rquhart.


58 Ratclil‘t'e Terrace. 667 1966. Mon—Fri 9am 6pm; Sat Illaninpm.

Mixed Show l'ntil Thu 31 Jul. ()riginal artworks by various artists.


2| l.ismore Crescent. Parsons (ireen. 620 3344. The (iallery is closed between 2-12 Jul.

Minimise Culture t'niil Fri 25 Jul. (‘urated by floating ip directors Rachel Goodyear and James Hutchinson a gallery set up in the basement of a working architect's (tlTlCC. an exhibition of art made during working hours. The title of the show is drawn from the habit of computer workers closing windows containing games or websites upon the arrival ot‘ their managers. and includes works by (‘arey Young. Anthea

Hamilton. Jacob ('artw right. Billy Mc(‘all atid Rachel (ioodyear.

Bob and Robert Smith t'nul Hi 2‘) Aug. Round ‘) ot' the Tag Team lixperiment t'eatiires work by London- based Bob and Roberta Smith tan imaginary couple created by Patrick Brill t. The piece is called .Ui'n ill'i' Women and (ii/'ls (ll't' [fem \ atid has an association with performance and Joseph Betty s. H last year‘s ('ollectiy e (iallery liestiyal show was anything to go by. this should be a hoot.

Ilana Halperin l'ntil Hi I Aug. llana llalperin joins the Tag Team lixperiment with her exploration ol the intersection between personal eyents and natural phenomenon.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l‘niy'crsity' ot' lidinbtirgh. Sotitli Bridge. 650 22“). Ttie Sat ltlam 5pm. Object Lessons t'niil Sat 1‘) Jul. The curators trom lidinburgh l'niyersity' select this special display ol- treasures from the l'niyersity 's collections including artel‘acts. design objects and rare manuscripts. Highlights include the only authentic painted portrait oT John Knox. ('harles Darwin‘s class cards. the sktill of Scottish humanist thinker (icorge Buchanan and a pliial of Sir Alexander l‘leming's penicillin. Alice and the Infanta t'uiil Sat l‘) Jul (round room). New paintings by ()liy‘ia lryine which play with art history and t'aii'ytales inspired by ’ela/que/‘s [us .tlc'nimiy and l.ew is ('arroll's xi/it‘r'. A Russell Collection Harpsichord and Another’s Lid Wed 9 Jtil. lpm. Dr ( irant ()‘Brian. director of St ('ecilia's llall discusses the liniy'ersityk music collection.


36 Dtiiidas Street. 556 6366. Mon l-‘ri llam 6pm; Sat 10.30am 4pm. George Birrell and Kathleen Conboy Sat 12 Sat 26 Jul. Recent paintings.


(’at‘e Bar. ll) (‘ambridge Street. 228 5383.

Adventures in Other Places Until Sat 26 Jul. New work by Rowan Paton Risby'.


16 South Fort Street. 478 78H).

Mon Sat 1 lam l l.45pm; Sun l2.3()--l 1.45pm.

Cut With A Cake Knife l.'ntil Fri 4 Jul. (‘aroliiie Burke explores photo- montage through the printmaking process in these series of works.

T13 Sat 5 Jul»Sun 3 Aug. A mixed media exhibition by' a group ot"|'elt'ord (‘ollege students encompassing paintings. drawings and sculpture.


The Gallery (Link (‘orridor between Anne Ferguson and Alexander Donald Buildings). (‘rewe Road Sotith. 22‘) 3555.

Persevere l'ntil Mon 28 Jul. The first selling exhibition Tor the Perseyere Fund featuring works by l‘) contemporary Scottish artists.


4 Dundas Street. 558 9544/5. Mon -l-‘ri l()am~6pm; Sat l lam-4pm.

New Acquisitions t'niil Thu 3t Jtil. New acquisitions of Scottiin sporting. military and landscape paintings.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life.


The .\|otiiid. 52‘) I288 \lon l'tt

litam 4.45pm.

Bank of Scotland Museum on the Mound l'iitil l'l'l 2" Aug icloscd Mon 25 Augi A display ot banking iiieiiioi‘abilia spanning WU ycais. including Scottish banknotes. tamous custoiiici‘s. toigeries and a l"th ceiituiy iron kist.


llolyi‘ood Road. 550 "SUN Daily

Illam 6pm. {2.05 (9.4 5m.

Myths and Monsters .\lott

Jul Sun 3| Aug. This touiiiig exhibition's only Scottish showing explores the weird. wondei‘tul and scaiy world ot' monsters my thical and real trom t|ic tiery breath or a dragon to the roar ol the three metre high hairy yeti w ith aiiiiiiatronic exhibits and giant robotics. N 7‘51 8| it )\.'.


Newhayen Harbour. 55l 4|65. Daily noon 4.45pm.

A Tribute to Fishermen t'uiil \Ved 3| Dec. An exhibition tocusing on the working liyes ol lishei‘iiian. leatiii'ing ceramic and textile designs created by students trom Victoria Primary School and lidinbui'gh's Tt'llttl'tl ('ollege.


2 (’haiiibers Street. 247 42 I‘). .\loii Sat ltlam 5pm t'l'iie 8pmi; Sim noon 5pm. l‘ree.

Millennium Clock A chance to y iew Rtissian mechanical sculptor |'.dtiai‘d Bersudsky 's millennium clock. a kinetic sculpture. measuring time metres high. Mao: Arts for the Masses 1950-76 l'ntil Sun 4 Apr 2004, The l'oriiiation ot‘('omiiiunist (‘hma is brought to life through a pi'iyate collection ot‘ masterpieces made between l‘)5() l‘)7(i. acquired during and immediately alter the ('ultui'al Re\'olttlioit.

Dino-Birds: Feathered Fossils from China l'ntil Stiii 7 Sep. £4 tUI; under l2s tree. An exhibition l'eaturinfl the original I24 million—year-old t'ossil that hay e enabled scientists to unraer the mystery ol' how birds e\ol\ ed. on loan l'i'om the (Ecological .\ltiscum ol ('hina.


l.ady Stair's House. l.ady Stair‘s ('lose. 52‘) 4‘)()l. .\loii Sat Illaiii 5pm.

In the Heart of the Wilderness l'ntil Sat 20 Sep. An exhibition exploring the lite and work ol John Muir. the letter-writer. poet. storyteller and scientist and looks at the influence ol' writers like Burns and Sir Walter Scott on his work.


|52 Nethergate. (ll 332 90990”.

Tue Wed. Sat & Sun lt).3t)am 5.3llpiii‘. Thu & l‘ri lt).3(lam 8pm.

0 Thomas Demand t'nitl Sun to Aug. The tirst major solo show in the [K by the (iernian artist Thomas Demand. l'sing coloured paper. Demand reconstructs rooms and objects and then photographs them gixing them a semblance of being lrom another world. See llillist.

Gallery Talks Sat 5 Jul. 2pm. TV producer and director Ken .\|c(iregor discusses the film and photographic work of Thomas Demand.

Gallery Talks Thu 17 Jul. 6.30pm. Artist ('alum (‘olyin discusses the work ot' Thomas Demand.

Katy Hackney l'ntil Stiii l3 Jul t()nc l-‘iye Two shopi. Jewellery by Dundee- born jeweller Katy Hackney w hose work incorporates oxidised silyer and cellulose acetate.

Fiona Thompson t not .stm .‘o .Iul i( hie l'|\x‘ l’wo shop» llaiid built caithenwaie and papeiclay poicelaiii \cssels by l-iona lhoiiipsoii

Nikolay Sardamov tile 1* Jul sun " Sep iUne l |\ e lwo shop: Jeweller by Bttlgaiiaii aitist and designer \ikolay Saidaiiioy


Albeit Sqiiaie. “I ‘82 4 i2t|84

.\loii Sat lti lttaiii 5pm. Sun

l2 ill 4pm. lliu Ill Wain 2pm Ode to the North Wind l n 4 Jul “ed 1| Dec \n exhibition highlighting Diiiidec's colicc tioii ot 20th centiiiy oil paintings alongside changing display s ot “.llt‘lxitlittlls .iiid works on paper NE Es“.- Revealed -Ten Years of Collecting l‘ll ll .ltll Siiii .‘l Sep An insight iiito what the .\lc.\laiiiis (iallciies hay e been collecting lot the past I” ycais Highlights include archaeological iiiateiial iiiieaitlied iii l)tllttlee's lltg'lt Stieet. .1 [Model ill the recon] breaking seaplanes. the .\|ai.i and .\leiciiiy ad Deiek Robertson's bequest ol exotic biittcitlies Vii

St it it“.


l5 Tay Stieet lane. H1 ‘82 22ttlt|tt .\lon Sat lllaiii 5pm

Re.Shaped l'iitil \\ ed l6 .llll ()yei it) artists coiiie togetliei lot this exhibition ot work by past students and \ isitiiig artists who attended the Duncan ol Joidaiistone cei'aiiiics department between I‘Nl .Ttllti Due to the restructure ol the l'iiiyeisity. this year iiiaiks the last ceramics degree show at the college.

Outside the Cities

Ben/Vick Upon lWeed


l’axtoti. til 28‘) i8ti2‘ll. l)aily

llam 5.30pm.

Costume from the Movies t'uiil Sun 3| Aug. A unique and captixatiiig display ol costumes worn by l'iiia 'l‘htii'maii. .loliii .\|a|koyic|i. Kate Beckinsale and llelcna Boiiliaiii (‘aitei in period liliiis. illustrating the diess in the |81|i and Pub centuiies.

Isle of Bute

MOUNT STUART GALLERY Mount Stuart, (ll7lll) 50‘877. .\|oii. Wed & l‘i‘i Sun ltlam 5pm. Christine Borland - an Hospital l'iitil Siiii 2-1 Aug New work by the Ayrshire-born aitist ('hristine Boi‘land who was shoitlisted tor the Turner l’ri/e in I‘)‘)7 Iiispiied by the artist's research at .\loiiiit Stuait. the exhibition centres on the histon ot the house as a military hospital diiiiiig World War |. the botanical illiistiations iii the archiyes and the concept ol collecting and collections.

Victoria Bernie - A Cinematic Garden l'ntil Sun 3 Aug. Victoria Bernie i'eycals her ( ‘iiieniatic (laidcii. a digital \ ideo garden tor Mount Stuart and a selection ot recently completed lilm work.

Artist Talk with Victoria Bernie Tue 8 Jtil. 6pm. Artist Victoria Bcriiic talks about her new work on show at the gallery.



35 The Stirling Arcade. Ul786 47036 I. Tue Sat llani 5pm.

Past Standing to l l Jul Sat 3% Atig. New and recent work by upcoming artists lrom Scotland and beyond selected l'ollow ing the (iallery ‘s call tor submissions. Artists include Jenny Hogarth. lillen .‘yltmro. Andrew Macken/ic. Ke\ in Reid. Jane Topping and Hugh Watt.

'9 ' ' J. I/’,",': THE LIST 93