Art ll‘alillljS

Edinburgh galleries continued

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (ix-urge l\ lirnlge. 330 ~15§l \lun l'll Illaru 5pm. \al lll.llll 5pm. Sun

5pm Wish you Were Here!: Travellers’ Tales from Scotland 1540-1960 I lllll l'll il ()tl An e\lnbiliun l'\.llll|lllll_‘.‘ llie (llallg'lllji laec ul \lullanll lluuugli llle eyex ul \ mlurx lu llle luunliy. lealuiing liayel nulex lluin the lulli \enluiy lu liuuie lllH\ lk‘\ HI lllr' I()(Ill\


()ueen \lleel. (ll-l (ijlll) llt‘k'tllllt'll inlulnialiun “2 33mm \lun Well A ll! Sun lHain 5pm. lllll Illani "pin. (..lll'

Maud Sulter - Jeanne Duval: A Melodrama l nlil Sun il Aug. .\'e\y \yurk by pliulugiapliel. puel and eullural lll\ll\ll;lll .\laull Sullei e\p|uiing llle eluxiye liguie ul Jeanne l)u\al. lhe black llll\lll'\\ anll lllll\L' ul llle I‘)lli cenlury I'lk'llt'll puel (‘llailex llauilelane.

High Society: The Life and Art of Sir Francis Grant (1803-78) l lllll Sun l»l Sep U «[31; under llx liee. \n mlnbiliun eelebraling llle lueenlenaiy ul llie bulli ul Sir l'l’llllt'h (iianl. a leading \ueiely purlrail painler ul llk‘ \ulurian arl \yurlll lealurlng [MllllllljJN un luan lruin prnale \‘l‘llct'lllilh. \kelelibuukx. pliHlUg‘l‘uplh anll lliayylngx.

Scotland’s Dream Team l'nul Sun il Aug. lillinburgll baxell arllxl \llllk lallxun cclel‘ralex Seullanll\ gln‘all'xl luulball liel‘uex Ill llll\ \el‘lex ul l\\e|\e (Ulllllll\\l(lllk‘(l neyy piil‘ll';lll\ \yhu'li Inelullex Hilly .\le.\'ell. Jllll li;l\lt‘l. l)eni\ l.a\\. .luek Slern and Kenny I)algli\h.

The Enigma of Jeanne Duval \\C\l ‘) Jul. l2.-l5pin. Arlixl .\laud Suller \llk‘(l\ llglil un Jeanne l)u\a|. llle blaelx llll\ll‘L'\\ anll niuxe ul llie Wlli eenlury l-ieneli puel (‘harlex lialulelaire and wheel ul her eurrenl e\lubiliun. After Hours 'l'hu Ill Jul. (ipin. l‘ree. 'l'he Allei lluurx prugrannne eunlinuex \\ ill) the lllllllt' lllll\lL' ul' \Villialn \laixhall perlurinell by (iregur Burlaml.


57' lluine Slreel. 321 IN]. .\lun Sun Illain Ilpin.

Images of Kenya l‘nlil Thu 31 Jul. An e\lnbillun ul phulugraphx by Brian (‘ru/ier lu help I'lll\L' inuney l'ur lhe Alriea .‘\|tl\ .v\\\arene\\ ellarily.


I" II l‘uunlainhall Ruall. 53‘) 55%. .\lun 'l‘liu Illain Spin; l‘ri Illani 5pm; Sal ‘laln lpin.

Plantland l'nlil Sal 20 Jul. An e\lubiliun ul' pliulugraplix by Sally Kerr.


l-1 .\’e\\ Slreel. 55X ."(ilLi .\lun Sal llain (ifillpin.

These Foolish Things l'nlil Wed 3.5 Jul. A Milli \llu\\ ul' \lillllL'kl gl;l\\ li} (‘arrie l’a\tun inxpired by nalural lurinx.


.‘l SI l.eunarll\ l.ane. Nil lull.

.\lun Sal Illain 5pm; Sun nuun 4pm. The Menagerie ['qu Sun In Jul. 'l‘he lil'lh annual garden and eunxenalury e\liibiliun lealuring a \eleeliun ul' Ali-liaba pulx. picnic rug\ and cuuking pulx.


|5a l’enny \\ ell ('uurl. 315 3|5 l. Oyster Wars: the Exhibition l'nlil Fri 4 Jul. An e\hibiliun l'ealuriilil llle \yurk ul‘ u\ er Jill) peuple l'rum lhe .\'urlh lidlnburgh area ax parl ul a \\ eek-


John Byrne’s By the Sea II is part of an exhibition of selected works from the Glasgow Print Studio on show at l2

lung lexliull eelebraling lhe Iii\lury ul' lhe area.

Across the Water .\lun I-l Jul liri 8 Aug. An e\hibiliun ul' \yul‘kx l'runi l’ile ('uuneil‘x arl library.


75 7‘) ('umberland Slreel. 557 Hill). .\lun l‘ri Illani (ipiu; Sal Illain 4pm. George Donald RSA and Robert Rivers l'nlil \Vell lb Jul. l)l‘;l\\lllf_‘\. painlingx and prinlx.

Alison Gautrey l'niil Wed ll) Jul. (‘erainiex

Return to 0: Hail Well lb Jul. l’ainlingx inxpirell by lr'a\el\ lu .'\ll\ll';lll;l and wall] eaxl Axia by Slephen Bird.


17 l‘) Barclay Place. 477 2033. Tue Sal llain (ipni.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing xeleeliun ul' painlingx including reprullueliun arl Van (iugll. l)ali. .\lunel. Kandinxky. Miru uriginalx and \xurk by up-and-euming lueal arlixlx.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (WASPSJ l’alriulhall Sludiux. ull 45‘ llainillun Place. 235 I380.

Perfect l‘nlil Sun (a Jul l'l'hu Sun

I 1am 7pm). New \yurk by lillinburgh- baxed arlixl l._\nll\a_\ Mann \yhieh ineurpuralex ilnagex lruln eunleinpurary lil‘e\ly Ie inaga/inex.

To Hell and Back . . . Sat 12 Tim I’ Jul lnuun (ipinl. Recent \yurk by Alaxllair .\'i\ en. Junalhan Shearer and K. l)a\_"_'.


3 Dunllax Slreel. 556 (3407. Tue Sal nuun (ipnl.

The Edinburgh School l‘nlil H: 4

Jul. The uriginal 36‘) (iallery huuwd un

('uyy gale unlil I‘l‘).i has rixen l'rum lhe ;l\llL'\ [u bcL‘umC lllc l’hueni\ (iallery. RC\UITCCIL'(I by l‘uunllerAnllreyy Bruyyn and Tim l’urler. the inaugural e\hibiliun ;lllL‘lllpl\ lu pul lhe uriginal 36‘) (iallery :ll‘li\l\ in lheir hixlurieal lillinburgh cunlexl and lealurm \liII liyex by Seullixh ('uluurixls (’allell and llunler. plllx \yurkx by Anne Rellpalll. Juhn .\lc.\'airn. lili/abelli lilaekallller and Rubin l’hillipsun.

New Blood Sal 5 Jul l‘ri I .Aug. An exlubiliun ul yyurk by neyy gradualex lruin lidinburgh (’ullege ul~ An and ullier Seullixll arl \ehuulx. Arlixlx include Anna Ruil. l’alli Yule. \lisl) Riyerx. Aimee liugae/ and Mully (iarnier. Ni ‘.“/ SHOV.’


25 Marelununl ('rexeenl. 22‘) 2063. .\lun l-‘ri ()éllll 5.30pm; Sal Illani 2pm. Mixed Exhibition A phulugrapllic gallery and training \Nul‘kxllup l'ealuring a range ul trained inuunled iinagex \\ illl \paee lur lucal pliulugrapherx lu \lluyy llleir \yurR.


l’alace ()l' lllil}l‘()l)llll()ll\L‘. 5.56 .5 llX). Daily 9.30am (ipm.

Faberge l'nlil Sun II Oct. £4

(£2 Bi; family lickel ill); under 5x tree. The newly upened Queen'x (iallery pl'cwnlx an e\liibiliun ul m er 300 piece\ drayy n l'ruin lhe Ruyal (‘ullL‘L‘liun ul' \Hirl\\ by (‘arl l'lthl‘ng'. llie grealexl Rll\\lilll jeueller and guldxmilli ul lhe lale l‘)lll and 20m eenlury. Faberge rey iyed lradiliunal leehniuuex ul' enamelling. mullieuluured guld deeuraliun and llie u\e ul eary ed \erni-preeiulh liill‘tl\l()llc\. bringing them lugelher in lilx (mn unique \l) le.


40 l)unlla\ Slreel. 556 232V. .\lun l'l'l 10.30am 5.3(Jpni; Sal Illain -lpnl. Ugo Baracco l'Il'l l 1 Jul Sal 2 Aug. A \ulu \huyy ul reeenl llqllllllnh l’ealuring.’ \ ieyy \ ul Venice. NE W 8! ll


[5 Rulland Square. 22‘) 7545. .\lun I'l'l 9am 5pm.

Developing Edinburgh - New Buildings from Above l'nnl Jim 31 Jul. A \eriex ul pliulugraplix by llie aerial \urwy learn ul the Ruyal (’unnnixxiun un lhe Anerenl and lll\l0l‘lL‘lll Munumenlx ul Seullanll. «lueuinenling the inaiur eunnnereial (lL'\ClUplllL'lll\ taking place Ill lullinburgll liillll}.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnyerleilh lluuse. lnyerleilli Run. 553 7I7I. Well .\lun lllain 5.30pm.

0 Simon Periton: Mint Poisoner l'nlil Sun 27 Jul. l.(llltlllll- baxell arlixl Siniun l’erilun. bexl knuun l‘ul' erealing lar‘ge—xeale paper ‘lluillex'. gels hix lirsl exhihiliun in lidinburgh. l‘iur lm L'l'lL‘llll lluuw. he has crcalell (lllpllL‘llUlh day -glu paper euliuulx un a jungle lheine. See llllllxl.

0 Gary Rough: Mantelpiece l'nlil Sun 27 Jul. An exllibiliun ul \yurk made specifically l'ur lmerleilh llullw by lhix yuung Seullanll-baxell llrllxl l‘ealuring \yurdx in neun and \ ideu. See llillixl.

Eden’s Orchestra: A Celebration of Music and Plants l'nlil Well ll) Sep (lixliibiliun Hall: daily lllarn 5pm». An exhihiliun presenting the \yurld‘x musical herilage. bringing lugelher planls. llill\l<.'. inslrumenls. inxlrurnenl Inakerx and player\ lruin aruund llie glube.