Glasgow museums continued

The Story of Whistler and Burrell l IIIII Sun IS Jan \II \‘\Jllllllltlll ol \\ lIIxtlct'x uoik\ collcctcd h} SII \\ llll.tlll Iluttcll and li'.tllllltlf,' II‘.\‘l ,‘0 \xoikx. moxt ol \xlIIclI ll.t\t‘ll1lllti‘i'lllllt'Hthl} tlIxIIl.I}i‘tl

GLASGOW SCIENCE CENTRE 50 Pat lllk Qua}. Jfll 500” l)aIl_\

Illaiu (IpIII l_5 50 Ll-l ILrl Lilli) Mental Sat l2 Jul 1 lm ~l Scp III‘Il/(l/ Ix an IIIxtallatIon that ltIxcx art and chcIicc and Ix cicatcd h} Iaxluon dcxigncI llclcn Stoic} and lIcI xIxth Katc. a chcaIclI lIiolongI at l)undcc l’mwixit} lt alloux )tIiI to c\plorc human cIcatn ll_\. cmotion and IcclIng.

THE HIDDEN GARDENS 'I'Iauma}. 25 .'\ll\t‘ll How. 0345 HIIIISIH Inc Sun |0am Spin,

The Hidden Gardens Opening WBGKGHG Scotland-x litxl xtttlc‘llltll'} gttttli‘lt tlx'tltcali'tl l0 llt'ilt't'. \‘l'i‘ttli'tl ltl collaboration \xitlI ma oigamxation. landxcapc aIchttcctx (‘It.\ l)cxign ('oopciatn c. thc local communtt} and a tcam ol ill'll\l\. ‘l't‘auxlormmg a dciclIct IIIduxtiIal xItc adjoining 'l‘raiIma}. IlIIx Ix a conlcmplatiw gatdcn \\ llll dcdicatcd .‘tll\\t)l'k\. Scc

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Ilcllahouxton l’ai‘k. I0 I)umhrcck Road. *5 l 477 i. l)aI|_\ l0am 5pm. £3.50 IL'250I.

Will Maw l'ntil Hm ‘I Jul. l‘iguratnc prmtx h) \Vill .\la\\.


l'iIi\cI'xit_\ .-\\cnuc. 330 4231. Mon Sat 0. Want 5pm.

Lord Kelvin: A Life in Science l'ntil \Vcd .il l)cc. .'\n c\hihition ol’ IIIc chcntIlic Inxtrumcntx. imcntiottx aIId patcntx uxcd h} (ilaxgou 'x laiIIoiix pI'olcxon' ol ph} xicx. \Villiam 'l‘homonI. The Fine Art of Porcelain l‘IIIIl 'l‘hu .l Scp. :\ll mhihition ol picccx l'rom thc (llaxgtm l’otlcr} omch h) J and .\l l’ct'xitll lli'll. “littxt‘ lt‘a xL‘lx \\ CI‘L‘ All] ahxolutc IIIiixt ha\ c in IlIcir lIc} da_\

I IS-ll I‘ll I I.

MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kch III Hall. I llunliouxc Road. 287

3520 \lou lhu .\ Sal l0am 5pm. I ll «k Sim ll.IllI 5pm

Fire! l'ntil Sun 0 Jul llIc lIIont') oI tilt-lighting Ill Ihc \xcxt ol Scotland Ix doc umcntcd III tlIIx c\lIIl\ItIon. lcatuiing a l c_\ I IIcmaxth cngItIc gncn to thc tIItIxcuIII h) IlIc SII.IIlIcI_\dc I'Itc llrigadc


llIglI Sttccl. HS" H51 'luc Sat

l0am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. l't'cc

Artists Astray l'IItIl Sun 2o ( )ct .\ tlprla} ol \xorkx on papct dcpictmg c\otic landxcapcx h} \arIotIx artixtx Fresh l‘iIlIl Sun 2o ( )ct. Rcccttl :Itltltllotlx l0 lllc collcclloll.

Get Oot! l'ntIl Sun -7 Jul. 'l'lic tcxultx ol otil ol xchool lIoutx proicctx Icaturmg \ Idco. xouud. photograph}. ctcatoc outing and art\xork h) )oimg pcoplc


(ilaxgtm (irccn. 551 0223, Mon 'l‘lIu & Sat |0am 5pm; I‘ll & Sun

llam 5pm.

Heidbangers and Heroes l'nitt Sun 3| Aug. .-\ |ight~licartcd look at Ihc lIlcxt) ch ol lirankic Millcr and Mn JJIII'H'}. l\\o ol' ( ilttxgim 'x moxt Iamoux xongu i‘Itci'x and pct'lortncrx Irom tlIc



.\liixcum ()I liducation. 325 Scotland Sti'cct. 2S7 0500. Mon 'I‘hu & Sat l0am 5pm; liri & Sun llam 5pm. BG Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2002 l'nlil Still 3 .-\ug. .-\ tlprla} ol xomc ol thc litchI imagcx ol \\ ildlilc captuch oII caiIIcra.

We Have Fun l’iItil Sun [0 Aug. .’\n c\hihition ol‘ illiIxtratioIIx l'oI‘ lad} hird hookx h} llarr} \Vinglicld. lcaturing original artwork for [ill/c Ri'i/ It’ll/mu Hum]. thc adxcnturcx ol l’ctcr and Jam: and IIIC Junior Scicncc hookx.


2 ('axtlc Strcct. 553 2557. Mon 'l’hu & Sat l0am 5pm: l‘ri & Sun I lam 5pm. Faithfully Yours l'ntil 'l‘hu 30 ( )cI. .»\ photography cxhihition documcnting tlil‘lct'ctll tixpc‘L‘lx ol t'Cllgltlllx i‘\pl’L‘\xi0n lound in and around (ilaxgoxx.

Terra Sgillata Bowl by Duncan Ross on show at the Scottish Gallery

90 THE LIST .4 ' '.I.. ‘3

Edinburgh Galleries


-5 lltcad Sttccl.~155»15_‘IS \lou Sat noon 3pm

Kaleidoscope I not Sat 3 \II;‘ \n k'\llll‘lllHll ol otIthdci and \ IonIIaI) .III h} l)cl\ llall lcaIutIIIg paIIIIIIng. photograph). cla_\\\oik and diaxx Ingx


0 |)tIiId.ix Sltcct. 55‘ 10M) \lon III 10am (Ipm. Sat llam 3pm

John McLean I‘IIIII Sat 1: Jul RL'CL'lll illlll l'k'llll\l‘\‘(ll\t' \\lllI\\ l‘} .IllIlIl \lclcan.

Kenneth Roberts 1932-1995 l'ntIl Sat J: Jul l’amtmgx ol thc \ngux Iandxcapc h} thc lalc Kcnncth Rolu-Itx


RS llomc Sticct. 338 .1 H I.

This Must Be the Place l’lm to .lttl \Vcd 0 .-\ug. l’liotographx Inluxcd

\\ ith a xcnxc ol dangcr and IorclIodItIg ll} Ji'x\lL‘ lllllltlc‘ll


3 .\lat'kct Sll'i't‘l. 52‘) 5‘)" i. .\l0ll Sill |0am 5pm.

0 Jon Schueler: To the North Sat 5 Jtil Sat 27 Scp. 'l‘hc lith c\ct lli'itixh rctroxpcctn c ol thc “ork oI .-\iIIcrIcatI pamtcr Joli Schuclci

I I‘ll!» W”: I. a contcmpoiai‘} oI Jackxon l’ollock attd .\lat‘k Rothko. (‘uratcd h} Richard lIIglclI) ol tlIc lnglch} (iallct') in axxociation “llll tlIc ('il) :\rI ('cntrc'x Ian ()‘Rioi'dan. thc c\lIihiIion l'caturcx o\ct' 50 uorkx Irom hix ahxtract c\prcxxionixl paintingx cI'catcd in .\'c\\ York in thc 50x to hix Iitot'c familiar \xorkx haxcd on tlIc landxcapc hctu ccn Mallaig and thc lec M Sk}c. madc altcr liix i‘clocation to Scotland III l‘)70. Scc prcncu and llillixl. NE W St tow.

One of the Boys: Joseph Crawhall and the Glasgow Boys Sat 5 Jill Sat 27 Scp, 'l'hc ('.-\("x IilIL'\I acquixilion I’I'i'liu/il Driving h) Joxcph ('ra“ hall l'ormx thc ccntrcpiccc ol' thix c\lIIhition ol \xoi‘k h} onc ol thc kc) mcmhcrx ol thc (ilaxgtm School. Sho\\ing aloIngidc (‘rimhall'x paintingx arc \mi'kx h} lIix comporaricx including (iuthric. Walton. .\lcl\ illc and llcnr}.

Airside: Contemporary Portraits Sat 5 Jul Sat 27 Sup. Largc-xcalc photographic portraiton \xomcn \\ ho arc llllltntlltil'x in thcir \arioux prolcxxioIIx h) JaIIc llt'clllc.


22 IS ('ockhurn Strcct. 220 l2(I0.

'l‘uc Sun llatn 5pm.

Beagles and Ramsay: Dead of Night l'IItil Sun 20 Jul (Project Room). x\l'll\l duo llcaglcx and Rattlxa} crcatc a pair of \cntrilotluixt tlllllllll} xclllportrailx to c\p|oI‘c the rich lIioni'} til I“ Ixtcd xplit pcrxotIaliticx \\ ilhin muxic hall cntci‘laiiuucnt and horror lilmx. .'\ llC\\ cataloguc xtII‘\i~}iiIg lhcir \Hll‘k madc \Itlc‘L‘ l‘)‘)(I \\ ill Itlxo hc launchcd at tlIc mhihttion prcx ic“. Scc rc\ ic“.

Jessica Voorsanger: I Think I Love You l'iItil Sun 20 Jul. Attic-rican artixt JC\\IL‘;I Voot'xangcr c'\plorcx cclchrit} popxlar iconx lrom a l'an‘x pcrxpcctixc iII thix mhihition ol‘ tc\l- haxcd collagL'x and cmhi'oidcricx ot' tlIc xa_\ ingx that pcrl'ormcrx announcc \\ hilc ll\ c on \lttgc. SJIC llttx alxt) L‘I'L‘ttlt'tl popxlar portraitx madc out ol hcadx “hich includc Blondic and The Raiiioiic'x. Scc rm to“.

Jonathan Scott l‘niil Sun 20 Jul. .\'c\t up in thc Mcmhcrx Loungc ix Jonathan Scott \\ ith a painting cntitlcd .Ut I'iii‘qu‘III' .Ui'mun u/ .\I\ ('IIi'li'

\\ hich cngagcx idcax ol xcnxationalixcd rcalit}

COLOURS GALLERY 4| l)iIndax Strcct. 557 456‘). Mon l-‘ri l0..‘~0am 5.30pm; Sat l0._‘~0am 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition Sat 5 \\cd :0 Jul \ tIII\cd xltou oI uotk h) chIIalc .utIxtx Including loan (iIllcprc. Katc l’lulp. \laIIon llllllllllh‘llil and Shcila llttttaui


Jit'llt‘lil Ri‘tltl. 0.3-3 “3”” llt‘x'l‘ltlt‘tl IIIIoIIII.ItIoII N.‘ IIIIIII \lon \\cd .\ III Sun |0am 5pm. llItI 10am "pm From Picasso to Gilbert 8. George l IItIl Sun h Jul Ikcillct

I ll‘l.ll_\ I \ tlprla} ol tltc (iallct) ‘x Sl‘ccial llookx (‘ollcclIoIL locuxutgf on l‘ookx madc l\cI\\chI I” ‘II and I".\’0 0 One Hundred Great Photographs: A Collection by Bruce Bernard lhu to Jul SutI ' Scp L i 50 I L)? 50I. tIndci llx Iicc Iomt .idmexion “Ill! \\ uulicd \Icholxon lIoIn thc iconic Imagc ol .\laitl_\n \ltintoc .Ind ('laikc (lahlc on lJlL' \i‘l Ill //Ii' l/leilx Ixcc Ihc Big l’Ictuth to \litltanuuand \II ptcpattng loi alight. Um Hum/n l! (mu! I’lIo/uqm/I/Ix lIIIIng togcthci l00 ol tlic moxt unloigcltahlc photogiaphx ol thc laxl t\\o chIItIich lltc pictuch \xctc xclcclcd h) lhc latc lliucc llcttiaid, .iulhot ol llIc hcxt xcllmg (intuit .md ollc ol lhc gtcalcxt lk‘\\ xpapct ptcltltc chton oI lIIx gcnciation ax pail ol .i conImeonn loi thc aitixt and collcttoi .JgtlIIL‘\ \ltmti‘x St‘i' Jlllllxl “ll

.‘Sl It

Winifred Nicholson in Scotland lllll I0 Jul Sim " Scp. L' l 5I)I[3.5Ili; unch l3x Iicc |Ullll adimxxion \\ itlI ()nc llundtcd (iicat I’lIotogIaphx llcxt kno\\u loi hci' lltl\\t‘l paInIIngx. thix c\lIIlIitIoiI Ioctixcx on tlIc IIlc and \xoik oI \Vimlrcd Nicholxon I IV“ IUSI I. llic ()\Iotd horn aitixt and \\ ilc ol Ilcn Nicholxon. lhc lii’xt c\|IilIIIIon oI hci work to ltc ltcld III Scotland lot mm 20 _\carx. IIIc I7 paintingx pioduccd m IIlt' Illgllltlllilx tllltl \Vi‘xlt'lll l\lt'\ lt‘llk't'l llt'l lo\ c loi Scotland. NE \'.’ SI 1( )‘.'. Demarco Focus l: Demarco in the 19608 Sat l2 Jul Sim IS Scp. l'l‘L‘L‘. .Illk' llt'xl ill a \CI‘IL'\ Ul lJllL‘i' dixpla) x dra“ ing on malcrial Irom tltc l)cmarco :\I'clti\ c and Iocuxmg on thc artixt. cIIticpI'cIIctIr and cui'atoi Richard J)L'Ill;ll'L‘t)'\ tlt‘ll\ lllL‘\ lll lllL‘ (Ile. Photography’s Legacy: How Bruce Bernard Built a Collection .\lotI H Jul, 13.45pm. Mark llimorlh llooth lrom thc \‘ictoiia and :\lhci't .\luxcum talkx ahout lliucc IICIIlilJlLS colli‘L‘lIotI ol lllll iiIIloI'gcttahlc photographx lot thi- aitixt and colli'cltll' Jtittlcx Mool'cx

After Hours 'l'hu 3 k 1 Jill I? (Ipm. l‘rcc. 'l'ltc :\ltci‘ llouix piogi‘ammc coIIIiIIiIc-x “llll Ia/l guitar muxic pcrlormcd h} Malcolm .\lacl'ailaIIc on 'l'lIiI 3 Jul I'ollou cd h} Ian IniIxic [k‘l‘ltll'lllt‘tl on clarxacli on Thu l7 Jul.


S ;\d\ocatc‘x ('onc. 235 937 l. Hall)

I l.3llallt 5.30pm Icloxcd \Vi'tl).

The New Wave of Primitivism .\ cottxtattll} changing c\lIilIItioII ol at't\\orkx.

DUNDAS STREET GALLERY (Ia I)undax Stt‘ccl. 5580101. .\lon Sat 10am (Ipm.

Vanessa Lawrence Mon 1-1 Sat 1‘) Jul. .-\ collcction ol drau itng and paintingx.


20a l)utIdax Sti'cct. 557 5003 .\lon l'ri l0am 5pm; Sat I0am lpm. Summer Exhibition t'niil Sat 3!» Jul. A mde Slit)“ ol liguratixc. land and xcaxcapcx h} \arioux arIIxtx including (’olin l’ark. Jadc Stout. Ton} (iillcxpic. Diana Macka}. Slicila Arnot. Rick} Scott and Max id (‘aldxx cll.

EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 l'nion Strcct. 557 347‘). Tim Sat l0am (Ipm.

Prunella Clough l'niil Sal It) Jul. .-\n mluhition ol ctchIIng h} l’runclla