Music rock <2 pep listings


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All Shows Start 8pm

Tickets availablelmm 0141353 SIIIIII

50 THE LIST 5—19 June 2033


Sunday 8 continued

I Escobar 9, Dieselbone, Definitive and Stone Whisper 3:2. 490 Suuchichull Sli‘ccl. 353 31 I 1. "pin. [5. (her-14x \hmx. 1)l\lL'\-lll\pll't'i1 mclmlit‘ indie.

I The One Who Flew, the Owsley Sunshine and Ally Kerr 'I‘hc Hm \nlc (1:16.51) ()1) King: Slrccl. 553 lth. 0pm. £3. Sunn} pop 1mm lhc ()\\\1c_\ Sunthc and t1()\\ll1k‘éll. RIL‘Ulhllt‘ \cl 1min All} Kerr. I Overhaul, the Hands, the Gain illlt1A" My Logic Thu (’ulhnuw. 15 l'niun Sll‘ccl. 34K (\(illh 7'51)an {4, ()\cr- 1-4\ \hnu. Ruck hill.

I DNR, Given, Kicking Buckets and The Jakies Sir;i\\hcri'_\ 1‘ic1llx. 5(i ()muld Slrccl. ()845 053 938‘). ".Kllpiii. £4. ()wr-14x \huu. Pup/punk linc-up.

I John Alexander licunxccnc. S (‘rcxm €11 1.;lllC. 554 (i770. 8pm. i‘il'LT. Laid-hack background \nllllt1\.

I The Cobramatics 'l‘hc Swim.

113 114 SIUCK\\C11 Slrccl. 553 8681. 0pm. l’rcc. Ruck'n'mll irxillcnc}.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()nc. (irmxcnnr 110ch (irmwnur 'l'cri'ucc. 341 (i516. 6pm. lircc. Huxlcd h} lhc .\'c\\ Blum Surl'crx “ilh t‘oiilrihulinnx from Sludm ()nc i'cgulurx \uch :1\ RM Doc and lhc Nmmm lirnlhcrx.

I Phil’s Sunday Session l'ixgc liculhu. 333 \\'nmll;ind\ Road. 564 I506. (ipm. lircc. Bring )nur «m n lll\ll'lllllcnl.

I Live Music Roar. \icc'n'Slcu/y 431 Sauchichull Slrccl. 333 00“". 0pm. [inc-up nl' :lL‘UlhllL‘ :iclx.

I Live Music .\1;icSnr1c'\\. 43 Jamaica Slrccl. 348 8581. 8pm. 1‘i'cc. 'l‘hrcc unxignul local hundx.


I Stephen Triffitt celebrates Sinatra l'shcr 11;:11. 1.0lhiun Road. 335 1155. "afillpm. £1351) £1751). 'l‘rii‘liu l\ joined 1‘) [11C NClMHI Rlddlc ()i'cholru 1-K for u m inging tribute to 01' hluc C} 0.

I Wayne Kramer Thc \‘cnuc. 17.


Sole (above left), Themselves (left) and Sage Francis (above) have two things in common: a record label (hence the tour title) and a wilful determination to do hip hop in exactly the way they want. And if that means gristly. battered beats, spooky spidery rhymes or Iurching, lunging rap styles then so be it. Uncompromising, perhaps,

but exhilarating. yes. .','/,. ,.,.. In”,

31 (Hilton Rnud. 557 3073. 8pm. L'lhc. linllmxing lhc i'cl'ni‘mzilinn nl Dclinil'x logcmlui'} .\l(’5. l1)L‘ll'f_'llll£ll‘l\l Ki'uim'r llltlkt‘\ a mic :iplwui'uncc in \llppnl‘l nl hix liii'llicmning wln :ilhum duo mil l1ii\ \llllllllL‘l‘.

I Leith Festival \lii'inux \cnum. 5.54 50031116 \\ L'L‘k 01 1L'\1l\111t'\ hcginx \\ ilh u church \ci'x ICC (Sun). includcx spui'lx. liw lllll\lk'.k'1ll1t1l't‘ll.\ \hmx \ Llllt1(1l'£l\\ \liHIL‘1()\L‘ \\ ilh lhc l.cilh l’ugcniil :iml (iulu Du}.

I Empire Windrush, My Electric Love Affair and The Rushes Bungn ('luh. 14 No“ Sli'ccl. 558 7004. 8pm. £51£~4i. liclcclic

(h) chcdclic 1‘1llL'\ ruck.

I Delta Croft Revue ‘l'hc Dunc 'I’uwrn. 15/10 Murkcl Sliu'l. 335 1034. 8.31) 11pm. 1‘rcc. 151nm and folk Ul'l_21llil1\ £lllt1k‘0\L‘l'\ 1mm 11ll\ liilinhurgh-ham-d hand.

I Open Mic Night \(ihlt'x Bur. 44a ('nnxlilulmn Slim-l. 1.cilh. 553 5375. 9.3mm]. i'l'CL‘. :\11—L‘UIHL‘I'\ \wlcnmc lllll\lL‘1;lll\. (limit-x. PUL'i\. \xhulcwr. l’ul‘l n/ I/lc’ lull: l‘i'\lll(l/.

Monday 9


I Jet, Mower and The Stands King: 'l‘ul'x Wall “1111 11m. 373:1 SI Vinccnl Sli‘ccl. 331 537‘). HRUpm. Ui. Alli/2~ gii'c gating Ihcmxclwx Ill :1 1;ll1lL'l' m cr Jul. u 1llt1t11lL‘.'\ll\ll'£l11;lll cmnhn “110 \cck In rccgiplurc Ihc pi‘iinimc i‘nck'n'rnll \piril 01' the Rolling Stones. And lhcn rclcuxc II (in \\;l\ L‘}1lllt1t‘l‘. pcrhupx’.’

I Fu Manchu, Span and

T116 ('ulhnuw. 1.5 1.111011 Sli'ccl. 348 66116, 7pm. {11). ()xcl‘- 14x \ht)“. Hair} \lnnci‘ rnckcrx \xhn

\ irtuull} urnlc lhc rulclmnk. mlh \uppni‘t 1mm ()xlu-huxcd rnckcrx Spun “ho gii‘c not In hc mun-d “111).

I The Elite Republican Guard

SICFCU. l3 l4 Kclnnhziugh Sll'L'L‘I. 5‘0

5013. 8pm. £4 l’lux \pu'ml \u'icl glicxlx. Slguliuni \I/t'i1ll11\.lllt1 k'\lk'll(1k‘(1\()1ll\11H111111l\(i1.l\;‘||\\ hand.

I Tonic, Ramp .uul The Whelks 1110 1‘11l.\-(llk'(.i11t'..§” N1 King Sli‘ccl. 55) 10W 3, illpm U 1min- l'UL'1\.

I Bob Hall and Hillary Blythe Sludm ()llt'. (iimwiim Huh-l. (ii'mxcnni 'lt'i‘igiu- mil Hum Rinnli. HI 0510 ‘lpin. 11cc. lilucx.

I Acoustic Jam \‘m-‘n‘SIt-u/y 431 Silllt'lllt‘1lil11 Sli'ccl. iii WW" Hpiii lira-c. \Vilh gi 1|‘t'k't11'1l1h ax iiiu'iiliw 1H1 pui'limpainlx.


I Breaking Bands Competition ()cmn 'lcriiiinzil. luth. 555 3333 7pm 1'iu'u'1muig: j_'lf._' L"). .\ \k'1t't'1lilll n1 llll\lj._'llL'(11Nlll(1\ cwr} lll_L'111 ax Pill'l\ii1 iIlCl.U1[1l 1'L'\11\il1. .\i()11\k't'\111L'1\'\1 In High Schnnl haimlx. 'luc hm u wlu lltlll n1 Inuil uch \Vul \u'x 1111\11] uml 1’lll1’xil in ilk'llllll \\ 1111C lhu hux .-\1lHll/H. ('11;ipiii;iii;iml .\1_\ lulu'liic 1.ll\k'.\11§1|1 «10mg lhcu’ \lull. With a L111\111}_' umu-ii (ill 1'“.

I Leith Festival \liiinux \L‘lllli'\. 554 500:. Scc Sun H.

I Acoustica (Kilxucl \‘nllgim'. W) W 1i1;lll'$ll‘ck'l. 330M?!) 11pm 1'I'L‘C (\nlunlui') t'iillll‘lhlllliilh (in cul l. .\ nu“ nighl ul AlL'thllt‘ \llllll(1\ H11L'llll“..' \zii‘icd 1ll1L'-llp\1r()lll latlznhiiigh'x 11llL'\l \ingcr/wng“i'ilci‘x. And l'L'IllL'llllX'l‘ nu L‘U\L'l' \L'l'\1|lll\ :1110\\ Cd.

Tuesday 10


I AFI and Steel Rules Die Burro“ land. 344 (iulluxxgulc. 553 461)], 7pm. £13.51), (Lu-14x \1l()\‘.,11 \Iumls 1()l' A 1'll'L‘ 1H\l(1L‘. \\1llL‘111C11\ )nu nnlhing uhnul [111‘ cull goth/inclul cmnhn lrnnlcd h} lhc pullid Dan C} Huuik 111:}. l\111£11 1ll\ l'L‘il1 nuiiic’