I Multiplex \llw. thc l ith \otc (are. 50 ()ll Kian Sticct. 55* lolh 0pm ti :\\ant ilancc cham troni Mulnplm plux thc l).l/\'J \lxlll\ ol o acani.

I Flamingo 50, Aqute Couch and Kirby 'l ltc (iltixsllottw. Ullcclh l’al'k Hpm L5 till. 'l‘hc c\cnin_: portion ol thc hock on l'cxlnal tot lL'l\l} lcnuncx. ~\lcn allimctl,

I Irrelevant, Embertall, Creeper, lnvective antl Churn Strauhcrn l'lt'lth. 5o ()\\\.’ll(l Stt'ccl. rims “shew; Hiipm. Lil. om l-l\ \him ,\lctal llnc up.

I Blue Horizon (irantl (llc ()pl}. l’aixlc} Road loll. 43‘) 5 We. 7. itlpin. Lil it l incinhcrxi. (’ountr}.

I George Michael Tribute llouihon Strcct. lllH (icorgc Slrcct. 553 lllll 7pm. £5 lLIo,5ll mth thnncri.

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise .\lacSorlc} 'x. 43 Jamaica Slrcct. 3.13 85?”. ()ptll. l'rcc. Rtkll rcxitlcuc},

I Big Licks MacSorlc) "x. ~13 Jamaica Slrcct. 3-18 858]. ‘).3llprn. l'rcc.

I Open Stage “W Hall liar. |()ll \Vomllzllltls Road. 50-1 I537. J tx'pm, l‘rcc. \Vcckl} \t'\\lllll tor local llllhlL‘lltllN. I Sunlight 'l‘hc Hall Bat". llill \Vootllauth Road. 56-1 I537. 9pm. l't'cc. I Kong Samucl l)o\\ 'x, ()7 7| Nilhxtlalc Road. 43 i 0107. 3.30pm. l‘rcc. Rock k'tl\L'l\.

I Deke McGee and the Blue Rockets ’l'cinpo. liltlcrxlic Strcct.

.l. lelll. I'rcc. lnlo: 338 (illlh’. Savicd Rtkll rcxitlcnc).


I Desyn Masiello and Luke Fair l-opp. (’ockhurn Strcct. 3pm. l)J\ Maxicllo and l‘air gct c\ cr}onc in lhc part} mood at thc launch ol’ thcit‘ ncu album. In Hullu' iu' li'mt .i'. A warm up l'or thcir \c‘sximl at l’i'ogi‘c‘xxioii (liquid Room) Iatct‘ thc \atnc night.

I The Siipergun, Tin Rokit and lssadoro Sulma}, (1‘) (‘mxgato 335 (mm. 7.30pm. £4. Morc qualit} local intlic and rock from So l’urplc uith thc Stipci'gun'x \louhurning. lllCllltllL' rock \hapcx coming highl) rcctunmmcndcd. I The New Age Jam (‘iirux (‘Iulm 40 J3 (il'itttllfl) Stt'cct. (:33 7086. 7.30pm. £7.50. Jain trihutc \ho“.

I Colin Vearncombe ’l'hc l’lcaxattcC (’aharct llar. (ll) 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. (150 334‘). 3pm. £3. llcarltclt pop t'rorn thi\ All'lhl \\ ho \UtllL‘lllllL‘\ gocx h) thc nainc ol Black.


I Fish Voluntccr Hall. St John Strcct. (llh’tm 7533-10. 7.30pm. 'l‘hc c.\-.\lart||iou \ingcr tcarx himxclt mm) from his rural castlc hidcauay to pla} tor lo\ crx ol~ pomp.


I Mac Floyd Rothcs llallx. Kingdom ('cntrc. (H.503 M l llll. 8pm. £8 «a» £7). lntcrnationall} acclaiinctl trihutc coniho to Pink l'hlo) (l. \\ ho rCL'l'L'ulL‘ (on a \llgllll) \inallcr \calcl thc \tagc cl'l'cctx lhc prog rockcrx \wrc rcno“ ncd t‘or.


I Saturday Service llarhour Am ('cnti'c. ll-l llo Harbour Strcct. (ll 30—1 37-1050. 0.45pm £3. The relaunch night l'caturcx Racingrccn and l’ai\|c_\ \ accomplixhctl \pacc i‘ockci‘x St} |u\ .-\utomatic.

Sunday 8


I Jason Mraz and Lexxi King 'l‘ui\ \Vah \Vah llut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £5. \Vinxomc \ingcr/xongu ritcr \\ ho rcccntl) \upportcd 'l'i'ac} ('hapman on tour and rclcaxcx hix dcltut album lliu'lmc tor nn' Rm'kr! In ('omt' tomorrow

I CC Sager ()ptimo. Sub (‘lulx 33 Jamaica Strcct. 3-18 4600. l lpm. Aka (‘iarcth Sager. lnl'lllk‘l'l} ol' \pik} poxl- punk rcprolmtc‘x the Pop (iroup. llc has jllsl rclcaxcd T/tr' Ix“! Sr't'nlttl of.\'orntul


Steve Turner {llltl Eugene Kelly /\ double (l()t;(: of hardened grunge veterans

lurner lpi(:ture(l: is still part of Mutlhoney wnile Kelly ’eo hugenius in the 005;. Both (to their sole thing ‘.‘JlIl‘. skill ano aplomh. (:iting [)ylan anti Young as a musreal holy grail or sorts. Nice'n'S/ea/ic (Waggon: lhu :5 Jun.

The Anticon tour featuring Sole, Sage Francis and Themselves l low do you like your hip hop? Poppy? l look laden? Predictable? Sane? lhen don't look here as this triple tag team of yank rap mongrels make it look easy. to out the rap game up for (:ontetti With their angular. often gristly heats an<l rhymes. the antithesis of all that is hling hling. See panel. King l'ut's. Glasgow. Mon to Jun.

Cat Power lhe songs on her album We are / me are filled With simplistic beauty and Chan Marshall has a bundle of them to unleash. She may S()lllt(l a hit of a teen on paper but live is well worth the leap of faith. See prevrew. Mono. Glasgow. Wed 18 Jun.

Queens of the Stone Age Big. scuzxy rohot rock heasts who are smarter than the average rock hears. being some of the hippest men on the planet ‘NllllO still managing to raise the heart rates of alternateens in hoorlies and sensrtive older women alike truly marketable skills indeeo. See prevrew. Bt’irrow/a/ id. G/asgow. Wed 78 8. Thu IQJUH.

I'mn'. his tlchut album in thc gunc ol (‘(‘

Sagacr. Scc rccortlx lor rc\ my

I Tom Ovans Victorian llai‘. 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 'l‘rongatc. 553 4307. 8pm. £8.50. ltincrant l‘ooh} \iugcr/xong“i‘itcr. no“ hawd in .'\ll\lltl. 'l'c\a\. hut o\cl' hcrc to promotc lll\ currcnt alhuin 'lonr/ntnm‘ Hm \. (inne'nm/ (irrlx.

I Rachel Stamp, Pointless Creation and Too Young to Care

Barn). 2(1ll(‘|ylc Strcct. 0371)er owl).

8pm. £6. (ilamm) liritrock t'rom Racth Stamp I Bridget Storm and Frances McKee Stcrco. l3 l4 Kclxinhaugh Strcct. 57o 5(ll.\'. 8pm. £3. li\-\'a\chnc\ goddess liranccx Mcch rcturnx.

a hand rathcr than an indn ltlllill.

k a one is: "as Musnc


r, “2 tilt-is.


'35 Balm Dalila

plus guestszTHE PEDESTRIANS : CHAPMAN THURSDAY 10TH jULY : 62 (Downsmaseme GARAGE)



Tickets available from: TICKET SCOTLAND, 239 Argyle St, Glasgow (Underneath Central Station Tel: 0141 204 5151 : 27 Rose St, Edinburgh. Tel: 0131 220 3234. Credit Card Bookings: 0870 220 1116. Tickets online from cplwebeom or in person lrom Ripping Records Edinburgh, Sleeves Kirkcaldy, Coldrush Perth 8. Grouctio's Dundee. Telephone bookings: 0141 339 8383.

-, THE LIST 49
