|.tlltt|} Itch-t L1H. ttutlct 5\ ttcc 'lhc ttc‘.‘.|} UpcttctI (‘lttcctt'x (talk-t} PIL'\L'l||\ att cxhthtttott ot o‘. ct Wt [‘IK'cL'S t||.l'~\|| ltt'ltl Ihc l(tt}.t| (‘I‘IIL'LIIUII Ul \tttt‘hx h} (‘.tr| l'ahctgc. thc :tcalcxl I<lt\\l.1tt |c\‘.c||ct .lIlkI goltixttuth ot tltc latc huh and 3ttth ccntur} I'.t|‘L'l_'._'L' rcx t\ct| trathttottal It'tIlIlltlUt'S ot cttatltL'IIllljj. tttulttcoloutcd goltl dccotattott and thc u\c ot car\ct| \L‘lttt ptcc lt‘th hardxtoncx. httttgtnj; thcttt togcthct tlt ltl\ omt untqttc \t}|c


If» I)ttnt|a\ Sttcct. 55o 333B ’lhu tk I‘ll |l.ittam 5pm. Sat |l tttattt 4pm Mixed Show l'nttl Thu 13 Jun. .\ ttu\ct| \Iltt\\ ol ncu patnttngx tnchttltng \torkx h) .\ll\ttlt l)utt|op RS“. Sand} Rohh. |)a\tt| Stnclatr RS“. .\lllll.t Rttxhhtook antl .tqll.tllltl\ ltom l‘uo Ilat‘acco


|5 Rutlantl Squatc. 33‘) "545 Mott I‘l't 0am 5pm

South Bridge Design Ideas Competition and Edinburgh World Heritage Trust Old Town Fire Exhibit l'uttl I'l‘l 3H Ma} .\ chancc to \tcu thc ltICdS ot lltc \\ Ittttt‘t'\ ot lltl\ tlcxtggn cotttpctttton tot potcnttal tl\L'\ ol thc at‘ca tlcxtro)ct| llt tltc ('ougatc l‘tt‘c togcthcr “lllt a tltxpla} on thc Ill\lttl} o| thc at‘ctt.

Malcolm Fraser Architects - Retrospective .\|on 2 in 3‘ Jun. An c\hthtttott ol \otltt‘ ot thc cotnplctctl pt‘otcclx ot thc \xtttncr ot thc R|;\S .-\\\art| tor .4\rchttccturc 3MB. licxt litttltltug tn Scotland tot Dancc Baxc tn thc (it';t\\tttat’kcl antl t'ttnncr-up ot thc Sttrltng .’\rt l’rt/c 3003. NE St 10?.

Scottish Society of Architect Artists Mon 3 I'll 13 Jun, .\ tltxpla} ot itl'|\\t)l'I\\ on lhc lhctttc ol' Scolttxh landxcapc and \ lL‘\\\ from ahroatl. 8| |( )‘.'.


3 Rmhurgh l’lacc. (FUJI 3333.35. Thu 3‘) Ma}. 7pm; I‘rt 'l‘hu 4 8pm.. Omnithology Thu 3‘) Ma) Thu 5 Jun. Sculptural lortm crcatctl trom collcctctl ohtcctx Including; buck and mottltl h) a group ot litltnhurgh .’\rt ('ollcgc \tudcntx. NE‘.‘.' St t( )\.'.’

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Imcrlctth llouxc. lmcrlctth Rtm. 553 7|"I. \Vctl Mon lttatu 5..i()pm.

Andy Warhol: Private Drawings from the 19508 |'ntt| Sttn 35 Ma}. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc lil'\l \hou mg ol' [INS group of pmatc tIl'il“ tngx h} thc :\mcrtcatt l’op itfllNl Anti} \Vat'hol. Producctl for IIIS out] pIL‘;t\ttl'L‘. lhc \HH'Iw t‘L'IIL‘L‘l IIIL' ttl'll\l.\ Ill-C antl llllCl'L'\|\ antl arc portrattx ol lIIlIxIIU“ u malc tigttt‘t-x ll'ttltt pat‘ttcx \Varhol itllL‘lttIL‘tI. lfoi CHANCE IO

John Hutton Balfour’s Botanical Teaching Diagrams (1840-1879) l'nttl Sun 35 Ma). l-‘rcc. Spcctal tltxpla) ot’ \otnc mtt‘aordtnat‘} I‘lth ccntttr) hotantcal tcachtng thagramx from thc RII(}|{\ ttt'cht\c\. [A87 CHANCE TO SEE

0 Simon Periton: Mint Poisoner Sat 3| Ma} Sun 3" Jul. l.otu|on-h.t\ct| arttxt Simon l’crtton. hcxt knoun tor crcattng largc-xcalc papcr ‘tlotltcx‘. gch Itt\ Iihl c\hthttton tn lithnhurgh. Scc rL‘\tL‘\\. NEW SHOT;

Gary Rough: Mantelpiece Sat .‘~t .\la_\ Sun 37 Jul. .>\n c\hthttton ot' \tork madc \pcctl'tcall} t'or Im crlctth llouxc h} lltl\ _\oung Scotland-hath artixt. Myths, Magic and Medicine t‘nttt Sun 15 Jun t|i\hihttton llall: tlatl}

lttatn 5ptut |i\hthttton ot' hcauttt'ul \xootl cngrm tngx h} Junc ('haptuan \\ tth thc chancc to tom in a \\0t‘l\\Itttp for all thc t'attul).


'l‘hc |.IllI\ (iallcn. Slorntngxttlc '|'crracc. :29 3555. '

The Big Rock Candy Mountain

l'nttl Mon 30 Jun. 'l'hc rcxultx ot' (iracntc

Rogctk ptotcct hawtt tt||‘l|||\I titc watt l‘. tot an catthl} parathw


lhc I’CII\.III Hallct}. | I.tlt|t\|tttt Platc.

32‘! 05>

Voluntary Commemoration t nut Sat il \Ia} -\tt L‘\|1||‘t|tttlt cclchtatttt: thc \ttlllttlt't'h tlt thc Ro}a| Itt|tIl|t.tI_\

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE lanthttgx (icht). IHH l’ttttcc\ Sttcct. 335 |5Hl .\Iott Ill Want “pm

The Competition l Hill I n It ()\I Spcctall} cotttttuxxtottctl 'hchtttd thc \ccttcx' photographx ot tcccttt Rt )Sl \nttual \Ill\lc (‘otttpctttton |ltt.t|\ h_\ pltltlttlttlllltalhl thhattl Sttutlt


Ht IIll\\L' Sllt‘t'l. 33.5 NH” \Itttt \tl Warn 5. thm; Sun h_\ appotntmcttt Antique and Contemporary Eastern Carpets t-.tttttt~tttg;tt\ ttt‘\\t‘\| I‘,.t\|L'llt rug: and catpct gallct} \ct ttp h} lit'tan .\|ac|)ona|t| |t'.tllllL‘\ a ttttc \clccttott ot contcntpotat} my art ttotn thc Izaxt ax \\c|| a~ atttttlttc lttj_'\ and trthal hagx.


lo l)ttnt|a\ Sttcct. 55S ljtttt .\|ott I'll lttam (tpm; Sat lttattt -lptn.

Earl Haig t'nttt \Vt-tt 3.x .\Ia_\ .\ \clltn; \ho“ ot t’cccnt ttll\ .llltI patnttttgx h} liarl llatg.

Anna Gordon l'nttt \\'t-tt 3x Sta}. .\ ncu rangc ot “ork h} )ouug.‘ |c\\cllct :\tttt;t (Ittt‘tlon.

Frances Priest l'nttt \\‘t-tl 3S Sta}. .\ \olo \hoxx ot \xork h} cctatntctxt I‘l'itllc‘LW I’l‘lL'\l tcaturtn; \pattal c‘ttltlptt\lllttlt\ matlc tn porcclatn and \toncuat’c.

Sir William MacTaggart (1903-1981) Mon 3 Jun “ml 3 Jul, .«\ cclchration ot thc \xork ol lltl\ much rc\pcctct| tncttthcr ol thc Iztlttthttrgh School. Stt' \thltam \Iac’l‘aggart

([003 NM t. lcatttrttty lux No. ltll‘llt' t’loncrptcccx. \caxcapcx. c‘ttt'tttit'ltlx and \lIIISCIS. NI 8| ‘( y...

Deirdre Edwards - Land and Sea Mon 3 Jun “ml 3 Jul. .\'c\t \\;ttct‘co|ottt' latttlxcapcx and than llt“._'\ tn ('htttcxc Ink. NE 8t ti)‘.'.

Sarah Parker-Eaton and Louise Hibbert - Plankton .\Ion 2

Jun WM 3 Jul, .-\ collahorattx c group ot l‘ttncttonal and \culptttral ohtcch

|||\|‘|lt'\I h} thc ct‘it‘l.f\ .zttti Tr‘lft‘A ot

plattktotttc I‘|j_'.tI|1\|||\

SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT SITE II\‘|}|t‘t‘tI I\’tkt\I IItN‘httt‘J \'\\'||||.'.| \.:|| lx’l \S on HI 1| 33" “5 15

The Scottish Parliament In; tk Ihtt 3" \Ia} Ll5 \ tcu thc tttot|c|\ ttt tltc \ t\t|t't ('cttttc hctotc cttthatktttz' ott a tout on t|tc Ion-.7 .mattctl tt't \t‘|l||t\\\‘|\|.tI\tt‘||1\llILHIIJIHCIH. t|c\t_~_'t1ct| |\_\ atthttcch | NIH |\’\|.|\|

SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY 5 (‘ttchtottK (Joxc. (‘attottcattz 55" 353M \lott Ilt lttattt hpm. \al

ttoott 1pm

Colours l ttttl Sat 31\|.t} \ poctt} tthpttctl c\hthttton |\_\ Scotttxh .tl|l\|. RH} \\t\ttt|


Rctaclt and Hall \tt lttlt'\'|\. (t

I).tllt.t\\.t} Sttcct. 335 .\ 1-H \lon ltt 5pm

Sean Shanahan: Rarae Aves

l'ttttl Ill l5_ltlll lhthltn hottt .tl|l\|

Scan Shattahatt ctcatcx mo \\.t|l \Kttlh\

tot lltc gallcr} \pacc

THE SOUTHSIDE GALLERY SN RJIcIIHL‘ 'It‘l'lact'. “(‘5‘ l‘lhh .\|ott I'l’l ‘lattt (tpttt. Sat lttattt 5pm Mixed Show l'ttttl .\|ott W .Illlt ()ttgtnal atmoth h} \.tlltttt\ .tl|l\|\


(N .\lot'rt\on Sttcct. 33S *Nhh

.\|ott I'l'l Sam 5pm.

Anne Roberts Nicoll l‘nttt Mon lo .ltttt. .\ \Ill.tll \clcclton ot \xoth lll nu\ct| tttctlta h} IZtIlllI‘lllfJIl I‘.|\t'tI .tl|l\| .-\ttnc Rohcrtx .\'tco|l.


3| I.l\lttttt't‘ (‘t‘cxcan l’arxonx (it‘ccn. “2” 33-14.

Jim Hamlyn: Reverse Circuit l'uttl Sal 3| .lttn. .-\ ncu \c;t\on ot lag: 'l'catn |-.\pct'ttncnt ktckx ott \\lll| an ll|\l;lII;l|lUll h} .Illtt ||;tttt|)tt.


3ft I)lllltIil\ Strcct. 550 (\ Km». .\lon I'll llatn (rpm; Sat I”. Want -lpnt.

Ken Ferguson t'nttt Sat 2-1 .\Ia_\. Rcccnt patnttngx ol tltc lltgghlantlx antl tltc \\ c\t coaxl ol Scotland.

Davy Brown Sal 3| \Ia) Sat H .Ittn. Ncu lantlxcapc patnttngx.

WIN TOGETHER LOSE TOGETHER PLAY TOGETHER STAY TOGETHER Recent graduates from Edinburgh College of Art have set up a temporary

gallery space in Tollcross. Presenting new work, the show features a wall

montage made from plastic beads by David Maclean, photographic prints

by Tommy Grace and displayed in the window is Divine Geometry by Kate Owens, a circular design made from different flavoured potato snacks.

no s..o I u . a. c: t)—Q:"“' w—s

v .: t_t?.(?'

”‘ i}:! (TIM ..€,~’}~/'.t


lot .t «ictat'tcti tt:ttct.:t\ tall HI ii 5. Utltt lr\\_‘

The Park | NH] | It W \|.t\ lhc lt.:\cl'tttt§.‘ (ta||ct\ \ |.t|c\| c\ht|‘tttott \|\‘\l||l|‘t’|||\ ||||t‘tt:'|t \kutc‘ttcx plan» tttotlch attti tt|ttt thc \xotk ot \cxctt

ttttctttattottal .t|||\|\ who uctc \t‘ttttltl\\|\‘l|\‘tI to \ tcatc uttth tot \otlattdk |lt\| ttattottal path. hottwtt tlt thc ttcxx (i.t|\‘\\.t§ (\‘ttttc ltt Ballot h \l|l\|\ lltc ltttlc \ott~,' |’h.:oph.ttttt. llottaMl ttpthatt. \|.tt\ lx’cthttotM .|||\I ()|.t| \ltt‘iJI


(‘atc Hat. tlt ( attthttth'c \ttcct. .‘_‘\

ALTERego l ttttl \at .‘\ Itllt In u‘Il.t|‘ttl.t|tt'lt \\l||| [‘ltttlt‘;'l.t]‘ltt‘l I ha ||ctttttt;‘. an c\hthtttott ot t‘t‘lll.tt|\ |\\ Sttlttt'.‘ pcoplc ttottt ( itcatct l'tltott


.3.\ l c\ctt \ttcct. lollttov. H ‘5"

‘t ‘(tttfiq \\ct| ||ttt h "put. I It Sort ttoott "pm

Win Together Lose Together Play Together Stay Together l lt|l| Sat 11 Ha} \ tctttpotan .tl|l\l tlttt \l‘.|\k' IIt‘lI\\'tI III a Iottttct \hop. \ltoutnt' ttc\\ \xotk h) (tart: ('ottlthatt|. lx’tttlt I \\.III. lottttm (itatc. \\III\I .Ittltlt\|tttt. l)a\ ltI \latl can and |\.ttc (mt-m Scc photo \ .tpttott


lft South lott Sttcct. 1'.\ "NIH

.\Iott Sat ll.tltt ll 15pm. Sun

l3 ilt ll l5pttt

Ambience l ltllI Sat il \l.t_\ \tt c\hthtttott ot photogttaph) |\_\ l).t\ tt| \Iot'ttxott

Cut with a Cake Knife Sal I

It”) Sat 5 ,IllI. ('atoltttc litttkc c\p|otc\ photo llttHlldet' IIllttllj.'Il tltc pttnttttalttnt' [‘lttt‘t‘\\ Ill IIIk'\\' \t‘tlt'\ ttl \\UII\\


'l hc (iallct). tl tttL ('ottttlot hctucctt ,\ttttc I'L‘l'f_‘lt\ttll attt| \|c\atttlct l)ott.t|tl IIlllItIlthNI. ('tcuc Roatl South. 3.“)

Look, for Your Information |'nttl .\Ion it) ,Itlll ,\l|l\l lll lt’HtIt'llt't‘ .lanc 'l'opptnj: ctcattw \xotk \\ tth tltc _L'CllL‘|lt‘\ l.tl‘ .tl lllt' “t'llctttltt‘ Iltl\| (‘lttucal chcatch I‘.t\‘IIl|_\


-l I)lllltI;l\ Strcct. 55S ()5-l-l/5 \lott I'll Htam (rpm; Sat llattt -1pttt Masters of the Press l'nttt Sat 3| Jun. .\ \xttlc l';tltf.‘\' ot \potttttp. ttttlttar}. \attrtcal. IUPH}.'l;l[IIllt';tI .llltI cartographtcal I‘llllh pith utltlltlc. portratltttc antl latttlxcapcx h} .t \t‘lt‘clltttt HI .tt’lI\l\

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 101.


J3 IIIfJIt Strcct. 53‘) ~ll~13. \Iott Sat lttatn 5pm.

The Golden Ages of Toys l'nttt Sat 7' Jun. Sharc thc ltlithlL' ot \Icccano. llornh} tt'atn \ctx. tctltl} hcan and thc \xontlcrlul arra} ml to}\ that catttc to lttc hctuccn IN)” and WW


\culttncn Ilarhottr. 55] “05. I);tll} noon 4.45pm.

A Tribute to Fishermen t nut \Vctl 3| I)cc. .-\tt c\hthttton locuxtn}; on thc uorktng Il\C\ ot lt\ltt‘t'ltt;ttt. lcaturtng ccranttc and tc\tt|c (It'SllelS crcatctl h} \IlltIL'IIIS trottt \tctorta I’rtmar} School and latltnhurgh'x 'IL'II'UHI (‘ollcgc

.VI/ '.‘:. ‘THE LIST 95