Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued


()5 The SllHl'L'. l.Cllll. 55‘ 5355 int l'l'l llaiii 5pm; Sat llaiii 4pm,

Kelly Anne Cairns, Annette Edgar and Ben Davis Jenkins l'niil Sat ‘I .\la_\ \th [‘itlltllllf1\lt'dlllllllg works cxploring the human toriii h} Kcll}

Antic ('aii‘nx. lillltl\t'ilPC\ h} '\llllt'llL' l:dj_'ai'

and lllell'ulHt‘ \Htrl\\ h} lit-ii l).i\ l\ JL'lllxllh

Ian Brown l'iitil Sat ‘1 \la} .\ \iiiall \olo \llll“ oi paintiin


H lli'oiightoii l’lat'c. 55" Mil-l. .\loii Sun llaiii 7pm.

Fine Jewellery and Silver 'l’hu 32 Ma}. llaiii. .\ \pccialixt \alt' ol lillt' icucllcr) and \ll\t‘l‘.

Fine Paintings Hi 33 \la). I litlll, .\ \Pt't‘lillhl \alc ol tinc paintings including: I.t‘\llt‘ lltiiitcr'x Still llilc \\llll l‘loxwi‘x


X7 Broughloii Slim-t. 55H 8""3, \Vcd Sal noon (ipni.

Mixed Show l'iitil 'l'hu 3| Jul. .\ changing: \clt't‘lion ol \mi'k h} Ziilh ccntur) ill'll\l\ including \Ktll'lw Ii) .'\lltllt'\\ Mackcn/ic. Stcwn llood. .-\|an l);l\lt‘. l’hilip Rccwx Michael ('i'aik. l)a\id (‘ook and William (icai:


School oi l)c\ig_'ii and .\lcdia Arts. Mcrt‘hixton (‘anipux It) (‘oliiiton Road. 455 3(i7.\'. Sat Illaiii 5pm; Mon \Vcd Hiaiii 7pm

Napier University Design Degree Show 2003 Sat 3| Ma} \Vcd 4 Jun. 'l'hc linal )cai‘ \ltti“ \ oi graduating students from llttllhll‘lill dL-xign. dcxigii l'uttircx and llllt‘l'lttl‘ architct‘tiirc progi‘aizinicx. Nf'W St {OWI


lit-Mord Road. (ill (i200 ii'ct‘oi'dcd int'oi‘iiiatioii 332 320m. .\loii \Vcd &

l‘ri Sun lilaiii 5pm; 'l’hu Itlani 7pm. Warhol to Koons: International Contemporary Art from a Private Collection l'ntil Sun I Jtin. l-icc. All cxhihition ol' “oils on loiig-tci‘ni loan including .-\iid_\ \Vai‘liol. lid tht‘llll. Jct'l Koonx. Bill Viola and (iilht'i‘t and (it'oi‘gc. Earl Haig l'iitil Sun I Jun. l‘i‘cc. ’l'o cclchratc the artist's 85th hirtlida). an cxhihitioii ol paintings h} liai‘l llaig featuring landscapes in oil and natcrcolour lll\pll't‘tl h) his hoiiic iii thc St‘lllllNll Bordcrx. liai'l llaig \ci'wd in thc Ro}a| Scots (iron during World War ll. spending thc tinal )L‘;ll’\ ol lllt‘ uai' intci‘ncd in the iiilttlnoux ('oldil/ Prison canip licl'orc \lud_\ing at (‘anihcmcll School of .»\it in l.UlltlUlli

Recent Gifts, Loans and Bequests l'ntil Sun l3 Jill. The ground floor of thc gallery is dcxotcd to a displa} ol' rcccnt gil'tx. loans and hcqucxlx and includes xxork h) John Wells

lllnl- (-L'\ll lini\ \\‘.r J.tlllt'\ (‘ouit' l\\'» I‘l5h» and l dxaid \liiiit‘h l\hI I‘ll-l.


'l'ht' \lotiiid. (ill (CHM llk'xllltlk'tl inloi'iiiatioii “3 23m. \lon “ed t\ in Sun litaiii 5pm. lllll l‘l.tllt ~piii Gainsborough’s Beautiful Mrs Graham l'iitil Sun :3 Jun L1 ILII \ l.’t\\'ln;tllllf_' t~\hihition dt-xott'd to lll't' National (iallt'i‘) ol \totlaiid'x \xoild laiiioth poi'liait ol l/ii l/i'iiriiuiih.’i l/i \ (iiii/iimi h} 'llioiiiax (i.tlll\l‘iilittlf_'ll il53" .\.\i. ('iii'alt-d li_\ Hugh liclw}. t‘tii'atoi ot (iaiiixhoi'ough IIllll\L' iii Siidliui'}. lhc t'\hiliition L'\l‘lt'lt'\ lllk' pt'i‘xonal. \ot'ial and hi\toiital t't‘lllt'\l ot lllL' pit'ttii't- iii dcpth .iiid lL'.lllll'\'\ a \t'lt't'lion ol gicat poitiaitx h} (iaiiixhoi'ough. l{c_\iiold\. l amt-inc and um l)} t‘lx.

After Hours inn 3: \la} a lllll < Jun 5. it) "Klliini. ’l hc .\llt'l lltillh pi'ogi'aiiiiiic t‘oiitiiiucx .l\ ti‘cclaiit‘c lt‘t‘llll't'l' \lttlllit‘“ “t‘lldi'tl tlI\t‘lt\\t‘\ \(illlt‘ til lltt‘ \ktit‘lw In lltt‘ t'itllt't'llttli till 33 .\la_\ tolloucd h} lllll\l\' h) lllt' Scollixh (itiilai ()uaitct ll1\]‘llt'tll‘_\ lhc National (iallt'i"\ '\ collation on 5 Jim The Cathcarts and the Grahams lit 33 .\la} l:,-l.5[‘lll llufgh lit‘lw} ti‘oiii (i;tllt\l‘i\l'ttllf:ll lIHll\t' le\t'\

a talk.


(icoi'gc IV Bridge. 32o »l5‘l .\loii l‘ll Illaiii Xpiii; Sat lilaiii lpiii.

Muriel Spark l'iilil inc I" \lay .\ touring: displa} t't'lt‘lii'ating lllt' 35th liii‘thda} ol Scottish ll(l\t'll\l .\luiicl Spark. lint l\lltt\\ll loi‘ I'lir' I’i’lnii' u! .llin ./('(Hl li’rmlii'.

Wish you Were Here!: Travellers’ Tales from Scotland 1540-1960 Sun 1 Jim in ‘1 (M i.\lon l‘i'i lilani 5pm; Sat lilaiii 5pm; Sun 2 5piiii. .r\n c\hilinioii t'\.iiiiining_' thc changing; law oi Scotland through lllL‘ L‘_\ t‘\ (ill \ lxllotN lo lllL' t'ottlili‘}. lt‘illlll'lllg trawl notcx ti'oni lltt‘ llillt t‘ciitui‘) to honic inox It'\ ol llic l‘lottx. Ni ‘x‘.’ Si l( )‘.'.’.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Quccn Slim-t. (ill (iZilU ii‘ct‘oi‘dt'd iiil'oi'iiiation 332 330m, .\lon \Vt'd & l-i‘i Sun lilaiii 5pm; 'l'hu liiaiii "pin. ('al't‘.

Mad, Bad and Dangerous: The Cult of Lord Byron l'niit Mon 20 Ma}. l’i'cc. ()i‘ganixcd h} thc National Portrait (iallcu iii l.ondon. llll\ t‘\hihition i‘cinlci'pi'ctx tlic continuing l'axcination tor the Romantic poci lord l%}i'oii 1 I788 lh’ZJi. l‘catni'iiig owi' Hill \\Ul'l\\ including paiiitingx. \t'nlptiii‘t'x and lllllllitllll‘L‘N. lt‘llt‘l‘\ and litci'ai‘} nianuxcriptx. thc \hou L‘\Pl(ll't‘\ liou B}i‘oii\ litci'ai'} tainc and \ot‘ial notorict} \wi‘c t'ucllcd h} the limit} i'cpi'cxcntations ol' thc poct.

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

A3030 Fred in a Box etching. E rzabetr 8 .:;ucde"


l6 May - 28 June 2003 (3a ‘ery Elizabeth Blackadder Paintings and Prints Ga eff Catherine Stewart Elements of Grace Cel‘lCFjr' h

Five Continents - Ex Libris

3.7!. v l/krt .VCV. v‘r v‘. v‘u “K

Ad'r as o" “‘99

94 THE LIST 32 Max-<5 Jain"

-1 “'3'

Portrait Miniatures from the Daphne Foskett Collection l'iilil Sun l5 .lllll. 'l llt‘ tliiid in a \t'llt'\ ol annual (\llll‘llltHh t'\|‘ltlllllj_‘ lllt‘ \\til'ltl ol lllt' iiiiiiialnic [iaiiitcd lioiliaii lt'aliii'iiij: lllt' t'ollct'tioii ol l);l|‘llllt‘ l'oxlwtt t‘ui'iciitl} on long: lllllt' loaii, Cult of Celebrity Ill: Gainsborough \M-d ls \la} l3,»l5piii. lliiggli liclw} lioiii (iaiiixlioi'otiyli llouxc _‘_'I\L‘\ a talk. After Hours {liltll 3‘) \la_\.

5. ii) "pin. 'l'lic (i.lllt‘l_\ \ tllitth \l.l_\ opcii |ll\l tliat littlc liit l.llt‘l tor a pi'ogi‘aiiiiiic ol l.tll\\. lllll\l\'. l't'.ltlll1f_‘\ and ol \‘(llll'\t‘. ait,

O Maud Sulter - Jeanne Duval: A Melodrama lit to \la} Sun ‘I .\ti;.‘..\1'\\ \xoik li} pliotogiaplict'. [lllt'l and t‘tiltuial lll\lHl'l;tll .\latid Stiltt‘i‘ L'\[iltlllllj: tlic L‘lll\l\t‘ ligui'c oi .lt-aniic l)n\.i|. tlic lilat‘k llll\ll't'\\ and ltllht‘ oi lllL' I‘lth t‘ciitiii'} l'icnt‘li port ('liai'lcx Batidt‘laiit', is" '

NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE .1} ~15 lll:._‘lt Slim-t. 550 955‘) \lon Sat lilani -l..5lllilll.

Painting the Spirit l'iiiil Sat it .\la_\. l);tllll|llj_'\ and di'a\\ lllj._'\ h) lotu- (illllll (Iiii'iix. llcni‘} l-iaxci' and Hunt-t llaughton.


1-1 \t-xx Sum-i. 55.x "no.1. Mon sat llaiii (i. 5lllillt. l‘iiiil latc on Bongo ('liih lllf_‘lll\.

The Last Picture Show t'niil luv 3 .lllllt New Strut-t l‘,\llll‘lllttll Spat‘c hosts a final L'\llll‘llltill celebrating: the milk ot all tht- .tl'll\l\ \\llti haw t‘\liihitcd oi had a \llltllH at ()tit ot tht~ liluc in ct lllL' paxl lllllL' )caix lhc building: 1\ Mini] to he tlL'lliUll\llt'tl hut ()ut ol lllL' l‘llllt' \klll t‘ttllllllllt' ll\ autumn-x at a toi'iiit'i' 'l‘t‘i'i‘iioi'ial .\i'iii} haw in l)a|iiicii} Slit-ct. luth.

Life in the Akha village as documented by Mark Naftalin

on show at the Elephant House


l5.i l’ciiiiim‘ll (Mint. ‘15 Il5l

Double Helpings l iitil Hut 3” \la} \ pinup ol aili\l\ lioiii \oiih l \lllll‘lllf.'ll haw tonic toggctht't iii lllt'll lll\l iiiiiitxt to t'\[‘ll‘lt' tlic I\It\\ll‘lllllt'\ ot iixinj: a digital poittolio to shoutaw tlicii \noik \lll\l\ int llltl‘t' lintt‘ (iiiiin ( ~.iiiiix. liolih} (illt'lM'H. (‘liiix \otiii;'. \it'hit- \M-lili and Kaitit' l illllltt‘l


"5 "W ( 'uiiihciland \llt‘t'l. 55" IHIH \loii In Main opiii. \al lll.tlll ~1piii James Cosgrove: Where Tracks Cross l iitil “ml 1 lllll l’.tlllllll;7\ Jean-Paul Landreau l iiiil mu .1 hm (it'l.tlll|\\

Sandy McIntosh l iitil \M'd -l lun l).tlllllllj_'\

Caroline Temple l nut \M-ti Hun .lt'll-t‘ll‘t'H


i\\ \\l’\I l’atiiothall \ttidiox. oll ~13 llaiiiiltoii l’latt'. :35 1:“) inc \uii

noon npm Beautiful Ground mi 3.: \la} \M'd -1 ll”) 'l‘ll‘-.llt' ‘-l’t"-'. lit 2‘ Va} tioiii (\ ‘Hpiiin Rt'tcnt [‘.tlllllllj1\l\} (".iiolc (iilihoiix and \‘.till\\ h} hci wn llciii} (iihhoii (nix tioiii a it'xidcnt} in l'iaiitt: plus nt'v. [‘.tllll1lif_'\l\_\ \l.lllllt"-\ \ltthlt‘lll


Rooiii I“. l.diiihiii_~.‘li (‘ollt-jgt' ot .\it. ~‘) 'I llL' (ii.i\\iii.iil.t't. :31 (CM

Sunday Sessions at protoacademy Sun 35 \la} it Sun 1 Jun 3 -1piii ('oiitt'iiipoiai} ai't l‘il‘L'tl lt'u'altlt llllll l‘litlitittdtlt'lll} [‘lt'w'lll it [‘lt'\k'lll.illilll ot llL'U- \Mil'h h} x\lltllt’\\ \lt\l‘.t'li till \la} litllii‘tht'tl it} \It'l Kant- and l.i‘lj_'lt.'ill l'ltlklt'\ on 1 Jun


l’alat't‘ ill lliil}toodl1<iti\t'. 55“ 51‘?“ Hall} ‘I Wain ’ipiii

Faberge l iitil Sun 1: (Li 14 It: iii.