Abyssinian Cat by Elizabeth Blackadder on show at Glasgow Print Studio
Il'olll IIIL' t'lL'alorx ol I In /( John and II Ill/(Ila l/II Vlmi ‘llltl l/Il (II/III: /\’I(I1
Jon Bth Sum. “1 WI: ’l'uc Sal
‘Iarn hpln
Hanami: Flower Viewing in Japan l‘ntll \Vcd l I Jun l’tnnnnp and Ink dramngx h) Kalc Itcaugn‘ Ill\|lllL'tl h} hcr lrawlx through lauropc. Ruxxra. .\longoha. ("Inna and Japan Ill \L'an'h ot the chlnal 'hanann' \lL‘\\lll_L‘ the then} I‘IH\\UIII\
ll .\Illt‘llt‘ll l.;|llC. (H03. .\IUII.
\Vcd Sat Illilltun 5pm. lut- Ilarn 5pm. Sun noon 5pm, U «.\(lp). Common-Place l‘nul \Vt-tl I I Jun, .\ look al ho“ hulldlngx an" (onwncd and dcwlopcd locuxlng on rnnc St'oltrxh pr'olcclx Including ladlnlnngh‘x Dancc Haw and a \hcllcr on 'l'ncc Scc rcx luv. and ()llcr'x pagc I I.
Common-Place Seminar In in .\la). ‘Ialn 4:35pm. [35 L'5IHL'III, .-\ccornpan_\1ng_' \cnnnar lo the ('onnnon l’lacc mlnhlllon “hull lookx lur'lhcr' Into lhc Idcax and l\\llL‘\ ram-d. nann‘l}. “hat arc connnon plan-x and “hat do the} mcan
Timorous Beasties l‘nul Sun 33 Jun IRL‘HL'“ (iallcn l.c\cl ll Rut-n! \xor'k h} lhc (ilaxgtm hawd dungn cornpan}
\\ ho \pcclahxc Ill pnnlcd tahrn'x. “allpapcrx and rntcnor'x
56 North l’nlll Sun .\' Jun I.-\lt‘o\c
Incl .Il. l-urlntur'c and huhllng lrorn yum; conlcrnporar) lzdrnlnu';h»ha\cd dcxrgn cornpan}. 50 North
Dream Stadiums l'nul Sun I Jun NC“ rncdra cornpan} .Iuncuon-lh prcxcnl a 3|Iaichllccturc “ch \Ilc mplor'ln): lhc archllcclurc ot Ioolhall \ladnunx. .u'clntcclur'al \lL'\l:_‘ll prot‘cxwx and Inl'or'rnauon on rcgcncranon
Designers Briefs l‘uc .1 .lun .\‘un h lul ,-\n ulnluuon \lloxu'axrng plolcch undcrlakcn h) hnal )car graphn~ \ludcnlx at (ilaxgoxx ('ollcgc ol Building; and I’nnhng. pr'oduccd lll I'C\p\‘ll\L' to lunch \cl h} lcadlng adwr'uxlng and dcugn (olllpann'x
\: .. b'k
Station Road. .\lrlngm 1c. 5‘3 .\S-l".
'l‘uc Sat Illam lprn x 3 5pm Milngavie Art Club Sat 3| .\la\ In 3‘ Jun .\nnual mlnlnuon \hom‘axing ncu “or'k h} local .u'uxlx Including; Iarnlwapm. por'u'allur'c and \lrll lrlc
333 X 33-1 Duke .\‘uccl. llunrnxloun. 55o “2‘0. 'l‘uc Sal noon oprn.
Relaunch l'nlll Sal 3-1 .\Ia} MIN-run .\IarIa'I (iallcr) rclaunch \\ uh an mlnluuon ot' “ork h) ar‘trxlx \\ ho cngagc \\ nh a r'angc
ol harm and \‘-Ill‘\t' \xork Ull_‘_'lll.llt'\ horn an (\panxnc |r~l ol _-._'t'og_'laplnt lmanonx I calurcd .llll\l\ unludc Iik'lllltltl (nudl. Hana Ilalpcnn. Saad llnn and \Ilalllla \It',\lullan . E ' ~EE Right This Calls for Immediate Discussion Sat :1 .\la_\ .\n 5' ,Iun ,\ group \lhm ol \xork h} llnrd )cal hnc .u'l photograph} \ludcnlx .u (il.l\jJH\\ St‘llool UI .\II, '\.E .
I‘ll Sauclnchall .\ln-vl. .“I IX5-l
.\lon Sal llIarn 5pm; Sun noon 5pm, Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l'mul lalc lell5v .-\\ lhc Kclnnyrow .\luxcurn .llltl .\ll (iallt'l) (IIHKW ll\ titllll\ IUI lllalill lt'lllll‘hlllllt‘lll. owl Illll parnnnyx horn lhc Kch Ingrow t'ollccnon l.ll\L‘ up r'cxldcnt'} al lhc \Ik'IA‘IIIIII (iallcncx 'l‘hc drxpla} nn'llnlcx 'l'honlax I'acd'x [In lax! o/ [In (It/Ir and Rcmln‘andl\ ,l .IIu‘II Hr .lrmour', plux \uuk h} ("hallo chnn' \Iackrnlmh. Dulyh and l-lcnnxh .nl.
\lcn'hanl Squaw. (‘andlcnygx 5530-102. .\lon Sun llarn nndrngln
Icon l'nlll Sun I .Iun. l’or'lran photograph} h} .hnn Rac.
“5 Rtllk'l'lwn Silt't‘l. Surlc (I. I'IIHUI’ l. l-IX VIII-11c l'n noon 5pm.
Dirk Bell In 3‘ Ma} I'I'r-1.Iul..\'cu parnhngx and \xorltx on paper h} (icnnan arnxl Dirk llcll. In llnx Inx ma \olo \hou lll IIIL‘ l'l'\'. IIL'II (UllagLN dlllt‘lcnl lcclnnqucx ol parnnn; \\ nh papcr dramngx and \t‘ulplurc. Inllucm'cd h} gotlnc and romaan Iradlllom llI (icnnan an. \E
l.‘ Klllj.‘\ ('ourl. Km; Sun-1.55l MINI .\lon Sun noon nndnrghl.
Why we Need to Go Mad l‘nlrl Sun 35 .\Ia} ('olour'u'apcx h} I..lll.llI\\IIIlk' .u'lN Hull} ()‘l)onncll.
:Il \\L‘\l (icillgt‘ Slum-1.115035
\lon l'n Warn 5 zllprn. ~\"at Illarn 3pm William Crosbie RSA, RGI
I'lllll Sal il .\I.I_\ It‘liRL‘tl 35 3h Ma}! .\rrc\l11lnlronotorl pannrnp. “alcrt'olouh and drau rngx Messengers of Summer l'nul .\al 5| .\l.l_\ It‘IlHL‘tl :5 3“ I .\ \k'lL‘t'llUll ol parnllngx h} l’lnlrpxon. (‘adt-II. Rcdpalh. lz.u'dlc§ and man} rnorc
1h “axlnngton Sum-I. III 3131 Mon l‘n ‘larn 5pm
Termini l'nnl Sat 35 Jun, .\ nn\cd t‘\lnlntlon ot uork h} thud-.\car
:llu\1:.21ozx and graphn dcngncrx .rl (ll.:\f_‘\'\\ \hool ot \rt trhpucd h} a rucnl ticld tnp to Rome
('cnlzg l or l)c‘.clopnn'ntal \rt~ l\ \Ilnon \Itccl. 55.‘ 3‘2: \Ior: In Illarn 5pm Same as you? I anl In 2' Jun \n q\hrhuron h} \n lnl \rlnh l ld. a unnpn' opt-run: run h} Inc .ulrxn urth It'arnrn; druhrhtnw
1 1\ Douglax \Irccl. 2h Mm \lolt In I" Warn 5pm. Sal Ill ‘llarn lprn
An A-Z of Watercolour Painters l nnl Sat ‘1 \la} l’arl No tualunn; Ihc
.dphalwntal \urnarnw II \I
lllll chIn-u \lrct'l. ‘1 "am -I 1Ilprn
Stevie Barrett l nhl sax II \t.t_\ l’olll.lll\..Il‘\ll.1t’l\. land and grtbcapu h\ (ilaxgou hawd [‘ltologlal‘llt'l SIM IL‘ Hallcll
Una and Branka Dimitrijevic Sun I .\lon zll Jun ()rl. [\axlcl and \xalcrt’olour lalldu’al‘t'x and ~ull hlc h} lllUlllL'l and daughter. [ha and Illaltka lhnnlnnwn'
:5ll5_ \Ion In
(\ liurnhcld Road, (irllnot'l‘. lv‘h Illlll Inc In llarn 5pm. Sat Illarn 5pm. Sun noon 5pm
Mixed Show l'nul Sal ‘I .\la} l’arnnngx h} ('hcrflcnc 1))01‘. Ian lullrol. Donald .\lat'donald and l‘rawr l)oug_'la\
SENIOR STUDIES INSTITUTE l'nncrxn} ol Slr';illn‘l_\tlc. lmcl 3. (irahanl llrll~ Budding. .lll (Ecor‘gc Slrccl. 545 4333 Mon In Illaln ~Iprn
10th Annual Senior Studies Institute Art Exhibition luv 2“
\la} In 0 Jun. .\n mlnlunon ol \xork h} lhc Irlclong: lcarrnng \ludcnlx \ulh \onn' null» [or \alc.
SHARMANKA KINETIC GALLERY 2nd I'loor. M King: Slr'ccl. 553 TIN), ‘l‘hu noon 0pm. Sun noon 3pm tk -1 (rpm.
Old Haunts New Work l’nul Sun 31 Aug. [3 It: I; undcr' Ir“ Ircc. .-\ tllxpla) oI original lur’nuurc III \xood h} the lalc 'l'nn SIL'atl.
Without Sanctuary In 33 .\la} Sun 1 Jun Sun In noon (rpm .-\ dot'urncntar'} mlnlnlron (I‘Calcd h} lhc Ruwan .\lcrnonal Soucl} \xlnch look at hlc and dcalh In Rlnxlan undcr' and altcr lhc yonnnunrxt l‘L‘lelllL‘.
Without Sanctuary Conference “rd 25 Ma}. ~prn. l’l’olc\\ol‘ Rohcrt l’orlcr hour the l'nncrxn} oI (ilaxgou talkx ahoul art. lrlcr'alurc and polnu‘x lIl Sm rcl Rilxxla
In King: Slr'ccl. 553 .‘l5l. 'l'uc Sal
Illaln 5.30pm,
Gillian Steel: Come to my House luv 3' .\la_\ Sat 5 Jul. (lrlhan Slccl pr'cxcnlx a DVI) pr'olct‘uon \xork cornpr'rxlng Lu‘gc-xcalc photo-portrth \xhn‘h 1\ \ 1c“ cd through lhc mm”
\\llltlil\\\ ol .1 \.IIl\tl\ Illllhk w. .. a 2..
I. 3. 54 (Idlhhll'lll Sll‘ccl. lllllhcad. ll'Kll 00535 .\Ion Sun I opnr
Artist Talk Sun 1 Jun, 3pm. llcnr} ('oolnhcx Iallo ahoul lll\ wlo \hou at
S“ nclhpacu
Elsewhere l'nul Sun I Jun (ir'adualrng horn lhc panning; dcparlnlcnl at (ila\g_'ou School ol .\n la\l )L'al’. a nu“ hod} ol “orlt h} (llaxgoxx-haxcd llcnr‘} (‘oornhcx uhn‘h rctcr'cngcx unagcr'} and ar‘lclaclx that hpr to \ lxuall} dchnc thc notion ol houndarlm xx nInn our (lthx \trlu'turc.
25 .\Ihcr'l l)rnc.ll.\~15 UH 35M. 'l'uc Sal noon 3pm; Sun noon (rpm.
0 Salla Wkka: Cave l'nnl Sun 5 Jun. I'mth aner Salla l}l\l\a has hccn gaming; lrncrnanonal ru‘ognnron tor hcr Illlll and photographic \xorlm Shou mg: hcr ncxxl} colnplctcl) Ir‘rlog} ot \horl
llSIllth Art
tune: a". sis M chew Na south tt'xt‘ Hw Tn's I aft/e“ 7* Rosa "1:1 Nashasrrzttr See l"€f‘.'i?\.'..
l 's,."";3'ke.‘ (it"e't. It: Manor: 8.1? a" in 8a? '5} In.
New Facade: Toby Paterson l ast <7ha";:e to see lot; Paterson's; first mar)! solo quilt}. t;<:k"‘;; at it ‘.;t'|z}t‘, of 'eslronses to Inuit e'mvonnrents ll‘e f;l‘.t)‘.‘. *eataws a sn'avxlrng; natntunu snannlnt; all mu ‘.‘.’{lllt; of the gallon, and a nerrnanent work for the ()(2A a l e ()orhusrer lllfSl)il(l‘(I llgh'.‘.'.'e|l (XI/l. (}.’t'1sg,'(lt‘.’. r/ntr’ Sun 25> .r‘. lat.
Simon Periton and Gary Rough halo solo shows from london hased Srrnon l’enton, hest knox'un tor hrs large s<:a'e paper 'dorlres' and Scotland hased (Ian; Rough who presents work made SIXECIIKIZIH‘) tor the gallery, See )re\.«zew. Royal {Iota/m; (Ea/den. lrwer‘Ie/tl; House. Sat (37 Mav Sun 2/. JIM.
Interim MFA I ollovnng III the footstens of MIA graduates Roderrek Buchanan, Ross SIIICIZIII and Rosalind Nashashrhr, this us the annual showcase of work by trrst year students on the prestigious Master of l rne Art course. See Artheat, Glasgow Schoo/ ()fA/l. (,I/asgow. untr/ / n 30 May.
Maud Sulter - Jeanne Duval: A Melodrama Glasgow photogranher poet and cultural lustorran Maud Sulter (Ilf;I)IE,I\,’fi the results of her research exnlonng the e‘uswe figure of \Jeanrte [)uval. the black nustr :ss and rnuse of French met Charles BZIIKICIZIIIC‘. Nat/ona/ Port/art Gallery. I'd/nhurgh, In 30 f./7t'1j,’-8un 37 Aug.
Salla Wkka: Cave The frnal part of the anneally acclarrned artist's trrlegy of beauulully (grafted short films, C(we receives rts orer'uere at Tramway. along wrth a series of renal photographs produced rn narallel. See rewew. Trarrnxuajrt G/asg ,w. urn/I Sun 8 Jun.
IIlIlI\ “Inch lllL'IlItIC[11\\II\II()\\II[U grcal ilL'Clilllll at lhc Vcnicc Illcnnalc in ZINII. “It‘ll/er and (Inn lhc \leks cxplorc lhc tranxillon Irom childhood to adulthood and Icmalc xuhjcctnn}. Scc rule“.
‘.‘r:. " , .' -',~ 223': THE LIST 91