Art hatter/t“,

In our regular column, a team of rrtvster'y artists gtve the/r thoughts on the current art scene.


Wanderrng around thts year's RSA exhrhrtron at the Crty Art Centre, remembered somethrng my art teacher at school always used to say: ‘A good parntrng deserves a frame. and a had one needs one.‘ Armed thh thrs thought I decrded to undress the work on show to see what was really Iurkrng hehrnd those frames.

The frrst thrng that caught nty eye was what turned out to he the best tn show and a defrnrte lamb. Ant/Agata a prrnt by erlre Roger (nrce work, nrce frame). If for some reason hrs frame doesn't match your IKEA sofa then erlre grves you the optton of havrng hrs prrnt for $7.185 less. but I'd sttck Wrtlt hrs chorce.

Whatever you do. don't go off and follow the Elr/abeth Blackat‘lder. John Houston “hrs and hers' approach to framrng. Hers tn gold, hrs rrt srlver Wrth srrnrlarly rrtatchrng trtles and prtces. Talktng of matchrng. the latter's work looks remarkably srmrlar to a patntrng by John Brown of the Open Eye Gallery. What came frrst: the chrcken or the egg’? I'll let you decrde. but my chorce would be the John Brown at a mere stxth of the prrce of Houston's asktng.

Followrng that adwce means you'll have saved thousands and have enOugh change to not buy the Adrran Wrsmrewskr prece. Nectar-me tsmegma's what came to my mrnd!) a mere $5500 wrthout frame. On the plus srde. rt does come thh a hashed-up corner and a dodgy stretcher. Defrntte mutton. rf rust for the cheek of askrng any once at all for such sorted goods. But rust when yOu thought yetr'd seen the worst. yett come across lot .103. Grey Mare and Suffolk Punches by Derek Clarke. If as Supposed to be krtsch rt doesn't work. and rf as not. then as probably the truest prece of mutton yOu are ltkely to see a vrntage example of how not to frame and how not to patnt.

90 THE LIST ‘.'.2.

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


" l‘lttutttttttl (ldltlk'llS. ‘W JZSI Glasgow Heights l nttl ‘ttre 1* Jul l’hotograplh ot (ilaxgou h} \tettl.t\ lntltault


Hvl \Vlllltlltlllkl‘ Rt‘dtl. H: HHZS \lt‘ll l'll lllatn 5pm. Sat lllarn l3..‘~|lprtt

Water l‘nttl Sat ‘I .\la_\ l’arntrng~ utth a eotntnon tltettte h) \arroth artrxtx tneludrng llarntxh .\lael)onald. J.tlllL‘\ ()l'l'. Jl) lletltlL‘l'Sttll and Joe Keat’llL‘}

Mixed Show Strtt l .\lon ill Jun ()t’tgtnal patnttngx h} regular galler} artrxtx


355 .'\t'g'\le Street. (Will 032 (NM Eltono + Nuria l'ntrl Sat 3| .\l.t}. .-\ eollahoratn e \hou tr'otn .\ladrtd»ha\etl ar'ttxtx l2l 'l'ono attd \urta. l'xtng tnt\ed tnedta. the) pt'odtree a \errex ol \tgnature nor'kx IIISPII'Ctl h} \tte artd eonte\t


l‘) l’ar'nre Street. 553 ""9. Mon Sat rtoort 5pm.

The MacRoberts Open t'ntrl the 3" Ma}. Annual open e\htltttton leatttrrng around 15” pteeex h_\ extahltxhed and next e\hrhttot\. eaeh tneaxurrng l3”\ l I" or \tnaller and trttder £25”.

The Summer Show l-‘rr 30 \la} Sun 2-,. Jul. l.;tlltl\t.‘;tpe\. \eaxeapex and other \UllllllL'l' therned parntrngx h} .\lotra Keltnan. lh'}an l'.\;tn\. (‘lar‘e Brad} and [an lillrot. M 8%)].


l3” Bath Street. (limb.i 333535.

Suite Art :\ xerres ol \xeeld} edtrhttronx eaeh \hoxxtng the nork ot a drll’erent student Ctll'l'eltll} altendtng (ilaSgou Sehool of :\rt. \Vtth art opentng e\er'} l‘t'l lrottt 5pm. Rohert Donahue \llt\\\\ \tot'k unttl Rf) Ma}.


lS5a Bath Street. 333 3S3“. 'l'tte Sat Illatn 5.30pm.

Ronald Ryan l'nttl Mon 50 Jun. l-"tgurattx e attd landxeape parnttngx h} Iidrnhttrgh-ha\ed arttxt Ronald R}an.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I54 lll}llt\\\tmtl Street. 353 ~lll3~.

.\lon l‘rt 0.50am 5.3llpnt; Sat

lflant lpttt.

George Devlin RSW RGI - Celebration l-‘rt 33 Ma} Tue 1" Jtrrr. .\'e\\ parntrngx ol the next eoaxt ol Seotlartd and l‘ranee. Nl SHOT. Julie Chamberlain Ht 33 Max lth l~ Jun. (’ontetnpor'ar'} \t|\et'\\are.

Ali Drew l'rt 35 .\la_\ the l" Jun. ('et'anttex.

Graham Stewart l'l'l 23 Ma} 'I'tre I“ Jun. Srlwrxrntthrng and reseller}.

THE BLYTHSWOOD GALLERY Strrte 542 t5th t‘loort. Baltre (‘hatnherx 5f) Wellntgton Street. 24S l‘Nl. .\lon l‘rr Iflarn 5pm; Sat lflanr lprn.

The Spring Exhibition t’ntrt Sat " Jun. .-\ Spl'lllg \eleetton ol parnttngx h} eontetnporar). I‘lth and 3ch eenttrr) arttxts tnelttdrng norkx h} lilt/aheth Blaekaddet'. DY (‘arnet'otL .lohn Knox (’harlex Stenhotrxe. \thltant \le'l‘aggart and man} tnore.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY 1” Krng Street. 557:1)“33. 'l'ue Sat 1 l..‘~tlant l lpnr

Pushkin: Puppets and Folktales l t‘rttl l :t I: \la} \ eol-tttrtal e\lttl‘rttotr

eelel‘tatztif; l\’tt\\t.:\ “est lo\etl \\:ttet


:5” \alhlllellall Street. 15: ~1"'N'

Sun \\etl llanr ttpttt. llttt Sat llant \prrt 0 New Facade: Toby Paterson

l nttl Sun :5 \la_\ \ ttt\t \olo \hon tor lleekx l llltltt‘S 3W: \trrtttet lolt} l’atetwrt l ooldng .tt .t \.tttet_\ ot Impottxex to l‘urlt emrrontttentx tttelutlrng the Stlenan l’atk ot ('ttlttrte and Reeteatton ttt (trot/ow the

l extnal ot lhttatn \rte rn l ontlon and tlte nork ot (ilaxgon ltaxetl .ttelttteeh (itlle\pre. Kttl and (‘ora. l’atetxon ll.t\ ereatetl a large tnotlulat “all. a \ette\ ot next palttllllgS on l’et\pe\. a \\.tll patntrng and a pettnanettt artxtorl. lot the (‘(‘ \


l'nnetxtt} ol Sttatltel_\de. I.‘ Rrehrrtottd Street. 54S 255S \lon l'lt lltarn 5pm. Sat noon Jpnt

June Evans: Borderlands t tttrl Sat 2| Jttrr l'.\pre\~t\e. ltgtttalne parnttrtg\ h} the late Jttrte l:\an\ tnxptretl h) the lrle and eulture ot tt’axellrng people


ITS \\e\t Regent Street. 221 (ti—ll

.\lon Sat Illarn 53flptn

Hugh Gillan: Familiar Territory l'nttl ltre 3 Jun. (tl.t\gt\\\ Sehool ol .'\ll graduate llugh (illllall \hoxt \ a \er'tex of ne\\ parntrngx deptettng the latxkrne Hrrdge attd the \ttrr'oundtng area


5“ \VCSl (icttl'g‘t‘ Sll‘L'L‘l. .i i: .\l\‘ll Sat ltlarn 5.30pm.

John Lowrie Morrison t'rrtrl Sat I-t Jttn. :\ lull eolleelron of “01'le h} John l,o\\rre .\lorrr\on Ill lrtttrted edrttott pr'rnt


Saltotrn lane. 24 Ruthx en Street. ‘5" NW). Mon l‘l'l & Strn IDS” 5.3llpnt. Sat llartt 5.3(lptn.

Mixed Show Stttt 35 Ma} \Ved lS Jtrn

l’arnttngx h} Joek .\laelnne\. Strrtorr l.;rttr‘te.

(iordon llentlerxon. ('onnte Srrntnerx. l)a\rd Rthx \\'arr'tlo\\ attd Blatr 'l‘hontxon. Ni SWOT.


Queen Street. 23‘) I‘Nh. .\lon 'l‘htr tk Sat lflatn 5pm; l'il'l Stttr llarrt 5pm, Sanctuary l'ntrl Mon 2‘) Sep. 'l'aekltng rxxuex ol lttttttart t‘lglIIS attd thetr ahuxe. thrx tnajor e\hthttton\ hrrngx together the \xork of o\ er eonternporar} 3ft artrxtx. l)e\eloped tn partner'xhrp n tth .-\tnne\t} lttternattonal artd the Seotttxh Refugee (‘ottnerl the C\llllttllttll e\plttt'eS \ttltteetx \ueh aS lot'eed rntgratton. drxplaeetnent. torture. opprexxron. tdenttt} attd eoneeph of home. :\t'll\lS tnelttde x\nthott_\ (iortnle). litll \'rola. Mark \Vallrnger. l.otn\e Bourgeon Shrrtn \exltal. RUSS Srttelarr attd Kenn} Hunter

Sanctuary Selling Show t'ntrl Stat § Aug. .\ \hou ot altordaltle art \\llll proeeed~ gorng to :\rntte\t} lttterttatrortal and [lie Settllhll Refugee ('UllllCll dlltl rneludex “ork h} Korean arttxt and lorttter prtxoner ol eonxetenee llong Song l)ant


Rouken (ilen Road. (Ct) 0235 Mon. 'l‘hu. in & Sttrt 1.30 5.30pm; Sat

ll..‘~flanr 5.3llprn.

Kirsty Wither l'nttl Mon 3 Jun. .-\ \olo \lto“ ol o\ er Jfl neu \xorkx h} KIN) \Vrther


l-lh \VL‘SI Regent Street. Ill 5th”.

Mon Sat ‘) Rflatn 5 .‘flptn.

Mixed Exhibition l-lllll Thu 2‘) .\la_\ .\ ntr\ed \hou. of patnttngx rneludrng \torlo h) l't‘tgltxxotl. liardle). ('on re. .\le(‘anee and man} other»

Josef Herman l-rr SH \la} Sat 2t Jurt On Show for the ltrxt trttte. art e\hthttton ot parntrng\ and draurngx ol Seottrsh tartnerx. \Velxlt tntner~ and .\le\tean peaxatttx h} the l’ttllxlt arttxt Joxet llertttan t l‘lll Zflflfh.

llerrttatt tletl l’olattd ttt 1" ‘S lr‘l lielezurtt l‘etote etttlrng up :tt (ilaxgou and hr; l‘l'x'VCllxt' tltete brought an rttterrtatrortal tlaxotrt to the (llaxgou att \erze '


l: Rt‘SC \llk't'l. “3 \l:\

Project Ability l ttttl Sat 1l \l.:\ ltt eollaltotattott \Htlt l’toreet \l‘llll_\..1f‘. e\htltttron ot .ttI\\t‘ll\\ h} tonne per pl.- \xrth atrtt~tte \peetrunt tltwrtler Sanctuary: The Project Star 1 \lott ‘t' Jun \x part ot the (taller) ol \lotletrt \ttk Sanetttar} e\hrl\rtron. “orb h} .txtltttn \eeketx and tetugeex \\llt' attetttletl \\«trkxltttt\\ ttrrt h} .HIISIS aeroxx (ilaxgon


:3 t\ .‘5 ktng Street. 55: It‘ll-l ltre Sat lllatn 5 ‘ttptn

Elizabeth Blackadder t rrtrl Sat _‘.\ Jttrr \ new \ertex ot etehtngx “dit'lu'lt‘tllS and otl [thltllttg‘S h} l lt/aheth liladaddet eelehrattng the l.lll!lell ol her (amt/went Kraut/rm or (irapt‘rtr Mom and tnelutlrng a new \et'rex ot Cl\lllll_‘_'\. \Irtrltr \ or ("art Catherine Stewart: Elements of Grace l'nttl Sat IS .lttrt \ \tlllt‘ ol tntaglro [\tltlh h} ('athettne Ste\\.ttl tnxptretl h) \e\\tott\ l’rrnerpra \latlternatrea

Ex Libris - Five Continents t ttttl Sat LS .ltrn \n e\hrhrtton ol alllSlS lunth ltorn .teltt\\ the notltl and [‘l'IHIS ttorn ptrrrt \llltllf‘S around the l K

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM ‘l-HP llUUl. ()4 ()Slhllllt‘ hllt't'l. l)arl_\ l (\pllt

Thunder in Paradise ha- 3“ \la} Sat " .lun Sn rtehxpaee pt'e\ent an e\lrrl\rtron ol next \tot'k h) lzdrnhtn'gh haxed .tlll\l\ (‘targ (‘ottlthattl 'I'otnnt} (iraee and Max rd \laelean teatut'tng patttlttlgx. \etrlptttre and

tlt‘ettlll‘tlf-IL‘ “Ulla ".5 .. T5"


If»~ Renlren Street. ;5: .l5tltl .\lon 'lhtr lllant "put; l'tl lflant 4 J5ptn. Sat

lllant noon.

0 Interim MFA t'rrtrt tn to .\la} l.\l;tel\lllltt\ll artd \enhet) (taller) t Annual e\hrhrtron ot \tot'k h} ltrxt year \tudentx on the rnternatronal renoxxnetl .\la\ter ol l'rne .»\t't eotrrxe See :\lll\L'.tl The Toolbox l'nttl l'll ill \la} t:\trrtnn (tallet’p Klan} toolx .narlaltle to the \rl\er\rntth or |e\\ellet ha\e a tnulttplrett} ot USCS 'l’ltr\ e\hrhrtron e\plore\ the ereatn e trtattrpttlatron ot tttaletlalS through the dtreet applteatlott ol tool\ It] et‘eatne hantl\

Beauty with Purpose l'rrtrl tn ttt Ma} t.\lael\tnlo\h litrtldtngt Stl\er\ntrthrng attd reseller} h} lleta Katrtna Saar'elatnett.

Book Launch \Vetl ZS \la} 5 .Sptn l.'\ll'llllll (iallerp ’I’he launeh ot Joanna Ktnnerxly'la)lor'x next hook. [hung and Sereen-l’rtttttng ()n 'le\trle\.


IS: Bath Street. i.“ lWl .\lon l'rt lflfiflatn 5pm; Sat lfl ttlatn lprrt Mixed Exhibition l'nttl Sat ‘1 \la} .-\ \prrng eolleetron ot parnttng\

Summer Selection Sat ‘1 .\la_\ Stun if) Jttn :\ \eleetton ol patntrngx ttreludrng \xorlu h} \thltant Ste-Hm (ilaxx. llantrxh Maedonald. l’eter llouxon. lattgene l)el.kert. .\larron llane}. (ieot‘ge llotnton and Stuart Park N?

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'ntxenrt} ol (ilaxgtm. S2 llrllhead Street. 530 545]. Mon Sat U itlarn 5pm Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow l'ntrl Sat .il Ma}. An e\ten\r\e e\hthrtron htghltghtrng the l'nnemt} of (ilaxgtm \ ttnportant Seottrxh L‘ttltttlrlxl ettlleellttn.


IS Ktng Street. 553 3540. Mon Sat

llartr 5pm.

Wa-Do-Dem: G.F.M. l'ntrl lirt 23 Ma}.

.-\ new \errex ttl game-related ‘arlutrrkx