I Bailamos at lla\atta ‘lpm 3am l'I‘L'k' \\c'cl\l} l)J Kc‘llll l) l\I‘lll_‘_'\ .\t‘ll .t \horld \L'lL'LlIIIIl xalxa. Rtkl‘l. l.atIn chart action and xxhatcwr clxc Ino‘xcx ton

I Base at tltc 'lIInncl III “rpm ;am 1" «HI “ct-kl}. (‘hIIx and \IartIn Ilcxla-th. along \IIIII ('IIIIx llaIIIx and .\I Kcnt. \‘.ca\c a Iinc lahrIc ot IIInIx} honxc and Rtkll at .\IIthIcll l.anc'x Iincxt dancc ctnpot‘ttttn. (In 2-1 \I.I_\. lltc} ha\c a Inaxxnc nIght ol ttcv. l K Rtkll talcnt.

u Ith IlIc appcaianc c ot \lIxx 'lcrI} \Valla'r I’IIIc III'IllIancc

I Bebado at RIchxIdc ('IIIII.

IIIpm 2am L5. .\Ionthl} nc\t datc thc I Bedlam at ()IIccn \laIgaIct l'nIon \cxt Ilatc tltc

I Bennet’s at IlcnIIctK

llillpm iam £5 \Vcclxl}. l'ccl thc goddamn llllllx ax Shaun and .-\nnic gn c thc llcnnct'x part} poxxc c\actl} \xhat llic} \xant‘ commcicIal dancc mI\cd mm It \L'lL'Cllt‘Il HI “IR. MK and WK ltllx

I Best Dressed Jakey in Town at ()‘IIcnIt'x. 3pm lam, Inc 34 \la} onl}. 'I'lIIx cIaI} cIIIlI xcxxion III thc Ianc IcatIII'cx xpccial gucxt llIx Ro}al IIIghIchx. King John ot Ihc- Dom-xx, (‘a-I

I Caledonia Soul III \\Htttl\ltlk‘ Social ‘lpm Jam. [5. .Il .\la_\. \Ionthl}. \ot’tltcrn xotil at Itx ltcxt and no“ xponxorcd h} lx’l-(~ II kid )oII Hull. 1).] llutch mach IIIx “at up lI'oIn Stokc on- ll'cnt tor a rarc Scotttxh dalc. and man) coandcr lIItII onc ol thc hcxt northcrn onII Ioclxx aI'oIInd. xo dInnac InIxx thix

I Chakra at tlIc Soundhaux,

IIpIn 5am. mm ‘1 Ma}. Monthly 'l'hcmc Ior thIx night Ix (’athhcan. and thcrc'x a hcalth} xnIaltcring ot chI\ on dc\ catcring to _\oIII' cxcr} dancing “huh.

I Club Cuba! at (‘nha .\'ortc.

‘lpm 2am. I‘I'cc. \Vcckl). (ict III touch \\it|I )our I.atIn xpirit at thix claxx} night ol dancc. 'I‘hc lincxt Latino hcatx arc xupplicd h} Duncan. I‘arah and Shannon. Makc xtIrc )tlll arrnc carl} to guarantcc cntr).

I Club 69 at ('Iuh (It). .\'c\t datc thc. I Colours at lllL‘ Arctic-x. .\'c-\I datc 7 Jun.

I Cube Class at (‘uho I lpIn 3am. £7 (Lil. \Vcclxl}. (“kl-\Clllltll ltottw claxxicx and tip-to-Ilatc anthcntx arc thc ordcr ol lhc Ila) at thix packcd Sat IIIghtcr. thankx to main room man .\Iatt lC litItllx. ln IltL‘ lmL'lx l).\l(i xL‘I'u‘x up RNB.

I Disco . . . The X Factor at the SoIIndhaIIx. .\'c\t datc thc.

I Divine at (llaxgou School ol .'\rt IdoIIIIxtaier. ltlpm 3am. £6 (£5 Ht: L550 (SSA xtudcntx. \Vcckl}. lt‘x hccn going xtrong xincc I‘NII and ix olliciall) thc IIIIIgcxt running rcxidcnc) in (ilaxgtm, xo tltc) lxno\\ ho“ to \xorlx a croml \xitlI induxtrial xtrcngth Iunlx.

I The Edge at thc lidgc ('oathridgc. llpIn 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. (iot'don .\lillcr and Paul Rca jnxt can't hpr Inixhchm ing at thix night cclchrating all that ix dchauclicd and Inn. Ila\ c a I'roIic \xith tthn.

I Elektrik Sweat at Illacktriarx. NC“ dIIIL‘ llk‘.

I Freetorm at Bartl}. ItIpnI 3am. l'ircc hct‘orc l lpm; £5 IHI at'th'. \Vcclxl}. 'l'hc \Vatt hrothcrx prcxcnt _\oII \\ ith an L‘clcclic ItIi\lttt‘L‘ ol c‘l;t\\ic \otll. lllttlx. (tllx hcat Inuxic and Latin tuncx. “tlll a xclcction ot‘ hig hittcrx thro“ II III. You arc iuxt ax likcl} to hear ohxcurc Latino \oodoo and dark iaz/ ax Michacl Jackxon or Janwx Bro“ II.

I FLISiOI‘I ttl lltL‘ RI\L‘I‘\ILIL‘ (‘ltlll NL‘\I datc thc.

I Glasgow House Theory at Q (illllt. NC“ kl;th thc.

I Groovejet at 'I‘raxh. l lpin 3am. £8. \VL‘L‘lxl). l’aul N'JIL‘ pt'c\idc\ II\ cr [ltL‘ cit) 'x Inoxt popular Rtkli and xoul night. attracting a lo}a| cro\\ d c\cr_\ \\ L‘L‘lx. Room onc hax thc liroxx II Brothcrx

pla) ing \ocal and coInmcrciaI houxc and room thrcc hax I)a\c \\ ith the part} anthcmx.

I Haptic at l Itlllltl l.oIIII;_'c "392:: ;.:III g" tun Z-I \la} onl} lL-cp l Icc/c I'Icati man llaII} Rccwx. Ilaptn I'L.:II ( iIantII. (‘oIIn l)a\Ic. \lIxx I ltlll and lllldlc'tl lhgttal on thc \Ixnal tIp coInIIInc to I:Ial.c thix onc oI thc moxt xI//IIII_;' lII‘lI\' IIzglItx toi mIch Io; :I'IIx akin ms], I In: ma hull/t Ix L'tl 1:41;!“ Ii..." IIII'I'L'

I Higher Ground at (‘(' \ \cxI tlatc' ll‘t~

I Hi-Karate at I Iqtnd l onngc \c-\t datc " .Innc

I Homecookin’ at llal‘a/a IIIpm {am l-Icc hctoic l 1pm. 1‘ atth “cc-kl} l)_lx Stcuatt \lc( 'allIIm and .loc Iltggmx Ixccp thc mIIxIc IaInInIII and thc Ilancc IlooI Inmpln' all night long Rt\|l tIackx llll\\'tl \\ llll lllk' Utltl c l.t\\Ic .Itttl l'l\l \lxm‘l la\otIIItcx .lIIxI hatch out toI toothall pla}cix,

I Homegrown aI liaIIIhoo *pm ‘am {5 IUH \Vcclxl) Stcnc \lIddlcton IIIIIII Solc pla}x a tnnlx}. onIltIII lIoIIxc xct

\\ Ith (lawn \lclcod. .InIIIoI and .l \lc pla} onII and Rtkll. and \oIaII and .latncx (iattlnci do \\ll.tIL‘\Ct Iltc} “ant. .\ Iinc lInc up toI a Sat

I Ice at thc .\Ichcx .\c\t datc thc

I Inside Out at thc ;\Icllt‘\

IIHIIpm 3am, (In K] \la} .\lonthl_\ .-\notlIcr maxxn c night ot IIaId hoIIxc. tt'ancc and tcchno \\ Ith lltc lug nanch ot lltC \L'L‘IIC. .ltltlgc .lttlc‘x litltllL‘ ll.tllt\\ cll. (‘or\In l)alclx and xpchaI gncxt \daIn Shcridan at'c all III IoI tIIIx mad ltltm out III Ilk‘ L‘lttl III lllk' IIIIIIIIlI.

I Jamboree at Rcdx. llpm 1am. L'" IUI. \Vcclxl}. .Iohn l.}IIIIx and .\laItIn llcxlxcth oI \'cl\ct Roomx tamc IIII\ up a hlcnd ot coInmcrcIal Rtkll and onII.

I Joy at ISIII \otc (‘atca \c\t tIaIc tl‘c. I Kevin Austin at (‘anxax I.-\I‘laI. III.3IIpIII 3am. t". \VchxI}. (‘oIItIIIIIc dancing I\\llIlL' tltc ll\ c cntcrtaIIIIncIII Ix taking a “cll-dcxcrwd hrcakI to thc InaIn room xoundx ol Innk. deco and club aIItIIcmx.

I Kube at lilaclxlriarx llaxcmcnt, .\'c\t \lttlt‘ llk‘.

I Life at I,Ilc I(‘oI'Int|IIanI. Itlpm ‘am. £5. \Vcckl). .\ IormIdahlc night ot tunk lor thoxc \xho Iilxc tthr cntcrtammcnt maturc. hut xtill IaInInIn'. Roxx Macmillan prcxcntx a chcctIon III onII. I'Iink and dixco augmcntcd \\ Ith oI'IgInaI xamplcx and Ioopx to gIIarantcc a nc\\ talxc on lanIIIIar xotIndx.

I Lifeboy and Brief Encounter at Mcrcur). IIIpIn 3am. £5. \Vcclxl}. Adrian l)a\ cnport Ix rcxidcnt \\Illl tIIc \cr} tincxt III let ccntnr} deco and lllll on hanle In thc aIr progrcxxtx c trancc. .-\ t'ricndl} Iniwd croxx d complctcx tIIc cquation. In thc hottoin har. thcrc'x a cruix} \ ihc. and thc} Kc cntItlcd II Burl) Light. III Burl} thix timc tlIL‘I'c"x a hootx and undcr“ car dI'cxx codc. .\'icc. lintr} hcrc ix onl) £3.

I Lush at thc l’olo Loungc.

lt)._itlpm Sam. [5. \Vcckl}. l't'tlllll’lllf.‘ .v\nd_\ in thc 'l'roph} Room \xith hItx lt'otn thc (Illx to thc 80x. \xliilc 'I‘om pro\ ltlL‘\ an tip-tront dancc xclcction III thc main room at thc cIt_\ 'x prctticxt ga} clnh.

I Luvely at Mcrcury .\'c\t datc thc.

I Mad Dog at SonndlIatIx. .\'c\t datc tltc.

I Melting Pot at Rncrxidc (‘lIIh Midnight 3am. {III 3| .\la_\. .\IontlII_\. Spccial gucxt Simon llagng Igrcat naIncI ol’ \Vhixtlc Bump. I.ondon. p|a_\x out \xith Simon (’ordIncr at tlIIx tinc deco and hotth night do“ II h} thc mcr.

I Mish Mash at thc liqtnd l.otIngc. NC“ tltiIL‘ tltc.

I Moda at .\Ioda. 0pm 3am. I'rcc, \Vcckl}. I-Inc (ilaxgoxx I)J Iand I'oothallcrt Barr} (lcmmcl dropx homhx at thix hcaIItIt'III hat“ In thc ga} detrIct. I My Machines at (ilaxgtm School ot'.-\rt. llpm 3am. in IN £5I. “cc-kl}, 'l‘hc} '\c had xomc ol thc grcatcxt namcx III IL‘c‘ltItI) conic tttttl l‘lL‘\\ IltL‘tt' tlL‘L'lU. \o thc} kntm ho“ to Inaxh It up.

I Nonsense at .\Icrcur_\. l Ipm 3am. £6 IHI. 31 .\la}. .\lonthl'\. Sn). Innk} home all night long I'rom l’aIIl (iordon. And} (illC\I and (‘Ircg :\damxon. all oil \xhom arc \cr} talcntcd I)Jx.

I Papacool .II \a I ll‘

I l Winn laIII 1‘ ;I \I.:§ I’apa x hack to talxc \.:Ic‘ I-I .IIIotlIcI \at III-xiii IIIon} xIan Ilc'lIaIIc lIc‘It Ill‘l‘llll\l\. w \llt‘l‘ In and xaIIIt‘lc \I‘Illx'I‘l1'1.t\l!\

I Rapture at \chlIa lll‘llt {an Ltlx \\cc'l\l§ .laIncx lx’nxxcll. and cncxt lllx «If. l‘.‘.t\ \\.ccl\x Inala‘ IlIIx a 1m: III-.‘iIt out

I Red and Gold Room aI \II.: llll‘lll laIn lIcc lwtotc I ll‘lll t,\ .IIIcI \\cclxl_\ llill} \lIlltz'an Inanx tlIc tlcclxx toI a linc III_‘.'lII «It I atIn lII'lI\\‘ IlIIx \xIll chIoIle} xl‘Icc up tom lllc'. ll that'x \IIIaIK IctIIIIIctl

I Down .tl \\l l ll‘ \\‘\l xl.tlc‘ llK

I Saturdays at Blanket .Il lilanlxct IloInIcIl) lictlt III illl‘lll ;.Illl 1” IL“ llIc lllIllxlC\l lx’t\ll III tlIc c It_\ Ioch tlIc Inf: lIach IchIooIn on .I \.II III llctl \\llll tlIc lt'g‘c‘IIIlaU lx’.I}IIIIIIItI \\oodx .IIIII Ila Iicxt and lll\ IIIIIxIcaI antic \ lxccp ton auakc III IIIc tIont lchIooIn Inalxtng tlIIx ncu night onc ot tlIc Inoxt popIIlaI III tlIc cm

I Seismic at (‘ltIlI (I‘I

III IIIIIIII I ‘tIaIII I..\ IL'W 31\Ia_\ .\IontlII_\ \\c aIc glad to .IIInoIIncc that tlIIx IIIIIIIanI clIIII nIg'lIt hax ImalI} toIInd a lIoInc \ontlI} ot Itx \Hlllltl Rockx} ix l‘l.I\ctllcttl III l’.IIxIc_\ \lc\ (‘oItc\. Spcnch and .l.t\'lxlll.t\lt‘l .IIc all III tot tIIIx mglIl ot tInc tcchno, cIcctIo and clcctIonIca In thc IcItIIcII xt} Icc In! Him do]: I’II/\ '\ //\[il (flu: luv/II". H gr! 1.‘ of! 4/1”” l’lltl (i/l III;’/)/

I Shack at Iltc Shack

III. illpm i. ‘IIIanI. L'" IL‘I \\cclxlt I ct

“IR and \tlx \ laxxn x ilI‘III

)oIII haII Iloun and II\cn IIIIngx up on tlic danccllooi to tlIc xonndx ot .III )oIII Shack Ia\oIIIIlcx. playd ont II} (il'ilt‘lllt' l't‘lj,‘ll\till

I The .tl lllt‘ Sltt‘tl.

II). illpm 3am. to \\ccl\l_\. l)cIIIand Ix lIIgII IoI tlIIx onc. xo gct tlIcIc caIl}

I::!Ic.:;.‘c tlc'g‘iotctl "‘\ III lx'.I_\IIIoIIII llaktc': III Il‘a‘ Itiatn Itall. lx‘t\l{ .Ilicli‘li.1\l\‘(illll\ llc‘\l\t‘lll III In: I ott

I Sidewindera: \Ii I -'~ \Iu-nézix \.-xt IlaZC :‘x

I Smokebelch .I: Ira“ ‘r~;.x \c\1t‘l.:tc

I The Social .I'. iii; \I\ I.-.'. "pm. lain

1‘ “(fink l.:I‘. llTI‘Y‘1;‘\«‘T‘ :‘I.;\ x inc

Ia'IrII \l tlc I ;\ xt {toaxc .: Isaapant

\IIIAII o. Lantaa x 11‘. lxo\.:. I \\II.:. I, c

\tinat; lt\\‘ pun 'axx'un Horn \I.IIII:I \lllci’k'li \I‘II'II'\ .'.\ x'aridattl

I Soulsa .:l \I \x \\cc',x7.j. \ll\l\ .1ll\l\li.'.\' llazc Iflcllal‘K‘ at Iitc \ lIIl‘ :II Ix’o\.:l l \c ltanrc \tmaic \

Il;‘III ;.:III 8\ lion

:‘tcat onLEZIIl lII‘IIM‘ xcxxioz‘. on ilIIx \‘.\‘ll

dcvncd ;\.III\ \ xIIIatthIItz‘ o! IIII',‘ltI\ :‘IIt‘xtx 1'I.I\\'lllc‘l‘.tl .tlc'.I ll‘. III; cI‘IIIIII‘.‘ 1‘. cc'sx lll \loIIc\ Ix In tho l‘.:l on .‘1 Ha}. and \tll‘l tl‘.Itl Ix I:I on ‘I \I.-.\

I Streetlife .It I ltlllltl l onnz'c \c\t tIaII- !l\

I Subculture .II lllt‘ \lll‘ I ‘IIIII

leIII ;.'.III III' \\cclcl‘. lr't \.'t7',"\."’\ oI lIoIIxc \ IIIIIx cxIaIIIleIctl lot almnt a Ilccatlc. popular ‘.‘.llll all tIIc Ilt'ltl psoplc antlxIIIItlII'lx‘xI illll1\‘\‘.I‘ll\l

I Itl lllt‘ \\|‘l‘\l\lli\' \I‘I I.tl IIII‘III .‘aIII film ‘I \Ia_\ loItIII:'lItI\ lltc [Ixtt llxltlt'lh I altnct IcIIIInx IoI anotlIcI llllllllll‘.‘ Inxtalmcnt

I Syntax at \oIIIItllIaIIx \c\1 .lalc tlx I Traxx .II \oIIIhllIaIIx \lI‘lIllll\ \c\t \l.tlx' ll‘\

I Vegas at IlIc lx’cnlicv. chI\

‘I Winn .‘aIII t,\ IUH .‘2 \la\ \IonIIle \IIll onc ol tlIc lIncxI I IIIlIx .IIoIIIIII. tlIIx

pail} \‘-Illl l ola l .I\ \\"'.l\. llIno \IaItInI,

I l.tlllxl\' \IIIIIatIa and lltlt'\_\ \caz'nll amonj.‘ olhcix Ix Ical IIIII IIchx III‘ «II look a IIIt out o! platc

I Wired .II \x\ IIIIII. (..ll\‘tlt‘lll.lll

l III\chIt} I Inon Ittpm {am 1* “ccklt (Ilaxgov. 'x lotII'cxI IIIIIIIIII;' altctnatnc IndIc IIIght \I. ItlI \llllllx\ [Homox aplcnt}


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow & Edinburgh

Valid from

: 22/05/03

Until: 04/06/03

PARTICIPATING CLUBS (ptease See IndIVIdIIaJ Ctut) LISlIIIQS tor dIscount details;

B 5





llllllMlli l.lll‘lllllill


/'.'r:. , THE LIST 79