nOoov DOYLE Gilmorehill. Thu 22 May
The film adaptation of Roddy Doyle‘s historical masterpiece. A Star Called Henry. must be up there as one of the great can't-be-done challenges, as his non-linear depiction of the street urchin-turned-superhuman Irish rebel stretches the fantasy-reality axis to the limit. Nevertheless, an adaptation is
in the pipeline.
In sharp contrast, the Dublin writer‘s light-hearted yet subversive rom- com. When Brendan Met Trudy, was released in 2001. As a tale of a geeky teacher who becomes romantically embroiled with fun-loving. light-
fingered Trudy. it sparkles with humour.
Humour and humanity are key to the 44-year-old novelist, who can see into the souls of his characters — becoming a 10-year-old boy in the Booker prize-winning Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha or an abused, alcoholic housewife in The Woman who Walked into Doors. His Barrytown trilogy encompasses a warmth and veracity which evoke comparisons with the Irish ‘greats'.
Doyle only gave up his teaching day job when Paddy Clarke was published. never wanting to dissociate himself from the world which he describes so vividly. His appearance in Glasgow, which follows a screening of When Brendan Met Trudy, is eagerly anticipated - but maybe less so than the publication of Doyle’s first novel, Your Granny was a Hunger Striker, which he vows will never see a binding machine. (Maureen Ellis)
Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow©, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.
Thursday 8
Book events
Marjory Harper llortlerx lluoln. 283 Buehanan Street. 323 “(Ml (rprn. lree. 'lhe .reelarrnetl erotran lk'.|\l\ lrorn her ne\\ hook. \r/tr Irrrm \ (UH/l ll/t \ I/rr‘ (inn! .\r HUM/l I tut/1H. .ll‘otll lllt‘ St'tlh \\lltl lL‘ll thexe \llote\ tor a ‘helter” hle ill‘l'l‘iltl.
Other events
Photography Auction (llaxgott Sehool ol .\rt. lh" Renlre“ Street. ‘53 ~l5ill hprn l'ree r\'re (Ballet) r. l’hotographre \\or'k\ h} third and fourth )ear (ila\go\\ Sehool ol ,\r'l photograph) \llltlk'lll\ .rr'e on tlrxpla} lollou etl h} an
Book events
Stars beneath the Sea Bot'tler'x Bookx. 3S3 Buchanan Street. :33 "till hprn. l’ree .v\ulhor 'l‘r'exor \or‘ton r'eatlx [tom the hook ol the ~arne narrre. See photo eaptron,
Saturday 10
Other events
Glasshouse Walk (ir'eenhank (idltlk‘ll‘. l'ilL‘llllL‘l'\ Road. (‘lar‘k\ton. (\lh Slut. {5.5” tt‘lhth. 'l‘ake .r \\a|k through the gartlerh and look at the planlx and llooerx tn the gl.l\\llotl\e\.
Dawn Chorus - Bishopbriggs Mugtloek (‘ountr'_\ l’ark. ('r‘argalhan Road. \lrlrtgaxre. L’50 hllltl. 5 ~anr.~ l~'r'ee. Sort out _\otrr :ohrn from )our ehal‘tineh on lhr~
96 THE LIST 5—22 May 2003
earl) rnornrng \xalk \xrth the eountr‘} \ltlL' r’arrger‘x. Book III athanee.
Farmers Market Marrxlieltl l’ar‘k. ll_\ntl|antl Street. ZS" lellll. lllarn 3pm. Free. .-\ elranee to hit) lr'exh pr‘otluee three! hour the lar'rnerx.
Bird Watching By-Cycle Challenge ('lylernurrxlrrel Regronal l’ar‘k. (‘altlerglen Roatl. l.oeh\\rnnoeh. (ll5ll5 S4230}. .\'oon Iprn. l‘r'ee. Meet at the ('axtle Sernple ('entre and tom the RSl’B \tall' for \otne hrrthxatehrng h) hike, Is Capitalism Sustainable? (’ornrnuntt} ('entr'al llalh, ~ill-l .\l;tl'}lllll Road. 5-“) 4 MN \oon hprn. l’r‘ee. ()nee _\ou'\ e put a eroxx on )our hallot paper )tlll ean torn rn thrx antr-eaprtalrxt tlehate and tlrxeuxxron \xrth the Socialist Part}.
Globalise Resistance Tour Border-t Book\. 383 Buehanan Street. 322 "7(lll. -lprn. \Vhat tlUCS the antr-g|ohalr\ation rnmenrent \tantl lor.’ l‘rnd out a\ .-\le\ ('alllllle‘tw \eekx to tlll\\\ et' thexe (lllL'SllUllS mth hrx antr-eaprtahxt rnanrl'euo.
Discovering the Jewish Faith Sr \lungo .\lu\eunr ol Relrgrotrx late and .v\t'l. 2 (‘axtle Street. 553 255".
lllfillarn 12.3llprri. l-‘r‘ee. l-‘rntl otrt more ahout olllt‘l' lalllh tll llllx \\ot‘k\liop led l‘_\ Rex .'\haron South“). t'ollou ed h} a \ rot to .'\haron (iarnethrll S}nagogue.
Other events
The Big Walk Botanre (iar'denx. ".‘ll (ireal \Vexter'n Road. "(r3 ISM. lllarn. l‘ree. Meet the (‘ountr_\ \ltlL‘ Rangerx at Krhhle l’alaee tor thrx all da} lnke along the Rn er Kehrn touardx the Balrnore llauglh and Mrlngmie. Book rn athanee. Classic Car Rally .\lu\eurn ot' Seottr~h ('ountr} l.rt'e. l’lllltpslllll Road. liaxt Krlhride. 01355 241%”. 10am—5pm
t? rtl 51h .\ elawre ear tall} mm a \xrtle range ol e.:t\ anti \elrrelex on tlrxpla}
Other e\entS
Forced Entertainment Project 'l'ranma}. :5 .-\lhert llr‘ne. tl.\45 Kill ‘5lll 'prn ’l‘rrn latehelh ot nrultr-nretha theatre eornparn l~oreetl l'.ntet'tarnrnent prexentx an lllll‘tltlllt‘llt‘ll l0 'lllt‘ \Ult'L'Sl. .l palllell‘alol} proreet rnxohrng a nurnher ot loeal pertorrner~ l‘or rnor‘e rntorrnatron on perlortnrng. ernarl \te\enho\\re3lllll t~~' hotrrrarl eorn
Tuesday 13
Elaine C SMith (ilaxg‘ou Rotal (‘oneert Hall. I Sauehrehall Street. ‘51 Sllllll lprn £3 5“ H l1larne('Srnrth goex an amusing talk on lret lrte and e\perrenee\
Wednesday 14
Paisley Art Institute l’arxle) .\lu\etrnr and .r\rt (iallet). llrgh Street. SS" ‘l5l
II illprn. l'ree ,\ \hort and rrrlorrnal talk lookrng at the annual art e\hrhrtron
Other events
Film Discussion Group (ill I: Row Sll't't‘l. ii: Nllh. B .illplll. l'lt't' 'l'akrng plaee alter the \ereenrng ol l/rt'\1(ll'trll Brit/(Hun. llllSKllSt'USSIUIl group will take an rnlorrnal look at the film ax \\ ell ax other reeent (il’l' \ereenrng»
Book events
Murder Squad - ‘Mean Streets’ \Vaterxtone‘x. I53 l5" Sauehrehall Street. 3339105. "pm. Free. (’r‘rnre no\e|r\t\ Margaret Slurph}. John Baker and .-\nn (’lee\ es read from then latext no\e|\ and tllSCUSS the the ol lantlxeape rn er'nne l'relron.
Conceptual Issues in Survival Research Boyl ()rr Burltlrng. l'nnerxrt} ol (ilmgou. l'nner‘xrt} :\\enue. S‘th SIX-1. ".Rllpnr, £3 £5, The annual llarrrrlton l.eeture on pk} ehreal re\eareh IS gr\ en h} l’r‘olexxor‘ Roher‘t Mor'r'rx \\ ho till! he tlrxeumrrg "('oneeplual rxxuex rn \ur\r\al r'ekear‘eh: ean \x e lle‘ rnaehtnex to find ghoxtx Ill nraehrnex.“
Other events Badger Watch Seollrsh Wildlife 'l‘ruxr.
l'allx (“(1)th Rexet'w. “1555 hh5303.
"pm to It ‘I See hatlgeh rn therr natural \ur'rountlrngx Book rn athanee
The European Dream: Is it Geographical or Political? (irlrnorehrll(i13.‘l l'rrr\er\rt} -\\enue. “ll 55:: Noon Iprn l‘ree lireneh geopolrtrerarr antl .tllllltopolog‘hl Jean (‘hrrxtophe \ retor goes a lecture
Other events
Cafes Philosophiques \Ilranee l'raneatxe tle (ila\go\v 5‘ Bo“ rnonl (i.ll\lt‘ll\. ii" JISI -l oprn {5 till l'teneh tlrxeusxron group on phrloxophreal quextrorh
End of Season ‘03 [he \rehex. 35‘ ;\rg'\|e Street. ll‘llll ill: ll‘llll Spin (5 Ilenxe ('lothrng r( ilaxgou r .llltl ('r.r/}rrrrr|.r ll Ulltlolll [‘lt‘SL‘llIS lllt' L‘lltl ol \llo\\l\o.tltl xeaxon partt \xrth |r\e \lIS. a Pk'lll‘llllJllk e from pererrxxron group \Varna and the llll.lll\l\ ot the [h arrtatenr \lltl\\l‘l\.lltl photographer and trhrr eornpetrtron
Imperialism and the Anti War Movement - The Battle for the Planet (ilaxgou (‘aletlonran l'nrxetxrh. “ll ('o\r.eatli|en\ Road. (VB-‘5 i‘l—‘lllg‘ I lllarn 5pm {I U .lorn \peakeh rnelutlrng (ieorge (ialloua) .\ll’. lintlse} Kareem Hl lllt‘ [IK Slop lllt' “at ('oalllloll and .»\arner .\n\\ar. hurrran rrghtx earnpargner. rn thrx tla_\ ol tlehate and \kollollopx loplxN herng lookt'tl .tl lllt'llltlt‘ l'S rrnper'rahxrn. BrrtarnK role III the .\lrtlt|le liaxl and the (LS \urnrnrt rn l-\ l.lll
Other events
Dawn Chorus - Bearsden Mugtloek ('ountr} l’ark. ('r'argallran Road. Mrlngrn re. U50 hlllll. 5 “ant. liree. Sort out )onr hlue trt from }our' urllou \xarhler' on thrx earl} rnor‘nrng nalk urth the eountr) \ltlL' ranger» Book in athanee. Alcraft Craft Fair (‘ottrer Theatre.
03 05 ll)ntllantl Street. ‘5." 3365',
l larn 4pm. :\ lltlxl ol eraltx under one tool
Sunday 18 ,
Other events
Zipslide Strathehrle l’ark. llarnrlton. 5(vl 24-14. Rarxe rnone} lor Senxe Seolland at thrx nail hrtrrrg e\enl. (‘ontaet Sara Bannerrnan at Sense Seotlanrl on 5H1 34-14 ot‘
\lxrnnerrnant" xenxeserrtlantlorgtrk to lirrrl out how to rarxe the lundx and take part,
DIVING IN Author Trevor Norton gives a reading from his book Stars beneath the Sea to mark its transition from book to stage production. Glasgow theatre company Vanishing Point performs an adaptation about the amazing and often amusing lives of deep sea divers. The tour continues in Glasgow at the Tramway until 10 ay.
I Stars beneath the a. Borders Books. 283
Buchanan Street. 222 7700. Fri 9 May.