RICARDO VILLALOBOS Pogo Vogue, the Bongo Club. Edinburgh. Fri 16 May
Never let it be said that DJs are characterless. In the course of a 15 minute interview, Ricardo Villalobos has time to rave about artichokes (‘they are very good for you — they clean you up'), enthuse wildly about Fabric‘s soundsystem (‘I was on the dancefloor jumping ten times in the air‘) and rail against his new computer (‘It is the newest of the newest. but it doesn‘t function’). Villalobos is attempting to use the aforementioned machine to remix Plastikman‘s ‘Panic Attack’ but, despite the many stumbling blocks, remains in good humour.
The Chile-born Berliner has been DJing since the late 80$, playing across Europe and at Cocoon in Ibiza. He's Ritchie Hawtin’s favourite DJ. gained substantial acclaim for last year’s ‘Halma‘ and has an album. Alcachofa (it‘s Spanish for ‘artichoke‘), out in the summer. ‘They are melody percussion tracks,‘ he says. ‘I think the future of club music is between house and techno. Techno can be too hard and too fast, house can be too slow and too boring. You want something in the middle, and that‘s where you get the best reaction to the music.‘
It sounds like Villalobos should fit the Pogo Vogue ethos nicely. (James Smart)
Back of A List card
This pass entitles you E to a discount (stated : in the Club Listings) I at the clubs listed on i the front of this card. : You can use this pass : as many times as you i want in the two weeks it‘s valid and when this one runs out, i
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
you can get a brand new card in the next issue.
Valid from: 8/05/03 Until: 21 [05/03
84 THE LIST '- .. 2
Edinburgh Sundays continued
I Sativae Recordings Night .tl
l go IH ‘llptii Run 1" It“ iii .l\l\.lll\\" 3* Ha} lllk‘ might} .\.iti\.tt‘ lx’t't'oitluigx Ihoiiit' to ('liiixtmii \ogcl. DJ Hell. \t‘il l.tlltl\llllllllll. ’\tl.llll .\. .Litiiit' litlt'll .iiitl ilioit'i lt‘ltlllh to thc t'.tpit.il Its hoiiit' to thc h.iitl. ohst'titt' and do“ might lituitl ltlt kt'i} that l\ tithilit} tt't‘hiio Rt'\ltlt'lll\ Stt‘w (ilt‘iit'ioxx .llltl I).i\t' l.iiiitl.i .llltl ioiiit‘tl h} l)t'.ith Rim [Littloii lot Illl\ it'toitl l.ll‘t'l night \\llll plt‘iit) ol l)lll‘ l’|.itt' .intl lk'\l l‘lk'\\ .it'tioii on lllt' tlt't‘kx l)tl\\ll\l.tll\ l\ llt‘\lk'tl l‘_\ tht' tiiipit'tlit't.il\lc hilt-titx ol ltot \h.i§_':_'. \\l l “L ili\t'l. (‘hiix \‘tll l’hltil. R.i .llltl loht' tt'\ l)i\kono .intl \t-ihit't’ht'n l).l\l,
I Tackno .it .\l;l\\.l ttoiiilt'i'l} (‘ltih \lt'itntloi Ill.3tlpiii 3am, to till 25 \l.1'\..\lt‘llllll'\ It's thick to thc llooi lot llt‘lltl} \VL'lltl} .itltl llt‘l itiinlit.ihlt- p.tll_\ llll\ ol l\ll\t‘ll t'l.l\\l\‘\ [Link liolitl.i} ut't'kt'iitl \pt't‘ml “till .i l'l\l\\t'l l’o\\t'i ltit‘ktio.
I Taste .it tht' l.lt|llltl Rooiii
llpiii i;iiii. L5 llt'loi'c ll.‘llplll'. LR «to lllk'llll‘t'l\l .tllt'l. \VL‘L'hl}. lkllt' L'.ll‘lltIl-\ iiil;iiiioti\ Still tiight \t'\\ltlll continues .iput't'. l'l\llL‘l' giiitl l’lit‘t' \tlpill} .i pi'oyt't'xxiw llll\ ol lltlll\t‘ illltl :J.Il';l:_'t' lll tht- lllttlll l'tltllll \\hilt' .\l;ii‘tiii \‘.ilt'ntiiit' .iiltl Stt'u- \Vuiit-It'xx \Ntl\\\ tht‘ llll\t'tl«:_';l'\ t'i‘oxttl \\llll lll\ lllllh) [‘8 hotth _‘_‘t‘lll\ thiotigli tht' hut'k IN .\l;i} lt‘.lllllt'\ \pt't‘iiil gtit'xt \liii'k .\looit' ol S l‘.\]llt'\\ l.ililt' .iiitl t'tii'i't'nt t'ltth ol lllL' llltllllt'lll \iig: Nag: Nag tplt‘uxt' lltllL' :Jllk'\l pi'it't' L Ill llll' llll\ tliitt' oii|_\ l.
Chart & Party
I Devils’n’Angels .ii ('gixt'iitlixh/lhui. ltlpiii 3am. L'tht‘. \Vct‘kl}. Stitit‘} ltiii ;it llll\ iicxxl) t‘t'littt‘tl t'ltih. \\llll .i ht'mt'n illltl ht'll lllt‘lllL‘. l't't‘l ll’t't‘ ltl tltt‘\\ to \tlll ;ttltl llotiglt‘ to chart tlunt't' all night long.
I Mood Live ill .\lootl. llpiii .lillll, l‘i't't' lk‘ltllt' llpiii; L2 (“IT to iiit'niht‘i‘xi tlllt'l'. \Vt‘t'kl). .\lootl opt'Ih ll\ tltltll'\ to .t \t‘lt‘t‘lltlll tll lltt‘ t‘tltttitt‘} ‘\ top t‘o\t‘t\ huiitlx. “lillt‘ |)J\ \lllll llll\ li'oiii .it‘i‘oxx lllL‘ )t'ui'x.
I Peppermint Lounge at l’t'ppt'i‘niiiit l.oting_'t', ltlpiii 3am.
l'l't't‘ {-1. \Vt't'lxl}. SCL‘ 'l-lttl,
I Subway West End ill Stilmu} \Vt'xt lzntl. 7pm .‘uiii. l-iu' ht-tort- 9pm; £3 it'll tlllt'l', \Vt-t‘kl}, St't' Tho.
I The Subway .it Sulmii}.
"pill .luiii. Ll. \Vt-ckl}. St-t' 'l'hti.
Edinburgh Mondays
I CC Blooms .ii (‘(' Bloom» “hulle .iiitil. l'l'L'L‘. \VL‘L‘hl}. ‘l'liitigx lllL'lltl\\ otit lot" so tht') t‘|;iiliii .‘ll llll\ git} t‘ltih. “tilt till tipht'ut tlixt'o \t‘lt‘t‘lltllt.
I Merde I’Amour .it l’i'iw ('otiiit‘tl. lllpni .hiiii, L3 it'll. Wet-kl}. Night on tiiit‘luxsiliuhlt‘ night li'otti tht‘ l)|itiliithtto t‘t't‘xx (“ho t'l\t*'.’l ot ‘glitt‘h. \totiip. l‘L‘tth. hi't'ukx untl hlccpx‘ .intl lit-c Honing cocktails. (ioiiig lot it non-rctt'o \\'(‘ lott purl} l't‘cl locuxing on tt't‘hnolog) hust'tl t'\pt'i'itiicnt;itttln li'oiil lllL‘ I'L'\ltlL‘lll\ (hon. IlllilL'l :tiitl Sonol. ('hit‘ and Sltilt} [K‘l'lL‘L'l lot the start ol tht' “L‘L‘lK.
I Spanish Fiesta Night at H Barrio. ltlpiii 3am. l-i‘t't'. Wet-kl}. .-\ right oltl l\llCC\-llp tor the Spttllhll ttlltl Spiinixli-loxing L‘tllllllltlllll} ll(l\lL‘tl h) “L l't‘h\ ttlltl litlti uiitl lcuttiring lluiilcntiuito straight through to llixpuiiit‘ t'hui‘t llll\.
Chart & Party
I Decadence iii Rculltllltlll. lll.,§ll[llll .ltllll. L4 it'll. Wall}. UK. so l.tii' enough it\ Mon. hut thiit‘s no mouse. ('ht't‘x} lllllt'\ .iiitl chmp tll'llllNN gill night long.
I Flare ;it \Vh} .\‘ot‘.’ Illpiii 3am. £5 tL-li. l2 .\l;i_\. l-oi‘tiiiglitl}. (hut-x) chart and tlilllL‘L‘ numbers u ith it good to“ Tits classic llll'tl\\l1 in tor gootl lllt‘;l\tll't‘.
I Peppermint Lounge .ii l’t'ppciiiiiiit l oungt' ltlpiii Kiiii lit-c 1-1 \\t‘t'kl_\ \t‘t' llltl
I Subway West End .tl \tll\\\.t_\ \\L'\l l ntl fit‘lll :.tlll lit't‘ hcloit' ‘lpiii. L l 113' .ittu \\Ct‘l\l_\ \t‘t‘ llltl
I The Subway .it Sulmp
"pill Kim :1 \\t‘t'l\l} St't‘ lhu
I Tasty! .it \1\‘\‘\l ‘lpiii \iiii lit‘t‘ ht'loic llpiii. {I ilit't' to lllt‘llll‘t'l\' .iltt'i \\t‘t‘k|_\ RL'\l\lk'lll Ill l).l\l\l \ play the l‘L'\l lll ll|l\ lioiii Mk to thc pit'wtil tl.i} “till .i ht‘.ilth_\ tloxt‘ ol t‘ht‘t'\_\ t'l.i\\it’\ thiouii iii lot grootl
I Toss the Boss .ii \\ ll} \.»1‘ lllpiil l.tlll '5 iL-l il \ll\'\\\'\l tip» 1" Ha) l'oitiiightl} liit'wit'iit \ttitlt'iit night it'\t'lliii;_' lll t'ht't'xt llll\ throughout lllL‘ )t‘.ll\
Edinburgh Tuesdays
I Lyrics to Go .ii (limit-i \tlllJllt‘ llpiii l.llll l'lk‘t' jtl \l.i) \ii tlllt‘ll iiiikt' hip hop |.iiii \t‘\\ltlll lltl\lk'tl h}
l l\t‘ St‘it'ilt't‘x .iiitl llllx’t-tlh \\ itli tllll‘ .tlltl it'ggat' iii tht' lllllt‘t‘ ltoiii ltt'h} \tltll Hi It
I Motherfunk .il tht‘ llotn‘ttoiiih
Ill itlpiii l.tlll l'lt'k' “ct-kl} \lt'\\l\ (iiiio. ltwi .llltl Spt't‘titiiii lit-.ik tht' liiiik l;iiit.i\tit‘ .it lllt'll \‘tlll\l\lt‘|lll_\ i'.iiiiiilt'tl night ol t'l.i\\it'\ \‘ltl .llltl NC“ I Opal Lounge .Il ()lldl l outnu- ltlpiii Kalli. L3 \\\'t'hl_\ \ iiii\t'tl Imp ol liltikt'tl tip \ot'.il llt‘ll\t‘. Rtkll .llltl t'luxxit‘ tlixt'o lioiii l'ohx S.i|toii\t.i|l
I Punk Ass ;it ()piiiiii llpiii ldlll l'tt‘t', \Vt‘t'kl}. \t‘“ Vlllt' lllL'lllt'l .t\ l).l l’\\.itil} tll\llL'\ otit tht- l‘t‘\l iii ll.lltlt'tllk'. \kutt' giiitl piiiik
I Rhythm! .it .\lootl ‘lpiii l.llll l'lt‘t‘ ht'lott' llpiii; L.‘ ilit't- to lllt‘llll‘t‘l\l illlt'l. \Vt‘t'kl}, .\ \llltltilll llll\ ol R(\'“. hip hop tllltl soul lioiii lt'\ltlt‘lll l).i\ ltl S I Salsa Buena ill [hi \.i .\'.i
lllpiii Mini. l'lt‘t'. \Vt't‘hl} ,l.ll|lt'\ ('oiiihc tSulm Rtiiiiiintit‘a/Salxa Vim/(hill l.;tlllltll iiiitl l..itiii l‘.\[lltl\ltlll \‘tlllll‘lllt' to gixt' )oii .i Illlell of hot \.ll\.l iiiugic' .-\h\o|tltt' lit-piiiiit'i'x \.ll\.l lt‘\\tlll\ h} l.;itiii l'.\[lltl\ltlll lit-tut-t'ii hpiii ‘Ipiii I Switch til (‘gilliitt'l \‘olt.itit'
llpiii lttlll. l‘t‘ct'. li \l.i} \th llllell ot th'tiiil & huss li‘oiii lllt‘ Slintloxtxkill l),|\ illltl .i \tii.ittt'ttiig_' ol gilt-xix. \\llllt‘ tlit' Dropout l).l\ iligiti thc \t't'oiitl room with lllt'll' \t‘lt't‘lltlll ill tllll‘. t'lt't'lttl. lltllht‘ .intl tt‘t‘li ltiiik l’.ii't ol litlllll‘lllleI Rthll. I Vibe .it lzggo. llpiii iiiiii LC. “with. \t‘\\ rid} night \\llll .liiiiit'x l.ong_'\\otth on lllL' tlt‘t‘kx. lllt‘ l).iiit'iii§_' Sttitl \ltilliiix. lllL‘ Singing Hull} lllokt' itlltl tht' \liiiiiii): Nun. l)oii‘t \it} \u' tlitlii‘t \\;tlll )n.
Chart & Party
I Nursery .it (';i\t'titli\li/'l)i\.i
lllptii .lttlll. U it}. lt‘t‘t' \tith Sli4ipt.i\ ht'tot't' iiiitlnight i. \Vt-t-kl}, .\ pl.i} itlt'il loi' ittlllll\ t“ llll t'litlihing: ll.llllL‘\ chi and lllt‘ iii;ilii\ti‘t-;iiii t'hui't ttlltl Rtkli
I Peppermint Lounge ill l’t'ppt'i‘iiiint Lounge, lllpiii .lttlll. I'II'L‘L' L-l, \Vt‘t'lxl}. St't' ll lltl,
I Subway West End til Stilmil} \Vt'st lziitl. 7pm Mini. l'it-t' ht'loi‘t- llpiii. L3 (L3) tillt'ii Wot-kl}. St't‘ 'l lltl.
I The Subway .il Stilmu}.
7pm .lttlll. Ll. \Vt'ckl}. St-t- 'l'hti,
Edinburgh Wednesdays
I Bling zit l’o .\';i .\';i. lllptii Rim l'i‘cc. \VL'L'hl}. l);i\ ltl ('i'uig hi} \ tlU\‘- it tho llllL‘\l Rtle ttlltl hip hop tioin thc l;t\l it‘ll )L'ul‘x.
I Dipt :it \lt'thiigi. lllpiii lillll. Li W: l. Wet-kl}. (‘hilt- utitl l.|ll|L‘ pi‘cxt-iit Illl\ llL'“ night ol lhc ht-xt iii L'ltt\\l( oltl \kool hip hop. ltlnk. soul and Rtkli from \uxt} l’ and P St} 1/. The} ‘rc ttL‘L‘tllllpitlllL‘tl h} hotl} puintt-tl tlétllL'L'I\ ttlltl pcrcuwion C(llllhlllttlltlll that l\ \tlrc to pack a punch.