Film irirlex

City of God 1 IM 0.... I!"Clll.lll\!t\ \lt'ut'llt‘x. lira/1!. .‘lNL‘i !.“)iiiiii 'l'hc iiilt'riiatioiia! icxtiigciit't' ol I aim .'\l!!k'll\'.lll (llk'llld xhoux no xigiix o! xlou iug t|\)\\ll l-ollouiiig (‘t'nlml Still/on. .\niuu'\ I’l’I'IlIL )' In V\Itlllltl [inn/uni ant! \llll’ (jurt'm t'oiiit'x aii t'\|ii|aiatiiig Hid/llldll t!!.l!!l.l. (iii u/ (iml. B.l\t‘\! oii Paulo! iiix'x

\|\l.t\\ ling now! am! xpaiiiung thit-c tlt-t’atlcx. it'x aii CPIL' at‘t‘ouut ol thc giouth ol oigaiiixt‘i! thug tlt'aliiig II! a xltiiii hotixuig pioit't'l. lht- xo t'aIIt't! (it) ol (llN! Ill Rio tlt' Jaiit'iio It 'I_ lat/Hi/iuig/i, It ’I. (Yulrlumk

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind l 15! O... 1(it‘ol’gt' (.ltltlllt‘}. l3". liliii) Saul Rockucll. Div“ l!.lll_\ll!0lt‘. (it-oigt' ('Ioont‘). lliiiiin. (ioi'gt'oux (it-oigt'x thru‘luig th'hul ttiiiix otit to ht- a rcal ticat. Baxt't! oii thc autohiogiaph} ol thc t‘it‘atoi ol xut'h thuiihct! tlo\\ii .-\iiit'i'it'aii gaiiit' \hn\\\ ax I‘lu‘ [hiring (rillllt‘ tuliit'h xpa\\iictl otii‘ o\\ii [ill/til Huh). ('nIi/t'nloui It‘llx thc xtoi} ol (‘hut'k llai‘i'ix. a man \\!10lll\l\l\ hc \xax alxo a ('!.>\ hitiiiaii \xho pt'i‘loiiiit‘t! H axxaxxuiatioiix tor the ['8 gowiiiiiicut. (‘It‘xt-il). ('looiit'} ant! hix \Cl'lP!\\lllt'l' ('hailit' Kaulmaii takt' Baiiix' “UH! “llh a pinch ol xalt. pla) mg the “holc liliii .ix aii otllical. black \‘tilllt‘tly Rock“ k'll.\ iiiipt-ixoiiatioii ol Baiiix ix llllpt‘t't'dhlk‘. \\!!l!t' (‘looiiq giu‘x hiiiixcll a plum t‘aiiico ax .i ga} ('!x\ opci'atnu Silt-t ml It'lt'thC .xilll’llllt'illll (I‘/(I\‘\'Ul|,

The Crocodile Hunter l M ii

0.. Llohii Staiiitoii. :\l!\ll.|!l.l/l '8. 3WD! Stcw !i‘\\iii. BliV/lt‘ Hit-“cit. Sam !"!_\iiii Ulliiiiii. .lohii Staintoii'x t'tiiiict!) atlwntuic pi'cxcn C\ tht' xti‘aightIo caiiit'i‘a tcchiiiquc lioiii tht- .'\uxti'.ihaii‘x high!) xut‘t'cxxlu! \ll!.l!!'\\'lt‘k‘ll tlociiiiicntai'} \t‘iicx 'l‘hix ciiahlt'x thc lai'i'ikui xtai to

‘So bizarre it beggars belief. Gloriously unolassifiable, although you could, at best, use the term “horror musical”.’

Catherine Bromle Happiness of the see Film, page 25

on The atakuris,

28 THE LIST W .. Eli. .‘

(ICIHCl hix uxual ‘t'i'ikq~ xlit'uii lct‘tuit'x on the likt'x ol thc hut! caliiig xpidt'i'x am! the lit-it't' xiialxcx |xit‘|. “Illlk‘ tlt'aluig plauxihl} \\ 1th a xkt'tt‘h) t!l';l!ll.l!l\‘ plot iii\ol\ in): a (’l:\ iiiixxioii to it-t‘owr a \‘l.l\|lk‘(! .'\!!lL‘llt'.lll xatcllilc iii .\'oi‘th ()uct‘iixlaut! am! It“ iii'x allt‘iiipt. along

\i. ith \\ ilt' 'l't'i’i'i. to it‘lot‘atc a t'attlc duouiiug ClUCUtlllk'. \Voi'th tht' IllHllC) iuxl to \t‘t' !l\\|ll tlo hix thing. l‘au' thiiktuii (‘( 1!. (;I(I\L’tlll.

The Damned i lh'r 0.. tl.iic|iiiio VHCUIHI. |ta|}/\\t-xt (it-iiiiaii}. tum; Dirk Bogaitlc. liigiii! ’l'huliii. (’hai'lotlt‘ Raiiiphiig. Hk‘llllll! Ht-i'gt'i. lo-liiiiii. \‘ng'ollll.\ tllaxxtu‘ ltL'\t‘ii on lhc ll\t‘ o! Na/ixiii iii \(lx (ici’iiiaii) \ ii'luall} tlt'liut'x hix lalct'. operatic xl) lc. lit-autilull} t'oiiipoxnl throughout but \t'i'} xlou-

lllU\ iiig. thix xaga ol an iiithixti‘ial t!)iiaxt_\ giathialh hciiig U\ cmht-liiit't! h}. itx U\\ll tlct‘atlt‘iiu' hoaxtx high!) iiupi‘cxxiw xcqucut‘t'x likt‘ llic Night ol thc Long Knin iiiaxxat'i't'. hut ix liiiall} luxt too laiiguoi'on loi’ ttx U\\ll good. l-ilni/mmt'. Iii/Inlmrgli,

Darkness Falls l lit 0..

l.!Ull.ll!l;lll lllk‘hkNllltlll. l‘S. lellii ('hanc} ch}. !'.lllll!.l (Kitillicld. (ii'aiit l’ii'o, 35min! It \xax on!) a iiiattt'i' o! lllllL‘ hclot‘c th' 'l'ooth l".lll"\ poppct! up iii a hUll‘Ul ll!U\ lk‘. :\ kind!) oltl \xoiiiaii hangu! IS“ )cai'x ago altci' hciiig \\ i'oiig!) acctixt't! o! L'!!!!(! iiiiiitlt-i i't'tuiiix poxt-iuoi'tcni to pcti'il} lhc kitlx ol xiiiall !U\\ll Darkiicxx !-'a!|x oii thi- night thc) onc thc laxt ol that milk tct-th. !‘irxt~tuiic thru‘toi licht'xiiian \\l\L‘!_\ kccpx thiiigx xiiiiplt- iixiiig thc pla) of light and xhatltm to lit-ightcn tcnxioii in a xt_\ IL' iciiiiiiixt‘ciit ol thc I‘M: L'!£l\\l( (til I’l'l’l’ll' .\ii cllt't'tiw. i! pi'uhylahlt' L‘hllk'l' \taii'uig Hui/i icgulai' (‘aullichl Scc

lt‘\ IL'“ (it"lt‘ltl/ I't'lt'ilu'.

Death in Venice t Ht 000

1!.uchiiio \‘ixt'oiiti. Ital}. W"! ! Duk Bogai’th'. “In!!! .-\iit!i'cxxt'n. Si|\aiio .\!aiigano IIHiiiiii Agcing t't'lchi’atm! ((‘lllptHL‘l \oii J\ll\\'k‘ll!‘.!(!l lthc capahlt'.

xlightl_\ mixcaxt Bogartlt‘i L‘Ulllk'\ to \t'iiiu‘

iii tht- iiiidxt ol a \‘lC.lll\C t'l'l\l\ .iiit! hu'oiiicx Iiilatuatct! \Hl!) a titanium! l’olixh ho} \xho t'iiihotht'x tht' kuit! o! [‘!l_\\l(.l! aiitl xpii'itual punt} hc'x hccn looking loi' iii hix uoi'k High!) ilct‘oi‘atiw attcuipt at thc unt'ihiiahlc. though the iixc ol Mahlci‘x l-ilth S§lllphnll} ix high!) allcctiiig. (ti/nut it I‘l/Ill/ll'llu'. Int/Hi/nuuli.

Divided we Fall ! l_‘i 0.. Man Hi'chcik. (‘lct'h chuhhc. It”)! Holt-xlax

, , ' /',‘ -. " Denzel Washington makes his directorial debut with Antwone Fisher

|’o!i\ka. :\iiiia Sikaa. (\Ullg'nl Kaxxai II iiiiiii (Vet‘h hlat‘k t‘oiuctl} that !l;tl!\\ hack In lht‘ gout! Uh! t!.‘l_\ \ U! .\!I!U\ l'oi‘iiiaii'x .\ I-irt'niim ‘\ [full and Jiii \1t'ti/t'l‘x (You-Ii ()l’\t’l'l('t/ Inum \a/t hclt! (‘Ict‘hoxlmakia ix a xtiaugt' platt' to ht‘ t'xpct'iall) il _\ou talxt' ui Iodgt‘ix ('unit'u. Izt/In/rmgli,

Documentary and Non-Fiction ICC” tht'i t\'.ii'ioux. l'K/ltal}. lell‘sl U‘hiiui. Sk'lt‘t‘llttl! ol liliux x|io\\t'axiiig l!L'\\ \\Ul'!\. (lllillt‘t! h} Luca \loxxo. liliii (llllt' at [.41 [iv/ml)!“ it new xpapci. I’ait ol tht' St‘aiiihiat't' xt'axoii o! Scottixli/Itahaii ltixioii ol lllll\l(. liliii ant! tht-atit- (‘( 2!. (i/rngnii.

Dogtown and Z-Boys I IS» .000. tStat'} l’t‘i'lata. IS. 20!)! ! X‘hiiiii, \Vhat malwx Domini/i (I’ll, /-/i’m \ xo dcxpci'atcl} muting" !t ix a tlocuiiit-iitai') lt'atuic. out that lt.‘l(!\\ mg kg) vwiitx that lL't! lo lllk' hlt‘lh U! th‘ Ito“ tthtqulloltx ‘iiiodci'ii \citit‘al' oi‘ ‘wi‘t' xl} lc ol xkatchoai'thiig. .\!a_\hc it'x the \\.i} tliat thiu‘toi' and original {Bo}. l’ci'alta cutx togcthcr xlill photogi'aphx. \ iiitagc liliii lootagc and llL'\\ intcn icu IIIJIL'lld! to loiiii a lhiit! aiit! \ihiaiit iiai‘iatiw. .\1QI_\!X‘ l!.\ lht' le'kr;l\\ punk tuck \Utltlilllttt'k lcatui‘iiig lht' likcx ol Igg) am! ‘l‘hc Stoogtx Jiiiii Hciitlm ant! l.k‘(! lt‘ppt-liii that piiiit'tuatt'x tht- xtoi'). gi\ iiig ciici'g} and tau ptm vi to thc In“ «lung: xlxalc

\l} IC o! lht' [-Ho)\. ll (HUM. him t'\ m. ht- that “Huron/t [wilt-cl!) \‘.l[‘llll'L‘\ thc tut-Ix- oll-aiiiI-thc attitudt' that pi'opcllct! m clw kitlx li'oiii lhl' \ii‘oiig xitlt- ol to“ ii 1”!“th public C(tl!\L'lUll\llC\\. (’( El. (i/mgmi. Donnie Darko l til 0... tRicliaul Kt'll). IN. 21)”)! Jakt' (i) Ilciihaal. Dru-u. liai‘i‘yiioic. Patrick Sua} IL‘ I l iiiiiii. Kcll} ‘x tit-hut lcattii'c ix a IllL‘\lllL‘l’l\lll}_‘ xt'iciit'c “(Hull talilc that piixhcx thc t'oiict-pt ol L‘lllk'llldllL' lllllt‘ trawl iiito a \xholc tic“ dinicnxioli Itx xoiiinaiiihulaiit lCL‘ltttgt' [tl‘iilagonlxl \k'L‘|!!\ li) xllp ttllU .t paiallt'! iiimcixc. \xht'i‘c a giant tlciiioiiic iahhu (allcd l'i'aiilx proclaiiiix that th' \xoilt! \xi!| cut! iii 28 t!.i}x. (i hourx. ~13 iiiiiiutcx and II \Ck'llllt!\. Sct iii IUXX. thix gciiic hciithiig liliii ix iiot oii!_\ an iiiliigiiiiig iiictlitatioii on lllllC trawl am! a du'pl) thxlui‘huig hoiioi lllU\lC. it ix alxo a John I!tig!it'x-xt}!t' (Ullllllg»()lrtlgc llltnlL' am! a black t'oiiiit~ xatii‘c on Rcagaiiitc gi‘cctl. iiithuthiahxiii and ('hrixtiaii lllllt!.l!llL'lll.l!l\lll ('tmit'u. lzt/ui/uu'gli. Dreamcatcher l Iii 000

llaui'cncc Kaxtlaii. 18. 2M”! 'I‘hoiiiax Janc. Morgan l'lL‘L'lIlJll. Jaxon |.cc.

l zhiiiiii Iii thix .tt!.|!‘l.lll\‘ll ol \tcphcu kl!lf_‘\ now! l)’( um. in I. loui \hlldhl‘l‘t! liit'iitlx tau it'atl lllll!\!\ am! we iiito thc lutuit‘. giltx gixcii to tht-iii !u .i iiiixtt‘iioux l‘ox \ .iHct! l)l!\!\!!!\ (hil\

uhcu lhk' xtalc ol \laiut‘ ix 'hicalcun! !\\ iiiahgii .t!l\‘ll\ .I!!\! a xilli xu!‘ plot iii\o!\iiig a bank ol \\l!!\ !\ct\\t-cu .uun hob l‘lL‘CllLlll am! [out \i/t‘iiioic \l|‘ tht' !\i\§x xuuiiiioii tht‘u tollcttiw Pt‘\\t'l\ JIM! l!l\\.lll.lllt‘\l! ll‘!\\'"\‘lll\‘!!\1\~\“l‘\l!!}‘ tht' l‘aith ll'x tomolutct! king xoui‘. xliaiuci! .llhl win-t! hx xt tt't'imiilt‘t

\\ illiaiii (iohhiiaii .lllt! thin toi lxaxtlaii (ailllallllllg' \Ulllk‘ tiu!_\ lk'lll!\ iiig \\\'!!\'\ thc iiiaioiit} ol “huh l!l\i'!\\‘ \lllll\ \xoiui \lk'.lll!lk'\ \\ll!l io\\x upoii io\\x ol ia/oi \!!.l![‘ lllx'l\i\l\ tht' liliii. lli‘\\\‘\k'l. .ix a “htllt‘ !.l\'h\ l‘llk' (it I.‘( hill ’4 [i «Mi Escape from Tibetil'ti. Auk (tit-i. l!\. 31!”! i \liii tlit Iht‘ \\\‘!l.|!!\! lilwl '\\\U\’l.l!l\'ll JIM! !’\!l!!!‘l!l}f!!l iii\t'ixit§ 'I'ihct Souvti atc hoxtiiig thix \\ it't'iiiug' ol a [N‘\\k'l!lll dot iiiut-iilai} about tht- pciiloux t'xt‘apt' lioui ('liiiicxt- oppit'xxioii lht' liliii lolloux t\\o it'lugt‘t'x. I" Man \'|\! l’.ixaii_:'

!i_\ a group ol Iiht'taii it'lugccx

.lllt! !! _\\'.l! Uli! It'll/Ht. .I\Ii\\\ lllt' Hillia!.i_\ax ui tht-ii lhght iii t’t'lchiatioii ol tht-l K Honit' ( )llitt"x “k‘lkt‘lllk' dt't‘ixioii to j.‘!l [ht‘ !\o_\x iight

llll' \\ It't'uuig.‘ ix

to tt'iiiaiii ui lhilaui l’axaiig .Ilh! lht‘ liliii‘x t!ll\'\’li\l \lt'h (in? \\l!! "C .t! !!l\‘ xt‘icciuiig to talk ahout tht- liliii .llltl tht' ixxut'x it iaixt'x St't‘ Rough \ utx (it iii-gt .Xt/utm Illi'tllll'. liliii/Hugh

Evelyn I!’(ii . iHiutt' “t'lt‘\!ult!. l'K. 3W!!! l'lt‘ltt' “lintlall. :\lt!.lll ()uiuii. .luliaiiiia \laigulit-x ‘Hiiiiii Hioxiiaii hax lakt'ii tiiut' oll lloui xiii t!lillt‘\ ax pukka Iiiiglixh agcnl .Iaiiit'x Bond to gt't iii tout‘h \\llll liix Iiixh ioon “I!!! thix t'oiiit'i!) t!l.llll.l xt-t iii IUMK !)u!iliii Spoiling !!l|\’k xluhhlt' .lllt! t'wii thickt'i hiogut'. hc p!a_\x \\Hl!\lll_‘.,' t‘laxx latht'i ant! xiiiglt' PJICIH Ht'xiiioiit! Ho) Ic. \\ ho ix allt'iiiptiug to gt-t hix thit't' t'hilthcu hack lioiu lht' oiphaiiagt-x thv xtatt‘ hax caxt thcui into :\|l!toug!l I \t‘/\Il ix haxt'tl on a liuc. giouiitlhit'akiug It‘},'.|l t'axi‘. out that pt-iiiiaiit-iitl) t haugct! liixh la“. aliuoxt C\Cl_\l|llllj._‘ ahout tht- liliii ix hlaiiic) No oiit' t'iiit-igcx lioui thix lai'iago \xith llll!\'!l t‘lt'ilit Shunt ll\( (.llll’lllll, (’mil/irli/gt:

Everestil'i i\'aiioiix. l'S. .‘lillli Mm thtz ‘l‘ht' tiiic xloi} ol a tcaiii ol t liiiiht-ix \xho xut't‘cxxlull} t'liiiiht't! Mount l'.\k‘l('\l |ll\l tla)x allt'i' lcllmx ll!|>ll|ll.’tll!t‘t'l\ .iiit! lllt‘tltlx (!!L't! l!lt'tc /.U.\.\'. (iltnurm Extreme Ops l !.‘.:\i i( ‘hiixtiaii Hugua}. [8. 2””! |)c\oii Sana. Rupt-il (il.t\t'\. Rulux Sun-ll ‘) huui lht! ton know that xoiiicluut‘x iii llt\|!}\\llllt! liliiix art- iiiath- h} t'oiiihiiiiiig t'lciiiciitx o!

pm touxl} \llk'k'k‘\\lll! tiliiix \o \Vt'll. Iziln'nit- ()pi t'oiiihiiicx lht‘ mitt-inc xpoitx xtuiitt'i‘} ol t.\'i “I!!! lllL' (hit) rout-ii lL‘i'I'orle \Illaitiat’) o! (.Illltlll'ltl/ Uri/mm \Vhat happcnx. xt'c. ix a hlllth ol \‘\!!L'!llt‘ xpoitx dudcx .it‘t'itlciilall} (!I\!lllh a St'ihiau \xai L'lllllllldl hithiig iii hix Iiiountaui Iaii 'l'ht' had iiiaii gin-x t haxt' ant! xkuiig. \ltli‘.\l\ii.|lt|lll_‘..'. \k) (hung. \xhitc \xalt'i iattiiig. hcht‘oplux. iiiiitiiit'}t'|t'x ant! haxt' itiuipiiig attiou t'iixucx. at length St't' lt'\ it-u .Xt-lu Iu/ H'll'llH'

Far from Heaven 1 DA» 000. t'l'otlt! H;l}llt'\. l'S. liliii) Juliaiiiic Mooic. [)L‘lllll\ ()uaitL !)t'uiiix lla}x!it'it lll7iiiiii. Iii xt} It and t‘oiitcnl. I'd-\HKW' liliii iiitciitioiiall} icxciuhlt-x tht- tt'ailul iiiclothaiiiax iiiatlc h} l)oiig!ax ~\iik iii lht- WSllx, Iii thcxt' ll!!ll\_ rt-putalioii talxt'x pl't'u't‘th‘lltt' o\ C! t-iiiotioii ant! lt't-hiigx ol low arc (Ull\L'(lllL'llll_\ xtaiiipt't! oiil h} thc critical iiioiahxiiig ol li‘it-iitlx ant! !.Ill!l!_\ Such ix tht' L'.l\t' iii !!.i)iit-x' hoiiiagt- \xhcii ('ath} iMoort-i ant! l‘iaiik i(.)ii.iii!i lint! tht'iiixclxcx tcniptct! h} toi‘hidilt'u li'uit iii thcu' particular (iartlcii ol Izdt'u !!a_\iicx tixcx th xcciiiiiig iiiiiot't-iicc o! tht- Sllx to uploi'c a ltiplL'JH} it'xoiiaiil lht-iut- ol hou pcoplc arc rcxtiit'tu! h) \C\l\l and “KM! higotr} iii a L'Iiuialt' ol coiiiplaccut \lithlhl-M A liliii ot git-at tlcpth and lt‘agcd}. (iIV'I. (i/uiguii, ('mmw, l’.t/!Il/)lll'g'/I.