Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

About Schmidt I<I O... l.'\lk'\.lll(lk‘l l’a_\ “(X l '8. 31M i I ,l.l\ k

\tt llolxott. Kath} llalt‘x llItt‘t' Max |\ ll-IIIIIII l’IIttIII_~.' .l\l(lt' all Milt”), aIIIl (“hm-any lll\ lallct \lllllk' .IIIIl ou‘luov. an hIIIj.'. \M holxon (lllllllll.llt‘\ (\t'l} ll.llllk‘ ol llll\ hlcak IIIIIIt‘Il} ahout a Icu‘IItl} II-tIII-Il lll\l!l.tlltt‘ aIlIIIIIII\tI.ItoI on a \lll\\ IoIIIItI} IIIl}\\c} \\ hr [L'\l\ll\ lllk‘ plaII-x ol lll\ Lllll(lll(HNl. \\aIII'II \IhIIIIIlt Ihxt‘owrx that lllk' that: ol lll\ lIo/I-II lIIIIIIaII llt'dll l\ \Hllllllhk'tl. IIlw lll\ IIath \I-hraxka. IIontl} ol llat. t'IIIpt} \pau'x 'llll\ l\ \II‘lIolonI'x lIlIII. hut kIIIlm I\ alw IlIII' to thc (Ullllllllk'tl IlIIu'tIoII aIIIl \IIhtl} I'IIIIIII' Ul‘\t'l\.tllttll\ ol l’a}IIr aIIIl ll|\ \I'IIptIIIj; paItIII‘I Illlll la}loI. uho

pit-x Iouxl} I'ollahoIatI'Il oII thc \ lll_L'll \I'hool k'lllllt'tl) l./(( Hon I (i(' II'I'II/II'II XIII rt. (Mummy 1 ('1'. [IlIII/IIH'QII

O The ActorsIIir oooo ((attlut \lI'l’ht-Ixon. lrclaIIIl. .‘UUZI \lII'hacl (\IIIIc. l)_\|aII .\loIaII. .\lIIatIIla RII'IIaIIlmII ‘)(IIIIIII 'lIIIII'x .III' haIIl loI ()' .\la|lt'_\ 1(‘aIIIt-I aIIIl 'l'oIIIIII} I_\loIaII I. No \tIugglIII): at‘totx \\oIl\III;; on a I‘aIIleIat'HC l)uhlIII [llfltlllt‘lltlll ol II’II lltlll/ ///. (lltanx L'tl\ttt‘\ .lllk'l ().I\lallt'_\

com Inu'x 'l'oIIIIII}. aII appaIcIItl) ltopclc\\ gtt‘lttl. III \yam \Htllt' lttt‘ttl gangflt‘tx ll} mutating; tthI III)\th'Iou\ k'lL'tlllUl aIIIl Intcru-ptIIIg thc lL'PJ) IIII'IIt ol a loan llaxul on .I \tot) h) \I'Il Jordan I ll](' (rung (iunII'I. lhtx latctx‘al. lt‘clgootl capcr o\\t'\ lunch to

pla} \xI‘Ilet/xt‘rvcn“I'III'I/Ilut't‘tor \lt'l’thonI. \xho \lll“ Cll\ thc tum-nu“ pothItIal “llll hI‘IllIaIItl} IIIIIlt-I'xtatul humour. .-\IIII thctv'x an .lxlUllhllllljJ pL'I'l'oI‘IIIaIIL'c lroIII \taIIIl up \‘oIIIII‘ .\loIaII SCL' t't'\ It“. NI’IH IH/ I't'lt'rlu'. Adaptation. I ISI 0.. ISpIkI- .lUll/t‘. 1'8. 300‘) Ntt‘olax ('agc. .\lct_\| Strt't'p. (‘hrIx (‘oopctp I HIIIIII 'l'hc (U t‘t‘catotx ol IiI'utu .lulI/I VII/Am II /I_ \xrttct (‘harhc KaulIIIaII .IIIIl tlllL‘t‘lUl .lUll/L'. “Ulllkl haw ux lwlIt-w llll\ \tor) ol KaulIIIaII'x L‘llnll\ to adapt Sttxan ()IlI-aII'x popular llUll’llt'llUll hook I’III- ()II [III] I’IIII'I to lw true. ()1 (ourxc. It‘x an clahoratc prank; tlIv llll\ ol lac: aIIIl lII'tIIIII. rcal INC and rccl lllt‘ IIIakcx loI a conxolutctl L'Ulllllltll'lllll. But \‘lt'\t'l clcwr ax Kaultnart‘x \Cl'lpl l\. It lackx thI- [ll.l)llllllt'\\ that IIIaIlc thc IIIIIIIl hI-IIIlIng .lIII/LIII II II \uch a lo). .-\IIIl llllt‘HlHL'llllHlMl ax thc plot l\. It qurckl} hccotnvx pruhctahlc. lIoIIIt'all} cnough loI a llllll \n olm‘xxctl \\llll plot, thc \taIIIlotIt cchIIcIIt l\ a pcI'lorIIIaIIcc. a I‘cIIIaI'kahlc onI.‘ h} thc grcatl} tIIIIlcnalucIl ('oopcr ax thc cntgntatu~ Iarc llIm L-I' collcclor. (II/nut. lit/utlturqlr.

Aliens IS) 0.... l.l.tlllt‘\ (‘aIIIcIoIL l'S. Wh‘m SIgoIII'IIC} \Vcawr. \ltvhavl BIclIII l V‘llllll. RC\I\L'(l lI'oIII a 57V.” \lltm/L‘ Ill \lL'CP \Pat‘t‘. \Vat'l'altl ()lllt'L‘l “an or I\ carolul IIIto IoIIIIng .I IIIaI'IIIc l'k'\(llt‘ ltll\\lUll to thc planct that l\ lIoIIIc loI' thc ortgrnal ahcn l‘t'thllt‘. l'III‘clcntmgl} pact-I1 \\ Ith a tI'I‘I'IlIt‘.Ill} gutx} pct'lormanu' lI'oIII \\'ca\cr. llll\ ncn ("\lll‘L'tltllll‘L' \cqucl not Ulll} lll.ll(llt'\ ll\ pt‘t‘tlt‘t‘cxxut' l‘ttl (ttltltll) \lll'p.t\\c\ H. .-\II ()xcar \\ Inncr l'or \pcctal cllu'tx. ()I/I'Irn It! IIII' an. (i/Inuuu.

Check out the great



Antwone FisherI IN 000

ll)k'll/Cl \\a\hIII;.'toII. l \. .THHII l)L'l\'l\ lula'. l)\'ll/t'l \\a\|IIII;'toII ll ‘IIIIII HIM \\a\hIII_L'toII (how \lll\\Hll\‘ I I\ht-I\ autohIog'taphItal lllt‘lllHll lot hrx lllle'lUllJl Ilchut I\ .III I‘\tI.II>rIlIII.II} \toI} l‘l\ll\‘l \\a\ \\oIkIII;: III tlII' \IIII} \tIIIlIo'x Ittlt \hop \\ll\'ll lltc ( )\\'.ll \\ IIIIIIII;' at toI t'tllllllllllk‘tl lIIIIIxcll to lk‘lllll}‘ llll\ ll.llltl\\lll_‘._' lIIIt tIltIIIIatcl} IIII' .IllIIIIIIII;: \tot} ol \lll\l\.tl \haIIIloIII'Il h} lll\ IIIothct to thc (arc ol a lll\lL'l hoIIII'. \\|Icrc hI' \ullI-Ictl )carx ol ph_\ \Ital. lllt'llldl .IIIIl \I~\ual alum: l‘l\ll\‘l I'IIIlI-Il IIp III lllk'l S \a\'\ llcrc III" loIIIIIl a \uIonatI' laIIII|_\. hut lll\ lllllt‘\\'l\t'tl pa\t lllt'dlll that llt' \\a\ al\\a_\\ III llt'lll‘lt'. IIontl) loI llt'lllllltf \uth a \II-I). III \thI h a \)lll|‘.llllt‘llt‘ \llHlllx llk'l|‘\ a )I-IIIIfn Nat k IIIaII (Ulllk' to tI'IIII~ \\llll thI' \ll.tlll\' .lll\l aIIpcI t‘ll},‘\'ll\lt'lt‘tl h} a I‘IIII-l I'IIIIIlIIooIl. could c.I\Il_\ haw lwcn II'IluI'I'Il to I\

IIon lk' [ll.llllll\lt‘\ \\a\hIII;_'toII\ lt'\ll.llll\‘\l IlIIcctIoII. human. I\ IaIIIlIIl hut ll\‘\\‘l L‘\[‘l(‘ll.lll\k'. lll\]‘ hut ll\'\\'l \t'lllllllk‘llldl SI'I' l\‘\ lt‘\\ \. /I I II I! II [I “II L’Auberge Espanole (Pot Luck)

I l5t O. I( 'I-IlIII‘ klapruh. l‘IaIIu'. lelllt RoIIIaIII l)llll\. ,llltlllll (llHllL'k hI'. '\ll\llt'-\ 'latItoII llllll .\a\IcI cu‘hangacx \tIIIlI‘IIt hlc. lll\

IIHIIIIII lII lltl\ ch~l;.'IIIIIl

gIIllIII'IIIl aIIIl lll\ laIIIIl} loI thc t‘IIaIIII- to lcaIII Spatthh aIIIl ll\k‘ III Hatt'clona aIIIl lt‘\'t‘ll\ltlt'l\ lll\ [‘llt‘llllL'\. IIIlIuI'IIII'Il h} lll\ llt‘“ I~\pI'IIcIIt'I-\ and thc \lll\l\'lll\ lII' \haIc\ lll\ III'\\ apaItIIII-III \\ Ith (II /. (i/It'xg'uu. ll/lH/II'HH. I IlIII/IIIIg/I Between Reality and Fiction not [I‘m I\aIIotI\.l K Ital}. Illllil l 1|IIIIII Sclcctlon ol llllll\ \ll\‘\\\.l\lll_‘.' llt'\\ \kI'll.. t'uratul l\_\ I ma \lmw. llllll \llll\ at It; /\'I/Iu/I/II II llt‘\\\p.t[‘t'l l’aIt ol thc Scarnhtat'c \CJMIH ol \ottlxh ItalIaII lll\lUll ol lllll\lt‘. lIIIII .lll\l lllL'.lllL' \I'I‘

lk'\ 1C“ .\('/(t!u/ ’(/((1\l

Big Wednesday I t’( o O... I totm \lIlqu. l8. I‘VM \\ llll.tlll Katt. (LII) lluw}. .l.tll \ltchacl \ llltclll lIHIIIIII lx’I' I‘clcaw ol .\lIhtI\‘ .IIItohIIIgraphtt‘al \lll'lllly IIonIc. “huh lolloux thc hxm ol thrcv l‘ll\l\llC\ who; through thc NR and call} “(h on thc t’tcxt ol a “aw 'l ltc Ilttu‘tor\ lll\t\l auIlIcIIt'c IIII'IIIll_\ \IoIk ha\ gatlIcIt-Il \Ulllt‘llllll}: ol a \ IIlt rcputatIoII ht-Ir‘x _\otII changc to «w It .I\ It \\a\ otrgrttall} IIIthIIchl ('( \_ (it'mgnm

~r t':

Michael Caine and Dylan Moran attempt to

The Blue Room III'It tlu '\.tIlI'll\.

l K. .‘lllll I \lIII tlu \II \’\\’lllllj.' ol \llUll llllll\ l\'\ ll\'\'~ .IIIIl I'xtahhxhnl lot .Il\\‘l\. ll‘lll'\'.\'\l h} Ihxt ll\\lttll\ ol \\ltal _\IItI'\I~ \I'I‘II ll \IIII \xarrt _\oIII lIlIII to hc \l‘ll\l\l\'l\'\l lot lllllllt' g'.ItlII'IIII;'\. thI‘II \k'lltl a \ ll\ top} to | IlIII \IIII \ IIlI~II \\\\'\\ ( ‘I‘IIttt‘. .“a \ottth \M‘xl llll\ll\' \tII'I‘t I am: lltlllll‘lllt'lL I ll.‘ ll \\.III\.I1| “I ll 3.?" “If.” (ill/14 I», III"II:/'III::/I Bowling for Columbine I IN '\ll\ll.l\‘l \ltttllt‘.l \‘ A‘llll_‘l ll‘lIIIIII lllk' all \ oIIIItII‘IIIIj.‘ \looIc a\l\\ llll\ \lllt‘\llllll ahout \lllt‘lh a '\II‘ \'.I' a IIattotI ol j.'tIII lllll\ ' ( )I arc \w luxt lltll\' l’Io\ol_cIl h} tlII- \'\\'lll\ ol .‘ll \pIIl l‘t‘l‘l. thI' Il.I§ llllllk‘k'll pI-oplt‘ \M‘II‘ \lll‘l IlvaIl M No puprlx at ('oltIIIIhIIII' lle.'|I \t hool III lllllt‘ltlll. ('oloIaIlo and thc Ila) tht~ l \ \oIIIlIIttt‘Il ll\ l.II}.'c\t hoIIIimtz' attIoII III tlII‘ l\o\o\aII \\.II. thc llltllll\lll‘.\‘\t'l aIIIl lt'llt‘\\ll\‘\l \atIIIxt lHHl\\ lat aIIIl \\ IIlt' to haul to 11nd thc .tll\\‘-\'l\ to \oIIIc pII‘tt) tottg'h \|l|\‘\ll|'ll\ ()II my \‘..I_\ hc lllk‘k'l\ ( ioth Iot k ltg'IIII‘ht-atl \laII|_\II \lanonI. lllt‘llll‘t‘l\ III lllk' \lII hI-.'.III \lIIItIa \Iho arrow that 'lwIIIy .lllllt'tl I\ an \IIII‘IIIaII lt‘\[\t\ll\ll‘llll_\ '. .IIIIl lllt.tll\ IthI'III pII'xIIlI‘IIt ol thI' \l\' \. ('haIltoII llk‘\lltll .\Hlltt‘ IIIa} lIIIIl lll\ \thk tat ttt \ aIIIl ll\\' ol \l.lll\ hIIIIIotII II'pII'lIcIIthlc. hIIt ax tht‘ .‘ll \pIIl I‘N‘l \houI-Il. IlI-xpvratt- lllllt‘\ tall loI IlI-pr'IatI~ lllt‘.t\lllt'\ (M. on tI’.’ 7/11 (JHIIM (rI’I.'\‘.fI“.'.

The Breakfast Club IN .00 IlohII IlIII'lII-\,l \. l‘lN‘I l tIIIlIII l,\tt'\I'/. \ll} \hcctl}. .lIIIlIl \t'lv'll. \lo|l_\ lx’III_-_'\|.altl ‘Y'IIIIII lhI' llllll that hI'IpI-Il l.lllll\ll thc lltat l’atk. \thth .IIII‘t a \Itllll‘lllllk'lll ll‘-\‘ \IIIcIItaII tI'cIIaz'I‘Ix punk. «not. [till taxt'. I‘tt \pI-IIIl a \attIIIla} althIIooII III \Ihool \lk'lk'llllltll‘ \‘-ll\'l\‘ thc) ;.'I~ thIottjgh a llll‘.tl hoIIIlIII;' (\l‘k'llk‘lhk' \xhtlc \pI-\I.III;' all lll.tllll\'l ol tI-I'II aIIggxt It\ all III_\ paIuIIh latIlt .IIIIl l‘lllk'l IIlIl tltt'xttttth (Iumu II."II:/)Iu://I Bulletproof Monk t.‘ \I O

Il’atIl lllllllx‘l.l \. .‘lNHM'hov. \IIII lat. \k‘alll] \\ IllIaIII \ott. lxarcl l\)l'\lt'll lll‘IIIIII l'thIIall} _\otIII_-,' hut IlnIIlI'Ill} onxl} lIhutaII tIIotIk \IIII lat l\ tt'atIII'Il \xIth totlx}. thtxcl IauI'Il \I-‘J. \otlt llllt‘l \kl‘ll logcthct thy} ltlll\l Imoch thc \Ioll ol thul llllll.llt‘.\\llltl1\1'lllt'l\ .Ilmtltttu PUV-t'l oII uhocu‘r lk'.l\l\ ll. lIoIII .I;_'I'III;_' \a/I \lll.ttl1 Karol RoIlI'II \lklk'tl

out-thesp one another in The Actors

hx llI-Ilz' l\oII-.' lI;.'ht \ hIIII'og'IaphI‘Ix. I'\

\t'llllllt'lx l.ll\ IlIII'I tIII llIIIItI'I \taz'm thv

IIIIIIIl IIIIIIIl\III;' lat L .l\\ at III-II \‘.llll

\‘Illllll\l.|\lll, ltut Il'x |u\t .IIIolht‘t I l.t\\.

hall .ll\\'\l .IttI'IIIpt to lll\\' IIIIIIchII

\lllt'llill ltIIIlI|\ lIIIIlIl\ lIutIIotII \xtth

.lll\ lt'lll l .l\lt'lll lll\ \tIt l\lll (i. III m/

Chicago I II‘ \I 0.. IRIIII

\l.It\ll.tll_l \. .‘JHL‘I lx’I'IIIII' /I'll‘.I.I‘_~.'I'I.

('atht'IIIII' /I'ta lI‘llt‘\ lx’II haIIl ( iI‘tI‘

ll‘IIIIII \\ll.tll"\ IIIII;' .maItI'Il \\lk'\'ll

aIlaplatIoII III lllk‘ \ I-II'hIatI'Il lllll\l\ a|

(\I‘lI'IltW I'll lII lllt' \ll\t'l \\ lk'k'llt lHllI'\‘.lllf.'

thc I'\ploItx IIl tun lllllltlt‘ltllh |a// hahIIw l\)ll“.lk‘ ll.llll/Cll\‘.\‘1't'll.tlltl\('llll-l

l\t‘ll_‘. l/t’la lHllt‘\'

l.l\\_‘.'t’lt llIll_\ ll}tllt I( iI-II'I \louIIII'

aIIIl tlII'II \lk'lt'llt v

Itctxu't'n thv lk'.llll_\ III l’IohIltItIIIII I'Ia (.lllk .I;'II and thc IIItI'IIoI l.llll.t\\ \‘Illlltl ol lx’IIxIt' ll.tll_ \‘-llt‘l(' cat h I ll-tl-lt tI'I l‘k'tl‘lllk'\ an all \III;'III;'. all \l.lll\ III;' Illl\‘.t'lll|)ll\\'. \larxhall \lallull} \IIIII'I‘Ih III a potI‘IItIalh Pl“l‘lk’lll.ll|\ \lach' to

\I lk't'll .IIlaptatIoII lat ltllljf I'IIIIII;'lI \.I\\ and \I-\IIal IIIIIIII'IIIIII_ ( .I/IIIII I llll\ aIII't. l\t1l( I'IIIII'W'lltlllt'lltt'lt'\\tlttt‘\llhlkx‘lt' thI' \l.l_‘.‘k' Illll\l\.tl and thc Ila//lIIIj._' \ItalIU ot thv l‘ll\lllt‘\\ lJltVfl-ll ax \hov. Hum/III:




Chicago(12A) a»; " " 10:" : r-. / 3m ‘.'/' /',L" '.l'.'. Frida (15) '12:," Th Hours(12A) ,:/:,.- " " :04" i 05:," *3 / 50.9"

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

-.. . THE LIST 27