I Sophie Bancroft Quartet

Ilcnr) 's Ja// (‘eIIar. S Morrison Street. 46' 5200. S. iliprn. £6. Vocalist Bancroit subtl} \s eas es toll. arid ia/I milucnccs into a 1111\ oi standards arid contemporar} numbers.

I Lazy Bones IIuman Be-ln. 2 S West (‘r‘rissc‘;itist-\s;i}. 662 SS60. 9pm. I-ree. Ja/I standards and sssing \ocals irorn iliis guitar. sas and meal Irit).

Saturday 1 9


I Organomoaly Brel. 3*) 43 .-\shtoti lane. 342 4966, 3pm. I‘ree. I-unk} gt‘oo\cs underpin hard so mgmg beats \\ ith that classic organ sound.


I Rumba Caliente llents's Ja// (t‘llat‘. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. Midnight. £5. Sis-piece band led b} Salsa ('eluca trumpeter Iob} Shippc}. prmiding tiic iiriest in Iiot I.atin sounds.

0 Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra IIenr) 's Jal/ ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S30pm. £7. See IIII I.IsI. IL'II.

I Kim Proven Trio at) Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 2265097. 0pm. I‘ree. lias} listening standards. suing. trad. blues and rag from this \ocal led “to.


I Hotclub ('ale (‘ossachok Riissian ('tiltur'al ('entre. 10 King Street. 555 0733. S50pm. £5 t£3i Nigel ('Iark lguitarl and Meg I’onomarei r\ iolini perl'orm a tribute to the masters oi stringed jail I)~iango Reinhardt and Stepharie (irappelli.


I Warren Vache and Brian Kellock IIenr} 's Jan (‘el|ar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S.30pin. £7. See Wed I6.

I Bill Kyle’s Usual Suspects lItiman Be-ln. 2 S West (‘rosscausexsay 662 SS60. t)pm. I-‘ree. See Sun 13.

Wednesday 23


I Steve Kettley’s Odd Times 'i‘ron Theatre. 63 'I‘rongaie. 552 4267. Spiti. £6 i£4i. Jan-based performance \sith strong “odd and ()riental-influenced tunes b} this sa\ophoriist/ilautist/composer's band. I Three Candiru 'I'ehai-Usna. 42 “(ago Lane. 357 4524. £I.5(l. See “led to.


I Open Mic IIenr} 's Jan (‘eIIar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. 3.30pm. £5. A chance i'or aspiring musicians and singers to peri'oriii \\ ith a professional rll)llilli section.

I Fleamarket Funk (‘abaret Voltaire. 36 3S Blair Street. 220 6176. 1 1pm 3am. I'i'ce. See Wed l(i.


I Colin Steele Quintet 't‘ron Theatre. 63 'I'rongate. 552 4267. 0pm. £7 r£5 l. Iidiriburgh's old ('aie (iraiiiti resident trumpeter ('olin Steele returns \sith his quintet pl;t)llig some hot contemporar} ial/ tunes.


I Martin Kershavv Quartet IIenrs 's Jan ('eIlar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S..‘s0pm. £5. The saxophonist leads his “ell-established quartet. as i‘eatured on their debut (‘1) from (‘aberz I‘riririon.

I Millar, Spencer and Travis (‘ominples li‘ortnerl} (‘Iub Jasal. 40 ('ommercial Street. I.eith. 555 5622. S30 10.30pm. £4. See Thti I0.

I Out of the Bedroom \Vaserlc} Bar. I St Mary's Street. 557 I050.

0pm midnight. Free. See Thti 10.

Folk & world

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at mtthist.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 1 0


I Out of the Bedroom \Vaserlc) Bar. St Mar) 's Street. 557 1050.

9pm midnight. I5rce. ()pen-rnic session ior Edinburgh-based singer-songxsriters.


I 22nd Edinburgh International Harp Festival Mel‘chisloti (.asllc School. 294 (‘olinton Road. 47S S446. 6pm. £6 £10. I5i\e dass oi harp music. including concerts. L‘litssc's_ \sorlsshops and ceilidhs.

I Whistlebinkies and Carol McLaughlin Merchiston ('astIe School. (’olinton Road. 47S S446. 730 S..‘~0pm. £9 l£6i Pan-Scottish traditional song and music on ilute. harp. iiddle. pipes. coricertina and side-drum. i'rom one oi Scotland's most musical outlits. ('Iassical selections from McIaughlin. ()pening night oi' Iidinburgh's annual harp i'estisal. \s ith harp-makers exhibition. concerts. ceilidhs. \sorls‘shops. stalls. talks and tutorials. l’art ot Iirlinlmrgli Ittlr'rttaltottal Harp I‘i'itri'al.

I BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musicians of the Year Queen's IIaII. ('Ierk Street. 66S 201‘). Sprii. £S (£6l. Sortie of Scotland's ambitions soung plasers on iiddle. ilute. concertina. accordion. piano and meals.


I Sunita Staneslow Merehisron (‘asile School. (‘olinton Road. 47S S446. 7.50 S.30pm. £9 t£6l. I'S/lsraeli harp player takes you on a journey through Jewish music traditions i'rom KIe/mer. medie\al Spain's Sephardic. to contemporary Israeli compositions. Part of I'frlirilmreli International Harp I'i'stii'al.


I LO’JQ and DuOud 'l'olbooth. .IaiI Wynd. 0|7S6 274000. 7.30pm. £12 t£S). l.o'Jo lllI\ Arabic melodies. Jamaican cross tempos. \‘iolin and beats uhile North African Itite pla} ers. l)u()ud i'use traditional sounds with electronica and drum & bass in a unique collaboration evolved irom the Paris jazz/dance scene.


I Lo’Jo and DuOud The Arches. Arger Street. 0901022 0300. £S £9. See Sat 12.

I Power of the Accordion (‘at'e ('ossachok. Rtissian ('ultural ('entre. King Street. 553 0733. S.30pin. I-‘ree. (icorgc (iajic presents a mix of classical and eastern Iiuropean music.


I Duo Ars Celtica and Bachue Merchiston (‘astle School. ('olinton Road. 47S S446. 7.30 10pm. £10t£7i Small- harp p|a)er from Brittan) land member oi the Ai'roeeltsi. M) rdhin has been lising the neo-(‘eltic traxelling harpist Iii'est} Ie since his )outh. and here teams up \\ ith /.iI's harp and her poetr} and meals. Iidinburgh's Bachue \sield harp. drums and piano with \ocaIs. in a bun ier. _ia//ier mode. I’art (llktllllblll‘k’ll International Harp l't'slli'al.

I Plainsong Queen's lIaII. (‘Ierk Street. 66S 201‘). 7.30pm. £14 i£12i. I"airport (‘onsention co-i'otmder Iain

.\Iatthe\\s and iiitilti-instrumentalist \nd} Roberts in a 11C“ roots rock lineup

I The Listening Room The Blue BIa/er. Spittal Street. 22‘I 50‘” \pm :2 suggested donation Acoustic l'ndergr'ound‘s l’etct \Iichael Rouaii hosts this mght oi no .tIIlI‘IlIItdllttIi

I Rod Paterson \\ce l-oli (‘lub Ro}al ()ak. Iniirmai) Street. 55- 2""6

S 30pm. £3 I‘ounder member and still siriger‘guitarist \sith Jocls 'Iamson‘s Bairns. I’atcrson \\ as also \ocaIist \HIII the I'..is_\ ('Ilil‘ and ('eolbcg. Ills solo sets an er a \side range oi traditional song. a//_\ classics. and his ossn original material

Monday 14


I Christy Moore, Donal Lunny anti Declan Sinnott Queen‘s IIaII. ('Ierk Street. 66S 201‘). ".Rllpm. £20. I‘rom Prosperous this seminal acoustic Irish iolk album i. to the genesis oi the astonishiiigl_\ sticcessi'ul and miluential group I’Ianst). through his tiriie ironting roots/rock crossmcr Mining Hearts. to liis bacIsio the-essence solo shims. singerv’gtiitarist and bodhran pla} er (’hrist) Moore continues to command a huge i'ollou mg. I Jenny Crook and Henry Sears .\Ierchiston ('astle School. ('olmton Road. 47S S446. 3 4pm. £6. Acoustic music and song irom the British Isles on small-harp and Iiddle ir'om an tip-and-commg dtio Part of I‘frlirilnrreli International Harp l'i'itri'al.


I Christy Moore, Donal Lunny and Declan Sinnott ()ueen's IIaII. ('lert Street. 66S 201‘). 7.30pm. 1.20 See Mon 14.

I Llio Rhydderch and The Harp Consort Merchiston ('astIe School. ('olinton Road. 47S S446. 7.30 |0pm. £10 0.7 l. The conteinporar} Queen oi the Welsh triple harp shims inst \shal the trick} traditional instrument can do The ('onsort tsshich includes [no baroque guitars) presents Spa/trill (iipiim 17th centur) dance music i'rom Spain. I‘r‘arice and South America. See In I 1. /’art of lz'ilr'nlmreli lllll’t'tirlllttlirll Harp l'r'\ll‘.r1l.

I Sarah-Jane Fifield and John SlkOl'Ski Quaker Meeting IIotisc. Victoria Terrace. 225 4S25. 7.5”1‘111. £5 r£2i. I‘inalist in this _\ear's BB(' Radio Scotland Young Traditional .\iiisician Aisard. iiddler I'iiield is itilliL‘tI b} Slew .stcpdancer John Sikorski i'or ait exerting oi music. dance and com ersation.

I Acoustic Underground (‘asile Arms Bar. Johnston ’I‘errace. 3.501111]. I‘ree. Ainthing goes acoustic Jam session with open-mic spots. hosted h) I’cter Michael Rois an thouse guitar and PA proi idedi.

Wednesday 1 6


I Ceilidh Dance Class and Traditional Singing Session St Andre“ 's Square. on Saltrnarket. St Andre“ 's Street. 54S 6020. 7.30 030pin. £3.50 ri‘ree i'rom SMIPIIH. Tricia .\Iatthe\ss leads the “cells dance session upstairs. l)o\snstairs at ('ai'e Source there's a traditional singing session. No booking necessar}.


I Siobhan Armstrong and Diego Laverde .\Ierchiston ('astIe School. (’olinton Road. 47S S446. 3 4pm. £‘) r£6i. Mediesal Irish church music on the clarsach and Renaissance harp music irom Iingland on the gut string chromatic harp. I.a\erde's music is irom \'erie/tiela. pla} ed on the tall traditional harp. the Arpa I.Ianera. Part of lz'rlinlmreli International Harp l‘t'srri'al.

I Maire Hi Chathasaigh and Chris Newman Merchiston (.tisllc School. ('olinton Road. 478 S446. 7.30—S.30pin. £10r£7i. Virtuoso Irish harp and guitar duo (Nexsman “its in


iOlb cs sorrel istings Music

T *

Across the North Sea

Across {no N 7'1" trolls, iaritirz 7a: o‘ magical 'Y‘iili‘st‘ Ar; rsirt of tho rtotirittzl's ;.r"t\rt"l'.i toils .irirl

St‘ti Tl‘a‘H‘ I‘M

Ilsliltt"fs .Il‘tl

imdrhrnxil pic'uttfaw. tin "o": (Ion/hire. I ti‘r‘tnati't"; l.)llr‘t"l"i 11.11. ithaso'itr; fly/"it‘s ll‘()(l(?t.'i St‘. including Satin it:"':t Vasoii. Nor‘e.'a\ 's lthti. [\liti'tr Seminal: itisiori Snap (lion/"s Hall. [dinning/t: Snap .1/71l l /.'/.'1. In; 1/ Apr; l/zirffrrrgi. lr' li‘i‘ x'ip'. ./l ’l’ tut/i Catt/t m1 i‘;l.'it.‘/)<>rt.’ilrt. 8.13 7.“! Apr; Vasori It’ll/l (Slit/s; firm/f. filly" (’0 Apr.

The Edinburgh International Harp Festival Now lli its 2);)rirl war. ilit: Tiff3ll‘.’til is now I)(if;(:ti. railior t't}lli()l(?l\._ “)lll at IVIOI'CIIISIOII (lasilo. and boasts its usual liar‘i) riiakors' oxliiliiiiori. (:lassos. workshops. talks. tutorials. mortals arirl r;oilirilis. Wllli a tioori :riiitii of iolk and traditional riiiisir; (mails, iri<;lti<Iirir_i (;ori(:oris by Irtzlarirl's Mario Ni Chathasaigh and Clint; Nowriiart. Scotland’s WIiltSlIt:l)illl<l(3f3. Walrrfi l.I|()RIiy(I(I(21’(ZIi. (Doloriiliia'sDiego Rivortlo arid liritiariy's Myrrlliiri. Mor'rshistori (,‘ast/o School, l_(///il)i/rgli, In I] Wort 16‘ Apr.

o‘ t'ii: tirtxii

irviirra‘niiri litillllf‘s.

Boss oi the l.oughi blending Irish. Scottish. Breton and tau. bluegrass and baroque See In | I. ’arr o/ ILrllItltllIL'lI International Harp l'('\lllrll.

I Farewell Ceilidh .\leicliision (’asile School. ('olrnton Road. 47S S446 S. i0piii The 'I‘huriderdogs ceiIidh dance band is ith caller ('oIm .\Iacl.ennari. See I'Tl I I. I’m! ot [taunting/r llIlr'I'IIrlllrtIIrll Harp /('\lll(ll I Sean Tyrrell .llltl Fergus Feeley Iidmbur'gh I-oIk (‘Iub. (‘abar'et Bar. the I’Ieasance. 650 2 ‘4‘). Spin. £5 £6 r£4 l. I’olished. highl} engaging Irish music and



I Christy Moore and Donal Luny (ilasgtm Rosal (‘oncer't IIaII. Sauchiehall Street. Spin. 353 S000 See .\Ioii I4.

I Donal Maguire I.1\c at the Star. ('ai'c Source. St Andreiss in the Square. St .-\litlrc\\s Square. oil Saltmar‘ket. 54S 6020. Spm. £6 i£4i. I)roghcda-born and noss hung in the I'Is'. I)onaI .\Iaguir'e's is a great. \sarm-hear'ted singing \oicc


0 Swap anti Utla out-en's liall. (“it-ii Street. 66S 201‘). Spin £10 i£Si I’ouerhotise Iznglish-Sisedish collaboration \HIIi tum iiddIes. piano accordion and guitar creating a unique i'usion. Norssegiarts I'tla are rooted in the tradition oi IIardangar iiddlc plasing but iiSltiliiinlligl} sub\erted b} sas and percussion. See prex re“. Part of sir I'oii lltr‘ .Vrrt‘tlt .Si'a.

/-1 2 THE LIST 55