Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 10


I Singing in the Round (".1111 \‘1111111'. .11 \1 \111111'11\ 111 1111' \11111111'. 1 51 \111111'111 \11111111‘. 1111 \.111111.1ik1-1. 5 l\ (111211 511111 U1 11.11 \1111'1'1\ 111-11111111 1111-11 1.1111111111'1


I Spring Fling 11111.11 1111111111 (1.1111111 1('.111'1111111.1ii11.1111.11111'1‘11'111110111552 ‘1"1 5 1(111111 1551115111 1111111 11111 11111111'111111'11111111'1 111111'1'111111111111//|111u i.i//11111\i1’ 111111111111111h1'11 \111‘1111‘11 1.111 11111115154211111")

0 Dwam 111'1111'x.1.1//(‘1'11111'.K \1Hlll\11|l \111'1'1. 411” 521111 .\ 11111111 15 51'1' 1111 1111. right

I Millar, Spencer and Travis (‘111111111111'1111111111'111 ('11111.1111.11.~1(1 ('111111111'1111115111'1'1.1.1'1111.5555(122

‘1 111 111 1(111111 L4 11111111111111111111111111 .1111111111111111111} 1'111111'11111111'111} 11111111 1111\1111: 11111111111111111111111'1u1111111.

I Out of the Bedroom \\.111-il1-1 11.11. I 81 \11111'\ 8111-11. 55‘ 111511.

‘111111 11111111134111. 111-1'. 0111'” 11111‘ 11'1111111 111i 11111111111211 1111\1'11 \lllgL‘l 1111134111'111'1'1 (111211111111111111'111111 1111111111'1‘1111111'1'111 11111111 .1 11'! 1111 111111 11.1111


I The Fusion Experience 1111‘ 1111111111.111111u1'.\\1'\1 1(1'g1'111 8111'1'1.

5 811111 1'11'1'. \1'11 1111'1'1' 1111'1'1'111‘111 111// 1111111 11111111 111111111113: 1(111111111111 111111111111 11.1111111111111 1113:1111. 811'11 .\11‘(‘|11\111"\ 1111 111111 111111 .11111111'(‘111'1'11'1111111111111.


I Bug Stephens Project 111-1111'\ .111// ('1'11111'. .\' .\11H'1'l\1111 811011.411" 521111,

\ 2(111111 :5 .111//1111111111\l1111111111;11111\1‘111 .1 11111111111 111 1111111111\ 1111111 .1111111111 1111' 1111111111111111113; \11'1‘111'1h1111g1111111. \1111111 ('1111111'111111.1~~.11111\111 1(1111111'111111111111\ I Green Juice 111'111'1'xJ1i// (111.11. 5 \111111\1111 8111'1'1. 4(1" 52”“ \11111112111 L5 1.11'111111111 1111'.111111'.11 i.1// 1111111 (111-1'11 .111111'. 11'111111‘1113: 111111111111111~1 .\1.111111 111'1~1i.111_\\111_1 \111111111111111111811 81.111111 1.111111'1 1111111 .1

I Trio (5.11‘1111‘1 \111111111'. 5“ 5\ 111.111 \11‘1'1'1. 221111171 5 ‘111111 1‘11'1' ('111111'11111111'1111 111// 1111111 (11.111'1111 ‘1 1111111: 3.111111 11'111111'1iig_' 1’11111'11111111111111 1111 1.1\. R11“ 1111111111111111111111“ .11111.-\1_\11(‘11\111‘l' 1111111111111.

I Carrol McLaughlin \11‘1'1‘11h11111 ('111111'81'1111111. 2‘14 ('11111111111 R111111.4"1\ x4411. ".111 11111111. {111113 \11‘1.1111:_‘111111 \ll'lllll\ 111'1' 1111) 11'111111‘1111111‘111 1111.1// 111111111111; 11.1111 '11111'1‘1'111'1 31/111/11'1‘1 Iii/1111111111111 1’11111 1)1'\iii111111\ [1111135.


I The Michael Deans Quartet 11101. 5‘) 4.5 :\\1111111 1.;1111‘. .542 4‘)(1(1_ 511111. 1'1‘1'1'. .\111111'1‘11 111/l 1111111'11'1 11'11 11_\ 11'11111‘ 11111111111 1)1'1111\.

I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra RSAMI). IllllR1'1111'1'11 511'1'1'1. 352 5115" 7.1111111111111122 151111111111} 811111111111'111 1'1;_'111 11111111111 11111'1111113_'1111 ‘1'.1111111iii';_'1i‘ 1111 1111' 1110. 111111 11111 111111' 11111111111. 1111' 11.11111‘ 111111'\ 111111 Rll\\l;l 111 1111}. 1111' 111'\\ 1111'1'1' is 11 1111;1' \1‘1111' 1111'1'1' 1111111'1111'111 1111111 1111' 111111111111111'111111111. |.1// 11111111111 11111111111111 111‘1‘111‘\11'11. 11111111'1'11 11} 1111' 1111111 111 111111 ‘1'111111’1111.


I Tony King Collective 111-1111K J11// ('1'11111'. X 511111111111 811'1'1'1. 46.” 521111. Midnight. £5. 1"1'1'1'11'111'1'111111 111111 11111111 111111111111} K1112. 1111'1111'1'1} 111 (11'111111'1)ig_'g11/.

I Carlos Pena and Hot Charanga Sauce 111'111‘) '1 .111// (‘1'111111 X 511111111111 811‘1'1'1. 4(17 52111). 31251111111. 12". \'1'111'/1i1'|1111 1111\1'111 11111111 11111 [111111'1'1'111 11111111 111111 1'1111'1‘ 1111111111. 1111111111. \1111 111111 1111111.


I LO’JO 111111 DUOUd 111111111111]. .11111 “111111117111 2"-111111)_ ".Sllprii. 1.121%1.


Trombonist Dennis Rollins is out and about in support of his imminent new album. Make your Move. He is best know for his long association with Courtney Pine in the saxophonist‘s own band. The great Fred Wesley was a huge influence. but Rollins has forged his own style out of his disparate musical allegiances. He is a product of the same jazz-funk-souI-reggae background as Courtney in London, subsequently updated with more contemporary influences from drum 81 bass and other points on the dance spectrum. His punchy style is a product of that eclectic intermingling. Expect vibrant, melodic, colourful and funky workouts, with more than a touch of mischief along the way. (Kenny Mathieson).

I [Dennis News 81111 8111111111711 C1: 1'11/:11. the Tron Theatre. Glasgow on Wed 78

54 THE LIST ' .f-i 511"

1.11'.11-1111\ \1'111111 1111-1111111'1.11111111111111 1‘1111111'11111111. 11111111111111111'1111


I Lo’Jo 111111 DuOud 1111' \11'111'1. 251 \1’1'111' \111'1'1.ll‘11|1 112211111“ 11111 \1'1' $.11 12


I Jafala 1111' («111111111 (11111. ('111111iig1111'. 55114431 ' 11111111 1'1'1'1' J.1//. 11111111111111.111111\1'111'1111.11111g111111111t 1111111111111 111111 11111111111111

I Duo Ars Celtica and Bachue \11'1‘1‘111111111(".11111' \1‘1111111. 2‘14 ('11111111111 1111.111. 4'\ x1111 " 111 11111111 {1111151 5111;111:111111111.1111111111111; 111111111111

11111 1'11111g 1111'11111 11111111'1111111'1'1. 1111'1111111'1 111111 11111141 \[H’Illg 111111111111 .11111 111-11 ('1'1111' 11111111111111. 1'1111\'|;1// 111111111111111111‘11111111111' 1111 1111' 5111111111 1111111111111 1111111 11111‘11111'

I Edinburgh Youth Orchestra

1 11111 11.111. 1.1111111111R111111.221\ 1155. ".illpiii {Ill {121112.511 LEM 511' 8111 12 I Todd Gordon - Sinatra 1954-69 111-111‘1‘x J11// (’1'11111. .\' \1111'1‘111111 511'1'1'1. 411" 521111. 5231111111, C. 1111' 1111111111 1111' 5111111111 11111:: 11111111 1111111 11111 \1111111111 11111'1‘111111‘.

I Bill Kyle’s Usual Suspects 11111111111 Min. 2 1R\\'1-\1(‘1'11111‘111111'1111y (1112 “111111. 011111. 1’r1'1'. 1111' 1111111 8111111111. 1'1'111111'1113: 1111111111111: 11111'-11[1111111111111; (‘111111 811'1'11'. 11111111 Slii1‘1x. 11111111 K1'11111‘11.Jiiiiiii} “111111 [1111} 11 \11'1‘111) 11'1111111 111'11' 1111M [111‘ (1111;1111' lir1' 111'111'1111'11 K) 11"\ 111111 \1'11111'. 1111' Br111g1' J11// 1111r.


I Niki King Quintet 111'111'1‘1111// (‘1'111111 H 511111111111 811‘1'1'1. 4(1." 521111. 8.3011111. £11, (‘111111'11111111111‘1 111111 111111 1111 .111// 11111'\ 1111111 1’1'rri1'r 111/I :\111ir11- 11111111111; \iiigcr. X1111 King. 111 1111' 1111111111 111' 111'1' 111111 ('1) .'1.‘lll'¢’.

Wednesday 16


I Thriee Candiru 11111111111111. ~13 ()111g111.11111‘. 555.. 4524. {1.50. Michael 1)1'11111 111111 .\'11'l1 “'1'111111'1 1'11'1-1‘111111girig j1i// 11111111'1111111'11 11) 1111111111 3.1111'111.

I Dennis Rollins Bad Bone and CO 1r1111 '1'111'1111‘1'. (13 1111113111112 552 4211". h’piii. £11) i£"1. 81'1' [1111101. 11'1'1.

I Three Candiru 11111111111111. 43 ()111g111.11111'. 557' 4524. {1.511. 3111111101 1)1'11111 111111 .\'i1‘11 \\'1'\111ri 1'11'1‘ 1111111111111: 1111/ 11111111‘1111111'11 11} 1111111111 1.1111'111.


I Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman Mei-1111111111(‘111111- 811111111. 204 ('11111111111 Road. 4711’ 11446. 7.31) 831111111. 1.11) 11271. Virtiiom 111111111 111111 1111rp 111111111'1'111111 1111'11111 111111 111111 8111111111 111111112111”. 1111111411111 111111 1111111111111.

I Preston Reed (2111-1111 111111. (‘111111 Sir1-1'1_(1(18 2111*). 311111. {11119311. 11111 .-\1111'r11‘1111 111111111111 1111111 1111' 11111111' 1111'1'11'11111111111/1 1111111 111111'\ 111 1111111111111" 1111pl'L'\\l()lll\lll 111111 1111 1'1111r111‘11'1‘11111‘ p11r1'1ix1111' 1111' 111'1111' 111111‘111111'111.

I Warren Vache and Brian Kellock 111'11r_1'\ J11// (111111. 8 .\1ttrrl\(ln $1r1'1'1. 467 52111). 3.211111111. £7. .'\1111'ri'1‘1111 \\'1ii'r'1'11 \‘111‘111'K 11111111 [1111111111 1\ 11111111. 11111111 111111 11111111 \\\ 111g111g1111111gxi111' 8111111111111 pr1‘iiii1'r1' 111/I 1111111111. 11111111 K1'11111'l11.

I Fleamarket Funk (.1111111'1'1 \11111111‘1'. 3(1 38 1111111 5111'1'1. 221111171. 1111111 311111. 1‘1'1'1'. ‘11::111 1111'11111111111 1111111111; 1111-11'111111 11111111111111: 11111111 11111111 111 11111 111-11 111'1'111} 1‘1'11111'111‘1 111111 11 1111111111111; 111 ML 111111 111111'1' 1111' 11111.


I Warren Vache and Brian Kellock 11c11r1'1111//(‘1'1111r. s 511111111111 811'1'1'1. 4(1'.‘ 5201). 11.211111111. £7 £1). S1'1'\\'1'11 1(1.


Dwam A late 171111111111, of name for the pia'iist's tine nev. quintet. 11111111111111 111111111111811181110 Stew Hamilton 11.11. Stex e has taken ()\()1‘111)l‘181'111‘ Kelicck in the Scottish Nat'oi‘al Jar; Orchestra this 111111. and his collaborators include SNJO bandi'iate 1 1111111 MacDonald on saxophones. poet and guitarist Don Paterson. Ewan Vernal on bass and Al1ri ()osker on drums. llen'i 's 1111/! Cellar. [7111111)11'111‘. 7/111 70/1111.

Scott Hamilton Glasgow based promoters 11am Mainstieaiii are on a banker here With the return of Arnei'can tenor saxophonist Scott 11(11'1111011. llis llTVGlii‘VO. highh, swinging take on mainstream ia// also reveals an intimate familiarin \‘.'1111 more contemporary developments. and he is united here l.‘~./1111 111s favourite Scottish sparring partner. pianist Brian Kellock. Piping Centre. Glasgow. Fr: 18 Apr.

Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra The shape of Scottish Jazz to come. This is the youth Wing of the Scott:sh National Jan Orchestra 111 legal challenge is currently preventing them from USng that namei. and they are already establishing a reputation as a serioust imaginative big band. The players are the cream of the crop in their age group (18—26). hand picked by Smith for the grOup. Henry '3 Jazz Cellar, Edinburgh, Sat 19 Apr.

I Millar, Spencer and Travis ('111111111111'1 11111111111) (111111111111. 41) ('111111111'r1‘i111 8111'1'1. 111111. 555 51122,

8.311 11131111111. £4. S1'c 11111 111.

I Out of the Bedroom \1'1111-111-1 11111. 1 81511111\ 5111-11557 111511.

911111 11111111131111. 1’r1'1'. 81'1' 11111 111.

Friday 18


I The Fusion Experience 1111- 1.11111111 1.111111311'. “1'11 R1'g1-111 Sir1'1'1.

5 11pm. 1511'1'. S1'1' 1'11 1 l.

0 Scott Hamilton and Brian Kellock 1111' Piping (‘1'1111‘1'. 1(1 34 511‘1’111111'r Slrcct. (‘1111 11111111111. 237 5511. 8111111.“) {1111111 1111' 1111111. 51'1‘ 1111 1.1\l. 11'“.


I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet (‘11h11r1'1 \‘111111111'. .16 111 Blair Slr1'1'1. 2211 (117(1. 5pm. 1'11-1'. 1’1111111g 1111111 1'11r1} 1'11-11111:: 11111 11111 111" 11111 1111/ qu11r11'1 11'11111r1'x (i11r111111 .\11‘.\'1'11 1111\1'11. Stuart (ior1111111 11111111111. 111-11 1‘)-1c11r-11111 111111 11'11111111111 KCHI] (11111111111. 111111 11111 K111- 111111”le