Clubs Mink/1'»

I Hoffbeat .‘il licilin llicihguix

Ilpin inn. (5. 2‘) MM. l‘lii' l'unkc} \lgigit' gii_\x gind liillllk‘dl pii! on :i um High! in ;i ncix \cnut' \\llll inoi‘c ol llllll dt'i'p lioiixc _\oii low xo lllllt'll. .-\x lllt‘} \ll} ‘xoul lucllcd dccp lioiixc loi pilgiiinx'. .\liii'i;i_\ Rit‘li.ndxoii iiiukcx ;i i'ciui‘n lo llIL' ('iipiLil on 3‘) .\l;ii'.

I Ignition u! ('oniiiiplm lliil'lllt‘ll) (‘luh J;i\;i). ‘l. lllpin lain. U». I: .'\|Ilfl ()pcning nigh! loi lliix liuiiu' and |i.iid llUll\L‘ t'liih.

I Jet! ;i! dig \t‘nuc. .\lon!h|_\. nc\! tldlt‘ l.‘ .'\[)l.

I Joy :i! ligo. Monthl}. ncx! dgilt' l.‘ .'\]\l'.

I Luvely u! !lic l.l!]lll(l lx’ooiii.

Illpin -l;iin. [l3 it'lll iiicinhci'xi 5 .-\pi‘. Monilil). .\ x;iut'_\ xoiicc. gcuit'd !o\x;ii'dx

ll g.i_\/ini\cd \‘lU\\(l .iiid lciiluiing ;i niuxit'

policx ol lull on. dining liolixc lioiu icxidcnlx 'loiiini} lx. (il’. \t-xxlon and

Back of A List card

Mom and Lin-d. .\i(llt' lllk'lllt' nigh! xlicn.inig;inx .ix lliix inon!h xt'cx lllt'll' ‘liikc l‘lll and I'ixhiiclx' xpu‘iul.

I Majestica :i! lhc \L'llllt'. lllpni iiiiii. (ll), 5 .-\pi. .\lon!hl_\. l)o\xn llllil dii'!) liouxc nigh! lt'.i!ui‘iiig it'xidt'nIx l);i\id .'\lll0\. lid l). lit-\oi (i. lii'uno l' K and lx’};in l‘,lll\. Sct'ond hii!hd;i_\ xpu'iul xo pluixc cinhi‘ut't' lllill hint") dit'xx lllt'lllt‘

\\ illi gihundon ;l\ \xcll ll\ \pk't‘lill gucxIx Mzix (ii‘uliuiii :ind ’l'i'ixt‘o. (Sax li'icndl}. x!i‘;iigh! li'icndI} gcnci‘ull} |llxl ll'lL'litll}. I Manga: Saturday Night Drum & Bass Fiesta ail lllt' \L'nut'.

ll), illpni iiiiii. t'lll WM. 3‘) .\I;ii'. ,\lon!hl_\. Making ;i inow ilt'lii\\ [mm !o llIL' \t'iiuc loi' lliix ont' oll dulc \\ uh I” l’ulilc guid lixc \ot'ulx li'oin (‘lt-u'lund \Vulkixx iii llic llllllll nit-iii! lli't'ukxlt'p nigh! Snilt'li l'p liox! ;iii L‘\k'lll\l\t‘ liw xho\xt';ixc lioiii l)_\n.iini!c .\l(‘ on llIL' lop lliiiil‘. \liiiiggi'x pic t‘luh xt'xxion ihc

This pass entitles you to a discount (stated in the Club Listings) at the clubs listed on the front of this card.

I Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

want in the two weeks it’s valid and when this one runs out, you can get a brand new card in the next issue.

You can use this pass as many times as you

Valid from: 27/03/03

Until: 09/04/03

admission l'w :xi:;:; run; or

llio l 13!}; A l lSl an!) :; Ki \:l:;_ 3.1.”. :

aged ‘28 nuns .iiid will!" A! :‘livtlcnzlitzi‘gi an»; mat-v,“ rm;- 'l;)'l', inf. m:

unipolar‘, poo-x mu: 3; am.) llz' !>!". .>"(t i v'fui‘!

:2'11. and 4:; undama- f"

80 THE LIST M‘i' "xi" .’

Raff plays live at Popcorn, Sat 5

Apr ligixx’lmp ix gi! lilillll‘ll cwi'} l'i'i li'oin ‘lpin “uh I” (i \liit‘ :ind gucxlx. I'U!’ llloi‘c Illlo (lit'ck H733 7(i7 (\(lhl oi

\\ \\ \\.l\;l\\ll'&ip.t'!)lll. furl/1H (IN/4' un/i /.l\!'uml [It‘ll/(IN 31'] I: HI] (/UHI' pm i' lir/un' Inn/mull!

I Medina :i! .\lcdin;i. lllpin Run. [1. \Vi-cld}. 1)] Univ pl:i}x ;iii}!hiiig and L'\L‘l"\llilll:._'. l’lcn!) ol drink pi‘oinox ;i|l nigh! iind don‘! loi‘gc! lo plioiic in ;id\;inu' !o it'xci'xc _\oiii' pi‘i\;i!c hoolh. I Messenger Sound System .‘ll liongo ('luh. llpiii Mini. [7. 2‘) Mai. loi'lnighll}. liiixx ol hmch xliilliiig pi'opoi'uonx :ix lllL‘ iiiigh!) Mcxxcngvi' Sound Sxxlt'in hlgixlx ou! lhc ht‘x! Ill i'iglilcoux i‘oolx lllltl duh rcggiic.

I Mission Jnr All Sliidio 24. 7 lllpin, £5. \Vt'clxl). (iolli. rock. punk .iiid ol t'Ulll\L' ;i|l !h;i! nu iiiclzil xuill !h;i! llk' lxlllx t‘i‘uxc xo lllllk'll. So il )ou cwi' \xondt‘i't'd “livi‘v .ill ilioxc hluck clad )oulhx l'i'oin lhc lop ol'('ot'khiii‘n Surc! \\ cn! :iltcr dgii'k look no llll'llIL'l'. lllL‘ th! lllltl oi'iginul undoi' lfix inclul ggitlici‘ing in

I Mission gi! Sludio ll. llpiii .igiin. l5 1“ nicinht'i'xi. 3‘) Mar. I'oi'iniglid}. \igli! ol inclul lll;l_\llL'lll. golli rock and mom li‘oiii !hc dailxidc ;i i‘cul ladinhui'gh inxiiluiion lhul i'cluxcx lit} do“ n lllltl dic.

I Opal Lounge ;il ()pul loungc. Illpin .luin. £5. \Vcckl}. I);i\c Slicddcn \xilh liix ini\ ol tlle‘U and lunlx} houxc li'ut‘lxx.

I Popcorn u! (Kilian-i \oliuirc.

llpiii inn. [8 it?! 5 :\pi'. l'unk inuxlcr lx'ch l);iigc :ind l‘CxlilL'lllx (iino :ind l‘i'y'r i.\lo!ht'i‘lunlxi drop lunk. xoul and dixco \\llllt‘ llt-udxpin‘x rL‘\l(lL‘lll\ lllL‘ choniint‘c prox ltlL' xiipporI. l’lux ii'x ii \pL‘L‘lill dulc ;l\ i! ;ilxo inurkx Ilic :ilhuin launch lor Rull who in” hc zippcuring \xiih liix hill Inc hand. \\llll lJ/u .\l;iric ()hiiggin ax xiippoi'l.

I Progression u! ihc Liquid Room. lllfillpin Ruin. U3 U4. 13 Apr. l)crclx Martin. (ian (iruni and Alan l)ohxon .‘irc ioincd h} \[X‘L'lill glit'x! Dunn} lloucllx

loi .in \‘\(lll\l\t' liu' houi xc! Io dixli on! tho lwx! in llll‘dl ihxihinx l‘ic t'luh \k'\\l\‘ll .i! Ihc (‘1!) (Kilt lioin .\pin I Rewind .x! lllk' l lkllllil Room 1!! illpin Run 1* to I" \l.n \lonihh lhc l “C lxllxnd l)_lx \\ ill hc on h.ind loi \Ulllk' \Jllll‘ lli .\l\’(i .lt'llllll in llIt' hat'ltiooni “llllk' old xkiiol \ll\\I‘ im'kx .\il\ k (‘ool .iiid Sliiiggx llmi dixl‘. ou! llic l‘t'\l in “llx .iiid \Hx popLixlit‘ lllllt‘\ lll Ilic

Stereotype li! lit'ilin Bicilmiix llpin ‘xun L‘ hcloic iindiiighi. to .lllt'l 5 \pi lluggx liiugci ()uct'n iciuiiix in liix ncu guixt- .i! \Icicolxpc. hiinging lli‘lllk' lhc ht'x! houxc .iioiiiid .iiid \xclt‘oining xoiiic o! llic l‘k'\l gucxlx lll !o\\n \iid lhix iiioiilli ix no t'\\k'[‘lll‘ll .ix (Luclh ('oolu‘ I \loSi illiipx h} I Tease Age .ll (‘mux ('luh llpin Run 1“ \M't'klx lliix indic\x.ii! tll\lIL'\ iip t‘xcixilnng lioni x\x iiiging (illx hi!x lo haggx \‘lu'x!ci l.l\t'\ .ix \wll .ix .1 liox! ol (inn-n! \ \Il \'ll.lll hoihci'cix I Thee Jailhouse .n In io! Rim l nioii llpiii Run Ll 3‘) \l.ii loi'!iiigli!lx Righicoux iot‘k .iiid old xt‘hool lllL‘ldl in .i t'l.ixxi\' .\(~ l)('. .\lo! .iiid S.i\on \k'lll. plux .i lcu o! Iht' nth \‘Hlllt‘lltlt‘l\ lh.u lllk'k'l lhi' gmdc \udioxluw. !h.i! kinda ihing I UItragroove .n (Limit-i \oli.un- llpiii Kim {I}. 3‘) \l.ii loiuiiglillx l'lli;igioo\c loiingc lk'\l\lt'lll\ xpu l.lll\t‘ in iml tlt‘dl liouxc llt'lliill lioni (idlt‘lll Soint'n lllL'. ('oliii ('ook illltl \ilixt'} Shiion. l'ndt'igiound Soluxh‘n l’.ii!_\ \\ llll Sinionc .iiid ludgc l'ing.ix ho! loo! i! lioin ladinhui‘gh'x lint-x! d;inu‘ cinpoi‘iuin I“! :i nigh! ht'hind lllL' dct'kx I Vain ii! 'lciio! Ron I nion \cx! ildlt‘ 1? Mn}. I Vegas ;i! lago. llpiii inn D) it" in lung} di't'xxi. i .-\Pl, .\lon!lil_\. llt'p d.idd} xuiiig. younu‘} t'l.ixxicx .iiid xlt-;i/} lixlt'niiig “uh )o!!!‘ high hlt'lxlllj.) hoxix l'i'unlxic Siiingiuu. liugx} Smgull. l)ino \liii'iini and tho xliinning \t'giix xhougii'lx. .-\nd do !i'_\ lo lll.ll\t‘ .in clloi! \\ i!h !hc lgint'} di't'xx t'odt'. t'h’ I Wiggle ;il lago lll illpiii ‘uizn, l." it'lx‘ iiit'iiihcrxi 2‘) Min. \liilillll}. Maggi!- zind Man In} nccd no lllll'Utlllt‘llHll and ihix ix lllL‘ll' llL'\\ nigh! ol g;i_\ lun .‘llkl li'olit‘x. In !ht' ingiin i'ooni \xill ht' Ilk'lltl) \Vcnd} and Jon l’lt'uxcd plgiiing ll.l(l\\ llllil art- .'I lilllc hi! txiinp. ;i li!!lc hi! t‘iilling cdgt' hii! u \xholc loud liin. l)o\\nx!;iii'x Siill} l' and \lit'licllc \xill ht- dcploxing Rodi. hip hop. lllillt' lllltl \‘llilll [linL‘x and him could \\ t' liii'gt‘l llk‘ lou'l} l’cnn) l’oi‘iixhir on hand lo “ICC! and gi'cc! ihc punlt'i‘x. l’rt' t‘luh \L‘\\lUll Plant-l ()u! \xilh lli‘t'u King.

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva u! (Kixcndixli/lhxu. lllpiii *uin. l'iu' hcloi't- I lpin; to :illcit \Vcclxl}. 'l‘lic lull} i'clurhixhcd xpaicc hoxIx ll nigh! ol :ill lhc gi'ooxit'x! hilx lroin lhc (illx ‘Hlx. \Hlll t‘lli'l‘clll char! l;i\L'x (in lllc lop lloiii' ()u'i 35x Hill}.

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party :ii Mood. ‘lpin 3am. l'ru' ht'lorc llpin; U ulicr llrcc lo iiiciiihcrxi. WchI}. ('li;ii'!. purl} and xoul liux lroin l)J .\l.ii'!in.

I The Party Continues . . . .‘il l’cppcrinin! Lounge. lllpin Min. U \Vt'clxl}. SCL‘ l'rl.

I Shake It a! l...'\II£lL'lIL'.

lll.3llpiii Ruin. £4 hclorc | lpin; t5 .‘ilivr. \Vcclxl). l’ur!) lIlll\lL' lroni IllL’ (iil\ right up to lll\l \icclx. pliix logidx o! drinkx proinox lo tuixh i! lill doun “uh,

I Subway West End ill Siihxxgi} \‘l'cx! lind. (ipin iziin. l'rcc hclorc 9pm; £5 iUi gilicr. \Vcckl). ('hiiri. dunt‘c and chm-x} iuncx gill nigh! long huh}.

I The Subway ill Suhuu}. 7pm Min. i l. \VL'L'H} SL'L' Till].

I Supernova :ii choluuon.

lll.3llpiii 3am. to hclorc midnight; £7 IN {5! :il'u'r. Wet-kl}, ('hgir! .iiid purl} hi!x gill nigh! long.

I Why Not? :1! Wh} Nol.’ lllpin 3am. U hcl'orc llpm; £5 £7.50 :illL'r. \VL'L'lxl}. Scc l-'ri.