Tuesday 4


I Baroque Soundbites Ramxhorn '1 healte. ‘13 Ingram Street. 54S 5444 1315 13 50pm it 1 15 150pm £1.50 Banquet of \lttxtck \ct\ctt[1.tl’lca\1ng Sauce .1 la tttodc (lilacoxxc (\xhtch meanx. m l'.llf_‘ll\lll e\ce11cnt earl} lllll\lL‘ enxemblc perform a lunchtime concert ol Sc(1tttxh/haroque ltlthlc. .ui unltkel} but delectable combination _\um 1.


I Nicolas Ashton and Ingrid Sawyers Reid ('onccrl ll;tll. 12(1tttburgh l'nnerxit}. llrixto Square. 663 301‘) 1.10pm l'rcc. l’tano dtto perform llllt’t't'SlllljJ programme of .\1(1/art\ lure/trim and .l/lc'um m I; l-lul lid/or. .5111.I\111\l\.\5\.Slllltlltl119-141 altd litahttlx' llll'ltlllrrlh 41H (1 [/11 III(' In Hun/n. 0/15/1/1.

OOrchestra of the Age of Enlightenment National (iallet') of Scotland. the .\1ound.(1346300. S'pm. £13 £36. .-\\ part ol their delightfull} cottcencd I’lmme In the (iu/lw't tout”. the (MI: (Britain'x best period orchextrai perform lSth-centur) Scotttxh composerJamcx()\\\al(1\Serenumnu 4 III front of the painting uhtch mxpired ll. l’ompeo Batoni'x I’m-mu! ut .‘1/(‘trl/lt/Hl Jill/)llkt'H/(;HI'(/HH(170-11. 'l‘he prograrntne alxo includes Handel. Rameau. \'i\aldi and a speciall} commixxioned \\(1t‘k b_\ leading compoxer Jonathan 1)o\ e.

Wednesday 5


I Wind Orchestra Concert RSAMI). I00 Renfreu Street. 553 5(157. 7.50pm. £5 (£51. llr}an Allen conduct\ a \at'icd programme of \\(1l'l\\ b} l'ranck. Derek" lleale} and (irainger. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Ro}al ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 555 S000. 7.50pm. £6 £18. Joxeph Snenxcn cottdtlch Sibeliux' \core for The Ii’lIl/H'U. xlm/u/m’ Irwin; and lll\ litxt [no great \}ltl|111tilllt‘\. .\'n () and .\'n 7. 'l‘hexe (no u ill hl(1\\ _\ou aua} ;t\ indeed the} did Sibelitlx :\fter \xt‘iting thcxe tuo \axt. e\pan\i\e \torkx. he fell silent for more than 30 _\eat\. Ro} .\1cl{\\ an talks about the composer in a free pic-concert talk at 6.50pm.

Thursday 6


ORoyal Scottish National Orchestra - An Evening with Carol Kidd Ro}al (‘onccrt Hall. 3 Saucltiehall Street. 555 S000.

£11.75 £35.51). Vocalixt (‘at'ol Kidd joins the RSNU to perform a xelection of tall claxxicx.

I Competition RSAMI). I(1(1 Renfreu Street. 553 5057. 10am. liree. 'l‘he (it1\ ernorx' Recital l’ri/e ('(Htipetitioti Strinm.


I St George’s School for Girls Orchestral Concert (ire} ft'iarx Kirk. (ire) friarx Place. (1113 3111‘). 7pm. £5 (£3501. The junior. 1o“ er \chool and \eniot' orchextrax perform a \\ ide \ariet) of muxic including Suppe. 1‘aure and Kltixktm \ki. [11th the Sctittixh premiere (115“.111 lodd'x Hie Sunni Three. ('all 553 4575 for ticket\.

I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers ('anongate Kirk. 155 (’anongate. 667 7776. 7.45pm. £6 (£5.50). .\'oe| ()‘Regan directx [IN/Y Week in Rome in the lirxt modern performance of a wt of I.(IIII('II!(IIiUIt\ neul) attributed to l’alextrina. The programme at~o includex tlte c\qui\ite ’ll'ne/tme Res/mnsmv'm b_\ Spanixh Renaissance composer Victoria. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'xhet' Hall. l.othian Road. 338 1155. 7.45pm. £6.50 £31. See Wed 5.


I Masterclass RS.v\.\ll). loll Renlreu Street. 553 505'. llattt. l-rce. (iot'dott \lcl’herwn. Scottixh compmer and head of L‘tHlll‘tHlllUll at RS.\.\11). dll'ec‘h a \\(1l‘k\h(1p m \xhtch tticttibch ol the llel‘l‘ldLN linxemble reheath it piece b_\ \tudent cottipoxel' l’ctet Kemp

I Midday Concert Rs.\.\tl). 100 Renfren Street. 553 505". 1pm. £5 (£51. l'rcxh truth the ma~terc1a\\ rehearxal. the acclaimed Hebrides linxemble pertorm l’cter Kcnip'x Km 111111 along “1111 lllllSIc‘ b} 1.111(1\l;t\\\kl and Bartok.

I Michael Nyman Band - Man with a Movie Camera Royd ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 555 5000.750111]). £14 £16. N}Hiaii\ ~oaring \cot‘cx of lilmx \uch as [In l’uum arid Izml n/ the .‘1/ltlll’ haxe touched man}. More to the point. the) '\ e earned him a fortune. \o it\ tnce to we turn \llll performing 1n e \\ ith hix band. \\ Inch littx been going \trong \tnce the late 70» The} perform hix \core tor l)/iga

\‘ertox '\ claxxic 1039111111. Much the} premiered to great acclaim in 3001 at the Roma liuropa l't‘xtlHtl.


ORoyal Scottish National Orchestra - An Evening with Carol Kidd lixhcr llall. l.othtan Road. 338 1155. £11 £34.50. See Thu 6.

I Edinburgh University Wind Band Reid (‘onccrt llall. lidinburgh t'nnerxit}. Brian Square. 668 301‘). 7.50pm. £tbc. .\1or\en Bell cottductx the uind hand through a \ariet) of ltltISlL‘ frotn Vaughan \Villiamx to John \Villiarnx. l’hone .\latthe\\ Lambert on 667 713‘) for ticket information.


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra MacRobct‘t. l'ni\et\tt) of Stirling. 01786 466666. S'pm. £17

(£6 £14.50). 1.1“ ci ()in. the \tunning _\oung :\ll\ll'dllttn cellixt. l\ the \Ult11\t in l’rok‘olim \ Sin/unlit (‘mu't'rlunltz conducted here b) Jew} .\1ak\) mtuk to celebrate the 50111 ttttlli\et\;tl"\ of the compoxerk death. The programme also inclttdex Borodin'x In the Step/um u! ('enlml Asia and Sibeliux Smip/mm no

Saturday 8


I Glasgow Chamber Orchestra Spring Concert RSAMI). 10(1 Renfrew Street. 553 5057. 8pm. £8 (£51. Peter Jones conductx the (ilthgou ('hamber ()rchextra. featuring Anthon} Alcock‘ a\ the \oloixt in Bottexini'x little-kilo“ ti Dim/i/e Bun (‘n/tt‘r'l'lu no 3. Programme alm include\ Mendelsxoltn'x SUN/ft]! Stilt/1110”). Wagner's Siegfried [(IVH and Kodal} \ Dunn's HIGH/unlit.


I Edinburgh University Music Society Players Reid (‘oncert llall. tidinburgh t'nixerxity. Brixto Square. 668 301‘). 7.50pm. £5t£51.(‘(1ttcertof chamber music b_\ inxtrumentalixtx of the lidinburgh l'nixersit) .\1tt\ic Society

S} mphom ()rchextra.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir ('anongate Kirk. 155 ('anongate. 07815 649408. Spin. £6 (£41. Varied selection of choral music ranging from l’alextrina\ Stu/m! .lluler to Three Maren b_\ Stanford and 1m [Merlin b} Ninlor. liric \on lbler ix conductor.


I Banquet of Musick St Andre“ \ in the Square. off Saltmarket. St

Andre“ \ Street. 548 61130. 5pm. £6 (£41. liarl)‘ lttlhie \[Wt‘itlll\t\. Banquet of Musick'. perform a \\ ide repertoire of baroque. traditional and er(1\\(1\er lllltxlc‘.

I Recital By the Music School of Douglas Academy RSAMI). 100 chlrcu Street. 553 505", 7 50pm £51£51 .-\nmi.ilrecit.(1 trom puptlx ol the \t‘ec‘ltllht ~chool


I Music at the Museum R11} .11 .\1ti\eum. 3 (‘hambeix Street. 34" 431‘). 3pm. l-ree .lom the ()pen ()rchextra ol Izdmbttrgh lot a concert in aid ol .\1arie ('ttt'ie (Intccr ('are,

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()ttccn'x llall. (‘lcrk Street. N15 301‘) 3.50pm. £7 £1 5. lo commemorate the 50th ttlltll\et‘\.tl'} oi l’t'okofie\ \ death. the S(‘() (‘hamber limemble pla} a ~c1ection of 111\ chamber “orkx. including the ()l( I'llll't' on [Iv/mat 'I'lit'nu'x. haxed on a Jen l\ll folk-\ong. and the dellglttlttl Sir/mm Inl‘ lint tin/rm,

I Organ Music for Lent St (itlcx' ('athcdral. R(1_\al .\111c. 335 11443. 6pm. l‘rec. Sheila Rtil‘el‘tvitt pet'fot'ttix .\1arcel l)ttpt'c\ [1' (711111111 (It' It! ('I‘Hlt.

Monday 10


I Southbank Sinfonia ()ueen‘x lla|1.(‘1erk Street. 663 301‘). 7.45pm. £11 £15 (£S’ £131. Sitnon ()\er conducts hix recentl) formed orchextra of )oung talents in Roxxini‘x I'lm'ime .lIue/tu’ ()it'rlrm'. Barber's tin/m ('unt'errn. the fatnous .-\dagietto from .\lahlet‘\ Sunp/Ium nu .5 Mahler and Beethm en'x SUN/11mm no N.

Tuesday 1 1


I Competition RS.-\.\tl). l(1(1 Renfreu Street. 553 5057. 10am. liree. The (i(1\el‘ti(1t‘\' Recital l’ri/e ('ompetition for \Voodu ind.

I Nina Vinogradova-Biek Rtilllxlltit’li 'l'heatre. US Ingram Street. 548 5444. 1.15 3pm. £3.50. (iiftcd Rtl\\litlt pitittixt enjoying great acclaim on the international circuit.

I Composer’s Workshop RSAMl). 100 Renfre“ Street. 553 .5057. 5pm. t-‘ree. ('otttpoxet‘\ uot'kxhop directed b_\ Mike Vaughan.


I Music at the Museum Royal .\lu\eum. 3 (‘hambers Street. 347 431‘). 6pm. l"ree. litijo)‘ a selection of song\ frotn the )(mng choir of ()rmixton l’rimar) School.

Wednesday 1 2

Glasgow I Masterclass RSAMI). l(1(1 Renfreu Street. 553 51157. Noon. liree.

'l‘raditional ltttlsic \\(1t'k\ll(1p directed bV Kathr} n 'l‘ickell.

OSt Petersburg Philharmonic Royal (‘oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 555 S000. 7.50pm. £10.50 -£35. The great Rtixxian orchestra. conducted b_\ their long standing muxic director. maestro Yuri 'l‘emirkanox. prexents a programme of Rachmaninm. including lin'u/ise. litrrulinm (HI (1 Theme of Paganini and Syrup/unit no 3 ‘. I Traditional Music Concert RS:\.\11). 100 Renfren Street. 553 5057. 7.50pm. £10 (£71. Kathr}n 'l‘ick'ell leads the linxemble .\1_\ \tical on pipes. fiddle and with \oice for an innoxatne lthltin of \oundx.


I Turandot liexuxal Theatre.

15 3‘) Nictilxtm Street. 53‘) (1111111. 7.15pm. £9 £35. John Binnie directx lidinburgh (irand Opera in ltx production of Puccini‘s oriental masterpiece. 'l‘urandot. princexx of Peking. is an ice-maiden uhoxe reign is blood). and uhoxe hand in marriage will go to the \ltlttit' \\ ho can anwt er three riddlex.

Ronald Stevenson Recita

t "\ 5 5.5

1 t y 1 '1 \" r r" t} \

Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment "‘c: i on: a sisecaui. 't'eate 1°. i' we" end-st :iious 11K 1 (téith'iOSS. the UAE 1 ("1" f.‘ lxllr‘lxatiri .ri "eelitaf :1'1 9" 2'1».- f>-’>(J.i)<"sf‘1 treasures saw 1 in:

National A".

for) ‘(jy

:(1li(?(‘,111/"l. noble TIf)I:(}1311()l‘f3(1".131 the last ' ears. ,‘ Jar/0.0a (Eden (1" .‘§(‘(.>.'.'l’7..'. {€r1'2/iriw'gfr. 7.11; J in!

Royal Scottish National Orchestra Carr); K (it: "iilm’ff; "e' (10171112211111W9RSNOTZHH‘QJJ se'ectiori of lit/X classes; lllilftl’lll]{; ‘Senri r‘ the Clot-111s". “S'iii‘e.'.”e(e me." the Hammer.” {il‘fl '1 ie Sure, Side of the Street. (Savages. Rex. Canaan Hall. I‘m; 6‘ .‘. 751/. (J’s/:er .1 (all, Eri'mliur‘gn. FM 1' in".

St Petersburg Philharmonic The chance to hear Russia’s; oltlest Orchestra 1112111811 Racewarxvvr. (3'.’€E'l:"g is; not one to he (,«ztsserl ouer ' OSlXE’Jlall‘, '.'¢lll‘. pin/anal (IO'ltlJCtOr Yuri il(-L'l“(lll<€1."()‘. In charge. Howl Concert Hall. Glasgow. Wed 72


I Competition RSAXII). l(i(1 Renfrext Street. 553 5057. 3pm. 1'ree. '1‘he.\ Ramxa} ('alder l)ebu\\) l’ri/e for Solo l’tano.

I Opera School Workshops RS:\.\ll). 11111 Renfren Street. 5.53 51157. 7.15pm. £5 (£51. Informal pt'exelittttitili of RS.-\.\11) \tudentx' \xork iii progresx accompanied b} piano and featuring \cenex from claxxic opera repertoire.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Ro}al ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 555 S000. 7.50pm. £11 13131135 {71. ll;tl1\’(1lk(1\ conductx legendar} [itétliiNl Stephen Kmacexich 111 .\l(1/ttrt.\ PHI/III (iritt'l'l'lrl no IN. Programme alw includex eclectic 1111\ of Berliw. Rameau and Strax illxk’}.


I Turandot l'cxtixal 'l’hcatrc. l.‘~ 2‘) .\'ic(1l\(m Street. 53‘) 6111111, 7.15pm.

£9 £35. See Wed 13.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen'x Hall. (‘lerk‘ Street. 663‘ 3111‘). 7.45pm. £6.50 £31. ('ommetnorating the 511th annixerxar) of l’rokoliex 'x death. the S('() performs mine of 111\ greatest

\xorkx including liulm ('mu'erln It“ 3.

'1 '.r'~":' THE LIST 51