Music fork <3 world lrstrngs
Edinburgh, Sat 8 I Balkan Ceilidh Dance
(‘olumcille (‘cntre. 2 \cuhattlc 'lcrr'ace. 447 “404. 7.30pirr.'1'hc. l'ollimrttg on trom the da} '\ Balkan mug and dance \Htlk\l]ttp a egippella group Sedenka keep the rh}thm\ going.
I Shetland Sessions Too Queen‘c 11a||.(‘1crk Str'cct. (MS 201‘). Spin.
£.S‘ £101£o £31. More top hand\ in the Shetland xerrex. led h} the loud roots} energ} and orrgrnal \ong\ ot Drop the Bo\. \cteran hanro-drncn ll'atllllttltitllxlS Horn 11m and i1c\\cottiet'\ Mrlladcrr.
I Ceilidhs at the Caley ('alcdonian Breuer}. Slatetord Road. 228 5(rSS. "pm 1am. £(rl£51.l.i\e lllllSlt‘ lrom the l’lclS.
I Whuppity Scoorie Finale 1.anark Memorial Hall. St 1.conard\ Street. 01555 (m5 383. 7.30pm. £6 (£31. ('onccr't and talcx lrom Scotland and lixlonla. including \rnall harp and lixtoriran hagpipcx. lind ol' the liextnal oi Storytelling.
I International Women’s Day ('ale (’oxxachok. Ruxxian('ultura1 (‘cntr'c. 10 King Street. 55.3 0733. 3.30pm. £5 (£3). ('clehrating International \Vomen'x Day In Atlas on \ rolirr and Stephen Adam on piano play x '_t t l' claxxic Romantic com toxlltth. Edrn urgh [
I Wee Folk Club The Ro) a1 ()ak. lnt'irmar} Street. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. Phainie (iou hring\ her \ophixticated harp. kc)hoard. and a few songs.
Monday 10
I Glasgow Music Festival Royal ('oncert Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 10am. 2pm & (r.30pm. £2. The ‘)l\l (ilaxgou Mllxlc l:L'\ll\‘;ll co\ L‘rS muxic. \pecch and drama and t‘eattirex o\cr (1000 performers from across Scotland and the 1K.
Wednesday 1 2
I Masterclass RSAMI). Renl‘re“ Street. 332 5057. Noon. 1-‘ree. Kathryn 'l'ickell rexealx her technique\ and pertormx her \uperh Northumhr'ia-hased inuxic on \inall pipe\ and fiddle.
0 Traditional Music Concert RS.»\.\11). 100 Rentrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £10 (£7). Kathryn 'l‘ickell leads the linxemhle Mytical on pipes. l'iddle. cello. harp. tromhone. carnyx and meals. With Mar} .\lc.\la\tcr. Ron Sham and John Kenn).
I Fil Campbell and Tom McFarland Edinburgh liolk (‘1uh. ('aharet Bar. the Pleaxairce. (1.50 23-11). Split. U1 (£51. l'lster—hascd
xingcr/xongu riter ('amphell performs her unique hlend of acoustic pop. ja/I. folk and traditional \ongs accompanied by Mcl’ai‘land‘x Latin. African and Irish percuxsion.
I Fil Campbell and Tom McFarland law at the Star. St Andre“ \ in the Square. off Saltmarket. St .-\ndre\\ ‘\ Street. .548 (3020. 8pm. £6 (£4). SL‘L‘ “ed 12.
I Out of the Bedroom \Vaxerle) Bar. St Mar} 'x Street. 5.57 10.50. ‘lpm-midnight. liree. See Thu 27.
I Bilonga Pri\ e ('ouncil. Hanover Street. 22.5 8808. 10pm 3am. £3. See Thu 27.
50 THE LIST .‘7 Fear-3.3 Mar 20.23
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days betore publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.
I Bruce McGhie Pt'rncex Square. .13 Buchanan Street. 221 0324
Noon 2pm, Popular pranN prmrdcx the re1a\irig lunchtime \oundx.
I Masterclass RSAMI). lot) Renlre“ Street. 332 .5052. 2pm. 1"rcc. chonned Plitllhl Malcolm Martincau directs an accompaniment ltl;t\1L'I‘cl;t\\.
Friday 28
I Midday Concert RSAMI). loo Reni'ren Street. 332 5055'. 1pm. £5 (£31. 'l'hi'cc memherx or top chamhcr group .\'a\h linxemhle. including hrilliant cellist Pairl \Vatkim. pertoi'm piano ll'lttSI (irieg\ .lm/imri- mu mqu ttlltl \lClHlClSStlhll-S I’l-(HIU It'll! III /) nrrlrur ()p-J‘l.
I Masterclass RS‘AMI). loo chlre“ Street. 332 5057. 2.30pm. Free. Piano trio maxter'claxx directed h} memherx ot' the .\'a\h linxemhle.
I BBC Radio 3’s ‘Hear and Now’ Meet the Composers RSAMI). 100 Renlrcu Street. 332 511.57. 7.30pm. lirce. (iot‘tlott McPherxon. Scottixh compoxei‘ and head of compoxition at RS.-\Ml). chair\ a dixcuxxion \\ itlr compoxcrx l'eatur'cd in the concert \\ hich lollim \ ttl 0pm lSL‘L‘ below i.
I Opera on a Shoestring Pollok House. Pollok ('ountr) Park. 2061) l’ttllttk\lltl\\\ Road. (31(3 (r4111. 2.30pm. £14. ()pera on a Shoestring returnx \\ ith I’m/m/ur (it’lllx from Opera um/ ()pen'mi. gix ing )ou treats trom l.u 'I’rui'rutu. .lltirriuee «if/"ream. 'l'lu' Bur/re;- “riser-rile and the Saxo} operax ot'(ii1hert and Sullixan.
I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra RSAMI). loo Renl'i'exx Street. 332 .5057. ()pm. 1-‘ree. In collaboration nith BB(' Radio 3‘s [Inn- and .Mm'. lit't‘tco l'it‘c\t\ conducts a tree concert. featuring conternporar) muxic from Scotland and (ireccc to include \Htl'k'S h} (lordon McPherson. Martin 1)alh_\'. Minas :\1c\iadi\ and 1)imitri\ ThL‘lllL‘llS.
I Edinburgh Guitar Quartet St (‘ecilia\ Hall. .\'iddr_\ Street. (ms 201‘). 7.30pm. £5 (£31; children free. Alan (had); Richard Knowles. (iar'y Maclcod and Mike Mc(iear'} pla) a \elcction ol' \xorkx h} Bach. Bartok. Puccini. Purcell and Shostakox ich arranged for guitars.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xher Hall. 1.othian Road. 223 1155. £9.75 £23. (iar'r) Walker conductx Mahler\ monumental Sump/rum no 5. and l5-_\car-o|d ('hloe Hanxlip ia child prodigy and intelligent iwrl‘ormerl pla} \ Bruch'x Vin/1n (‘Ulltl'rhh
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Heriot-Watt l'rri\er\it_\ l'nion. Riccarton. J51 .5333. 12.30 1.20pm. 1‘r'ec 50- rninute concert in the Student l'nion. ghen 1‘} [he \ iola \cction ol- the ScolliSh ('hamher ()rchcxtra . and _\ou can take )our lunch in \xith )ou.
I David Goodenough Mcliu an Hall. Brixto Square. (3.504381. 1.10pm. liree. ()rgan recital. Programme to he announced.
I Edinburgh String Orchestra Reid (‘oncert Hall. lidinhurgh l'riixerxit}. Brixto Square. (rhS‘ 2111‘). 7.30pm. £6
3r Rol‘er‘t Dick conducts the
l nrxcr'xrt} Strmg ()r'chextra lit a pertorrrrancc ot \\ork\mc1utlrng Hour/etth (I'm l r.‘rr:w 'wr (I v! lr:e.'.;r\ lcatur'rng Julian \pp1c}ard and Sc‘lltrlk'rtK [)1 air: ma." Ira Until": I: l‘lth a ne\\ uoik h} Stcphcrr \lanram
I Schubert Ensemble \lacRol‘crl. l irr\er~rt} ot Stirling. tll-St‘ Johhho Spm £1"i£(\ 11-1501 Sehuhert 12n\emh1c. one or the \\ot'l\l\ lcadmfi chamhcr groupx. pertorm prano qurntch h} [Monk and Schumann. and gne the world premiere ol Scottr~lr compoxer Roi} Bo}1c\ I’rmro Irro
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro)al (‘orrcer't Hall. 1 Sauchrchall Street. 3.53 3111111
£11.50 £23.".5Sec1-r'r2S.
I Children’s Classic Concert Rmal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauelnehall Street. 353 5000, 3pm. £‘).5lli£5l; lamil) £20. Madcap [k‘l'cthlUllhl .-\1a\dair Mallo} takex )ou on a rournc} through \pacc
\\ ith the or'chextr'a ol Scottrxlr ()pera .‘\llk‘ll\ in the audience are encouraged die“ 10 Illtpt'e\\'
I Mo’s Company (iallei') ol Modern .r\r't. Queen Street. 22‘) l‘No.
3 me. 1-‘ree. Violinrxt Hector Scott and clar'rnettN Shinohu Mikr contrrruc their \er'rex o1 mtormal alternoon conccrtx. lillrng the galler} \\ith the \ound\ ot contempor‘ar'} Scirllhlt cotttpiheh.
I Opera on a Shoestring Pollok House. Pollok (‘ountr.\ Park. 2000 Pollokxhanx Road. (316 0410 "..3()piri. Lil-1.5601311 23.
I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (ire.\triar\ Kirk. (irc_\lriar\ Place. (ms 201‘). ".30pm. £" i£3 £51. l'ndcr the hrilliant direction ol guext conductor William ('onua}. the 1-.S() pertorm Brahrrix' tin/m (Mun-m uith \oloixt Ratal X;iiiihi'/)c‘ki-P;i}ne and the energetic Sump/mule I'rrirliixliqru' h} Ber'lio/.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra QueenK Hall. ('lcr'k Sll'L‘L‘l. N18 2111‘). ".45pm. £(r £21. .r\1c\ander Brrger conductx the S('() in Beelho\ett\
monumental Sump/mm no .5 though
)irii'\e heard it a thouxand times. nothing heat\ it in li\e pei't'orinance. The concert begins \\ ith Mo/art\ Soup/ruin no 3/). and Adrian t\t)ll o1 .v\11redl Bi‘errdel ix the \olol\l in Ha}dn'\ touchingl) 1_\rical (.t'lli’ (‘Hllt't'l'llh
Chloe Hanslip plays Bruch’s Violin Co
I Carmen (Kurd Hall. (‘rt_\ Square. 01.3.S2J.3~1‘Ull 5 30pm £12.50 £25 .50 Br/ctK c1a\\rc opera ot \c\ua1e\ce\\ and murder rrr .1 production h) the (human \atronal (1pcra. tcaturrng the Rorrr.r1c(i_\p\} llarrce lroupe
I The Bruce Millar/Gulliver Prize 2003 RS.\.\tl). loo Rt‘llllt‘“ Street. 332 505" 2 30pm £S «£1 tor \tuderrtw Sr\ talented \mgcrx compete tor the picdlgroin annual a\\aid
I I Came from the Unknown to Sing Ramxhorn 1'1reatrc."S Ingram Street. 3.53 SHHH ~1pm .\ Spin £.\' i£ol Prerrrrcrc ot rntrrgurrrg ric\\ uork h} Seottrxlr conrpoxer lomm) 1-o\\1cr. \xhieh e\p1ore\ the nature ot e\rle m \cttrngx ot the poeti} ot (iha/xr 11u\\ein tor \l\ \orcex and percuvion \ocal enxemhle ('appclla \ma are iorned h_\ the poet llllll\t‘ll. and meinhcrx ot the BB(' Scotlrxh S_\mphon_\ Urchmtra
I Children's Classic Concert l'xher llall. 1.othian Road. 22.\’ 1155 3pm. £0.50 i£5l; larrrrl} £20 See Sat 1 I The Ian Tomlin School of Music, the Edinburgh Quartet and Percussion Soloists St (ii1c\' (lithedral. Rtt).ll Mile. 225 0-112. (rpm. 1’rec. .\ programme ol llll|\l( h} \tudent compoxei'x Matthev. 11111. .v\1c\andcr \'e11a(iregor} and I'IUIM Stephen.
I Merchiston Castle School (ire) triar'x Kirk. (ire) trrarx Place. HMS 201‘). "pm. l'ree. Phrhp RH\\11C1' L‘HlltlllL‘lS the (‘horal Soclcl} \\ ilh ()i'che\tra in a pcr‘lorrtiance ot l'aurc'x Rt‘t/lllt’lll and Schtihcr't‘x .lliixx m (i
I The New Edinburgh Orchestra Nicolxon Square Mctlrodrxt (‘hurch. 25 .\'rco1\on Square. 7.30pm. U) 1121 £3rf1'rrn Pa\ton conductx the premiere ol .lcnnrler Martm\ Secure Strum/i. '\ liolm ('um (’I'IU no / III (i mum: and
Becthmen'x Slurp/rum I!!! 5
0 Ronald Stevenson Recital (ire) l‘riarx Kirk. (ire) lt'lttl'\ Place. (ms 201‘). 7.30pm. £thc. ()rganixt Jonathan Scott gtH‘S it t'eL‘tlttl lo L'L‘lt‘ht‘ale lltt' 75111 hrrthda} ot Ronald Stc\en\on. \xith the Pl'cttilct'e oli Slc‘\ett\olt\ lalcxl \xot‘k lior‘ \oicc\ and organ haxed on \Vagrrcrian lltL‘Itte\.
ncerto with the Royal Scottish
National Orchestra at the Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 28 Feb