Music classical & opera listings
Classical & opera continued
Thursday 6
I Masterclass RSAMI). loo Rciili'cu Sirccl. 333 5057. 3pm. l'i'cc. Bassoon illil\lL‘l'L‘lil\\ dii'ccicd h)
.\lc_\ rick .v\lc\andcr.
I Masterclass RSAXII). Hill Rciilrcw Sircci. 333 5057. 3pm. lircc. (iiiilar Ill;l\lL‘l'L‘lii\\ dii'cclcd h} ('raig ()gch.
I Competition RSAMI). Inn chlrcw Sirccl. 333 5057. (rpm. l-‘rcc. 'l'hc \Valxon l‘orhcx l’ri/c ('ompclilion l'or \‘iola l’la}ci\.
0 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Ro}al (‘onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sirccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm. L'll L'lh’ (£5 £7). .\'c\\|_\ appoinlcd ('hicl ('ondlicloi'. llan Volkm. colidllch llic BBC SS” in lhc Ill;l\\i\ c .S‘ini/i/Ioni' [In I) h} .\lahlcr. along \\ illl (hc \amc L'Ulllp(i\L‘l"\ Iii’i/c'r ('imw lil/ll‘t'lu/(‘II (ivw/lvn l‘caiuring llic liinixli inc/m .\lonica (il‘oop.
I BT Scottish Ensemble .\larr_\ai llall. ('il) Squarc. (H.383 4340-“. 7.30pm. L'lll [l3 (£3 Uh. luo \\()l'i\\ h} Scliuhcrl. Rum/o in .-l and l)('(lI/I um/ I/u' .l/uiili'n. arc pcrl'ormcd logclhcr \\ ilh an adaptation ol l\\o pik‘llh h} (hc Amcrican \\ riIcr .v\nnc Slcwnxon.
I Midday Concert RSAMI). loo Rciili‘cxx Sirccl. 333 5057. lpm. £5 (£3). \\'i\\am Bouxlan) on l'lulc and Scott .\li(chcll on piano pcrl'orm c\ocali\ c inuxic h} l’hilippc (iauhcrl. Ian ('larkc. I)a\id llcalh and .\louquci. I Masterclass RSAMI). l()() chlrcu Sirch 333 5057. 3pm. l‘rcc. llarp ma\lcrcla\\ dircclcd h} l-‘ranccx Kcll}.
I Masterclass I<S.v\.\ll). loo chl'i'cu Sirccl. 333 5057. 3.30pm. l'rcc. l‘luic maxlcrclaxx dircclcd h} \Vixxain Bollxliln}.
I L’Enfant et les Sortileges and L’Heure Espangol RS.v\.\ll). l()() chlrcxx Slrccl. 333 5(l57. 7.l5pin. Ell) (L7). SL‘L‘ Sill l.
I BT Scottish Ensemble R(i_\ill ('onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Slrccl. 353 8000. 7.45pm. L'll) £13 (£3 Uh. Scc 'l‘hn (i.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xlicr llall. l.olhian Road. 333 l I55. £0.75 £33. 'l‘hc I{S.\‘()ioin\ l'orccx \xilh lhc RSNU chorux and \(il()i\l\ lo pcrl'orm 'l‘ippcll'x .-l (ill/(l of our 'Iinn'. :\l\(i ('oplandK I'iIII/UH' fur l/II’ (‘nnimnn ,\/(III. .loan lo“ cr\ l‘im/urv [or [In I‘mmmnun ll'mmui and liarhcr'x .‘h/(lk‘lik
I Organ Recital RL‘lti ('oncci'l llall. lidmhurgh l'ni\cr\il_\. Bi‘ixlo Squarc. (ms 3(ll‘). l.l(lpm. l‘rcc. John Bull gixcx a rccilal ol' \\()l‘l\\ h} Bach including lli\ l’rv/m/i' um/ I‘lig'm' in (i. I Viennese Strauss Gala Hrunlon 'l'licalrc. Lad} \xcll \Va}. \liixxclhurgh. (m5 334”. 3.30pm & 7.30pm. U3 (£9). An introduction to a Ingonc agc ol' glillllfll‘nlh \oircc\. drcam} \xall/cx and grcal opcrcllax l'rom (hc Vicnncxc macxlro.
I Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra (il‘L‘) l'riaix Kirk. (irc) l'i‘iarx l’lacc. (iofi 3lll‘). 7.30pm. U) (£4 i. [ii '('() and (ilaxgim l’ni\cr\il_\\ Kchin linxcmhlc join lorccx undcr ihc halon oi \Villiam ('oima} in a programmc including 'l'cliaikm \i\'\ \ Uri/in (‘mu‘i'rlu and .\il1\\(il'f._'\i\} '\ /’ii'liti‘r'\ (II (III lai/Iiliiliun. l'ol' lickclx call HTHl-l 0.1.1997.
I Explorations ('anongalc Kirk. Ro}al .\lilc. 7.-l5pm. £7 (£3). .\ \pccial
60THE LIST ,z'
In a concert inspired one way or another by women, Welsh composer Rhian Samuel’s Daughters’ Letters forms the centrepiece of the BT Scottish Ensemble’s third tour of the season. The letters themselves are fictional, and tell the story of two recently married women who live a century apart and what they tell their families about their new-found lives. Essentially, one is happy, the other is struggling. Soprano Patricia Rozario is soloist and, according to the composer, ‘sings these pieces marvellously’. The
ensemble’s artistic director, Clio Gould. is violinist in Schubert’s A major
Rondo, and his Death
and the Maiden, arranged by Mahler, completes the programme.
(Carol Main)
I B] Scoffxsr'i Fhsornh/o :Jza'.’ Hoza’ COUCH/1' / It's/'1'.
Glasg f in 7 / 0."); Queen 'r; Half. L'(/.',".’)ir'.’(;‘?. ~ll‘ra' 73
lundraixing conccrl ol choral muxic in aid ol' Ilic (iodong Kangri 3llll3 lo lhc unc\plorcd mountains ol' 'l'ihcl. llic ('allon and lidinhurgh l'ni\cr\il} chaixxancc Singcrx do lhcir hil \\ illl (iallux. .\Ionic\crdi and Victoria to hpr onc ol' lhcir mcmhcrx on hcr iournc} ol' Lll\L‘()\ Cl”).
Saturday 8
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rinal ('onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Slrccl. 353 Nllllll.
L'l l,5() £33.35. Scc l'ri "
I Frank Britton Masterclass RS.v\.\ll). lllll chlrcu Slrccl. 333 5H5". 3pm. l‘rcc. .lunior .-\cadcm_\ harp maxlcrclaxx dircclcd h} l‘ranccx Kcll}. I Rigoletto 'l‘hcali'c R(i_\;ll. 3X3 llopc Slrccl. 333 (Mill). 3.l5pm. £3.50 £53.50, SL‘L‘ 'l-llll 3i).
I Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra Buic llall. l’nixcrxil} ol'(ila\go\\. l'ni\cr\il} .-\\cnuc. 330-1093. 7.30pm. to (Hi. Scc Hi 7
I Two’s Company ('ii} ..\n ('cnli'c. 2 \lai‘lxcl Slrccl. 53‘) 3903. 3 -lpm. l‘rcc. SCL‘ Sill l.
I Salute to Romance (irc) l'riaix Kirk. (irc} li‘iarx l’lacc. (ioN 3lll‘). ".3llpni. U5 (l.'l3.5(li. 'l'hc ('|;i\\ic Romancc ('liainhcr ()rclicxlra gi\c\ _\ou luncx (o \uoon aua} lo including Hal'hcr\ .’\(/(l'\'I-l'. .\lo/;n'l\ RUIHUIHT. lilgai'\ Sir/u! rl'.\iiiuiii' and
.l't'llilliun xix} .\ Si'l'i'llili/c IHI' .‘Il'UlQL
I Besson Scottish Solo and Ensemble Championships lloudcn l’ark ('cnlrc. llondcn. (H500 433034. lllain (ipin. £35” (L' l .5”). llic crcani ol~ Scoliand'x hraxx hand (alcnl L'Ullllk‘lc l'Ul‘ lllL‘ lillc (ii Sc‘iillixll champion. .-\ gala conccrl (akcx placc on
Sal c\cning. 7.30an L'" (£4.50).
I Scottish Piano Day/Frank Britton Masterclass RS.-\.\ll)_ loo chl'rcu Slrccl. 333 505'. lllam 5pm. £5 (£3). Martino 'l'iriino. gucxl arlixl—in rcxidcncc ai RS.-\.\ll) lcadx (hix piano da} \\hcrc pianixlx ol' all agcx ha\ c lhc chancc ol' \ampling a rangc ol~ ac(i\ ilicx including conccrl» maxlcrclaxxcx. pi‘haic iL‘\\(lll\ and lcclurcx.
I Trio Serenata Burrcll (‘ollccnoir 3H0” l’ollokxhaux Road. 35'" 3550. 3.30pm. ‘5 (U i. lhc lrio. l'caluring \oprano .v\li\()li l)(ill;ll(l\(ill. l'llllixl (icorgc .\lacll\\liain and pianixl l)a\id .\lui‘i'a}. pcrlorm popular claxxicx and lool- lapping I'ccl\ \\ illl a romanlic l\\ ixl lor (hix ValcnlincK dalc.
0 Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra l'xhcr llall. l.olhian Road. 338 1 I55. 3.3(lpm. L'lll.5ll L31. Yuri Siinoiiox condnclx llic orclicxlra in a pcrlormancc (ill l’l'iilxiiliLW ‘\ /\)I'I)I('l’ (Hill ./H/ii'l lL‘\L'Cl’[il\l. lini'mlill'x ()i’i'I‘IIH‘i' I’r/m (' lc'ur and Silicliux' \iu/I'n (‘miwr/o lcaluring llic rixing \lar l’ma \lllL’llCll.
Monday 1 0
I Raphael Ensemble ()iiccn‘x llall. (‘lcrk Slrccl. («is 3010. 7.45pm. U) {lo (£7.50 £14 l. A rich rcndilion ol Bach. Bralnm and Scliocnhcrg lcd h) l'ormcr S('() lcadcr -lamcx ('lark.
Tuesday 1 1
I Reid Memorial Concert Rt'lti ('onccrl llall. lidinhurgli l‘nixcrxii}. Brixio Squarc. (th 3llll). l.lllpin. l‘rcc. .\ rccrcalion ol' llic Ro}al .r\rlillcr\ Band 1763. '
I Rigoletto l"c\li\al 'l‘hcall‘c. l3 3‘) Nicolxon Slrccl. 53‘) (illllll. ".l5pin. L'lll.5l) £53.50 Scc lllll 3().
I The Rake’s Progress The l’lcaxancc. (ill 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. (i5l) 33-l‘). ".3llpin. til) i £5 \llldL‘lll\l. 'l'lic lidinhurgh Studio ()pcra prcxcnl lgor Sum inxk} '\ inlcrprclalion ol~ Ilic inoralil} lalc lillllUlhi} iconixcd h} lh’Ih ccniur} illuxlralor \Villialn llogarlh.
0 Going Dutch ()uccn'x uni. ('lcrk Slrccl. (iox 3(ll‘). '.-l5pm. L“) ( Lil): L‘lliltll‘cll ll‘L‘L‘. 'l-llL‘ llL‘l‘l'ldLN linxcmhlc pcrl'orm lhc \xorld prcmicrc ol' Kc\ in .\la}o\ ncu uork. [our Horn/um. plux llllhic h} li\c l)u(c|i compoxcrx including Rodcrik dc Man and Paul 'l'crinox.
Wednesday 1 2
0 City of London Sinfonia/ Royal Shakespeare Company Rinal (‘onccrl Hall. 3 Sauclnchall Slrccl. 353 Xllllll. 3.30pm. £lll.5() £33. .\ uniquc collahoralion hcm ccn llic Ro}al SililixtNPL‘ill'L' (‘ompain and (i!) (ii l.ondon Sinl'onia. dircclcd h} .lonalhan chl and conducch h} Richard llickm prcxcnlx .l .‘lli/WHHHH'I' .\‘i;'/II'\ [Mu/n. \lcndclxuilm'x complclc \L‘Ul'c (il- incidcnlal lllll\lL‘ \xill accoinpan} (lic pla} lo conjurc lhc magical :lllll(i\llllL‘l’L‘ ol' (lnx cnchanlcd lalc.
I Chamber Orchestra Concert RS;\.\I|). llll) chlrcu Slrccl. 333 505". ".3llpm. 5" (Hi. Soloixlx ioin llic ('lianihcr ()rclimlra lo pcrlorm Bach/\VchcrnK /\)l('('l'('(ll'(' l'roin 'l'ln' .lluxii (1/ ()Hi'rinc. \VchcrHK Si'ni/i/iuni ()/)3/ and licclhmcn'x Sunp/mm MW in I) minor (‘lioral
Edinburgh I The Rake’s Progress 'I‘hc
l’lL‘dMlllL‘L‘. (ill lllL‘ l’lL“.l\;lllcc. (‘50 334‘). ".3llpm. L'lll l £5 \llldcnlxl. Scc 'l'uc II.
I Mr McFall’s Chamber ()uccn'x llall. (‘lcrk Slrccl. (»(i.\’ 3lll‘). Spin. [X ([(n. Scolland‘x o\\n lllll\lc;ll rc\oluuonaric\ pla} ground-hrcaking lllll\lc‘ lrom \pccial nc“ c‘iilllllli\\l(‘.ll\ to original lllll\lL‘/\ idco \iork h} \\a_\ ol' (ango. _ia//. King ('rnnxon and a huckcl ol \xalcr.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra (‘aird Hall. (‘in Squarc. 01383 434040. ".3llpin. [lo—5 (U375 i. .\ programinc ol romantic cl;i\\ic\ l'or lo\cr\ _\oung and old. including \\(il'l\\ l\_\ 'l‘chailanxlc). Rachmaninm. .\la~cagni and Rm cl.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}a| (‘onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchicliall Slrccl. 353 Mind.
[I l.5(l £33.35. Scc \Vcd 13.
I Rigoletto l'cxlhal 'l‘hcali’c. l3 3‘) .\'icol\on Slrccl. 53‘) (illllll. “.l5pin. t|(l.5() 9.‘53.5(l. Scc llni 3(l.
I The Rake’s Progress l'hc l’lcmancc. (ill llic l’lc;i\;iiicc. (5“ 334‘), ".3llpni. [ill ([5 \ludcnlxr Scc 'l'uc II. I BT Scottish Ensemble ()uccn'x llall. (‘lcrk Slrccl. («is 3(ll‘). ".vl5pm. L'Ill [13([3 WI. Scc lliu (i.