Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.

Thursday 30


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro)al (‘oneerl Hall. 3 Saiiehiehall Street. 353 Silllil.

U 150 [33.75. (‘oiidueled h_\ .'\lL‘\;llltlL‘l' l’olianiehlo the RS.\'( )‘x lirxl L'iillL‘L‘l‘l ll] ll\ 3005 \L';t\iill l\ all Rll\\l;lll. .lean-Yxex 'l‘hihaiidel is \oloixl in Khaehalurian‘x I’I'iuiu ('niiii-rln. “hieh lallx he!“ eeii (illitlxihS RIM/(III iini/ [JR/HUN” o\erlure and the heaulil'ul Si'lu'lii'mjiii/i' h} Rimle KUlMIhl“.

I Masterclass RS.v\.\ll). liiii Reiil're“ Street. 333 505". 3pm. l‘ree. llll‘ll lll;l\lL‘l‘L‘l;l\\ dll'L‘ClL'd l3} ()\\ en Slade.

I Rigoletto ‘l‘heall'e l{ii_\al. 3S3 Hope Street. 333 Ullllll. 7.15pm.

£5.50 £53.50. \erdi’x lllllglllllL‘Clll blend of leeher} and re\eng_'e wt in the eourl ol' the Iiherlme Duke of \lanlua ix one ol the \\ol‘ld\ 1110\1 enduring: operas. l’erl‘oriiied here h) Seollixh ()pera under the direelion ol' Rennie Wright and eondueted h} Riehard .»\riii\lrong_'.

I Breton Piano Trilogy - Didier SQUiban 'l‘ron 'l‘healre. (i3 'l'ronfiale. 553 4307. Spin. L'S'. \Videl) reeognixed ;l\ one of l‘ranee'x lllil\l pioneering; lllll\lL‘l;tll\. Didier Sqiiihan performs the lirxl part of lll\ \peeiall} eoiiipoxed Breton l’iaiio 'l'rilog}. l’url n/ (‘e/Iii' (ii/mu [in/Ix.


I A Touch of Burns Ro)a| Holalile (iarden i('aledonian Halli. lnxerleilh Rim. 553 "ITI. 7.30pm. £55 it'5lli. .\lell aua} lhe \\ inter hluex \xilh rouxing elaxxieal lllllle‘ and line “min; and dining; mm the latest of lhe Roxlriiin'x l'L‘IlU\\ ned dinner eoneerlx. i'l‘ielxelx (llfil 5.53 (l(i(l(il.

I The Sorceror (‘liiireli Hill 'I'lieaire. 53a \loi‘iiiiigxide Road. 33043.10. "fillpni. .'\n lidiiihurgh l‘nixerxil} Sam} ()pera (iroup [\L‘l’llll'lllllllt‘c.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'xher Hall. I.olhian Road. 33S H55. 57.45pm. [0.5” £3I. Sir ('harlex .\lael\erra\ eonduelx an all Seliuherl programme. ‘lll\l;lpil\lllf_‘ lhe _\oulhl'u| Sim/i/iniii no -/ \xilh hix laxl \_\lll|tllilll_\. no ‘1 The (Mill. Dundee

I Gliondar Ensemble l‘iiixei'xii} of Dundee. l’erlh Road. (ll 3S3 .i-lSlJS. "..‘~llpiii. L‘vl UHLQL.-\\\;ll'il~\\llllllll;1 ehaniher muxie group who formed in I‘NS at the Roin Seollish :\eadelii} ol' .\lll\le arid I)raiiia.


I BBC Radio 3 Midday Concert RS;\.\H). Hlll Rellll'e“ SlI‘L‘Cl. 5.5: 5H5“. lpm. £5 iL‘Si. Pianist Slex en ()dioriie [‘L‘l‘lltl'llh Hrahmx' /\’liii/iwi/\ iii If llinnr and Sehnherl‘x Sum/Iii in H Hill.

I Masterclass RS.\.\ll). liiii Renlre“ Street. 333 505". 3.3(lpni. I‘ree. l’iaiio Ill;l\lL‘l't‘l;l\\ direeled li_\ Sleieii “dunno.

I Robert Burns and A’ That Ritllhllill'll 'l‘heatre. US Ingram Slreel. 5-1S 344.71. 5.15 (i..5(l[‘lll. £5 iL'3 [3.5lli. .\laii 'l‘a\eiier L‘HllilllL‘h lhe Slralhehde l’nixerxil} (‘lianiher (lion in roiiiaiilie pill'l\llll;_'\ and \elliiigx ol great Seotlixh poelx.

City of London Sinfonia and the Royal Shakespeare Company perform at the Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Wed 12 Feb.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xher Hall. l.olhiali Road. 338 l I55. W75 £33. See llltl fit).

I Organ Recital Reiil (‘iineei-i Hall. lidiiihurgli l'iinerxil}. Brixlo Square. 068 3llI‘). l.ll)pni. l‘ree. .loliii Kilelieii ghex an organ reeilal ilieludiiig lllll\l( h) llaeh. Kiel“ :llld Killel.

I The Sorceror (‘liui-eli llill llleall'c. 33a \liii‘iiiiigxide Road. 33” 434‘). "fillpiii. See lhu 3i).


I Children’s Classic Concerts Rt\_\;ll ('oneel‘l Hall. 3 Sallehiehall Street. 553 Silllll. 3pm. £0.50 l £5i: laiiiil} lielxel [:(t. (‘hl'ixlophel‘ Hell lead\ another ol~ the popular eliildren'x (UllL‘L‘l'lS. lhix liiiie eelehraliiig the “odd ol' ('ellie muxie lo eoineide \\ ilh (‘ellie (‘onneelioiix li\p|ore lhe \Ullllilx ol the earn} \. hodliraii and elahaeh and we the lam l)alieel'~ and Dame l‘aelor} perlorni llieir o\\ ii Rnerdaiiee \eleelion.

I “Mo’s Company (killer) of Modern .v\rl. Queen Street. 33‘) I‘lllo. .i 4pm, l"ree. \loliiiixl Heetor Seoll arid L‘l;ll‘lllL‘lll\l Sliiiiohii Mild eoiiliiiiie their \eriex ol' int'ornial al'lernoon eoiieerlx. lilling lhe galler} \\ illi lhe \itlllld\ ol' eoiileniporar} Seollldt L'olllpihel'x

I L’Enfant et les Sortileges and L’Heure Espangol RS.\.\ll). liiii Retill'eu Street. 333 505". ".l5piii. L'lll It'i. .\Iarlin l.lo}d li\a1i\ direelx thix douhle hill ol' one ael operax h_\ \lauriee Rawl perl'oriiied h} \ludentx ol' RS.v\.\ll). I Rigoletto lhealre Rina}. 383 Hope Street. 333 Ulllll). ".l5piii. £3.50 £53.50. .SCL‘ lllll 5H.


I The Sorceror (‘liiii-eli llill 'l‘lieaii'e. 53a Moriiingxide Road. 33” 434‘). 3.3llpni ik ".,ifl]iiii. See lllll .ill.

I The Three Scottish Tenors (‘)llt‘t‘ll.\ llltll. (.lL'll Sll‘L‘L‘l. “()8 3H“). ”.-l5pni. [l-l iL'l3 i. 'l'liree \L‘ll\;llli\ll;ll perl'ornieix gii e a rouxiiig rendilion of traditional llllhlt‘ mm a Seollixh llienie aiid a modern [\\ l\l.

Edinburgh I Sinfonia (ire) lriarx Kill. (ire) l'riarx l’laee. (iiiS' 3lll‘). “.Rllpiii. L") it".: ["i. .\'ei| .\Ianlle eondueh Sinfonia in a perl'ormanee ol' Verdi's ()i i'i'lim’.’ I'll/"'u' ile/ /)i'\llllrl. Raehnianuio\\ /\)/lil/’\Hi/\ on ii I'lii'nii n/ ’iieimnn and \ielwll\ .Si/n/i/inni no 4. lielelx a\ai|ahle ll'iilll ()iieeli‘x Hall illl5| (ifih 3Hl‘ll til" ll.\l\.. l’l‘lllt‘LN SII'L‘CI.


I Competition l<S.v\.\ll). liiii Reiil’reii Street. 353 5ll57. (ipin. l’ree. lhe l’elel l.illll\;l} .\llHL‘l' l’rl/e I’lilnn Hun.

I L’Enfant et les Sortileges and L’Heure Espangol RS.\.\ll)_ liiii Rt‘llll'C“ Street. 333 505". “.l5pm. [Ill ital, See Sal I.

I Paragon Ensemble 'I‘roii ’l‘lieaire. (i3 'l'roiigale. 553 430". Spin, liree. lhe eoiileinporar) enxenihle prexenlx “YIN/("(7 I/iI/i/ii'm'i/ In lilo/11'. a l‘l—lllilllllll} night \hoixeaxing iie\\ muxie l'roni emerging:


Tuesday 4


I Competition Rs.\.\ll). liiii Rt‘llll’t'“ Sll‘L‘Cl. 55.3 5H5". Split. l'l'L‘C. lllL‘ l'il';llll\ Speddiiie l.ieder l’ri/e (‘onipelilioii


I Edinburgh Quartet Reid (‘iineei-i Hall. lidinhnrgh l’iinerxil}. Hrixlo Square. (iiiS 3lll‘l. l.lll|‘lll. l‘ree. lhe lzduihurggh ()uarlel perlornix Sluarl \lelx’aeR reeeiill} eoiimiixxioned Slime Quin/«I. along; \\ ilh Heeth en's Sir/lie (jun/'le m /' HIIIIUI' ()li

classical & opera listings Music

. 3»: '5: BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Israeli wiinderkind llan Volkov ipictiiredi makes the first of three concert appearances in Glasgox'.l as he takes up his new post of Chief Conductor of the BBC) Scottish Syriiphony Orchestra. /\t 76. he is the youngest conductor ever to take charge of a BBC orchestra. Hoya/ Concert / la/l. G/asgow. Inn (5 leb.

Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra founded in 19:31. the Moscow Phil has now given over 5000 concerts and comes to Edinburgh as part of the new International Classics series at the Usher l lall. Audience lltl"ll)(3l’8 for the three concerts so far have not been as high as they should be. Can list readers help make this one different? Usher / Ia/l. f-d/nbi/rgh. Sun 5) Feb.

Going Dutch l lebrides f nseinble and f CAI get together presumably each paying their own \‘JEl‘,’ for a programme of mainly l‘lllSlC from the Netherlands bill also featuring the first performance of Scottish born co'iiposer KOVIH Mayo's fol/r /-/orsenien. a special l dinbiirgh ()oiite'nporan Arts lriist coniniission. Queen's Ha/l. {ill/ibi/rgh. Il/e ll lei).

City of London Sinfonia/ Royal Shakespeare Company /\ rare chance to hear lvlende ssohn's 'Héngléll incidental niusic to Shakespeare's niiich loved A fit/(Islint/nor Night 's Dream in the context of the play. Richard l lickox conducts and Jonathan Best is director. Hoia/ Concert / {all l Glasgow ‘.‘./e(/ l.” / eh. I

Wednesday 5


I Masterclass RS.v\.\ll). liiii Rt‘llll‘e“ Street. 333 505". 3pm. l‘ree. Houhle ha“ lll;l\lL‘l'L'l;l\\ dil‘eeled h} 'l'om Martin.

I L’Enfant et les Sortileges and L’Heure Espangol RS.\.\ll). liiii Reiilreu Street. 333 505". ".I5pm. L‘lll ifi. See Sat |.

I Rigoletto ‘l‘healre |x’o}a|. 3S3 Hope Street. 333 llilllll. “.l5pin. £3.50 £53.50. See lllll ill.


I Edinburgh University Chamber MUSiC Concert Reid ('itllL'L‘l‘l Hall. Izdinhurgh l'iii\er\il_\. llrixlo Square. (iliS’ 3(ll‘). l.lllpiii. l'ree. lidiiihurgh l'iii\ei'\il} ('haniher \liixie ('liih perl'oriii \lt‘lltlt'lSMlllH'S .SII‘I'II'J Ullii‘l‘li'l III! I) .l/il/illi ()li-H _\ii/.