I Stephen Duffy Trio with the Sandy Taylor Trio 'l‘lic Stippct‘ (‘lulx .\lcrcliant Squarc. ('aiidlcriggx. ‘)pm midnight. Scc Sat I.


I Soundbone and the Funk- Out-Fit llcnr} \ .la// (‘cllaiz X Morrison Sti‘cct. 4(i7 5300. midnight. £5. .\'c\\ band li'om ll’tiltthtilllxl (‘lirix (ircn c \\ itli drummcr l’aul .\lill\ tliat \pccialixc in \oul. l'unk and ia/I. unsurprixingl).

I Micheal Buckley/Ronan Guifoyle Quartet llcnr) \ .la// (dial. 3 \ltil‘l'ixtilt Strch. 407 53f)”. 8.30pm. £5. Dublin haxcd \a\oplioni\t Bucklc} and l‘tt\\t\l (itiillo) lc tcam up \\ itli tlic ('olin Stcclc titiartct.


I Salsa Celtica Victoria Hall. Station Road. (H780 475544. 8pm. U4. A licad} mix otia/l. African. Latin and ('cltic l'lt}lllltl\ li'om this Incl} group. limail crcatctu ciiiai|.k} or call 0|78(i 334570 l'ot‘ tickclx.


C9 Nikki King with Marcus Ford 'l‘ron ’I'licatrc. (i3 ’l‘rongatc. 553 43(i7. 8pm. to (£4 i. Scc paiicl.


0 Jacqui Dankworth (grit-cm Hall. ('Icrk Sti'cct. (ms 30l‘). 8pm. L'tbc. Scc litllt\l

I David Berkman Trio llcnr} \ .lal/ (‘cllaiz X Morrison Strch 407 5300. 8.30pm. £7. ()nc ol tlic lcadiiig .\'c\\ York jaw and L‘tilllpti\c‘l'\ of tlic momcnt gi\c\ us a taxtc ol' lil\ ncu muxic.

I Bill Kyle’s Usual Suspects llumaii Bc-ln. 3 8 \cht ('roxxcatixcua). or»: ssnn. 0pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sun 3.

Wednesday 1 2


I Brian Kellock Plays Fats Waller llL‘lll‘} \ .la// (‘cllaiz .\’ .\loi'ri\on Sti'cct. 4(i7 5300. 8.30pm. U). Scotland’x l‘orciiioxt ia/I pianist pla}\ tributc to tlic lccl—good. foot-tapping music ol' l’atx \Vallcr. Scc prc\ icxx.


I John Etheridge’s Sweet Chorus 'l’olhootli 'l'licatrc. .lail \V} iid. 01730374000. 7.30pm. £l(llt3().5lll. 'l‘lic lit'ili\lt guitarist pap tributc to Icgcndar) \iolinixt Stcplianc (irappclli.


I Distant Cousins St Andrc“ ‘\ in tlic Sguarc. ol'l' Saltniarkct. St Andrc“ '\ Strccl. 543 (i030. 8pm. L'tbc. A night of liltlcx \\ itli .liiii ('ondic.


I Brian Kellock Plays Fats Waller llcnr} \ .la/I (‘cllaiz X Morrison Strch 407 53M). H.3llptli. U). Scc \Vcd l3.

I Out of the Bedroom \Vgncrlc} Bar. I St Marys Strch 557 l050.

0pm midnight. l'rcc. Scc Thu 30.

'This isn't just a club

ni ht. We exhibit a hell of a ot of art. We've worked with some of the most awesome contemporary artists in Scoflandfl

Paul Magee of Djinniditto, see Clubs, page 72.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 30


I Celtic Connections 'l‘lic ltiili itlllll\L‘l'\itl"\ ol' tlic cclcctic (ilaxgou lcxtnal ix baxcd in tlic \ttl‘ioth \cntic\ t.\lain Auditorium. Sirathclylc Suitc. li\liibition Hall. to} cri ol tlic (ilzi\go\\ Royil ('onccrt llall. ulicrc tlicrc arc L'tHlL'L‘l'h. c\liihition\. \xorkxliopx. lttlkx. radio broadcasts. iiixtrtimcnt and i‘ccord \tallx. ccilidli danccx. opcn \lagc and \L‘lttitil\ c\cnt\. ()tlicr \cnucx arc tlic :\l’cllc\. Arg} lc Strcct: l’iping ('cntrc. Mcl’liatcr Strcct; ()ld liruitniarkct. Albion Strcct; St Andrc“ \ in tlic Sguarc. St Andrc“ '\ Sguarc; (ilaxgou ('atlicdral. ('axtlc Strcct: 'l‘roii llk‘tlll't‘. 'l'roiigatc: ltai‘rouland. (iallougalc: King 'l'ut'x \Vali \Vali llut. St Vinccnt Strcct; 'lraiiiua}. Albcrt l)ri\c: ('it} llallx. (‘andlcriggx 'l‘lic l-cxtnal ('liib at tlic Qtlillll} ('cntral llotcl. opcnx lrom l0.30pni. \\ itli |i\ c muxic. liars and l‘ood. 'l'ickctx and li'cc programiiic ol' all cicntx from tlic (il<('ll bo\ ol'licc. 353 8000. \Vcbxitc \\ \\ \\ .cclticconncctioii\.co.iik I BBC Radio Scotland Celtic Connections Live Broadcast li\liihitioii Hall. 3pm. l’rcc. ltirl (it (It’ll/t (intlH'r‘lltHH.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage li\liibitioii Hall. 5pm. l'i‘cc. Aspiring \ingcrx and lllll\lc‘l;lli\ pcrl'orm for a li\ c ttlltllt‘llc‘t‘. “If! (If (it'll/t ('olilu't'limn. 0 Sean Keane and the Keane Brothers Sti'atlicbdc Suitc. 8pm.

U 3.50. Brotlicr ol' l)olorc\. and a grcat pipcr and l'lutc pla}cr it\ \icll as an a\toiii\liing \ingcr. lic brings part of ltl\ muxical lanii|_\ from (ia|\\a_\. l’iirl u/ (iv/[Ir (‘Ullllt't'II-I’HL

I Concert by Candlelight (ilaxgou (Killicdral. 553 M03. 8pm. £13.50. (illlltll'l\l 'I'on} .\lc.\l;lllll\ lcadx a coiiccrt drawing on \ar}ing (‘cltic traditions including Scotland. lrcland. Brittan}. (ialacia. .'\\llll'l;t\. (‘apc lii'cton and ()ucbcc. plus tau and L'thlt‘l'll liiiropcaii traditions. I’ur/ n/ ("v/tic (‘uli/ii'i'limix.

I Breton Piano Trilogy - Didier Squiban 'l'ron 'l'licatrc. 553 4307. 8pm. £8. chpcctcd cclcctic compoxcr and pcrlormcr \xlio \\tit‘k\ \\ idcl} in Bi‘ctoii cultural lthlttlll and l\ rccogiiixcd tt\ onc ol' l‘rancc‘x most pionccring lllll\lL‘lttll\. l)idicr Sguiban pcrl'ormx tlic lit‘\l part ol' l1l\ \pcciall} conipoxcd Brcton l’iano 'li'ilog}. /’url of ('t'llii’ ('uii/it't‘li‘u/n.

I Master and Apprentice 'l'lic l’ipmg ('ciitrc. 3x7 55] 1. 8pm. £8. (‘ontimiing tlic \cric\ in (‘cltic

The Rambling Boys play the Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Fri 31 Jan

('onncctionx \xlicrc )otiiig talcntx pla_\ \\ itli old lltllttl\. \ingcr l-‘indla'\ .\'apicr l'roni Back ol' tlic .\looii \xot‘k\ \\ itli l)ick (iauglian and Brian .\lc.\'cill. .\lcan\\liilc. Angux .\lacl’liail \pttt'x \\ itli accordionist and bandlcadcr l‘crgic MacDonald. I’url o/t‘i'llii‘ ('u/iiu'i'linnx.

I Oreka TX and Swap The Archcx, ()‘)()l 033 0500. 8pm. 9; l 3.50. ()rcka 'l‘X \pccialixc in tlic t.\alaparta. tlic big Bil\t|llL‘ tuo-pcrxon [)L‘I'Cthxitill lllxll'lllliL‘lll and Snap coiiiprixc a uondcrlul .'\llglt)—S\\Ctli\ll pttl‘ltlcl‘\litp ol‘ liddlc. accordion and guitar. .\'c\\ music lrom old \\Ul'ltl\. l’url utt'v/lit' (‘iiii/ii'i'liuiix.

I Donnie Munro 'l‘lic ()ltl l't'ttlltiitll'kt‘l. 3X7 55l I. 9pm. U4. li\- Runrig \ingcr lcl't tlic band to l'ollou a carccr in politicx. llc'x back \\ itli a ncu album. I’ll/7 n/ (‘t'llii' ('uii/m‘r/um.

I Festival Club ‘l‘lic Qualit} ('cntral llotcl. 33l ‘)(i.\'0. 10.30pm. £5. (iilib Todd pl'L‘\L‘lll\ li\ c litthic‘ from l-‘cxtnal gucxtx. l’url u/(‘c/lic (‘minn‘li‘miy


I Out of the Bedroom \Vawrlc) liar. St Mar} \ Strcct. 557 I050.

‘lpm iiiidiiiglit. l‘rcc. ()pctl-‘llllc‘ \L‘\\ttill l'or lidinburgli liaxcd \ingcr-

\otigu ritcrx.

I Bilonga l’ri\c ('ounxil. llaiimci‘ Strcct. 335 8803. 10pm 3am. L5. \Vcckl) club l'caturing \omc ol' tlic bcxt in African. Arabic. Bra/ilian. ('aribbcan. rcggac and ragga \Ultlltl\.

St Andrews

I Scottish Guitar Quartet mic 'l'licatrc. Abbc} Sti‘cct. 01334 475000. 8pm. U0 (LXI. 'l‘lic brilliant guitar group iiii\ ia/I. l,atin. traditional and “wild muxic.


I BBC Radio Scotland Travelling Folk Live Broadcast li\|iiliition Hall. 3pm. l‘rcc. Archic lr'ixlicr lit)\l\ tlic popular folk programmc \\ itli \pccial gucstx. music and coincrxation. l’url n/ ('v/l/‘t' ('n/im'i'lioiix.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage li\liibition Hall. 5pm. l'rcc. Aspiring \ingcrx and ltlll\lL'l;tlt\ pci'lorm for a ll\c‘ ttlltltcllc‘c. “If! U] (iv/Ill (‘nii/ii'i'lium.

I The Rambling Boys .\1ain .-\uditorium. 7.30pm. {I350 H.950. ('clcliratiiig tlic tradition ol tlic l‘olk \ingcr as cliallciigcr of tlic \tatux gtio. l’crtorincrx includc loin l’a\toii. Ro) liailc}. l)ick (iauglian. .loliii llcrald and :\l‘L‘lllC l'il\llL‘l'. l’tll'l (I/(i’llli‘ (‘u/iiii'i'li’u/ix.

I Scottish Traditions of Dance Trust St Andrcu \ in tlic Squai‘c. 548 (i030. 7.50pm. £7 t£5i. ()VS lligliland Dancing ’l’cam and .lanct .lttlllhlnll plux Alasdair .\lac('ui\li and tlic Black Rthk‘ ('cilidli Band. A muxical dancing tour

folk & world listings Music


Celtic Connections CC hits its last weekend ‘.'/|lll an added final night concert of Burns' songs by liddi Reader accompanied by a band led by John McCusker. and the HSNO. Look out too for Galway's great singing Keane Brothers. Cara Dillon's ipictuedi beautiful vocals. and the three Tramway performances of Mark Sheridan's ballad opera. When they Lay Bare. Var/oils vent/es. Glasgow. t/// Sun 9 Feb.

The Tannahill Weavers They are the prototype of what Archie l-isher calls the touring ‘Celtic thunder" bands. llear them. pipes an' fiddle and a'. at home in Scotland in a rare and gentler setting when they play Edinburgh's liolk Club. the P/easance. ld/nbiirgh. l/‘i/ed 12 Feb.

Mr McFall’s Chamber Our own alternatwe string quartet. all superb classical players. but Willi added keys. percussion and a manic eclecticism. Here they concentrate on the lll()(l(}fll tango wrth exguisite vocals from singer Valentina lvloiitoya~l\/1artine/. See prevrew. Queen's Ha/l. I’d/liburgh. l'l/ed 1? Feb.

from word to \tcp dancing. l’ur/ of (it’ll/r ('Ullllt't‘ll'ultt

I Stramash Sti';itlic‘l)dc‘ Suitc. 8pm. U350. 'l‘raditional tuncx li'om lltt\ \i\- piccc. lcaturing \omc \iccl—kcnt laccx on tlic l'olk \ccnc. including Adam .\lc.\'atigliton. l’url n/ (‘i'llii' (t’llllflt‘lltflh. I Concert by Candlelight (ila\go\\ ('atlicdral. 553 3108. 8pm. L'l5. ('apcrcaillic cliantcuxc Karcn .\Iatlic\on and licr Band. llarpixt .lcnnilcr l’ort \ltppttl'h. I’ll/'11)] (Iv/[Ir (inlllli’i'II'nIM.

I The Singer and the Song 'l‘mn ‘l‘licatrc. 553 4307. 8pm. to. ['8 lilucx \iiigcr and guitarist Kristina ()le‘ll lt‘lltlx a xingcr—xongu‘ritcr gatlici‘ing \\ itli l'l‘lclitlx I’ll/"I HI (iv/lit (iUI/N't'lltfih.

I Fergie MacDonald and his Band 'l‘lic l’iping (‘cntrc. 387 551 l. 8pm. LN. Making a ('cltic ('onncctionx dcliiit. accordion \tar l’crgic .\lacl)onald pla_\\ tuncx l'roiii ltt\ lath album .liugi' Jig. l’url n/ ('t'llit' (’oiilii'i'limix.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh li\liiliition llall. l0pm. ‘5. Round ol'l' tlic da} of lcxtn iticx \\ itli a dancc to thc Scott llarxc} Band. 'l‘ickcl pricc includcx \pirit and mi\cr. a pint or a \olt drink. I’d/'1 u/ ('i'llit' (‘ii/i/ii'i'liunx.

I Deaf Shepherd and Kesha ‘l‘lic ()ld l-‘ruitmarkct. 3X" 55l l. l0pm. L‘l4. ()iic ol' Scotland'x moxt popular folk bandx. Kcslia‘s t\\ in liddlc and guitar ix a mi\ Rll\\l;tll. (i)|i\_\, .la// and ch/mcr lllll\lL‘. l’tll'l (1/ (iv/[It (‘Ulllll't’llitlllk

I Festival Club 'l'lic ()ualit} (’cntral llotcl. 33l 0080. l0.30pm. [5. I’m! n/ (iv/Iii ('ii/iiii'i'li'mix.

--4: . v THE LIST 57
