l l

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 30


0 Breton Piano Trilogy - Didier Squiban llutchicson llall. l5.\' lngram Strcct. 552 SW]. Spin. L'S'. \Vidcl} rccognixcd :tx onc ol‘ l-"rancc‘x lttoxl pionccring musicians. l)idicr Squiban pcrt‘ormx [llL‘ first part ot‘ his \pcciall) compoxcd Breton l’iano lrilog}. l’lcaxc ttotc change of \cnuc. I’url of ( ‘i'llri' (tut/tritium.


I Mario Caribe Quintet llcni~_\\ ltt/l (.L‘lllll'. 1S Mort‘iwn Sll'L‘L‘l. 467 53th). 8pm. £5. the bassist cclchratcx thc ol'ticial rclcaxc of~ lli\ nc\\ album in thc compan} ol' \pccial gucxt. Bra/than pc‘t‘c‘tlxxionixt lidmundo ('arnciro.

I Out of the Bedroom “kiwi-Iv} littl'. l St Mat‘}\ Slt'L‘L‘l. 557 tttfit).

0pm midnight. l'rcc. ()pcn tnic \cxxion t'or lidinhurgh-ha\cd singer/song“ ritcrx. ()riginal tllltle’ on|_\ \\ ith thc chancc to record a \ct on tour track _ill\l bring a blank tapc.

Glasgow I Stephen Duffy Trio 'l‘hc Suppcr


('luh. Merchant Squarc. ('andlcriggx. 9pm midnight. L'thc. .la// standards in thc Diana Kt'aII/(‘arntcn \lcRac tradition lcd h) \ingcr/guitarixt Stcphcn Dull}.

\\ ith Stmcn ('outtx on guitar and .lamic Kilhridc on ha“. Booking ad\ ixcd.


I Goddard ('aharct \‘oltairc. 36 RS lilitit Slt‘L‘L‘l. 320 ()lTh. 5pm. l'hl'L‘L‘. 'l‘hcxc up-and-coming ltllllelL‘l'S pla} a \clcction of. original and claxxic tuncx. lcaturing \ocalixt .lcrcm} (ioddard.

I Green Juice llcnr} \ .la// (’cllar. S‘ .\lorri\on Strcct. 40." 5200. Midnight. £5. lilcctronic ln'cak-hcat lit/l trom (irccn .luicc. t'caturing \a\opltoni\t Martin Kcrxha“. \\'il|_\ .\lolltt\on and SI} Si. plus rappcr l-‘roxt'x J.

I Jazz’n’Jive Club l‘airmilc hm. ~14 Biggar Road. 312 8243. S llfitlpm. £4 tUl. Rodgcr llanlc} '\ .la// lloundx Iincx tip with thc l.t)lll\l;lllll Ragtime Band lot" a night ol' high tcmpo musical action.

I Rumba Caliente llcnr} \ .la// (.L‘llill'. «S \ltit‘t'ixtin Strcct. 46,“ 52W). 8.30pm. [5. Si\ piccc hand lcad h} Salsa ('cltica trumpctcr 'l‘oh} Shippc).

pt‘m iding thc hunt in hot raunclt} l.atin soundx.


I Paul Towndrow Quartet lil'c‘l. 5‘) ~13 Ashton l.anc. 543 who. 3 (rpm. l'rcc. .\lodcrn iii/l standards and originalx from thc pcn ol' alto- \a\ophoni\t lo“ ttdt‘o\\.

G Didier Squiban - Breton Piano Trilogy (ilaxgou (‘athcdraL (‘axtlc Strcct. 353 Stttitl. S'pm. fill). Part 3 ol' tltc lircton pianixt'x lt'ilog}. Scc 'l‘hu Rt).

Singer Niki King was already well established on the Edinburgh scene before her success at the Perrier Young Jazz Musician awards in 2001 helped bring her name to national attention. Niki begins a trio of gigs at the Tron with this duo with guitarist Marcus Ford (outings with trio and

quintet follow in March and April).

I Tron Theatre, Glasgow. Sun 9 Feb.

56 THE LIST t', '2 i -’:l, /

I Kristina Olsen ’l'hc l’iping ('cntrc. 5U 54 Mcl’hatcr SII'L‘L‘I. ('tm C(ltlklk‘llS. 257 55l l. Spin. £8. 'l‘hc uoman \iith thc hig hlucx} \oicc. \ingcr and guitarist Kristina ()lxcn rcturnx to ('cltic (‘onncctionx

I Bix and Bing Tribute (are Sourcc at St Andrcux in the Squarc. I St .>\ndrc\\ \ Squarc. oll Saltmarkct. 548 (i020. S..‘~(ipiii. L'thc. 'l‘rihutc to thc grcat iaI/ x“ ingcr\ and crooncrx. .'\d\ancc hooking rcquircd.

I Stephen Duffy Trio with the Sandy Taylor Trio 't‘hc Suppct‘ ('luh. .\lcrchant Squarc. (‘andlcriggx

0pm midnight. Swinging ja/x \oc‘ttlixl. Stcphcn Dull). \\ ith thc acclaimcd trio lcd h} pianixt Samh lit)loi‘. Booking

ad\ ixcd.


I Melting Pot llcnr} \ Ja// (‘cllatz S .\lot‘t‘i\ott Strcct. 4h? 520i). midnight. £5. ‘l‘rumpctcr (’olin Stcclc t.\lidnight Bluc Handi lcadx his \i\-piccc through a dancctloor-mindcd lit/l \ct. \xith thc cmphaxix on the tunic.

I Ross Milligan Quartet llciii-_\\ Ja/I ('cllar. .S’ .\lorri\on Strcct. 4m 5300. S’fiflpm. u». lilucx and l'unk lrom thix sophisticatcd guitarist.


I Jazz Brunch (‘alc Sourcc at St .v\ndrc\\ \ in thc Squarc. I St Andrcxu Squarc. ot't' Saltmarkct. 548 (itllt). lpm. £7.05. Hohh} \Vixhart and lricndx pla} a tan hrunch tor a chillcd cnd to thc \xcckcnd. l’ricc includcx rct'rcxlnncntx and hooking rcconimcndcd.

Ci Didier Squiban - Breton Piano Trilogy St .’\ll\ll'L‘\\\ in tlic Squarc. I St .»\ndrc\\ \ Squarc. ot'l Saltmarkct. 353 Stlfll). 8pm. L‘ltt. 'l'hc final part ol thc Brcton pianixt'x trilog}. Scc 'l'hu 3t).


I Scottish Guitar Quartet llcnr) \ .la// (‘cllatL S .\lort'i\on Strcct. 407 5200. 3.30pm. to. The popular guitar cnxcttthlc cntcrtain “ith a mi\ olja/l. Latin. traditional and \xorld \t_\ lcx.

I Bill Kyle’s Usual Suspects lluman Hc-ln. 2 S’ \cht (‘roxscauxcua_\. ()0: Shot). 0pm. l‘rcc. K}lc\ quartct. thc l‘xual Suxpcctx. l'caturing a rotating linc tip of thc hc\t ol lidinhurgh‘x jax/ pla_\ crx \lIL'll as ('olin Stcclc. Brian Shich Brian Kcllock. and Jimm} \Vood.

Wednesday 5


I Vente d’Est llcnr} '\ Jan (‘cllaip S’ \lorrixon Stt'cct. 4h" 52f"). S..‘\t)pnt. £5. \cu jal/ cnxcmhlc lormcd h} guitarists lain (‘arlcton and (iraham lligh \\ ith \iollntxl lan King.

Thursday 6


I Lynne O’Neill Quartet llcnr} \ Ja/l (‘cllatz S Morrison Strcct. 407 5200. 8.30an 9.5. (ilasgou -ha\cd \oc‘;tlt\l frontx lltt\ inno\ati\ c lourxomc u ith songs tics and old.

I Out of the Bedroom \Va\ct‘lc_\ liar. I St Man's Strcct. 557 l()5f).

0pm midnight. l‘rcc. Scc 'l'hu 3t).


I Stephen Duffy Trio 'l‘hc Suppct' ('luh. .\lcrchant Squarc. (‘andlcriggx 0pm midnight. L'thc. Scc l-‘ri 3|.


I Lino Rocha ('aharct \oltait'c. 5h SS liltttl' Sll‘L‘Cl. 2200150. 5pm. l'hl‘L'k'. NC“ ia// L‘\plol';tliott\ lrom \ingcr Rocha ax hc mi\c\ tip \oul. lunk and rap lor a potcnt \ocal mi\.

I Rumba Caliente llc-iii} \ .la/l (’cllar. S \loi'rixon Strcct. to“, 52th). midnight. H. Scc l’ri 3|.

Didier Squiban Pianist and composer Didier Squiban started out in ja// before becoming a major figure in Breton music. and his music still features a great deal of jazz influence and improvisation. This trilogy is based on material from three of his albums. and is part of Celtic Connections. l'lt/lC/l/HSO/lH61”, Glasgow, Thu 30 Jan: Glasgow Cathedral. Sat I let); St Andrews in the Square. Glasgow. Sun 2 Feb.

A Week at the Bridge A week. that is. all in one night. This concert is a fund-raiser to help out musicians and bar staff who lost uninsured instruments and possessions in the fire which destroyed the Bridge Jazz Bar in December. Numerous Bridge regulars will be featured in the programme. Queen's Ha/l. FU/Il/Jtll'g/l. Fri 7/13!)

Jacqui Dankworth The daughter of John Dantearorth and Cleo Laine. Jacgui pictured) is establishing a grouting reputation in her own right as a ja// singer. This new show features her interpretations of music associated Willi Ella Fit/gerald and Billie Holiday. accompanied by the Adrian Cross band. 'E/la'ments of Jacqui Dan/worth is at the Queen '3 Hall. Adi/thurgh. Sun 9 Feb.

0 A Week at the Bridge - In One Night Quccn'x llall. ('lcrk Strcct. (ioh’ Stilt). 7.30pm. L'S’ Ul) tminimumt. A \pccial l'undraixing hcnctit night to raise monc} l'or lltthlc‘llllh and bar \tal‘t' \\ ho lttxl instruments. cquiptttcnt and pcrxonal pt)\\L‘\\lttll\ in thc tirc \xltich dcxtro) cd thc Bridgc Ja// liar. [inc-up includcw l)a\ id Patrick 'l‘rio. thc liacklicat Band. thc Standard Bcarcrx. thc Bridgc llouxc Band and the Brian Kcllock Tho.

I Carlos Pena and Hot Charanga Sauce llcm‘}\1aH ('cllar. S .\lUl'll\Ull Strcct. 467 .530“. ll).5()ptlt. £5. \cnc/uclan \alxcro. l’cna. l'rontx this poucrt'ul hand that cmcr \amha. rumba. \on and salsa.


I Big Vern and the Shootahs l’aixlc) 'limn llall. Ahhc} ('onc. 887 Hill). S’pni. L“) tt.'(i.5()i. Soul and Riki; \tompcrx lrom (ilaxgou '\ anmcr to The lilttcN lit‘olltc‘t‘x

Saturday 8


I Burt MacDonald Quartet Bicl. 3‘) 43 Ashton l.anc. 342 4000. 3pm. l'rcc. lm cntix c and atmosphcric tan. Ra} mond .\lacl)onald and (icorgc Hurt lront. on \;t\opltonc\ attd guitar rcxpcctiwl}.