2| St Leonard‘s Lane. 662 lol2. Mon Sat l()am 5pm: Sun noon 4pm.

January Sale Sat 4 Jan Sun 2 l‘eh. [p to 40“} off rugs and kilims. plus reductions on a wide range of furniture. artefaets and



75-179 (‘umherland Street. 557 “)2”. Mon-liri lllam 6pm; Sat Illam 4pm. East Meets West the 7 Wed 2‘) Jan. An historical and contemporar) .stll'\c_\ of paintings by the east and \\ est coast painters of Scotland. NEW SHOW. Mixed Show Tue 7 Wed 3‘) Jan. .-\ mixed Silo“ of applied arts and sculpture.


l7 1‘) Barclay Place. 477 2033. Tue Sat

1 lamwopm.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing selection of paintings including reproduction art

Van (iogh. l)a|i, Monet. Kandinsk). .\liro originals.


(\VASI’S) Patriothall Studios. oll ~18 Hamilton Place. 225 I230. Tue l‘ri noon—opin: Sat & Sun noon 5pm.

No Room for Certainty Sat ll Wed 22 Jan. New uork h} recent graduates Rachael Burnett and ('atherine Street. SHOW.


25 Marehmont ('rescent. 22‘) 20o}.

Mon liri 9am 5.30pm: Sat Illam 2pm. Mixed Exhibition .-\ photographic gallery and framing \torksllop featuring a range of framed mounted images w ith space for local photographers to shots their work.

THE QUEEN’S GALLERY Palace of Holtroodhousc. B207 3 l 22255. Daily 9.30am 4.30pm.

0 Leonardo da Vinci: The Divine and the Grotesque t'mil Sun .‘sll Mar. £4 ([2 Lil; famil} ticket

L' I“: under 5s free. Designed h} Benjamin 'l’indall .r\rchitects. the Umillion Queen's (ialles opens \\ itli the largest exhibition de\oted to Leonardo da Vinci e\ er held in Scotland. Drawn from the Rosal ('ollcctiotl. \shiclt holds the \sorld‘s finest group of l)a \inci dra“ ings. the e\hihition features 73 works that e\plore the Renaissance tll‘llst‘s lll'c long oltscssiolt \sith the human form. l‘rom his attempts to define pcl'lcct proportion to his distortion of the human face to e\plore its comic potential. the exhibition includes studies for this masterpiece The /.(l\l Sup/Mr. self portraits and designs for festisal costumes. See re\ ie\\.

QUEEN’S HALL (’lerk Street. 008 2(ll‘). .\lon Sat ltlain 5.30pm.

Dream Scenes .\lon o .lan Sal I l-eh.

.\l.-\ line art student at lidinhurgh ('ollege of :\rt. Rachael .\tacarthur imestigates realit} and imagination in this e\hihition of “oils. Ni ‘.'.’ Sl {()\.'.’.


l5 Rutland Square. 22‘) 75.15. .\lon l‘ri 9am 5pm; Sat ltlam 4pm.

Terry Farrell and Partners t'niil Hi 24 .lan. .'\ sur\e_\ of the \sork of 'I'err} l‘arrell and Partners. carried out in the last ten )ears in Scotland. l’roiects include the lidinhurgh international ('onference (‘entre. the Sheraton Spa and the ()cean l’oint de\clopment in l.eith.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Inserleith House. lmerleith Rt)\\. 552 717lfl‘ue Sun ltlfillaiii 3.30pm.

And the Dawn Came Up Like Thunder l'ntil Sun 5 .Ian llishihition Hall: .\lon l‘ri Illain 3.30pm: Sat & Sun

noon 5.30pm). 'l'aking its title from Kipling’s RUrH/ In .l/(lllt/(l/(lt. an exhibition of photographs h} .‘slaurice and Norma .loseph documenting their

journe) tlt)\\ll the lrrassadd} Ri\ er in

Burma during 2000.

Zones of Inhibition Sat ll Jan Sun 23 l‘eh (lixhihition Hall: .\lon l‘ri

ltlam 3.30pm; Sat ck Sun

noon 3.30pm). An exhibition on fungi from both a scientific and an artistic point of \ ie\s. looking at both its identit} and its economic significance.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (ialler'). ltltl Princes Street. 225 I501. .\lon l‘ri ltlam opm.

Art to Go t‘ntil Hi 14 l-‘eh. .’\ffordable paintings. prints and

drzm ings h} artists from .r\tlstt‘;lllil. Bangladesh. ('anada. Mala} sia. Singapore. South Africa and the IR.


I() Hone Street. .225 20“). .\iolt Sttl Illam 5.30pm: Sun h} appointment. Antique and Contemporary Eastern Carpets lidinhurgh's he“ est eastern rug and carpet galler} set up It} Brian .\lacl)onald features a fine selection of contelttporar} rug art from the east as \\ ell as antique rugs and tribal bags.


lo l)undas Street. 558 1200. Mon l‘ri Illam opm: Sat ltlam 4pm.

Joan Eardley RSA (1921-1963) Wed S .lan Wed 5 l-eh. .-\s part of a series of e\hibitions h} 20th centur} Scottiin masters. a small shim of oils and \sorks on paper h} .loan liardle} ll‘)2l Whit. Ni ‘.'.’ Si l()‘.'.'.

Recent Acquisitions Wed 3

.Ian Wed 5 l‘eb. Work h} galler) artists past and present.

listings Art

Simone ten Hompel Wed 8 Jan Wed 5 lieh. A BC“ collection of work h} this (ierman trained sils'ersmith.


5 Baron} Street. 478 7440. Tue Sat Illam opin.

Contemporary Scottish Art and Design A galler} and shop featuring a changing selection of ilillltl-“(H‘Cll and emln'oidered rugs and textiles from the 'I‘urkmen. t'/hek. Beluch and .-\imaq tribes of central Asia.

SLEEPER Reiach and Hall .-\rchitects. o l)arna\ta_\' Street. 225 844-1. Mon Hi 2 5pm. Colours: Adam BarkersMill l'ntil l’ri .il .lan. Internationally acclaimed artist. .-\dam Barker-Mill creates a new light installation for the Sleeper space. l‘or ('n/nurs he has created a new \\ all in the galler} \\ ith a central circle cut out. resealing coloured light. If ya! enio} ed his shots at lmerleith House in l‘)‘)7. his \sork as part of Kori/rem Lie/11s in the same year at the l‘ruitmarket ('raller} and his lighthos sited out at lidinhurgh Park's B'l‘ building. this is not to he missed.


4—1 High Street. 557 3360. Hail}

ltlam ()plll.

Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing selection of paintings h} predominantl) Italian artists. featuring still life. landscapes and figuratixe. \s ith all works for sale.


SH Ratcliflc 'l‘errace. ()(i7 l‘)(i(). .\Ion l'il'l 0am 0pm; Sat ltlam 5pm.

Mixed Show l‘ntil l‘ri 31 .lan. ()riginal artxsorks h} \arious artists including ness \sorks h} Visit am.


The List has teamed up with the National Galleries of Scotland to offer all List readers 2 for 1 tickets for A Maverick Eye: The Photography of John Deakin, which runs until 12 January 2003 at the Dean Gallery, 73 Belford Road, Edinburgh.

The photographs of John Deakin (1912—1972) have a clarity of vision and a brutal directness: their intensity is both fascinating and shocking in equal measure. Whether he was photographing writers, artists, fashion models or Hollywood stars for British Vogue (where he achieved notoriety for being fired twice), or portraying his artist and poet friends in London's bohemia, Deakin made no concessions to his subjects' vanity. His friend, the painter Francis Bacon, also commissioned and used Deakin's photographs as the basis for several of his works. The exhibition has been selected by Robin Muir, former picture editor at Vogue and specialist on Deakin's work. It includes over 150 photographs of people and places, many of them previously unseen, captured by the unrelenting eye of a photographer who was both loved and loathed for his character and his work.

General enquiries: 0131 624 6200 Recorded information: 0131 332 2266

Website: www.nationalgalleriescrg Admission $23 (12 years and under free)

Part of the Lloyds TSB Scotland Year of Photography at the National Galleries of Scotland

f- _ _ - _ _ _ - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ . _ _ - _ " " "I .(JJohn Deakifni/Franc: iacon. c. 1952 g : This voucher entitles two people to attend : ourtesy O OQUG 9 e Conde Nast Publications Ltd I A Maverick Eye: The photography of John Deakin l : for the price of £3 at the Dean Gallery, 73 Belford Road, Edinburgh :l "lit l : by simply handing over this voucher at the ticket desk. : \ \i TU\ -\1 \\ : \ Valid until 12 January 2003. \l l l \ x. \i' i : Terms 8 Conditions \\ \ \ I \ 1 I ()T‘!" Zappa .11: '.. lbw-- 1, “r: (..If,'l JEN; at. t l ‘o”. ‘t " <;o",..‘r<:'.'o” '." L.‘ r Guscow AND EDINBURGH : ' ' ' ' EVENTSM L ____________________________________________________ ___,