Art listings
Edinburgh Galleries continued
Bell‘ord Road. 63-1 (i300 (recorded information 333 3360). .\lon Sat
lilam 5pm; Stilt noon 5pm.
0 A Maverick Eye: The Photography of John Deakin l'ntil Stin l3 Jan. £3 (£3). John l)L'ill\lll is perhaps not a familiar natne in the world ot~ photography. httt he is a yery important one. l)Cill\lll ( l‘)l3 l‘)73i worked for British locate in the late 40s and early 50s photographing celebrities. tnodels and his artist and poet friends in London’s Soho. In his stark portraits. he made no concessions to yanity hill in his street scenes oi ordinary people. he yyas more sympathetic. This exhibition ol portraits. street scenes and images resctted from the floor of Francis Bacon's studio. has been selected by former lire/tr pictttre editor. Rohin .\luir. who has also \yritten tyyo hoolss on the subject. lAST (3i lANCi l0 8H
A Personal Response to Beuys .\lon 13 Jan. 13.45pm. Richard l)emarco gives a talk on tlte neyx ly acquired xyorlss by Joseph Betty‘s.
I lo ('auseyyayside. (m7 ()loo. .\lon Sat 10am 8pm.
High Couture: Nikolay Sardamov l'ntil Wed 5 i-‘eh. .-\ touring one~persoii exhibition of work hy the Bulgarian artist and designer \ikolay Sardamoy. Inspired by architectttre. Sardatiioy reconstructs Manhattan style buildings. toyy‘er hloelss and skyscrapers into pieces of jeyyellery.
X :\tlyocatc\ (low. 335 ()37 l. l)ail_\
I l .3(lam 5.30pm (closed \Vedi.
The New Wave of Primitivism l)om is an arts project estahlished in l‘)‘)() by a grotip ol' international artists \y'orls'ing in Scotland. With a constantly changing exhihition oi" artyyorks. the gallery hottses sculpture. stained glass and paintings by artists \yho practise primitiye art.
(til l)undas Street. 553 0303. Daily
ltlam (rpm and by appointment.
A Dozen Kisses .\lon l3 .lan .\lon l7 .\lar. l’hoto montage \yorlss hy .\lauld Sulter in support of the 'I'histlc l-‘oundalion charity. yy hich \\til'l\s together yx ith disabled people. their families and carers tor a more inclttsiye society.
EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART Lauriston Place. 33l out)“. .\lon ’l‘hu ltlam Spin; i‘ri Sttn lllam 5pm. Furniture and Interior Design .\lon l3 Wed 33 .lan. i’rolessioltal practice exhihition.
8am llpm.
Diffraction of Imagination l‘ntil Sat l| .lan. .\lixed media yxorlss by Naomi llarc.
SS l.othian Road. 338 3688. Daily
ltlam ltipm.
The Light and the Land l'ntil Sat 4 Jan. Scottish. :\li\lt‘alian and .\"eys '/.ea|and photography by Bruce l’ercy. We Did This! Sal ll .latt Sat l l'ch. Production and film stills taken by .\lattheyy llamtnond oi' Sls':\.\l.\l (Scottish Kids are .\lalsing .\loy icsi.
‘) West Port. 33l ()337. Daily noon 7pm.
Eluminate l'ntil Sun 5 .latt. .\ series oi
artist slides. lubricated slides and projecting experiments. sltoyy n on purpose built screens. yy llttltnys and corners in the gallery space.
Kevin Schmidt Sat ll .latt Sttn 3 l'eh. liolloyy ing his recent conlrihution to
72 THE LIST 2" 1st .Jan 1* w
i ii".
iiii; i
John Deakin’s Contact Sheet of Tommy Cooper on show at the Dean Gallery
the l/ttmmt'rlmt'n exhibition at the l‘ruitmarlset (iallery. Key in Schmidt presents a collection ol tlt'a\\ iltg\ iii llii\. his lirst solo sltoyy ol llL‘\\ “oils in the
(is. Ni ‘.'.‘ Si l()‘.'.'.
45 .\ltll'lxcl Street. 335 3535. .\lon Sat llam 5.30pm: Sttn noon 5pm. Visions for the Future IV: Graham Fagen and Victoria Morton l'ntil Sat ll .lan. ‘l‘he t'ourtlt instalment ol the l’rttitmarlsct (iallery 's \isiuns fur I/lt' l'tlllll‘t’ programme. t'eatttrcs neyy ly commissioned yyorls hy lyyo (ilasgoyy Itascd artists. (iraltam i-agen \yorlss yx ith \ idco. pltotography and installation to explore contemporary idetttity and Victoria \lol'ton presents a series ot neyy paintings and a sound installation. See my ieyy.
Joa Rachurn l’lace. 3l5 3on3. .\lon Sat lllam 5.3(lpnt.
Annual Sale in 3 iii 3| .lan. (ialet'ic .\liragc‘s annual salc tcatttring lll’t oil all stocls \\lticlt includes jeyyellery and yxorld interiors.
(iallery and Shop. 7" l)tntdas Street. 550 315‘). .\lon l‘ri lilam optn; Sat
ltlam 5pm.
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh l'ntil l‘ri Ill .lan. .'\ testiyc selection (it work including hand crallcd (‘hrisimas cards. iii-est} le l‘UUls\. candle toys cl‘s. and line and applied ai‘ls. 'l‘hct‘c tlt'c also paintings by l‘ranls Bentley. .-\nnctlc lidgar. .\loira .\lailland. ('larc lilois and many others and a selection ot’jcyycllcry. January Exhibition .\lon l3
.lan .\lon lll l‘eh. .\hstract and landscape paintings. prints. photography and applied arts and jcyyellcry hy gallery artists. Ni ‘.'.' Si l( )‘.'..
33a l)ttndas Street. 550 3|.Sl. .\lon l’t'i llatn opni: Sat Ill.3(lani 5pm. Small Pictures for Christmas l‘ntil Sat | l’eh. .-\nnual testiye slimy
display ing a \\ ide range ol' smaller. more at'i'ordahle yyorlss hy oyer 50 artists lrottt Scotland and ahroad. l’ltts prints. ceramics. glass. hron/e. sculpture.
jeyy ellery. sills scary es. \yootleli lto\c\ and Russian cral'tyyorls.
('astlehill. Royal .\lile. 473 3000. Daily 9.30am ltlpm.
Joanna Kinnersly-Taylor: Textiles l'ntil Sttn l3 .lan. l’rinted tc\tilcs hy (ilasgoyx hased artist Joanna Kinners|y 'l’aylor.
(to ('umhcrland Street. 55S 0873. .\lon l-‘ri lilam (rpm1Sat ltlam 4pm. Pop Art Tue 7 .Ian Sat l5 l‘ch. .-\n exhihition ol prints by American and British l’op artists l’cter Blalsc. .-\ndy \Varhol. liduardo l’aolo/xi and Roy Lichtenstein. Ni \.'.' 8i l( )‘.'.'.
()5 The Shore. l.eith. 553 5355. ’l‘ue i'ri llatn 5pm; Sat llatn -lpin. Christmas 2002 t‘niil Sat Ix .lan. .-\ mixed exhihition of paintings. ceramics. sculpture. glass attd jcyyellery by regular gallery artists including l’ctct' .\ardini. l)a\y liroyyn. .loyce liorland and .\largaretann Bennett and a solo shots ol pastels hy (iraham lll) .\lcls'can.
S7 Broughton Street. 558 S77.\'. \Ved Sat noon (rpm; Sun noon ~1pm.
Mixed Exhibition :\ changing selection ot~ yyork hy 3(lth century artists including \\ol'l\s by Pat Douthyyaite.
l)a\ itl llosic. Stcyen llootl arid (ieotl Roper.
licll-til'tl Road. 03-1 03”“ (recorded intormation 333 33(ioi. .\lon Sat
Illam 5pm; Stilt noon 5pm. (Kile. Warhol to Koons: International Contemporary Art from a Private Collection l‘ntil Sttn S .lttn. .r\n exliihition ol \xorlss on lottg tertn
loan including Andy Warhol. lid Rtisclta. Jeff Koons. Bill Viola attd (iilhcrt and (ieorge.
O Duane Hanson - Sculpture of Life l'ntil Sttn 33 l‘eh. £4 (£3). 'Iimrisls by Duane Hanson is a super— realist sculpture of tyyo .-\tnerican tourists yxhich has been a tamiliar and t'ayottrite sight at the gallery for many years. in its only l'ls' shoyxing. this major exhibition hrings together 3| ot' Hanson’s extraordinary sculptures dating from the ()(lS to shortly hel’ore his death. l‘rom the early mttrder and riot scenes to satirical studies oi. bored and idle America. Hanson explored the tedittm ot eyeryday lite.
Meet the Curator 'l‘hu ‘) Jan.
() (i.3()pm. l’hilip Long. senior curator at the National (iallery ol‘ Modern Art. giy‘es a talk on the John I)eakin exhibition. currently on show at the Dean (iallet'y.
'l‘lte Mound. ()34 ()3()() (recorded inlormation 333 33(io). .\lon Sat ltlam 5pm: Sttn noon 5pm.
The Pleasures of Patronage l‘ntil Sun 5 Jan. A selection oi \y‘ot'ks tnade yy ith the support oi' the l’atrons ot‘ the National (ialleries of Scotland since IDS") is on display including yxorls's hy l’iranesi and Remhrandt. The Vaughan Bequest of Turner Watercolours t'ntil l-‘ri 3| .lan. The annual airing of 'I‘urner‘s magnificent \yatercolours bequeathed to the (iallery in l‘)()() by the London art collector llenry Vaughan. The 38 \yorlss dating from throughout 'I‘urner's career. are only ey er shoyy n in the month of .Ian \yhen daylight is at its \\ ealscst.
Queen Street. 034 (i300 (recorded inlormation 333 336m. .\lon Sat ltlam 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. ('at'e. Calum Colvin - ‘Ossian: Fragments of Ancient Poetry’ l'ntil Sun ‘) lieh. 'l‘rained as a sculptor. ('alum ('oly in combines [no and three dimensional elements in his work. His compositions are part studio- constrttcted still lite. part photographic and part computer manipulated images. For this neyy body of yyorls. ('oly'in inyestigates themes ot‘ history. time. memory and myth. inspired by James .\lacpherson's epic poetry The l’tu'mx (if ()xxl'un and Related lliil'lsx’ ( l7()5). My Queen Elizabeth l'ntil Sun it) .lan. In association \\ ith l3l3("s li’luc l’t'lt'l'. an exhihition highlighting the 50 pri/e yy inning entries in their (iolden .luhilee portrait competition for children aged l5 or under.
On Top of the World: Scottish Mountaineers at Home and Abroad l'ntil Sttn 1‘) .Ian. l)rayyn from the gallery 's collection and other ptthlic and priyate collections. this exhibition ol paintings. sculpture. photographs. early instruments and documents. examines the role ot~ Scottish tnen and \yomen \y ho hay e e\ploi'etl some oi the \yot‘ld's liigllest peaks.
Some Early Scottish Mountaineers Wed 8 .latt. l3.—l5pm. Dr Robin ('amphell. an honorary .trchiy ist from the Scottish .\lountaincering ('luh giyes a talk.
[—1 .\'c\\ Street. 5.53 7004. .\lon Sat llatn o.3()pm. l'ntil late on Bongo (‘luh nights.
Emily ’l‘htt lo .lan inc 4 l’ch. .\‘exx \york hy sell taught artist lintin resulting front a grant she rcceiycd lrotn ('ll.»\Sii. Scotland's .\lillennium .-\\\ards Scheme yyhich alloyys socially exclttded young people to realise their project ideas. Ni \3’ Si l( )\\’.