Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.
I Becc Sanderson (Krharcl Vollairi‘. 3b 33 Blair Slrr‘cl. 33“ M50. 5 "pin. l'r'cc. ('Iaxxit‘ rh}l|rnr and tho lronr .\u\lr.rIian \ot‘alixl Sanilcrxon.
Saturday 4
0 Freewheelers Hit-1.30 ~13 .\\hlnn I,anc.3~13~1‘l(r(». 3 (rpm. I'rt'c, lnxcnlixc |a// quarrcl lcalurin; \a\op|ronr\l Roh IIaII. lrnrnhonixl (‘Irrix (iricw. Iraxxixl \lllxk‘ l)unin;_‘n§_' and \Iruinincr‘ l’aul .\liII\. 'l'lic hand incl up in lhc unIikcI) wiring; nl lIic |.nt‘Ir\\innocIr I-cxrnal lll Illlll. and rclt‘awd lhcir rlchul (l) Iaxl \urnrncr.
I Jazz’n’Jive Club I‘;Ill'llllIC Inn. ll Iiiggar Road. 3 I: fill 1. N I I fillprn. L” tL'bi. Inn Slrcllc) \ l'rixt'o .la// Hand l\l\'l\ ol the NC“ Ycar al Ill|\ popular lr'aililional ]a// club
I Bill Kyle’s Usual Suspects Ilurnan Bc In. 2 .\ \\c\r ('i'oxxgaimwxa}. Ni: 35h“, ‘lpnr. I'r‘cc. K} IcK iiuarlcl. lhr' I‘xuaI Suspct‘l» lcalurin}: a l'HI;lllle_‘ Irnc up ol lhc hcxl ol ItiIrnhurgh'x |;r// pIa_\cr\ \uclr ax (‘olrn Srcclc. Ilr'ran Shrclx Hrian KclInch. .lrnrrn} \\omI l\ ollcrul a lcrnpnrar) Irnrnc. allcr [Irv lirc \xlrit'h iIt‘\lr'ri}L‘il K} Ic'x \cnuc. lllC Iii'iilgc .Ia// liar.
Tuesday 7
I Lazy Bones lIurnan Ili- Iir.3 .\ \\ cxl ('l‘nxxg‘.’lll\c\\a.\, (lb: .\.\(iII~ ‘lpm. I'rcc. Ia// \Ianilardx and xv. in; \ogalx lrnrn lIn\ f_‘llll;ll'. \a\ and vital lrrn.
G asgox'x I Glasgow Jazz Record Club
l‘nilarian (‘hurt‘h (’crrlr'c. "I Ilcr'kclc} Slrccl. III 3151. “hillprn. [I (U nrcnrhcrxi. .la// r'ct‘onl club and lll\L‘ll\\I(lll group. \ l\lIUl'\ \xclt‘onic. l'irr‘llicr dclailx lrorn Iirnic Spr‘irx. (llll NM» Ill-1‘). (Burr) \Ich'canr} prcxcnlx ‘.\ Ix’it‘h Slarl‘. t‘\plorin;_' lhc rnuxic ol Build} Rich.
I Heather MacLeod (‘aharcl Vollaii‘c. 36 RH Blair Slim-l. 33” Min. 5 “pm. l'rcc. Inlinralc \ot‘alx lrorri llrix lalcnlcd \iirgcr. dcxcr'rhvd as ha\ in}: a ‘cr'carnih (unaccoux \oit‘c'.
I Jazz’n’Jive Club I'airniilc Inn. ll Iliggar Road. 313 3313. X I I fillprn. LI (Ur. l)l])I(llll;ll\ nI .la// and Spirilx ol' R|r_\rhnr pro\ lklt' lhc doubly bill In!“ [his night‘s in in}; club.
G asgow
I George Burt and Raymond MacDonald Quartet Iii-cl. W ‘13 .\\llIHll l.LlIIL‘. RI) I‘loo. 3 (rpm. I-r'cc. .\\\arrl \\ lllllIlljJ |a// guarlcl p|;i_\ inf: IlIll\Ik' lrorn Ilrcir Iaxl l\\o alhurnx including: original rnalcrral and \laliilal'ih.
I Special Concensus llmolcn l’ar‘lx. llll\\llCIl. Ulfion .l “(r 4-1. .\'prn. LN rL'5 r. Harlin inamlro (no: (KrIuII lk'§l\l\ [his ('hicago Ixrxcil hlucpraxx hand.
I Bill Kyle’s Usual Suspects IIurnari Be In. I .\ \\c\l (‘rnxxr‘auwuay “(if .\.\‘(»ll_ ‘lpnr, I‘rr‘c.
Sec Sun 5.
Tuesday 14
I Niki King lIurnan Hg In. I .\ \Mxl ('r'oxxt‘arrxwa}. “(if .\'.\(»H. ‘lprrr, I‘rcth (‘onlcnipnrari will and nu |a// \ilw\ lronr Ik'rricr .la// .\\\ill\l “inning: \rnjjcr. \rki King. appornpaninl h_\ _\Iart'u\ I'oril lor' a laid Irat'Ix \C\Il.
Thursday 16
G asgow
I Mary Coughlan 'l'hc ()Irl I'rurlnrarlxcl. \Ihion Sin-cl. 38' ‘lpni. LII I'Irc ct‘lct'ut‘ rangi- ol .\I;ir_\ ('oiij_'|r|an Iakcx Ircr' lroin lrailiuonal and lIIlHICl'Il Ir’rxlr \oir_~_'\ lo ra//. hlucx and pounlr}. I’arl ol (I‘Ilrt‘ (‘onnct'lronx
Irish singer Coughlan is not immediately thought of as a jazz singer, but she has long since established her credentials in that department, alongside her equal expertise in folk and rock settings. She came out of a traditional music background, but says: ‘I suppose jazz and blues were my main thing after that - I listened to Billie Holiday a lot, Frank Sinatra, Sarah Vaughan, and I would also be listening to Bessie Smith and Muddy
She is an expressive interpreter of jazz standards, but her most celebrated excursion into jazz came with her Mary Coughlan Sings Billie Holiday album and tour in 1999. Some of that material is likely to figure in this concert, as part of an eclectic selection of songs ranging from Irish folk to Jacques Brel.
(Kenny Mathiesdn)
I Mary Coughlan is at the Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow, Thu- 16 Jan.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@|, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.
I Riverside Ceilidh Riwrxidc ('Iuh. 33 l‘o\ Slrccl. I-lh’ _‘\I»I»I. Spin. LY». .Iarnc\ ('Ullllx (.Clllllll llallil f_‘L‘l\ lllC l\’l\L‘l'\l\IC (‘Iuh going; lor SHIN.
Saturday 4
G asgow I Riverside Ceilidh lx’ru‘rxlilc ('Iuh. 3‘ I'o\ Slrccl. 3-18 ill-l. .\pnr. Ur. Scc
I Alistair Hulett \‘wc loll (‘lirlx Ix’o}aI ()ak. llllll'llldl‘} Slrwl. 55“ I‘ll, .\‘. illprn. L5. loll. \\ illr a poliut'al cilpc lrorn IIll\ cu‘rlin}; pcrlorrncr \\ how part-vi has lakcn hini lrorn punk lo lll\ inorc rcu'rrl \oln acousut' \xork.
Wednesday 8
I Cliar Izilinhurgh l'olk ('luh. (‘aharcl liar. (ill lhc I’Icamnu'. b5“ li-I‘l. .\pni. Ur 1 (5 r. KW)“ n as a (iacln \upcr'y‘orrp. ('Irar arc rrrorc au'uralcl} dcxt‘rilml ax lIrc leading; yonlt'inlmrar} \oit‘c ol lr'ailrlinnaI IIIl|\I\‘ III lhc Highland» I'Irc group lcalurcx \rlhur (‘orrnat‘h \Iapgic
A UsherHall
folk 8. world islings Music
\IacHonaId and \Iar'} .\nn Kcnncil} ax \llk'illl\l\. Brut‘c .\Iat‘(irc;or on lltlkllt'. Ingrid IIcancrxon on piano and clarxat'lr i(iac|rt' liarpr and ('Ira/ Sit-“arr on f_'lllI;ll'\.
Friday .1 0
I Riverside Ceilidh Rncrxrilc ('Iuh. 3‘ l'o\ Sum. _‘~I.\' 3|~I~I. .\'prn. U» l\’Cl'l‘ 'Icrr (‘crliilh Hand IcaiI llll\ \wckK
I Riverside Ceilidh Rm-rxiilc (‘1qu {i I'o\ Slrct‘l. 118 ,‘I-II. .\'pnri Ur. Scc l'l'l Ill.
I Ceilidh SI l’iriilc'x (‘cnlrtx Ill ( )rucll 'Icrrat'c. 3-1!» I-lll5. Xpin. L") I [or Bclla \It‘NaIix pr'o\ Ith lhc lraililinnaI luncx lor «Iant'rng al lIIl\ lurid raixin; \‘crlnlh lor \Iulct'rnx Sanx I'ronlicrx
I Snowstorm: Old Russian New Year ('alc ('oxxachok. l\)ll\\l.lll ('uIluraI ('unlrc. Ill Kin; Su'ccl. 553 “"33. ()Illll. £5, 'I'raililional I\’l|\\l;lll \cu \L‘ar pclchralionx \\ rlIr l.c\ \lla\ on \ ioIrn and Slcphcn .\«Iarrr on prarro pcrlornnn; l\)ll\\l;lll. Hohcrnian and (lamit‘al la\ourrlc\.
I Gillian MacDonald and Frank McLaughlin “cc I‘olk (‘Iqu Ix’n}aI ()ak. Inlir‘inar} Slit-cl. 55“ Ill—Yr. .\. {llpnr L“. \L-r'xalih~ rluo. \\ III] \nrall I‘ll‘k'\. lIkltIIC\. lIulm and _‘_‘ll|l;ll' plux l\\n good |‘.lll\ ol lung»
BOX omce 0131 228 1155