Music rock & pop listings
380 George Street Edinburgh 0131 225 3408
Lunch from 12pm
Drinks promos every Wednesday and Sunday from 5pm - 8pm
Uve music & DJs from 10pm - 3am
Mon: Mark Mowbray Tues: Guaranteed Pure Wed: The Groove Train Thurs: Guaranteed Pure Fri: Feel Good Sat: Guaranteed Pure Sun: Fuego Latino
I Open ‘till 3
If you're in an up and coming band and would like the opportunity to showcase what you've got, please send your demo tapes/(D's to: Po Na Na 43b Frederick St Edinburgh
EH2 “P
or contact
0131 226 2224 We;
48 THE LIST Q—tt‘) Jan 20013
I Trampas Grand Ole ()pr'). l’aixlc) Road 'l‘oll. 42‘) 53%. 7.30pm. £4 (£3 memhersl. (‘ountry
I Abba Tribute Bourhon Street. “)8 (leorge Street. 552 (H41. 7pm. £5 t£l2.5(l \\ ith dinner).
I Peer Group Pressure Samuel Do“ '5. (37' 7| Nithsdale Road. 423 (lltl7. S.3(tpm. Free.
I Live MUSiC .\lacSorle_\ .S. 42 Jamaica Street. 24S S581. 9pm. l-‘ree.
I BMX Bandits, Ben Vaughn and John Hoeffleur King Tut's \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S.3(lpm. £(».5(). \Vr} indie strumming from the veteran Bandits who are joined h_\ [S singer songwriter Bert Vaughn \\ hose interesting career eneotttpasses uriting the incidental music for 'I‘ltinl Rm‘krl‘om the Sun and other 'I‘\' show 5 and recording an entire alhum in his car.
I Dead Fly Buchowski 'I‘he l3llt .\'ote (are. Sit-on King Street. 55.3 1633. 9pm. £3. Psychedelic rock.
I Colt 45 (irand ()le ()pt'}. l’aisle} Road To”. 42‘) 53%. 7.30pm. £4 (£3 memhersl. ('ountr}.
I Robbie Williams Tribute Bourhon Street. 1th (ieorge Street. 552 (ll-l l. 7pm. £5 (£12.50 \xith dinner).
I Open Stage The tlalt Bar. loo Woodlands Road. 564 1.527. 4 Spm. l‘t‘ee. \Vcekl} session for local musicians.
I Jamie Barnes and Cochise .\lacSorle_\ 's. 42 Jamaica Street. 243 S58 l. hpm. I5ree. Residenc} for the Rth \eteran. I Itchycoo Park Satnttel [)0“ ix. (x? 71 Nithsdale Road. 423 “NW. S.3llpm. l'i‘ee. oils and mod-influenced sounds.
I Open Stage Blues Jam .\'icc"tt'Slc‘zi/). 42l Saucltiehall Street. 33.3 9037. 2pm. Free. \Veekl} hlues-hascd \L‘SSlUll.
I Live Music Nice'n'Sleal}. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. ()pm. Line-tip to he conlirmed.
I Live Music MacSorle} \. 42 .lamaica Street. 248 3.531. 9.3(lpttt. l‘ree.
I The Rains, Koala and AC Rid Suhua}. (i‘) ('ou gate. 225 moo. 7.30pm. £4. Triple hill of indie action.
0 Tori Amos (‘l_\de Auditorium. Sli('(‘. l‘innieston Qua}. 0870 (Mt) 4(ltltl. 7pm.
£25 £22.50 £2tl. See The Big Picture lor the quirk) dixa.
I The Music Barron land. 244
(iallou gate. 552 4(vtll. 7.30pm. £ Ill. l.oon llarcd. tnop haired Leeds comho \\ ho \\ rite c\pansixe p\} chedelia-touched od} we} \ hut seem to Ian e forgotten the tunes.
I Easyworld attd Medium 21 King 'I'ut'x \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). Spin. £(i. ()\er- 145' \lttm. Rattcoux indie action.
I Los Destructos lite l3th \ote (ate. 5t) (ill King Street. 553 lo3S. 0pm. £3.
I Rawhide (Brand ()le ()pr). l’aixle) Road 'l'oll. 42‘) 53%. 7.30pm. £4 (£3 memherxl. (‘ountry
I The Cobramatics 't‘lie Scotia.
ll2 l|4 Stoclmell Street. 552 anal. 3.30pm. l‘ree. Residenc}.
I Jam Session StitcSm-le} ‘x. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 S58]. 2 5pm. l‘ree. \VCL‘hl} jam.
I Battle of the Bands .\lacSorlc} \. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 S58 l . (rpm. l‘rec.
I Phil’s Sunday Session t‘ixge Beatha. 232 \Vuttdlillttlx Road. 564 l5‘)(i. (rpm. l’ree. Bring )our own instrument.
I Live Music Sic-e‘ti‘Sleax}. 43I Sauchiehall Street. 333 0637. 0pm. l.ine tip [0 he L'Ulll‘ll'lllL'ti.
Glasgow I Goldrush, Remedy attd Vera Cruise Stereo. ll-l3 Kehinhaugh Street.
Raucous indie noise from Easyworld at King Tut’s, Glasgow, Sun 12 Jan
570 5(HS. S..3llpin. £4. Stereo “as t‘ormerl} called West 13th htit has changed its name to rcllect kinship \\ ith Mono. its cit} cetttre xixtcr. (ioldruxh Ita\e recentl} heen \xorking \\ ith Mercur}
Re\ Haming Lips producer l)a\ e l‘ridmann. Support l'rom t\\o country tinged local acts.
I Silversurfer (the) lite l3llt \ote (are. 50 (ill King Street. 553 1038. ‘)pm. £3.
I Acoustic Jam \icc'n'Slea/y 431 Sauchiehall Street. 33.3 9037. 9pm. l‘rec. With a free drink as incenti\e for participants.
I Acoustica ('aharet Voltaire. 30 SS lilttit‘ Street. 22” (tléh. I lpttt. l‘t'ce (\oltlnlat') contt'ihtltiom on c\it l. See .\lon (i.
Tuesday 1 4
I Aether Flux and Brezhnev Stereo. ll- l3 Kelx inhaugh Street. 576 5lllS. S.3(lpin.
I Drawn llte l3llt .\'ote (are. 50 on King Street. 553 l(\3.\'. 0pm. £3.
I The Hector Collectors lchai ()\ na. 42 ()tago lane. 35“ 4524. Split. l‘rec.
I Phil’s Session t‘ixge Beatha. 232 \VttttdlttttdS Road. .504 I590. 0pm. l‘t‘cc.
Wednesday 15
I Celtic Connections See l-olk listing\
I Counting Crows attd Gemma Hayes Sli('('. l-‘inniexton QuayllSTU ()4ll 4(ltttl. 7pm. £2 |. See prex re“ l'or introspectne .\l()R rockers (‘ottnting ('roux. Support comes lrom talented up and coming lrixh \ongtxriter.
O The Flaming Lips Ban-onlantl. 244 (ialltmgale. 552 .tonl. “.3llpm. £I5. Sec pre\ ic\\ l'or \Va} nc ('o} nc\ \pcctral lk‘tltlllL‘S.
I Jesse Malin and Jeff Klein King 'l'ut'x \Vah \Vah Hut. 2"2a St Vincent Street. 22| 52“). S.3(lpm. t‘o. .\la|in ix tie“ to the (K. hut is knoun to he hig huddiex \\ ith l{_\an Adams and ploughx a \imilarl} rock'n't’oll lurrou, Sec singlcx tor a re\ le\\ ol~ his latext.
I Bubblecraft and Psyche Essential lite l.‘~tli .\‘ote ('at'e. So on King Street. 553 lh3S. ‘lpm. £3.
Rock pop up and comers.
I The Hazey Janes Brcl. :\\hton lane. 342 4000. Spin. l‘ree.
I Acoustic Open Stage the Hall Bar. lhll \Voodlandx Road. 504 152". 0pm. l‘rec.
I Live Music Nice‘ii'Sleax). 42] Sauchiehall Street. 333 9037. 0pm. .\'(i.\l- promoted night \\ ith line-up to he conlirmed.
I Celtic Connections :\l\o see l-‘olk liSIitlg‘S
I Sinead O’Connor and Damien Dempsey R0);tl ('oncet't Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 Stltlll. ".3tlpm. £l.\'.5(|. lhc mercurial .\l\ ()'('onnor
heu llL‘lle\ \xith her renditiom ol' old Irish halladx ‘.\lol|_\ \lalone‘. "l'he Moorlough Shore‘ and the like \\ hich She learned ;t\ a child l'rom memherx other tamil}. Her c\ce||ent hand leature accordianixt Sharon Shannon III the line—up. l’art ot' ('cltic (.ttllllL'L‘lltlIIS.
I Mary Coughlan ()ld l't'ttitittai'kct. .»\lhion Street. 353 S001). 0pm. £14. lrixh dixa \\ llll art inimitahlc husk) \oicc. halls} attitude. droll sense ot' humour and terril'ic anccdotcx. Part of (‘eltic (‘onncctionx
I Koufax Barn}. loo (‘l_\de Street. tlx‘n ill)" (NW. S.3llpm. £5. limo outt'it “ltU ha\e toured \\ ith the (let up Kids.
I Chapman, the Pedestrians, Confusion, Peregrine and The Stand The (Hilltotixe. l5 l'nion Street. 24S (thllh, quillpm. (4.5”. ()\ er- l4x‘ \lttm. Rock pop line~up.
I Nibushi Shang Hong \icdtt'Slca/_\. 42! Sauchiehall Street. 333 003". ‘lpm.
I The Vagabonds lite Scotia. ll: ll4 Stock“ ell Stt'cet. .552 S63] ‘lpltt. l’rce. i’itpttlttl' co\ Ch.
I Open Mic lcltai ()\na. 42 ()tago lane. 35" 4524. Spm. [ice
I Jam Session Samuel Dim \_ (C "l Nitltxdalc Rtliltl. 42.3 till)". 3.3(lpltt. l’i'ec. I Live Music 'l‘intlerhox. lat) B}rc\ Road. 33‘) 3 lllS. ‘lpm. l‘rcc. Acoustic llllISlc‘.
I Travler and Mydas llenot \\att l'nnerxit} l'nion. thcarton. 45! 5333. 0pm. l‘ree. .\'c\\ term \\ ith hot nc\\ indie hands ltttltng the stage. Students and their gue\t~ old).
I Full-On Nights 'l'he (‘anonx' (iait. 232 (‘anongale 55h 44S l . 0pm. £2. See ’l'hu 0.