I Extra Width at (iilded Saloon.

9pm lam. Free. Weekly. .\'oisy guitars. lo- li atid exert a touch of ghetto-tech. and seeing that it's run by Mr and Mrs Mogyyai it comes as no surprise that guest bands and indie types drop iii to spiti the is heels ol steel.

I Human Be-ln at lltnnan Be-ln.

0pm lam. Free. Weekly. Beany drops nets atid old skool breaks and beats.

I Immersed in Music at l’iyo (‘at‘te 9pm 5am. Free. Weekly. The (‘Iech style bar launches a new [)1 schedule to get the party started iii a progressiye house atid tech-trance sty lee. With rotating [)1 duties details still to be conlirmed.

I The Scratch Family at Bu (formerly Baiii Boti). 9pm lam. Free. Weekly. Scratch needs no introduction to any hip hop head in ttthl. the best iii sotil. R& B and hip hop eyery' week from l.yley. Richie Rufftone and nietiibers of the Scratch extended family.

I Scratch Techno at Magoo's Basement. ()pm lam. Free. l-l |)ec. Mixed tip. scratched tip cutting edge liotise. techno and electro from Richy Key -Tech. Wolfia/l and Shady |)ay-e.

I SOHO at lguaiia. l()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Trinity Soul's Andy Bakert (and a feyy guests) drop the best and freshest soulful liottse atid I’S garage.

I Spider’s Social at l’opRokit.

9pm 3am. Free. 28 |)ec. See Fri.

I Static Cult at the Meadoyys Bar.

8pm l2.5()atn. Free. 14 |)ec. Monthly. .\ mighty mash tip of punk. hardcore. emo. sak. math metal. neyy nine and no “use. I Transista at ()xygen Bar arid (irill. 9pm latii. Free. l-t |)ec. l.o\y doyyn. dirty fiiiiked-up northern sotil. soundtracks. electronica arid exotica from ('raig Jamieson (Modern l.o\'ers).


I 21st Century Disco at ('onimplex (formerly (‘lub Jaxa). 9pm 2am. £5. Weekly. See FYI.

I Atomic Baby at La Belle Angele. l()..‘~l)pm 3am. £lt) (£8 members). 28 |)ec. Monthly. Progressiye house night

yy itli added gt‘ooy'es from Michael Kilkie atid Stuart Duncan.

0 Audio Deluxe at the Honeycomb. llpm 3am. £lI). l4 |)ec. Fortnightly. Smooth. soulful house at this shindig hosted by resident ('raig Smith (lltish llusli) \xith special guest the truly unique ()sunlade (Yoruba Records. NYC) on 1-1 Dec \s'hile ('raig Smith hosts his on n party oti 28 |)ec. See pl't'i'i'eiefor ()stm/tu/t'.

I La Belle Angele Xmas Weekender at La Belle Angele.

llpm 3am. £5 for both nights. 2| |)ec. See Fri.

I Bio-Rythm present Kevin Saunderson at La Belle Angele. l().3()pm 3am. £||). l4 |)ec. Detroit techno legend Key'in Saunderson shoyys \sliy he's still one of the best l).ls around even after all these years (with support from Sublime's (iary Mac).

I Colours Live! at the Liquid Room. l()pm 4am. £l—1. 28 |)ec. Scotland’s yery oyyn super club seems to be stepping up a gear at their lidinburgh residency as they haye some blinding line-ups on the yyay. l’re-Neyy Year yy arm tip from Nick Warren famed for his deep. dark. tribal house. With support as alyyays from Smokey and the Bandit. For this (lure only 'xl-IJsI't'unl Ito/(felts _£’(‘I £53 (Illi'U/lt't' lit'k‘t'lsfi'om Rip/mtg Recon/s (llll/ 23rd Precinct.

I Conception at 'l‘ey-iot ROW t'nion. l()pm 3am. £2 (£l members). l-l |)ec. Monthly. (ioth night specialising in rock. industrial and metal eyilness. Righteous metal and rock Xmas Party Night.

I DeathDisco at (iilded Saloon. l(l.3|)pm 3am. £tbc. l-l |)ec. Alan Mc(iee (yes that Alan McGee. as iii the titan behind ('reation Records. you know the folks yy ho brought its ()asis) joins Bl’ Fallon (manager arid publicist to the likes ol l.ed Zepp. .\litt'L‘ Bolan. Neyy York Dolls atid many more) bring us the best in rock. roll and anything else that takes their fancy. See [irt'i'it'itz

I Diggity at the Establishment.

llpm 3am. £6 (£1 off ysith flyer). Weekly. DJ Fabulo/ and Harry l.(i get doyyn \sitli their bad selyes. playing \yildsty le Rth. hip hop and street sotil.

I Disco Inferno at ligo. 10.30pm 3am. £8 (£0 in fancy dress). 23 |)ec. :\ night ol‘ disco cream on tyso floors. (ilamtned tip atid iti your face disco action from D] l.o\‘e. .\'ick Sily‘et'. M(’ ()tis. l-tmkmastci' Fryer and 1)] ('asanoxa.

I Do This Do That at the Honey cotiib. 10.30pm 3am. Free. 2| |)ec. Fortnightly. l’loughing a deliberately underground \ the “bile still attracting the best guests in toys n (and award nominations) along the \yay. Resident .\'eil Anthony hosts their Xmas party and final eyer l)Tl)T Honeycomb session before they make their those to la Belle. Special guests to be announced.

I The £99 at Wee Red Bar. | lpm 3am. £4 (£3.50). Weekly. Still the best tiiix of indie. (ills garage. northern soul. ska and soundtracks you're likely to stagger across. A W ell lo\ed institution that refuses to change.

I Eye Candy at Massa (fortnerly (‘lub Mercado). l lptii 3am. £l() (£8 or Us if ‘outrageously dressed'). Weekly. Residents the Fly e ('andy Tyy ins and .\'e_iat Barton host their infamous glam and mainstream

house party in the neyy ly refurbished yenue.

Remember to ‘dress glam or serum. I Faith at Faith (formerly Wilkie llouse). l()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. The Faith all-stars tempt in the weekend resellers: Stey ie (i. Toby Saltonstall and Je/ llill drop Rth atid classics alongside an upfront mix of chart hits. I The Flow at the Beat Jall Basement. l()pm 5am. £2 £5. 2| |)ec. .\'eyytish) night for the beat \y ith freestyle masters Dan and (Ni iii control. and dropping by for some liye action it's Monosapians for some futiky bi'eakbeat action.

Funkey Magic’s 2nd Birthday at Berlin Bierhaus. l()..‘~()pm 3am. £l2 W eeketid ticket. :3 |)ec. See l't'i. I Funkysensual at l’o .\'a .\'a. 9pm 3am. Free before I lpm; £-l before midnight; £5 alter. Weekly. llot mix of sexy funky house music from D] Benchy and Roddy Mac. I Give it Some! at Bongo ('lub. | lptii 3am. £3 before midnight; £5 alter. 14 Dec. .\'eyy night for the Bongo. featuring the best in funk. soul. lit/l and all that inspired hip hop. I Greazed Up at Spider‘s Web (‘ellar Bar. 8pm 2am. £7. 28 |)ec. Rockin' action from Paul (‘ and Tojo on the decks atid liye sounds from lli Voltage. lidinburgh‘s premier rockabilly baiid let loose in ftill oti party mode. I Headspin at Bongo ('lub. 10.30pm 3am. £5 (free yiith llogtnanay ticket). 28 |)ec. Monthly. The best iii hip hop. ftitik. soul. house and breakbeat from the resident DJ display teatn featuring Allan. the Resonance (Dam and (‘olin Millar) and Steye Spin. I Joy at ligo. I lptii 3am. £l() (£8 members). 2| |)ec. Monthly. l'p-front. dirty house grooy'es on the main floor from Maggie and Alan Joy. l’ltis 'I’rendy Wendy and Sally Finlay“s cheeky tnix of sotil. funk and chart in the downstairs suite. .\'ote that Joy is a club for gay people and their friends. I Luvely at the Liquid Room. l()pm 3am. £l2 (£10 members). 1-1 Dec. Monthly. A saucy soiree. geared toyxat‘ds a gay/mixed croyyd atid featuring a music policy of full-on. driy‘ing house from residents Tommy K. (BP and Jared. Xmas patito theme ys ith a kinky tyy'ist as they present their ‘l’uss iii Boots' party. I Majestica at the Venue. l()..‘~(lpm 3am. £tbc. l-l |)ec. Monthly. Down and dirty house night featuring residents l)a\ id .-\tiios. lid l). Treyor (i atitl Bruno F-K across tyxo floors. (iay friendly. straight friendly generally just friendly. Joined by special guests the lo\ ely Taste boys Fisher and Price. I Manga Venue 'l‘lK‘ (call 07887 (i7fitlol for more itifo). lt).3()pm 3am. £8 (£(i members). 28 Dec. Monthly. Matiga don't lolloyy the croysd they lead ‘em yyitli their

irresistible monster drtnn is bass sotitids. ('hristmas party time so the full residents roster “ill be iti full effect: (i-Mac. l)_l Kid. the (ieneral. Senses. Sort Of l'gly. M('s Feelnian and Sonny. With \ istials frotn VJ .v\—l)an and Dr Strangegloxc.

I Messenger Sound System at Bongo ('lub. llptii 3am. £7. 2| |)ec. Fortnightly. Bass of boyyel-sliifting proportions as the mighty Messenger Sound System blasts otit the best iii righteous roots and dth reggae.

I Mingin’ at Studio 24. l(l.3(l|)iii 3am. £6 (£5 before midnight). l4 |)ec. Fortnightly. Residents Brian l)einpster atid .r\|an Joy partake of the tistial Mingin' madness. playing liltliy liouse atid tyy isted trance for a frisky and predominantly gay crond.

I Mission Jnr at Studio I-l. 7 lllpnt. £5. Weekly. (iotlt. rock. ptitik and of course all that till metal stuff that the kids craye so much. So if you ey er \sondered “here all those black clad youths from the top of (‘ockburn Street \yeiit after dark look no further. the best atid original under l8‘s metal gathering in loud

I Mission at Studio 24. ltlpni 3am. Weekly. Night of tiietal mayhem. goth rock and more from the darkside a real lidinburgli institution that refuses to lay down atid die.

I Modern Lovers Christmas Office Party at l’opRokit. 0pm 3am. Free. 2| |)ec. .\ one off ('liristnias party is ith ('raig .lamieson and special guest (ierry l.o\e ('l'eenagc Fanclub) sery ing tip a festiy e lix of ftniked up northern soul. rare :Jt'ooycs. freak beats and exotica.

I Nightmare Afore Christmas Ball at Marco's leisure (cutie. £8 £lll. l4 |)ec. Spooky party for all those gotlis atid ghouls \ylio ittst \yanna celebrate ('hristmas in their oysn peculiar \yay. l.i\e bands the \ttt'eisstls l’ool. l)l ‘Si'l‘ atid Mina 2‘). loin some of Scotland‘s best gotliic |).|s. Raffle and tltilll ba/aar

listings Clubs

for all your Xmas needs for more itifo check xxxy\y.tiiglitmareaforexniasbal|.org.uk

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lounge. ‘lpni 3am. £5. Weekly. l)a\e Sliedden With his mix of disco and funky house tracks.

I Opium at ()piuni. l()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Rock. titi metal and alternatixe/indie.

I Play at the Ventie. lll.5llptll 5am. £7 (£5 yxith flyer). 28 |)ec. l),| KippS returns at this new tiiglit of only the choicest cuts in the \yorld Rth. funk and disco. Xmas party time so (iino (Motlierftink) is on liatid for some full on ftiiik action.

I Popcorn at (‘abaret Voltaire.

llpm 5am. £8 (£7). 2| |)ec. Residents Keb |)arge (|)eep l‘nnk). (iino and Fryer (Mollierfunk) drop ftiiik. soul arid disco. While in tlie Brcakneack Beat .lani studio the Resonance arid Stey ie lleadspin are joined by .I Walk for his Mei/it on I/It’ Ix’rtt‘ky album Iauncli tour. I Progression at the l.iquid Room. lll.5ll[)|tl 3am. £ll). 2| |)ec. Monthly. The residents \selcome l.e\icoti .v\\entte oti J tlex atid l‘X. .Su’ [mail-n.

I Space Face Xmas Party at the Ventie. Illnitlpm 3am. £3. 2| |)ec. .-\ special (’liristnias pick and mix from Spider. tlic Blondc l'litslt and Allan l)undas. playing some of the finest festiye party times around. Plenty of drinks promos and licence may be extended to 5am.

I Tackno’s White Christmas Masked Ball at ()cean 'l'erniinal. 0pm 2am. £|tl £l2 (£32 inc dinner). It l)cc only. Waliey a big scale Tackno basli \y ith no \yol'k toniorroyy. So join l).l 'l'rendy it) her Winter Wendy land as Xmas comes early in the land of the kitsch. camp classics. lixpcct lestiye

jingles. Karaoke and tnore all in the

spacious ens irons of ( )cean ‘l‘erniinal.

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Valid from: 1 2/1 2/02 Until: 30/1 2/02

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