Clubs listings
Edinburgh Fridays continued
I Planet Earth at ('itrus ('luh. 10.30pm Rant. ‘5. \Vcelxl}. .\lusic lrom I‘Vo through to Nb") or in UlllL‘HHH‘tls a health} dose ol' punk. ncxx \\a\e. neu romantic and electro pop.
I Pogo Vogue at Bongo ('luh.
lllpm 3am. L." (UH. 3" Dec. .\lonthl}. .\'o music polic) alloucd at this new night ol' L‘\[\L‘t'tlllL‘ltl;tl L‘lL‘L‘ll’Ulllc‘tt. l‘ahric It‘fltlt‘lll l’urc Science drop h) to till the guest slot tor a [no hour li\c set alongside residents l)r .v\ir t('luh (Ni. Brian H‘Souxa. and H] Kim tor a night ol' no houndal'} hascd lt'oltcx
I Roadblock at l’o \a .\‘a. ltlpm 3am. l‘rcc hcl'orc I lpln; L31 £5 alter. \Veeld}. \icci l-' stops the lrallic in had lllll\lL‘ \xhen she digs tip the best in lunlx. disco. liousc and hlock rockin' heats.
I Disco at \Vec Red liar.
the ld'isc‘odisc‘o creu and the} '\e drafted in the help of Suh (‘luh legend Harri to help their (’hristmas l’art) go \\ ith deep liouse} suing.
I Upside Down at llone}comh. 10.30pm 3am. l-ree before midnight: £4 alter. 20 Dec. Ne“ funk} house night
\\ ith (’hrister. l)a/ l)a\ ies and Jamie Buchanan.
I UTI presents: Acid Junkies at Studio 2-1. l().3()pm Ram. {10 (£0 members). 20 Dec. Monthl}. l'nderground techno night l'eaturing resident l)_l\ Semai. Johnn} Oh? and 'l‘ormod .\1or. A real coul’ as the} secure the talents of legendar) squelchy noise makers .-\cid .lllttlxic‘x (Me) for a hit or hard ass techno action.
I Velvet at ligo. llpm 3am. u» 195). 27 Dec. :\ next \xomeu's niqu tor gay girliex and their specially imited ho} t'riends tmen can onl) gain admission it accompanied h} a lady). hosted h)
lititlpin 3am. to Neil (5|. 13 Dec. Next Michelle tlo). \Vigglet.
tor-“aid thinking music c\perieltcc \\ith Phil Kieran guests at No Strings Attached, Fri 27 Sep
an eclectic mi\ ol‘ iackitr gt‘oo\c\. micro Saturdays
house and trunk} clcctech. Residents I Suburbia at Studio ll. ltlfiilpm 3am. I Trouble at the Blue Note at the
Brian d'Sou/a and Dirt} present this lind [5 ith. 20 Dec. .\ tun ne\\ night ol retro Beat Jal/ Basement. lllpm 3am. £3 hel'ore Pre'CIUb
ol ‘l'erm ('hristmas l’art}. "Us and .\'t)\ limit and disco. .v\nd the} midnight: £4 alter. \Veekl}. lmpt'm ixed jail I Beluga at Beluga Bar and ('anteen I Showcase at ligo. lititlpni 3am. [I promise loads ot' lreehies and operating a jam sponsored h) the legeudar} Blue .\'ote Restaurant. 8pm lam. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. hcl'ore l l._i()prn; L71 alter. 13 Dec onl_\. .\ 'lic ll;ipp}' door polic}. Records. l.i l)ec sees a li\e \llU“ lrom hip House. garage and tall} heats \\ ith a selection of some ol' the hcst local Dis 0 Swaraj at ('aharct Voltaire. hop ere“ ()h li)e Records “ith .\l(‘ touch of northern soul from the infamous around. Stexen lh'onnc il’ure'l'ransmat l lpm 3am. L") it“). l3 l)cc. liast meets Reachout. 20 Dec has Kaxhah taka Yogi llaughton and la) l'cene} uith li\e Records). up coming house duo 'l'obohlu “est as Asian inllucnces are brought to Benhecula. also l'ormerl) part of sax lrom Kenn) 'l‘.
\\ ith their hcst ot Silt): and We hear on cluh room heats. (‘clehrating their production duo (iKl tor a 1)] set “tilt .\l(' I The Best of 2002 at lguana. percussion lrom l’cpc Santamaria. Kex in til'th hrithda) inch to lzdinhurgh hut the} ('het (ioldstein taka l’errier Best lllpm 3am. Free. 23 Dec. See 'l‘hu.
Rocs and Paul .\lason dim and Strings) ha\c hccn making a name tor themsehcs \c‘\\c‘tiiiic‘r' anard \xinner (iarth I City Got Soul at Iguana. ltlpm 3am. man the main room. “here as the (‘ut/ in London for a good \xhile no“ I. the} ('ruickshank). :\nd linall) on 27 Dec liree. l~l l)ec. .\lonth|_\. 'I‘rinit} Sound's attd Strings crew take care ol' the (‘octeau \xclcome the Shna Soundsptem taking the .Itistantithahrotha pltning hack to hack tor And) Baker tplus guests) supplies the Lounge. .\\iau music scene hack to the dancel‘loor \e\en hours with resident llohhes tand .\l(' soulful house and garage. Special guest I Soul Biscuits at (‘aharet \‘oltaire. \\ ith their Inc Inain up of His. .\l(\. ('het (ioldsteini tor a set of deep liouse. Joseph Malik drops h} H l)ec.
llpin 5am. t" tUil. 2" Dec. Nast} l’. lllll\lt'l;llt\ and more. ia/l. soul. funk and disco. 5am closing for I Decks in the City at ('it} ('al‘e. li\tra. (iino and (‘uunie pro\idc the hip I The Time Tunnel at .\la\\a 2t) & 37 Dec dates. I'm IA’. 2!) A'- 37 [hr 8pm lam. l‘ree. 14 Dec. l-‘resh .-\ir l5.\l hop. limit and leltlield hrcalts. .'\lso on «tormer|_\ (‘luh .\lcrcadoi. ltlpm Sam. [5. mill ‘.rl-l..‘\!'t'unl [IN/(It’H er! [I (Wt/our launch this neu open decks night. so catch hand \\ ill he comedith (iarth (’ruilcshanlt \Vcekl}. ’l'rend} \Vend}. Shouhi/ Jase and priu- u/l lug/II. all the latest spinners before the) hit the and Mid} Reid \\ ill he dishing out the Bell} l‘ord disrupt the space-time I Underground [Gimme Back My] big time. .ltl\l bring along }our records or laughs. .\\ the} \a} ‘entertainment \\ ith continuum \\ ith tunes hour the ()ll\. its at Berlin liierhaux. ltlpm 3am. Free hel'ore book a slot online at
integrit) '. and Kits, ()r ma}he it's just the alcohol. I lpm; £5 alter. IR l)ec. .\'e\\ night from \tnu.l‘reshairl'
Ra\\ Promotions in assoctiation mth Majestica - Music by Design and Play present a llogmany e\tra\'agnIa that's not to he missed...
David Amos | Ed D | George T | Bruno F—K | Kipp$ | Ryan Ellis | The Space Face DJ’s
(‘ome and join us at The Venue and get down to arguably some of the
tinest music _\ou are liker to hear this llogmany. With additional lighting. decor and sound l‘he \‘enue will be translonncd into a vibrant and
‘ . ‘ . . . . www.mnjestlnmet colourtul clubbing utopia that s guaranteed to get \'ou in the pan\' .
. p ; ‘ _ ~ s s - - “'n'plny-edtnhnrghxom mood to bring in -003 in style. See you all there.
M/W/ v'lw.’ 03?}. a artwork daudm presentationgniphics co uk
Ticket price: £l7 plus booking fee available (ti The Venue, Fopp, Ripping Records, Virgin and Underground Solushun | For more information please telephone 0131 557 3073
92THELIST'. . .. tr