Red and White Geraniums by J. Stuart Park on show at the Blythswood Gallery

Mixed Show l'ntil Hi 31 Jan. A :‘clcction of work by Scottish artixts including Ryan Iixidorc and Andy l’cuthcrcr.

Champion: the Beautiful Game 1'ntil Hi 31 Jan. In asyociation with The Daily Record. oycr 80 archiyal l‘ootball photography I‘caturing initth of icons of football including Billy .‘\Ic.\'cil and 1)cnni\ I.ayy.


[hit 2 .‘ylcrchant Squarc. 552 5627.

'I'uc Sat Ilam~5.30pm; Sun llam 5pm. Mixed Exhibition l'niil I‘ri 15 .\'o\. A mixcd xhoyy of paintings by yai‘ious artistx.

PROJECT ABILITY (‘cntrc Iior I)c\'clopmcntal .-\rt.\ 18 Albion Strcct. 552 2822. .\Ion I-'ri 10am 5pm.

Young Talent 2002 t'nul Fri 2‘) Noy.

Artyyorkx by childrcn and young pcoplc lrom (ilasgoyy and liaxt :\y‘t‘\ltirc.


118 Douglax Sti‘ccl. 2-18 ()380. Mon Sat I0.30am 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm.

A Touch of the Hard Stuff Sat

16 Sat 30 .\'oy. Lyrical \tonc and bron/c sculpturc by Tom Allan. NEW SHOW.


2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. .\Ion Sat 10am (rpm.

Russian Painters l'ntil Tue 31 1)cc. An inspircd by Rtixxitt and Scotland by a group ()1 Ruxxian paintcrs including Maxim I)cmidoy and Vladimir ('hcklunarcy.


100 chl‘rcyy Strcct. 332 5057. .\Ion I-‘ri 9am 4.30pm.

Winter Exhibition l'niil Sat 3t) .\'o\. A \caxonal \clcction ol‘ pitlllllllgx by Ruth A. ('axtlc I'caturing \1111 Inc and ‘tablcxcapcx’.


(i Burnlicld Road. (lillnock. (138 1200. Inc I-‘ri Ilam 5pm; Sat 10am 5pm; Sun noon .5pm.

New Works l'ntil Sun 17 .\'o\. .\'cyy uorks by Stcyc Johnston. Bryan Iiyanx and Racth Scdlcy.


20 King Strcct. 552 2151. 'I‘uc Sat

10am 5.30pm.

Antonio Rego t‘nnl Sat to Not. 'l‘mi ncyy \idco yyorkx by (ilaxgoyy -ba\cd l’ortugucxc artist. Antonio cho. In lm'p uni/or rlu' Skin. a numbcr oI (ilasgoyy artists rcad from tltcir I‘ayouritc book and in Rollin/alum]. artixtx and \yritcrx talk about a whim \yhilxt bcing driycn around a roundabout. LAST CHANCE IO Si 1. Harvey Jackson: and Now you Don’t Inc 20 Nm Sat 25 Jan. (ilaxgoyy- baxcd Ilarycy Jackxon prcxcntx cight \yol'k\ madc o\‘cr thc Iaxt thrcc ycarx. Iincompaxsing \Iidc pt‘ojcctol'x. natural light and constructcd matcrialx. thc \yot'lxx rclcrcncc I'untairx and magic. NE‘C.’ SHO‘I-


1/2. 3-1 (‘ranyyorth Strcct. llillhcad. 07812 (3057-15. Daily 1 (rpm.

Goodbye Old Paint 1‘nli1 Sun I7 .\'o\. .\'c\\ \york by (ilaxgou -ba\cd artixt ('raig .\lulho1|and. Icaluring an installation oI painting\ and \Utlntl lllxplt't‘tl by ‘.»\

(my boy \ 1.amcnt to 111\ Dying lIorxc‘. a \otlg yyhich hc hax rcintcrprctcd and publixhcd ax a 7" \inglc to accompany thc \ltoyy. LAST CHANCE IO S1. 1..

Artist Talk Stm 17 .\'o\. 3pm. ('raig .\Iulholland Ittlkx about hix currcnt c\hibition at S\\ itchxpacc.


7 8 Park 'lcrracc. 3.12 3004. For morc information about I. mcrgcd 1) call 07751 520 88‘); c-mail cincrgcdm hotmailcom; u my .cmcrgcd.nct

Accommodation t'niil Sal Ru .\‘m. Artixt-run non-prolit organixation Ii mcrgc 1) pt'cxcnt a \cl'ic\ oI \ilc'-\pccilic at‘l intcrycntions bonycd at a fully opcrational youth hoxtcl. Angc 'l‘aggart‘x ncyy \york lml ix inxpircd by many ycarx c\pcricncc ol' \lccping in a ltoxlcl bunk bcd rcxulting in liy c pcrl‘ormancc and pcrl‘ormancc-Ior~

\ idco yyorltx. .lillllt‘\ Ilodgxon hay \ct tip a pxcudo cloakroom in liulumh \yhilc ('hrixtinc \icholl c\plorcx thc building'x paxt in hcr archilcctural additionx madc Irom royal icing. I-‘inally. Katc Burton c\plorcx thc notion oI' clucx through photography and Iilni. Scc rcy icyy. Accommodation Talks Wed 20 .\'m. 7pm. lullle llodgxon Iillb\ about hix \yorlt.

Accommodation Talks \Vcd 2," Noy. 7pm. (‘hrixlinc llicholl tlixcll\\t‘\ hcr contribution to thc c\hibition.


25 :\Ibcrt I)riyc, 0845 5303501. 'I'uc Sat noon 8pm: Sun noon (upm.

0 Martin Boyce Hi 22 .\'o\ Sun I‘) Jan. A major \olo c\hibition Irom Hamilton-born artixt .‘ylartin Boy cc. \\1to \ttidicd at (ilaxgoyy School ol' Art on thc cny iromncntal courxc. In rcccnt ycarx. Iloy cc hax lik‘lht‘tl on dcxign. Iurniturc and g'l’dpllic‘x Irom thc 1950x. but hix ncyy PICCC. ()HI‘ [.mi't' Iiy I.i/u' Illt' l'i/(llll’l'h I/It’ Ruin. 111" Sn: and III(' llum'y. \pccially C(tlllllll\\itillt‘tl I'or 'I‘ramyyay. ix an indoor parkxcapc inxpircd by utopian idcals. dcxigning \culpturcx in thc I‘orm ol‘ rubbixh binx alongxidc bcnchcx. chain~ link I‘cncing and abxlraclcd trcc \hapc\. Boy cc \ay\ ol‘ hix ncyy yyorlx: ‘1 bay c bccn \yantcd to introducc a ncyy tonc. crcating thix idca ol an imaginary location that\ alyyayx bccn quilc noir. quitc cincmalic. ’I'hc idca \\illl llllx “ax to crcatc \omcthing inorc poctic. morc romantic.‘ Scc I'caturc. N1 811021.


28 King Strcct. 552 4813.1‘uc Sat

11am 5pm.

Electra l'ntil Sat 30 .\'o\. .\ group \hoyy ol' \york I‘caturing photography and \ idco \yot'k\ by (iabricl Ro/co. animach lilmx by .\Iungo 'I'homxon and in thc baxcmcnt \pacc. a loinm Iilm and a \culptural lll\l;lll;llitill by Lucy .‘ylcliachan.


(i3 'l'rongatc. 552 42(17.

Margaret Barron l'ntil Sal to _\'o\. l’aintingx by Margarct Barron that attcmpt to capturc thc \pccilic monicnt. thc Iir\t timc you glimpxc a placc or Ultlt‘L‘l. 1001x1032 tll lllL‘ (Ill'l'L'l'CllCL' 1‘01“ L‘t‘ll thc I'L'ulily ttlltl ltlt‘illlSCtl \L‘l'xitilt ;t\ \L‘CII in painting. I’url u/ (i/uyuuy.’


18 Albion Strcct. 552 2822. .\Ion 1-‘ri 10am 5pm.

Before and Beyond t‘niil I‘ri 3‘) .\'o\. .\ \olo \hoyy ol‘ ncyy ccramicx by Judith I’attcrxon.

listings Art


47 l’arnic Strcct. Mcrchanl ('ity. 07788 80802-1. Daily 2 7pm.

Hypothesis - Forms of Regeneration on the Clyde Thu 28 \o\ Still I l)cc.’1ihu 7 “pm:

I‘ri Sun 2 7pm. Inhabiting a yacant \hop propcrty. clcycn intcrnational graduatcs Irom thc Mackintoin School ol' .-\rchitccturc in (i1;t\goyy prcxcnt thcir Iinal ycar dcxign propoxalx \yhich locux on rc-making thc(’1ydc. NI'W SHOW.


l l3 \cht chcnt Strch 221 UHN. .\Ion I-‘ri 10.30am 5pm.

Mixed Show l'ntiI Hi 15 Noy. .»\n c\hibition oI' Iandxcapc. topographical and liguratiy c paintingx including drayy ingx. pl‘lllh and \culpturc. Paintings to Live With .\lon I8 \oy Sill 7 I)cc. .-\ \clcction oI oil painting\. paxtcl painting\ and \culpturc. N1 SHOW.

WHERE THE MONKEY SLEEPS 132 \Vc‘xl chcnt Strcct. 220 3-100. .\Ion I‘ri 7am 7pm: Sat 10am 7pm. We Could Be Heroes 1-‘ri 15 I-‘ri 2‘) .\'o\. Photographic yyorks by (ilaxgoyy School oI'.-\rl \tudcnt. Thomas Bangstcd. NEW SHOW.

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow Life, page 98.


.'\rgy lc Strcct. Kcly ingt‘oy'c. 287 269‘). Mon 'l'hu 1k Sat 10am 5pm; I‘ri & Sun 11am 5pm. ('al‘c. l-rcc.

A Kelvingrove Centenary t'ntil Spring. .\ coinmcinoraliy c c\hibition marking thc ccntcnary' ol' thc .'\rt (iallcry and .\Iu\cum. Kclyingroyc. ’l‘hc \\ L‘ll lny L‘tl \lllltISIUIlL‘ building lltlUSL‘S onc oI' thc lincxt ciy ic art collcctionx in Iiuropc. I'caturing \ytil'lx\ by Botticclli. Rcinbrandt. \Vhixtlcr and lhc (llaxgoyy 13t)y\ ttlltl (iit‘1\. illltl \\;t\ IlIL‘ \L‘llllt‘ litit' \oliic ol' lhc Iinc\t c\hibitionx \ccn in Britain including l’lt‘;t\\t)-.\l;tllx\t‘ (I040). \‘an (ioglt t 1048) and Dali'x .-\rl III./(’ll'('/\ 11973 ~11.

Endangered Wildlife t’niil Spring 2003. An c\hibition highlighting thc cndangcrcd \yildlilc in Scotland. Helen Keller Award l'ntil Sun 2—1 .\'o\. Scnxc Scotland prcxcnt lhc litth Ilclcn Ix'cllcr auard I'caturing oycr I80 al‘tyyol'lu on thc \ubjcct ot' dcaIblindncyx. including painting. \culpturc. photography. poclry. Braillc and print. IASI (El IANCI IO S1 1 . BG Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition Salt to

.\'o\ Sun 20 .Ian. No“ in it\ cighth ycar. thc popular \\ iIdlil'c photography c\hibition Icaturing tbc \y inning and conmicndcd cntricx. N1 \‘y’ SI IOW.


‘I‘llt' (‘t’tixx Kll‘lxllllillttc‘ll. 573111-14. 'I‘uc Sat 10am 1pm 1k 2 5pm. Annual Christmas Art and Craft Exhibition Sal to .\'o\ Sat .21 l)L‘L‘. .'\ \L‘lL‘L‘IiUll Ul- \\tit‘1\ 1‘} local artixtx including \yatci‘coloui'\. oi1\. \culpturc. ccramicx and jcyy c11cry.

BURRELL COLLECTION 21l(i()1’ttlltil\\ll;t\\\ Road. 237 2.5.511. .\Ion 'l‘hu tk Sat 10am 5pm: l‘ri «k Sun 11am 5pm.

Treasures from the Store: 19th Century European Paintings l'ntil turthcr noticc. a ncyy \L‘lL‘L'IIUII til t>i1\ i\ on \li\pl;ty highlighting thc rangc ol' Sir William Ilurrcll‘x taxlc. l-‘caturcd \yorkx incltidc painting\ by Born in. Ribot and .\Ii1|ct and a rarcly \ccn oil by llcnri 1.c Sltltlttt‘l‘.

\c. .‘ ‘. .‘ THE LIST 89