Art listings
Gallery Of Modern Art continued
Nu l'ri l5 Not Stilt lo l‘ch. ('olour horiraits and \ idco \wi'k irom Nu.-\rts. a collaboration hctuccn photographcr Jim l’o} ncr and \ idco lilmmukcr (irahain .\lacl\cr. \iho uorkcd \\ ith ihc )oung pcoplc “lto congi‘cgatc UlllSltlL' thc galllt‘l'} ihc goth. rock. hip hop and skatc tans gii ing thcm a chancc to put oxcr ihcir \ lL‘\\ poittl. Ni Sl l()‘\.'.’_
Roukcn (ilcn Road. 020 0235. .\lon. lhu. l‘ri ck Sun 1.30 5.30pm; Sat
ll.3(lain 5.30pm.
Small and Beautiful l'ntil Sui to No\. :\ llii\ctl shim ol slitttll—scalc paintings including \iorks h} Jcnnilcr :\lltlL‘l‘sttlL \largarctann Bcnnct. Kll‘sl} Whithcr. .-\lc\andci' Rohh and l)a\ id Martin.
Christmas Exhibition Sun I?
Ni“ TUE .24 l)cc. .'\ lttl\L‘tl slttm oi “oils h} imilcd gallcr} artists including paintings. ccramics. sctilpturc and
it“ L‘llL‘t'}. l't‘alttl't'tl ttl'llsls lllL‘ltttlc .lcltttllt‘l’
Attilc‘t‘sott. Shona Barr. lid llnntcr. l’attullo and (iordon W} llic. Nl i'.‘ Sl l(?‘.'.'
l-IX \Vc‘st RL‘gL‘ttt Slt‘CL‘l. 22] .3095.
Mon Sat 0.30am 5.30pm.
The Winter Collection Hi 15
No\ l‘ri 3l .lan. .\ \sinlcr sclcction oi paintings including \xorks h} ihc (ilusgou BU}\. thc Scottish (\iltittt‘isls. llollstolt. Blackaddcr. liardlc). Rcdpath. (‘ou ic and man} morc. Nl ‘.'. SHOV.
l2 Rosc Sll'L‘L‘l. 3.3.2 leo’.
Hugh Walker l‘niil Sui 3i) .\'o\. Rcccnt photograph} h} llugh \Valkcr.
Bellany - A Life, Death and Resurrection il’(il Sun 24 No\. Spin. £3.50 i£2 l. .\ prolilc ol' thc artist John Bcllan} “ith an introducloi'} lccturc h} .-\lc\andct' .\lollat. llcad oi" l’ainiing at (ilasgtm School ol:\i'l.
22 «k 25 King Strcct. 552 (Pit-.1. ‘l'uc Sat lilam 5.30pm.
Adrian Wiszniewski Hi 15 Nm luc 2-l l)cc. Ncis paintings c\ploring thcmcs ol' Inc and dcath h} .-\drian \Vis/nicu ski.
THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM lop lloor. (i4 ()sliot‘nc Slt‘cct. 552 l-1-72. 'l‘uc Sui noon 5pm.
Janie Nicol and Karen Vaughan .\lon IS Sun 24 No\. Rcccnl \Htl'lk,
lo? chl'rcu Strccl. 353 450i). .\lon lllll lllam 7pm: l‘ri lllani 4.45pm: Sat
Illain noon.
0 Ken Currie l’niil Sat lo Nm i.\lackintosh (iallcr) t. Ncu norks h} ihc intcrnaiionall} rcnouncd (ilttsgim -hascd artist Kcn (tll'l'lC. in this his tirst solo c\hihition in Scotland sincc l‘)‘)2. ('urutcd h} Sand) .‘\lol'lat and coinciding
\\itlt ihc launch iii a ncn hook on thc artist h} ihc historian 'l'om Normand. thc uork c\plol'cs \ iolcnt aspccts ol' urhan lilc. lhc natttrc oi \ iolcncc. and thc naturc Ul. political \ lttlL‘lICL‘. l/‘xSl (:l lANCl l0 Sl‘l;
Design from 1860 Still 24 Thu 28 No\. Sun2 5pm; Mon \Vcd lilum 4pm; llltl lilam i.\lackintosh (iallcr'\ l. Bonhams' atmual dccoratn c salc ol' lurnitui'c. ccrumics. iiictaliiat'c. ohicts d'art. hron/cs. picturcs and glass h} Scottish and intcrnational dcsignci's lrom lSoi) 10-15. Artists includc (‘liarlcs chnic Mackintosh. li..'\. 'l‘a_\ lor. (icoi‘gc Walton. 'l'a|\\in Morris. llcrhcrl .\lacnair and John lidnc. Nl Sl l()\.'\.'_ Metamorphosis - Emerging Sydney l'ntil Hi 22 No\ i.-\triuin (iallcr) l. Jcncllcr} lrom S}dnc_\. .'\ustralia l'caiuring makcrs u ho usc i‘\L‘I'}tl;t) matcrials in c\traordinar_\ \\;I_\s. First Year Design Students Drawing Exhibition Mon 25
Nm 'l'liu l2 l)cc l:\ll'lltltl (iallcr_\ l. Sludcnts l'rom lirst )Cill' dcsign shim thcir drau ings.
Friends of Glasgow School of Art: the Collection [out in 2‘) No\ il’odium (iallcr} l. .»\ displa} ol' uorks l'rom thc l-‘ricnds ol(iS.-\ collcciion \sliich has hccn hitilt up mcr ihc past l2 wars. including \\itl'l\s h} Jctttt} Sa\illc. l)cnisc l'iindla}. l)iana l.cslic and Micliacl Naglc.
3 l’ark (‘ircus. 332 2555. Mon 'l'hu lilum opin; l‘ri li)am 4pm.
Gunter Grass: on Drawing and Writing l‘niil \Vcd IS l)cc. .\ documcntar} c\hihitiou to cclchralc ihc Inc and \\Ul'l\ ol(ittiitcr (irass. onc ol (icrman) 's most important contcmporar} \\ t'llL‘l‘s.
Mics Road. 33‘) 7223. Mon. ‘l'uc & Thu
1 Iain 7pm; \Vcd. l‘ri tk Sat 0am 5pm. Arts 8- Crafts Fair Sui to Not.
Want 4pm. .r\i‘ts and cral'ts shim
lt‘dllll’lttg‘ llillttl\\it\L‘lI scar\ cs. paintings on silk. icucllci‘}. null-hangings. photograph}. glassuork and \ioodisorking h} (ilasgim artists.
l3: Bath Sll'L‘L‘l. 3.3.3 l‘Nl. Mott l'hl't ll).3i)um 5pm; Sat lll.3llam lpm. Mixed Show An ongoing sclcction ol oils and \xatci‘colours h} contcmporar}. Will and 20th ccntur) artists.
HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l‘ni\ci'sil_\ ol' (ilasgoxx. S2 llillhcad Strcct. 33() 543l. .\lon Sui 0.30am 5pm. Iii-CC.
Intimate Friends: Scottish Colourists at the University of Glasgow l‘ntil Inc I .-\pr. :\n cxlcnsnc c\hihilion highlighting lhc l'ni\crsit_\ ol(}lasgo\\’s important Scottish (‘olourist collcciion. l'caturing rarcl} sccn \sorks h) (‘adcll. l‘crgnsson. lluntcr and l’cploc.
Minerals in the Water
a project celebrating The Changing Room‘s fifth anniversary
EXHIBITIONS: ‘Ladies‘ Rock’
Katy Dove. Raydale Dower. Keith Farquhar, Mary Redmond
16 November-21 December
Dirk Bell. Kate Davis. Alan Michael
25 January-15 March
EVENTS: Call or see website for details
The Changing Room:
35 Crawtord Arcade. King Street.Stirling FK8 IAX tel/fax +44 (0)1786 479361
Heritage 5 Culture
I | ECWinevv-cn
88 THE LIST '~1 1‘1“. ,. .'
Whistler to Freud t'niil Sat 23 Nm. Rcccni acquisitions ol' dranings. prints and ctchings lcaturing major c\amplcs ol printmaking h) Whistlc‘i' and l‘rcud. 'l‘hc gallcr} 's strong collcciiott has had mm 700 norks addcd to it o\'ci‘ thc last four )‘cars and rcprcscnts almost all ol' ihc important inmcincnts and indixiduals. lASl ()HANCF TO SLl'.
Pick One Picture \Vcd 20 No\. lpm. Allan Ramsa} 's It'll/tum Illllllt'l' is ihc suhicct (ll. this short talk.
Pick One Picture Wed 27 No\. lpm. 'lcn minutc talk focusing on (lax-in Hamilton‘s ‘l'lti' :lln/imlion offllluri' Qta't'n NINTH/s.
IS King Strcct. 552 2540. Inc Sat l 5pm. Straight Ahead l'ntil Sun l7 Nm. .-\ drawing proicci h} tuo Dutch artists Bari l.odc\\ iiks and Arian Jansscn. l.odc\\ ijks crcatcs a lilc-si/c panorama of (ilasgou and Jansscn produccs a composition of hori/ontal and \crtical lincs out ol colourcd ducktapc. lASl CHANCE l'O SEE. Digital Harmony Hi 22 Nm' Mon 23 l)cc. .\ll".'\ gradtiatcs l'i‘oin (ilasgim School ol .-\rt. Bclinda (itiidi and Maria l)o}lt‘ prcscnt nc\\ nork acliicx‘cd through animation. l)o_\lc is intcrcstcd iii stor}tclling and shons a scrics oi animatcd drau ings dran n l'rom hcr cwrida} L‘\pc‘t‘lcnccs. (itiltll. who is t'L‘scztt'L‘lling thL‘ idca ol' light. prcscnts a scrics oi. ligltt animations using computcr and sound. NE.‘.'.’ SHOMZ’.
l l Mitchcll l.anc. 22| (i362. Mon. “to. Jim. l’ri tk Sui li).3l)am 5pm; 'l'uc
l lam 5pm; Stilt noon 5pm.
Fieldwork: Art and Architecture and Urban Regeneration t'niil Sun I? No\ iRc\ icii (iallcryl. A collahoratnc proicct in\ol\ ing artist Louisc ('rawl'ord and architch lan .-\lc\andcr ol McKcou n .-\lc\andcr \shich aims to gcncratc dchatc ahout thc rolc ol' art in rcgcncration schcmcs. it ith particular rclcrcncc to thc Mcrchant ('it} and 'I‘rongatc. LAST Cr-iANCE lO SEE.
creativescotland t'niil Mon 2 l)cc. 'l’hroughout thc )car. thc l.lgltlltottsc \\ ill hc shou casing a changing tllsplit} ol ihc uork oi Scotland's crcato c cntrcprcncurs in ud\crtising. architccturc. fashion. dcsign. lilm. \ idco. music and digital mcdia. Who Wants to Be a Milliner? l'niil Sun S l)cc i.-\lco\c lc\cl 2). lloll} ()‘llara .\lil|incr} prcscnts hcr latcst hat dcsigns inllucnccd h} thc glamorous st} lcs ol .-\udrc} llcphurn. Ingrid Bcrgman. Marihn Munroc and Margot l-‘ontainc. Dare to Be Digital l’ntil Sun S l)cc iYoung l)c.signcrs (iallci') l. .-\n cxhihition shim casing thc nork ol' cducation initiatiw l)arc to hc Digital \iliich ol‘lcrs studcnts stud} ing at Scottish tllthCl'slliCs and art collcgcs ihc chancc to nork as part of a tcain on a paid intct'acti\ c proicct. Sooper Double D l'nul Mon (t Jan i('irculation arcal. l)undcc-hascd graphic dcslgn Consultath Soopcr l)ouhlc l)
rcx icu thc cincrgcnc} cxit sign at ihc lighthousc in this (‘l)-Rom prcscntation. GIA Annual Awards 2002 l'ntil Sun l2 Jan i(iallcr_\ 4). A displa} of thc sliortlistcd proiccis for thc Annual (ilasgon lnstitutc ol' .r\rchitccts Anard nhich ittcltltlct’. thc catcgorics housing. (II-I‘lCL‘M hcalthcarc and cducation.
Glasgow Design - 2nd Batch l’niil l’ri 3| Jan i\'ai‘ious spaccsl. Ncn dcsigns li'oin 'l'hc (ilasgtm (‘ollcction's 2nd Batch including a pcrmancnt installation of Mil Stl‘IL‘m It's .Snnit‘ \islu hcnch.
Discodog Limited - Talkshop 't‘hu l4 No\ Sun l2 Jan i.-\lco\c. lcwl 4). An c\hihiiion highlighting thc work ol discodog limitcd \\ ho pi‘o\ idc a rangc ol lltlL‘t‘tIL‘t sCl‘\ lc‘cs.
Tait 8: Style 'l‘hu l4 Not Sun l2 Jan i('irculation arcai. .-\ locus on thc nork ol ()rknc} -hascd tcxtilc compan}. 'l'ait & St}lc. ln rcccnt _\'cars. Paul Smith. John Rocha and Shirin (iuild ha\ c commissioncd lahrics tor thcir out] collL‘L'liUtts.
Bennetts Associates lit 22 .Nm Sun 26 Jan iRcVicu (iallcr) i. .\ spcciall} commissioncd cxhihition locusng on ilircc rcccnt proiccts h} it\\ttl'tl-\\ inning architcctural practicc. Bciinctts .v\ssociatcs: ihc l.och l.oinond (iatcua) (‘cnirc. ihc .-\\lt‘ttttilttt}' 'lcchnolog} ('cntrc in Scotland and thc llampstcad 'l'hcatrc in l.ondon. NEW St lOV.’.
Station Road. Milngznic. 578 88-17.
'l'uc Sat lilam lpm ck 2 5pm. Christmas Art Show Sui to
NOV Fri .20 l)cc. :\ lcstl\c sclcclioti ol paintings. prints. ccramics and tcxtilcs h) Scottish makcrs. NEW SHOW.
Making Faces Sui to No\ \Vcd l2 lich. .-\n cxhihition cxploring portraiturc. I‘roin .sclilportraits to studics ol l'amil} and l'ricnds. Artists includc John Bcllan). Danny l-crguson. l.cslc_\' Banks and Joan liardlc).
322 & 32-1 l)ukc Strcct. |)cnnisioun. 564 ()(102. 'litic Sat noon hp”).
0 Call for Entry Sui to No\ Sui l4 l)cc. Al'tcr a stthstttttttztl pcl‘loil ol rcdmclopmcnt. .\larkct rcopcns \\ ith a group show of work which cclchratcs ihc divcrsii} ofcontcmporat‘} art practicc. 'l‘hc cight sclcctcd artists arc at \arions stagcs ol‘ thcii' carccrs and lcaturm \ idco works by Sall} Chapman. sculpturc and photography by ('ath} Richmond and Norma 'l'hallon. l‘ootagc ol )outhl'ul anarch} h} ('alum Stirling and .\lick l’ctcr shims his mcrsi/cd ‘li‘icctor .Sca‘.
270 Satichichall Sli'cct. 33l lS5-l.
.\lon Sat lilam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. The RGI 141 st Annual Exhibition l’ntil Sun [7 No\. £2 iL'l I. 'I'hc Ro}al (ilasgon Institutc of thc l-"inc .-\rts iR(ill prcscnts ihc 4()(l uoi‘ks sclcctcd by it pattcl ol' Scottish artists lot' this _\car's annual cshihiiion. l-"rom paintings to sculpturc. ihc shim lcaturcs work by guest artists Jo (iantcr. Jim l’attison. Ncil Macl’hcrson. Saul Rohct‘tsoit and Bill Scott. LASl Cl‘lANClt TO SEE.
2() North Strcct. 287 290‘). Mon 'l‘hu lil.3()am (i.3i)pm; l‘ri Sat li).3()ain 4pm. Still Seeing Red Sui lo Sui 3i) \t)\. .-\n cxhihition ol 'l‘hird l.anark l’oothull ('luh's mcmorahilia. photographs and programmcs cclchrating thcir 130th anni\crsar_\. ('ollcctor and tan Bcrt Bcll “Ill hc at thc cxhihition lrom 2 5pm
cx cr) l‘riday al'tcrnoon to discuss his L‘OllL‘L‘tlolt.
22l \Vcst (icorgc Stt‘L‘L‘l. 248 0755.
Mon l‘ri liluni 5.30pm; Sat lilam 2pm. Mixed Show l'ntil \Vcd 20 Nm. .»\ sclcction ol' Scottish \tatcrcolours and paintings.
D.Y. Cameron Fri 22 No\ Mon 23 l)cc. Paintings.
A Christmas Exhibition in 22 NOV Mon 2.3 “CC. :\ lt‘sliu' \L‘lL‘Ctltltt Ul- paintings h} \arious artists.
James McNaught Hi 22 No\ Mon 23 l)cc. Still lilc paintings.
So Washington Strcct. 22l 2l23.
Mon l‘ri 9am 5pm.
1 liltlll i'it‘l (i l)L‘L‘. .*\ multimcdia cxhihition h} Jim Ward and Kat Borsishkcuick imcstigating lhc L‘VL‘IIIS surrounding ihc assassination ot'
J.l-‘. Kcnncd}.
(I Wilson Strcct Mcrchant ('it}. 552 U702. 'l‘uc. \Vcd & Hi I lam (ipin; 'l'hu
llam 7pm: Sat lilam opin; Sun 1 5pm. Heads of our Kind l‘nul lit-i 3| Jatt. .-\ collcction ol' portrait paintings h} (‘olm