Clubs listings
If you ever go clubbing in Glasgow hankering after a bit of techno, you may have encountered the dynamic stylings of one of the city’s favourite sons, Percy X — the man behind the recent Where’s the Music album. A Pressure and Soma mainstay. he joins the line- up for a live set at this month’s massive Soma party.
Anthony Rother: ‘Dualist’ (Psyignet) Another classc from Anthony Rother. Ten minutes of electro sent at its best — in the box.
DJ T: ‘Starlit’ (Physical) Electronic house with a cheeky Carl Craig sample. Played this at Pressore recently and it goes down a storm.
‘ xiib.‘
Percy X: ‘On a Day’ (Soma) Both of these tracks have been going down very well. They both have the ‘X‘ factor!
Psylocity: ‘Klang der Maschinen’ (Psyignet) Futuristic electro-tunk. German style. Every track oozes class. I Soma Party at the Arches. Glasgow. Fri 22 Nov, check /ISl/IlgS for more details.
76 THE LIST lz‘. 78 Nos 200?
I Bailamos at llayana. 9pm 2am. l‘ree. Weekly. DJ Keith I) hrings you a world selection: salsa. Rth. l.atin chart action and whatever else lltt)\‘cs yott.
I Base at the 'l‘unnel. ll).3()pm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. ('hris and Martin llesketh. along with (‘hris Harris and Al Kent. weaye a line lahric ol funky house and R& B at .Mitchell Lane”s linest dance emporium.
I Beat Boots at Blacklriars Basement. Times the. Free. 23 .\‘oy only. An art opening lrom (irahatn Mitchell. with musical muscle supplied hy VJ Rullcut. Disco Daye and DJ Daddy (‘. A challenge to accepted notions ol' art launches.
I Bennet’s at Bennet's. l l.3l)pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Feel the goddamn lunk as Shattn and Annie give the Bennet's party posse exactly what they want: commercial dance mixed with a selection ol 7lls. 80s and 90s hits.
I Caledonia Soul at Woodside Social. .\'ext date the.
I Call a Meeting at (‘(‘A. Next date the.
I Club Cuba! at (‘uha Norte. 9pm 2am. l-‘ree. Weekly. (iet in touch with your Latin spirit at this classy night ol dance. The linest Latino heats are supplied hy Duncan. l-‘arah and Shannon and make sttre you arriye early to guarantee entry.
I Ch“) 69 at Rtic‘ksy"s Basement. 10.30pm 3.30am. £10. 33 .\'o\. Monthly. Smith n llack lrom Berlin are the yery. very special guests at this heautilttl cttlt cluh in Paisley. Their records hay e heen snapped tip hy the hest DJs in the city. and now they 're gonna show eyeryone how to play ‘em. Oh yes indeedy.
I Colours at the Arches. .\'ext date l4 Dec.
I Cube Class at (‘uhe. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. l’roy'ing that this yenue didn't die with the Stth ('luh. (‘uhe is now hugely successful in its own right. ()ld-school house classics and tip-to-date anthems are the order ol the day at this packed Sat nighter. thanks to main rootn man Matt l.e l-‘unk. In the hack DM(i seryes tip R&B. I Disco . . . the X Factor at the Soundhaus. .\'ext date the.
I Elektrik Sweat at Blackl'riars. Next date the.
I Freefall at the Arches. .\'ext date 7 Dec.
I Freeform at Barlly (lormet'ly the l3th Note (‘luh). 9pm 3am. l‘ree helore ll).3l)pm: £5 (£4) alter. Weekly. ()ne ol the longest rtmning clubs in town. and it’s all thanks to the Watt hrothers and their selection ol 6(ls sottl. 7()s lunk and the odd curyehall to keep things interesting.
I Fusion at the Riyerside Social. Midnight late. Next date the.
I Gordon Miller at t-‘tiel (Bishophriggs). lll.3l)pm 2am. £5. Weekly. l‘unky house at the new Northside cluh yenture's resident.
I Groovejet at Trash. l lpm 3am. £8. Weekly. l’aul .\"Jie presides oy er the city 's most popttlar R&B and sottl night. attracting a loyal crowd eyery week.
I Havana Esperito at ('anyas (Aria). 8pm midnight. £7. Weekly. A night ol sophisticated Latino class. DJ Jau hrings his hox ol tricks to the Merchant (‘ity's newest yenue. ('atiyas, where there‘s no dedicated dancelloor. httt there is classy seryiee and an elegant. laid-hack \‘ihe lor those who‘ve had enough of sweat with their salsa.
I Iii-Karate at Riverside (‘ltth .\'ext date the.
I Heads at the Riyerside Social. .Vlidnight-—3am. £10 (£8). l6 .\'oy. Monthly. lengaheads. all night long. across the hoard. as much as you can handle. rockin it like you won't helieye. For this (late (Ht/y 'xl-Ijs'l't‘tll't/ ll()/(l(’l'.\ ‘L’t’l [2 (tilt/(HM pl'it‘t’ all night.
I Homecookin’ at Baha/a. lllpm-3am. l5ree helore l lpm: £5 alter. Weekly. l).ls Stewart Mc('allum attd Joe lliggins keep the music jammin‘ and the dance lloot‘ jumpin' all night long. R&B tracks mixed with the odd classic and old-skool l'ayottrites. Just watch ottt l'or loothall players.
OHomegrown at Batnhoo. 5pm 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. Steyie Middleton lrom Sole play s a funky. sotillttl house set with (iayin McLeod. Junior and J-Me play sottl and R&B. and .\'olan and James (iardner do whatever they want. .A line line-up for a Sat.
I Inside Out at the Arches. .\'ext date 30 .\'o\‘.
I Inspire at the Velvet Rooms. l()pmr3am. £3 helore midnight; £6 (£4) alter. Weekly. Keith l’yper hreaks otit the funky house and garage in the ntain room while Raymond Woods cools things down with hip hop and R&B in room two.
I Jamboree at Reds. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. John Lyons and Martin llesketh ol \’elyet Rooms lame mix tip a hlend ol commercial R& B and sottl.
I Kube at Blackl'riat's. Next date 7 Dec. I Let’s Go Back, Way Back! at the Arches. ll).3()pms3am. £l4. 23 .\'oy. Monthly. .\'l()Y play live. joining (ilohal Ago-(io and Alex Patterson (the ()rh). All under the watchlul eye ol resident Boseo. I Life at [he ((‘orinthiani. lllpms 3am. £5. Weekly. A lortnidahle night ol' lttnk for those who like their entertainment mature. htit still jammin'. DJ Skttd. l’aul Rea and Ian Thomson present a selection ol' sottl. lttnk and disco augmented with original samples and loops to gttarantee a new take on l'amiliar sounds.
Lifebuoy at the Mercury l.ounge.
8pm 3am. £4 hel'ore l lpm: £8 alter. l7pstairs Jon l’leased continues his residency while drag acts and music
proy ide the inn downstairs. Sat 16 .\'o\ has 'l‘wiglet and a l‘rank Sinatra soundalike. along with a tire perlormance hotting things tip.
I Lush at the Polo l.otmge.
ll).3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. l‘eaturing Andy in the 'l'rophy Room with hits iron) the 6()s to the 80s, while 'l‘otn proyides an tip-lront dance selection in the tnain room at the city's prettiest gay cluh.
I Mamassan at Ad l.ih. Next date the. I Mad Dog at Soundhaus.
Midnight 5am. £thc. Metnhers and their guests only. 16 .\'o\. Monthly. A rare appearance l'ront Rowland the Bastard ol Bionic ()range and lnlected records at this hard techno night. Residents 'l’he Squatter and Mcl.oud also play in room one. Room two has 'l".M.A and ('():M(). I MAS Second Birthday at MAS. llptn 3am. £8. l6 .\'oy only. All ol the MAS cluhs unite to celehrate the yenue's second hirthday. Sottlsa. Jackin‘. Burn and Sottlshaker aim to make this a hlow otit ol the highest order.
I Melting Pot at the Riyct'sidc ('luh. .\'ext date 3() .\'o\'.
OMish Monster Mash at the Arches. ll).3()pm 3am. £l2. l6 .\'oy only. ()ne of the linest concepts in cltihland continues. with ()scar. Haiti and Domenic and h.ding all cotnhining to rock their own kind (it sets ilt this classic yenue. Also. there‘s help lrom the might iii-Karate. and Andy Smith ol' l’ot’tishead.
I Missing Link at Ad l.ih. Next date thc.
I My Machines at (ilasgow School ol- Art. I lptn 3am. £6 (£4 £5). Weekly. They've had some ol' the greatest names in techno come and hless their decks. so they know how to mash it up. ()n I6 .\'o\'. for example. they’re hringing in the mighty 'I'homas Schutnacher (lilektrochemie l.K) to play a set.
I Papacool at Ad l.ih. .\'ext date 3() Noy'.
I Pussypower at the Sottndhatts. .\'ext date the.
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
See page 81 for details
I Red and Gold Room at At‘la. lllpm 3am. l‘ree helore l lpm; £8 alter. Weekly. l)l Jot'ito mans the decks l'ot' tt line night ol l.atin house. This w ill seriously spice tip your lilc. it that‘s w hat is required. I Remedy at Ad l.ih. l lptu 4am. £5. Weekly. Dayey 'l‘homson. ('olin Dayey and someone w ithout Dayey itt his name 0“ en (‘ttlth cll get into the tech- house grooye with the Ad l.ih massiy e. I Russian Percussion at Queen Margaret l’nion. lllpm 2.30pm. £l2 (£l()). 33 Nox. Monthly. D.l \‘adim and the Rttssittn l’ct‘cussion are liye at lltis mash tip in studentland. 'l‘hey hring a lttll six-piece hand. including Mr 'l‘hing ol the Scratch l’eryerts. so a lttll compliment ol Russian ltmkateers is guaranteed. I The Shed at the Shed. ll).3(lpm 3am. £6. Weekly. Demand is high lor this one. so get there early. 'I‘tmeage deploy ed hy 1)] Raymond Dayren in the tuain hall. Rtkli alicionado (‘hris llesketh in the l.olt. I Soulsa at MAS. llptn 3am. £8. Weekly. Andy and Shae l) are in charge at this 3nd hirthday celeht'ation at the cltth in Royal lixchange Square. A great soullul house session on this w ell—deser\ ed party. I Superfly at Woodside Social. Nc\t date 7 Dec. I Syntax at Soundhaus. .\'e\t date the. I Traxx at Soundhaus. l l.3llpm 5am. £‘) (£7). Memhers and guests only. "the 'l‘raxx collccliyc do it agait) at this undergrottnd \enue. Brilliant house play ed hy class DJs a great night out. OTrue People at Ad l.ih. l lptn 4am. £thc. to .\'o\. Monthly. (‘laudc Young returns it) the city he lt)\ cs st) \\ cll lot another run ol top class techno nights. Space is. as always. limited in this delightlul white. so get here early. latt lilgey and tan ()‘Brien join the hig man hehind the decks. I Notun at Budda. l lpitt 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. litttldtt stlttcc/cs (ieoll Montlord and (‘hris Harris to carpet homh (and yes. there are carpets inyoly ed) the central city yenue with the kind ol house tracks that would start a riot on either side ol the Atlantic. I Vegas at the chlrew l‘crry. .\'e\t dale thc. I The Winchester Club at the Woodside Social. 9pm 3am. £4 (£3). l6 .\'o\'. Monthly. lrish trottpe 'l‘he l‘eline Dream play Inc and then pill on a DJ set. That. is. tmtil llpm. at which time the Winchester tnoh take oy er and get the troops. I Violate at Big Joint. Next date 7 l )cccmhc t‘. I Wired at Asy ltttn. ('aledonian t'niyet'sity l'nion. lllpni 3am. £3. Weekly. (ilasgow's longest running alternatiye indie night with drinks promos aplenty. I Seduce at Archaos. l lpm 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. ('harty dance and Rth. not to tnention an unhealthy smattering ol cheese on this huge Saturday nightet'.
Chart & Party
I Rapture at Media. l lpm 3am. £6. Weekly. Step hack in time to re\el in the tunes ol the 7(ls and 80s. Arriyc call} to amid a crushing disappointment.
I Classic FM at liury Murry 's.
l lptn 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. \icely named night ol happiness tron) the old cltth undergoing something ol a renaissance. Dance classics and party tunes. with alternatiy e and rock ttmcs ttpstairs in 'l'wister.
I The Garage at the (iat'agc.
ltlpm 3am. £5 (£3) hclore llpm; £6 (£4) alter. Weekly. ()nc ol the husiest nights in town. Super-ct)nunercial party sounds on the main dancelloor and indie classics ill the Attic.
I Graduate Club at g3. l lptn 3am. £4 ([5). Weekly. l)csigttctl to still those who ltaye always enjoy ed a (iarage sly lc night ottt. htit leel a little long in the tooth when surrounded hy treshrlaccd. lager- slaincd youngsters. Ste\e Day is pro\ ides the party anthems.