Music classical 8 opera listings

Friday 22 continued


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'sher llall. I.othian Road. 228 1155. £9.75 5.23. See Wed 20.

I Organ Recital Reid ('oncert Hall. lidinburgh l'niversit)’. Bristo Square. (ms 201‘). l.|()pm. l-‘ree. Leon (‘oates gi\'es a recital of works by Sweelinek. l’achelbel. Bttxtehude and Bach.

I Voiceover 'l‘rax-erse 'l‘heatrc. (‘ambridge Street. 228’ [40-1. 7.30pm. 52‘) (£4 £5). Two new. shor't operas by two composer/writer pairings l)a\'id Paul Jones and Tom .\1c(irath and Gordon McPherson and 'l‘race} llcrd.

I Fettes College Autumn Concert (ireytriars Kirk. (ireytriars Place. 668 2()l‘). 7.30pm. liree. ('horal and orchestral works by the tirst and second orchestras pltrs the ('hapcl ('hoir. 'l‘iekets available from the school on ()131 332 228l.

I Edinburgh University String Orchestra Reid (‘oncert llall. lidinburgh l'nix‘ersit)‘. Bristo Square. (rots 201‘). 7.30pm. £6 (£3). Robert Dick conducts the l'nix'ersity String Orchestra in a performance ol works b) Mozart. Sibelius. Monelle. Parr} and 'l'chaikm'sky.

I The Sixteen St (iiles’ ('athedral. Royal Mile. 225 9-1-12. 7.30pm. {l2

(£8 £9). Harry (‘hristophers conducts this lttgltl)‘ acclaimed choir in songs ol' worship from the lfith to l7th centuries as well as a new commission b_\ Scottish composer. James .\lac.\lillan.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Satrchiehall Street. 353 8000.

£l l.5() £23.50. See \Ved 2().

HT {it}! I I~ I IS”




Sixteen singers and seventeen cathedrals result in a pretty special UK choral pilgrimage. Starting in London last month and now reaching Scotland, the highly acclaimed group, which takes its name from its number, has entitled its tour Earthly Powers, Eternal Harmony. Renaissance music from both Scotland and England sits alongside brand new music by James MacMillan. This is the Sixteen’s first ever commission and it is intended as a companion piece to 0 Bone Jesu by Scottish composer Robert Carver. MacMillan says, ‘I have always felt an empathy for Robert Carver and harboured a wish to revisit this glorious text and clothe it in my own 21 st century Scottish musical language.’ (Carol Main)

I The SleOO/l perform a? St (ii/r255 (I.‘t.‘.'>t:-<f':rx. it;.~ti):.r;;"‘ . l 'i ."

I McFall’s Chamber .St Andrew ‘s in the Stilrare. otl' Saltirrarlsel. St Andrew 's Street. 543 (M20. lprrr. Scotland‘s own iirttsical rexolirtionaries pla} .'\t’:_'t‘llllltl;tll tango w itlt passionate \ocals delhered

b} (’hilean singer Valentina Monitwa .\lartine/.


I Na Clarsairean National Portrait (itillL‘t’). l Queen Street. (r24 (12W), 3pm, liree. The Scottish llarp ()rchestra pertorm tttttstc lt'ttltt lowland and (iaelic


by candlelight

n3 l'lvi

by Candlelight




ABERDEEN Tue 10 Dec 7.30pm Music Hall 01224 241122

PERTH Wed 11 Dec 7.30pm St John’s Kirk 01738 621818

GLASGOW Fri 13 Dec 7.45pm Strathclyde Suite, GRCH

0141 353 8000


7.45pm Queen’s Hall 0131 668 2019


7.30pm Byre Theatre 01334 475000

60 THE LIST tit ’23“, No: 70".?

BTScotland 37?!

Call 0141 332 4747 for a FREE season brochure Tickets: £12/£18[Conc - £9/£7, Children £3)


David Diamond {Rounds

ins t’Jr-Tttriottr/tt‘L-r) At 880 PROMS: EOldham, Tippett, Berkeley. Bnnen,8eade, Walton Variations on an Elizabethan Theme (Stiillirigtgirs Round) Frank Bridge

A Christmas Dance Suk

l\/lt-.2<_litation on Saint VVt,>rit:oslas Flnzi

Dies Natalis


Toby Spence

Scottish Arts Council

1’ "so.

traditions arid works b} lSth centtrr} Irish ltai'prsl. ()'(‘arolari.

I Voiceover 'l‘raterse ‘l‘ltearre. (‘anrbrrdge Street. 228 MM. ".Ftlpiir. L“) «£4 Ur. See lit 22,

I The Ultimate Guitar Experience l'slrer‘ Hall. lolliran Road. 22.\ It“. “.Fllprrr. £22. 'l‘hree ol' the world‘s leading guitarists. .\l [)1 .\leola. l‘li .lori Roth and \‘rrgwie .\la|iirstcen pla_\ a unique tusion ol classical rock.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (ire_\ lriai‘s Kirk. (ire) li'iars I’Iacc. (rob 2(ll‘). '.-15pirr. S(‘() and its chorus [K‘l'lttl'llt two ol the best lined retiuieriis. l-atrre's and l)tri'rillt"s. in the atmospheric setting ol (it'e)lr‘iar'K Kirk. conducted b} Heir Paris. I Edinburgh Sinfonietta Reid ('oircert llall. l:diirbttr'gli l‘iri\ersrt_\. Br'rsto Square. (rob 2tll‘). Spin. '5 tL‘Ri, Robtrr \ersteeg conducts a perlorrirance or works b_\ Bartok. [Moral and Strax riisk} including the lattei”s (tr/rt ( I‘Irr Irr)’ l’itinu tHlt/ ll‘I/ltl.


I Trio Serenata lturrell collection. 2000 l’ollokslraws Road. UHF.< 302M“). 2.30pm. [5 t£~l r. the trio. lcaturiit? soprano :\llsoti Donaldson. llulrst (ieorge .\lacllwharrr and pianist l)a\ rd Murray pcrl'ornr popular light classics and tool lapping reels.

I Madama Butterfly Rosal ('oircet't Hall. 3 Saucltiehall Street. 353 .snoo. "fillprrr. Russia‘s iiew est opera corrrpan}. the Russian State Opera ot Rosttw brings l’ucciiii‘s tragic opera to lite.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)llL‘L‘ll.\ llttll. (.let'ls Street. (i(it\ 2lll‘). 2.30pm. ‘22 [IR See lit 22.

Monday 25


I Paragon Ensemble li'oit llieatre. (r3 'l‘t'otrgate. 552 -l2(r". Spin. tree. the coirteirrpoi'ar} enserrrble presents ‘\\'lrate\er Happened lo .\ltrsic .". a bi riionthl} night showcasing new music lroni emerging


Tuesday 26


I The Red Army Choir and Ensemble l'sltet' llall. lolltratt Road. 22.\' 1155. ".Sllpnr. L'I2 (to. Music and dance lrorir a (MS strong cast ol choir. dancers and orchestra celebrating the best artistic traditions ot Russia.


I Viennese Strauss Gala l’alsle} lowti llall. .'\blte.\ (lose. Nb" llllll. ".Sllpm. LES it'or. Introduction to a lwgone age ol glamorous soti'ees. dream} wall/es and great opei'etlas hour the Viennese

Wednesday 27


I Orfeo ed Euridice ’l‘lreaire ls’twal. 232 Hope Street. 332 ‘ltlllll. ".lfiprrr.

£3.50 £52.50. Scottish ()pera pertorrrr a new production ol (ilucles masterpiece (trim a! Izirrit/rt c supported b} the .r\le\ander (irbson (‘rr'cle and conducted b} Raynond |.eppard.

I Wind Orchestra Concert RS.\.\ll). Illll Renl'rew Street. 332 505“, “.Fllpm. '25 Neil. lit'};tlt .'\|len conducts the acadeiri_\ orchestra through a \ai'ied pi'ogi‘arnrrie ol works It} .larr \an der Rttttsl. lltttllttts l)ttss. 'litsltl \lttsltlltta. \igel ('larke and l)a\ rd liedlord.

Thursday 28


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Roin ('oticer't Hall. 3 Satichrelrall Street. 353 Siltltl.

[I I5” £23.25. lit the start ol .1 special season to cornnieiiioi‘ate the 50th arriri\ei‘sai'} ol l’rokoliet ‘s death. the RS.\() will pei'lorirr his N and 2nd Ssrnplionies together w rtli .\lo/ar't's /’/t;/ru (ii/it ( [to no 2/. pertot'rrred b) \lrklrarl Rtrd).

I Competition l<8.\.\tl). lllll Retrli'ew Street. :32 50*". 2pm. l'ree, Brass [‘l;t}t‘l'\ contpete tor the (io\ernoi's' Recital l’rr/e (‘orrrpetrtiorr


I Norwegian Advent Carol Concert Si (tiles‘ (‘arlretlr-al. ls’o_\al .\lr|e. 2259142, (\.-l5prtt. ('oineand tour in this ad\enl carol concert in the heatililrrl surrounds ol St (irles'.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)llt‘t‘lt.\ lltlll. ('lt‘l'ls Sll't‘t‘l. (rlib' 2l'l". ".~15piir.£(r.5ll L2|. l\\o ol the most popular \_\ltt]\lii)ttte\ troni the earl) I‘ltli centur}; Schubert's .Si/ri/r/Iuiti no .‘- attd lieellrm eli's .Siirr/r/ru/ri tin \ are conducted b\ .\rno|d ()stnian together with \lo/art‘s II/llli (it/it r Ilt' per'lorrrrcd b_\ .lactitrcs /tttttt.

I The Kist O’ Whistles .Sl \lai'} \ l'il‘lsetll‘dl (dllllk‘tllill. l’alttielstott l’'t‘. 225 (i203. ",.‘~llpiir. l't‘ee. ()r'ganrst Srrrrotr \remrnskr brings .r hit ot light to the dark tl;i}s with Ham Itrr‘ Sir/rigs tiirt/ I’I;rt s. teattrrrng (‘atiiona \lacka} on harp and clar‘saclt.