Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.
Glasgow I TES Scotland Schools’ Gala Concert (‘ity Hall. ('andleriggs. 353
8(1()(). 7 9.30pm. £5 (£1 £31.:\
slimy case of the best of Scottish scltools' music celebrating the talent and diversity of Scotland's musical youth. ('all 0141 332 5057 for tickets.
I Midday Concert RSAMI). l(1(1 Renfreyy Street. 332 5(157. 1pm. £5 (£31. Pianist Marina Nadirad/e performs llay'dn’s Sonqu in If ntinm'. Scriabin's 'Iii't'll't' I’I't'lmlt's' and ('ltopin‘s I’U/UIIu/st" l‘illlltlsft’ in :\ I’lut.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra RS.-\Ml). 100 Renfrevv Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £6 £18. .\ vvorld premiere of Sally Hetttttisli's latest \yot'k ('(Iltt‘t't‘lrr/iu' Orchestra conducted by ()liver Knussen \\ hose on it short composition. Scriabin Sen/ties. also forms part of the programme.
I Scottish Opera Maryhill ('entral (‘ominunity Hall. 304 Mary liill Road. 287 5511. 7pm. £2 (£11. liull orchestra and chortis perform popular musical favourites.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'slier Hall. l.otlii;in Road. 228 1155. £9.75 £23. ('arlo Rix/i conducts Svm/t/imrv no .5 by Sibelitts and 'l‘chaikoy sky 's liolin ('n/it‘t'rto. vyith Mark Kaplaii as soloist.
I Alexander Janiczek lleriol-\Vatl l'iiiyersity l'nion. Riccarton. 451 5333. 12.30 1.20pm. Free. Leader of the Scottiin (‘hamber ()rcltestra performs solo. I Organ Recital Reid (‘oncert Hall. lidinburgh l'niversity. Bristo Square. 668 2(119. 1.10pm. l‘ree. Margaret Phillips performs vvorks by Bach. Btixtehude. Boyce and Heiller.
I Aida ('aird Hall. (‘ity' Square. (11382 434940. 7.30pm. £12.50 £25.50. 'l'raditional production of Verdi's xiii/u from (‘liisinau National Opera \vhich features ballet interludes. Sung in Italian \vith linglish surtitles.
g I u
. y , fl -. _ . I": 1A .1 r" * 1 x t on.“ d ‘ .V In *1" n" I " 1A . .. i ‘ ‘ ("i ' r“ n k . £ 5 A“ .1-0 .4 _ 1,1,.» r, ’ i i x 8'1. 'uhii‘fi ' ., 3. (it. 3‘ '
Red Army Choir and Ensemble perform at Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Tu”.
Saturday 1 6
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 80(10.
£11.50 £20.25. See Hi 15.
I Catherine Bott and Friends St Andrews in the Square. off Saltmarket. St Andreyv 's Street. 548 6(120. 1pm. Medieval singing and improvisation from soprano (‘atherine Bott and tvvo demon fiddlers Pavlo Besnosiuk and Mark Levy. I Scottish Opera 'I‘ollei-oss Park Leisure ('enlre. \Vellsltot Road. 763 2345. 2pm. £2 (£11. See Hi 15.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's Hall. ('lerk Street. 668 2(119. 7.45pm. £6.50 £21. See Fri 15.
I Ricordo St ('ecilia's Hall. Niddry Street. 668 2019. 7.45pm. .\ vyealth of cornets. sackbuts and virtuoso fiddling from 17th century Bohemia.
I Scottish Chamber Choir St (iiles' (‘atliedraL Royal Mile. 225 9442. 8pm. £6 (£41. Michael Harris conducts the Scottish (’hamber (‘hoir in their autumn concert performing Purcell's .llv /)(‘/Ut‘(’i/ .\/)(ll\(’. Sltllllttt'tl's (illH‘ftl [It litre/sis and \Valtoii's ('n/miuIio/i 72' Drum.
I Mo’s Company (‘iiy .-\ri ('entre. 2 Market Street. 529 3993. 3 4pm. 1‘ree. Violinist Hector Scott and clarineltisl Sliinobu Miki continue their series of informal afternoon concerts filling the ('ity .v\rt (‘entre \\ illi the sounds of contemporary Scottish composers.
I Ricordo St Andrevy 's in the Square. off Saltmarket. St Andre“ 's Street. 548 602(). lpm. See Sat 16.
I Viennese Ensemble Burrell Collection. 2060 Pollokshayvs Road. 287 2551). 2 4pm. Free. light classical music from Vienna and liastern litirope.
I Sunday Promenade Organ Concerts Art (iallery' & Mtiseum. Kely ingrove. Argy le Street. 287 2699. 2.30 3pm «k 3.30 4pm. Free. l’ortnigbtly organ concert given by local musicians.
I Classical Concert Assemth Rooms. 54 (ieorge Street. 22114349.
3 5.30pm. .i\fternoon classical concert. I Daniel Gardner Queen's Hall. (‘lerk Street. 668 2(119. 3pm. £12 (£91. Making his lidinburgli debut this young and highly talented cellist plays Schumann's I-‘(mtuvv I’ivws, ()p.7.1‘. Beethov en's Sit/tutu [Ur I’i'utm um/ (’r'llu in :1. ()/i.(19 and ('hopin's Sonata rm- .f.‘ _ O. ,5. My .. .‘I i. I ‘ '0. - .4
C )1."
26 Na;
('v/ln and Piano in (i minm: 0/1/15. He is accompanied by the highly regarded Andreyv \Vilde on piano.
I Sinfonia (ireyfriars Kirk. (ireyfriars Place. 668 2019. 7.30pm. £9 (£3 £71. Mantle conducts Sinfonia in a performance moving from Beethoven's I’itmu (’mit‘t'rto no 4 to the intensity of Bruckner's epic symphony 1m 8. Tickets available from Queen's Hall ((1131 668 20191 or HMV. Princes Street.
I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra MacRobert. l'niversity of Stirling. (11786 466666. 3pm. £8
(£4 £51. :\ family concert involving Prokofiev 's Peter am] the Wolf“ ith narrator Dame Diana Rigg. condttcted by Julian ('lay‘ton.
I Aida Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £17.50 £30. Verdi’s tragic opera is given a deservineg lavish production. featuring ballet interludes and the classic Yi‘iitrti/t/ittl .lltll't‘ll.
Tuesday 19
I Aida Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sattcliiehall Street. 35.3 800(1. 7.30pm. £17.50 £30. See Mon 18.
I Louise Paterson and Eduard Spacil Reid (’oncert Hall. Iidinburgli l'niversity. Bristo Square. 668 2019. 1.10pm. Free. (‘ello and piano duo performing vvorks by Dvorak. Harper and Beethoven.
I The Kist O’ Whistles St Mary‘s lipiscopal Cathedral. 2.3 Palmerston Place. 225 6293. 7.30pm. Free. ()rganist Simon Nieminski brings a bit of light to the dark days with this request recital.
Wednesday 20
I Paragon Ensemble (‘(‘.’\. 35(1 Sauchiehall Street. 352 49(10. 8pm. £6 (£41. (('('.'\ 51. Too short iieyv e\pcrimental operas from the Paragon linsemble inspired by ghosts. shadovvs. hell and internet pornography.
I Competition RSAMI). l(1(1 Renlrevs Street. 332 5057. 5.30pm. Free. Pianists compete for the lock Holden Memorial Mo/art Piano Pri/e.
I Paragon Ensemble (’('.'\. 35(1 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 8pm. £6 (£41. See Wed 20.
I Trionys Reid ('oncert Hall. lidinburgh l'niversity. Bristo Square. 668 2019. 7.30pm. £6 (£41. Rainer Biirck on key boards. (iiinter Marx on \ iolin and Martin Btirck on goiigs and percussion perform .l/lt'lu/u.
I BBC Radio 3 Midday Concert RSAMI). 10(1 Renfrevv Street. 332 5(157. 1pm. £5 (£31. Violin. cello and harp ensemble perform \\(1t'ks by Vivaldi. (iB l-‘ontana. l-‘rancesco 'l‘urini. and (‘orelli I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('ity Hall. ('andleriggs, 353 8000. 7.30pm. £6 £18. S('() \Vind linsemble berform a mellovy concert of Stratiss‘s Suite ()/14 ill [1’ Nut and Mozart's .S‘t'rt'nm/tfl/(u' 13 Wind Ill.\'ll'lllll(’ll!.\. directed by Maurice Bourge.
I Classical Gala Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £15.50 £23.50. l‘raser (ioulding conducts popular classics vv ilh tenor
Monday 18
classical & opera listings Music
Mo’s Company More usually to be found in Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art. the violin and clarinet duo of Hector Scott and Shinobu Miki commence a short series of music composed by musicians based in Scotland in the promenade concert environment of some of Edinburgh's finest works of art. For the first of their Saturday afternoons. the instrumentalists are joined by dancers from the Morag Alexander Ballet Company. City Art Centre. Market Street. Edinburgh, Sat 76 Nov
Paragon Ensemble Voiceover Opera usually involves at least love and death. quite often a spot of transexuality or murder, but two short new experimental operas take the less likely subject of internet pornography as inspiration. along with a different kind of look at ghosts. shadows and hell. David Fennessy and Gordon McPherson are the composers and Tom fvthrath and Tracey Herd the writers. CCA. Glasgow, Wed 20 & Thu 21 Nov; Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Fri 22 & Sat 23 Nov.
Orfeo ed Euridice Scottish Opera continue to celebrate their 40th birthday with a new production of Gluck's tale of love and loss. There's some wonderfully moving music. including the famous aria Che Faro Senza Euridice (‘what is life without Eurydice?'1. Raymond Leppard conducts. Theatre Royal Glasgow. Wed 27 <3 Sat 30 Nov. Wed 4, Sat 7. Tue 77 (3 Fri 20 Dec; Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Thu 12. Sat 74 Dec & Fri 74 Feb.
Rhys Meirion and pianist Marina Nadirad/e. Puccini's .\'t'.vxim Dormu. 'l‘chaikovsky 's 1121/1: ot't/it' I’lou't'rs and Bi/et’s (‘urnit'n Suite are but three of the much loved pieces on offer.
I Strathclyde University Chamber Choir (ilasgovv l'niversity Chapel. l'niversity‘ Avenue. 33(14092. 8pm. £7 (£3 £51. linglish and Scottish lliltslc [(1 celebrate 51 ('ecilia's l):t_\’. the birthday of Benjamin Britten and the centenary of William Walton.
I Barachois Royal (‘oncert Hall. Strathclyde Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50 (£101. (‘anadian group. defying definition. play a fast tempo. lesty fusion of piano. percussion. brass. fiddle and close harmony in this breathtaking. foot-stoiiiping shovv.
1.“. 967N111. .”(‘(‘;’ THE LIST 59