Clubs listings

'i If you like drum & bass, DJ KID

hardly needs any introduction as one of the men behind the monster sound that is Manga.

is” H a tum:

Shy FX and T Power featuring Di and Skibadee: ‘Don’t Wanna Know’ (FFRR) FOllOWlltg ()t‘ from the spectacular success (3‘ 'S"ai<e yoor Body'. this is another ! .ne for the ladies and a Getime uanrtefioor letter.

PD Syndicate featuring MJ Cole, Rodney P and Courtney Melody: ‘Ruff Like Me’ (London Republic) If yOu Itrse you hip hop fuse-(i ‘~.'.’llll ragga tyres am a toogn (it .n‘ 8. mass WO'KOUI. this is a most ‘0" 3.0-... Da'igert>.isff

i Rimes; L, A

; Jonny L: ‘Synkronize’

j (Metalheadz) Although .". :5 t 't it}

i spent working Within the (l".tll‘ 8. DéiSS scene is llllllIeO Jonri, 1 Sit (go'i‘es; back the after time .‘.‘tl'l tne host. Been DaSltttg this Ont:- ‘or a crime no.2 and it's a great tone for your 'tl'O.

" lit! "J. V "Vt(!"’ ‘.

Moving Fusion: ‘The Start of Something LP’ (Ram) A rims! for a drum & bass headz. t .w, singe tt..".(: is firin' on all Cylintims M ,. tags art:- “Chillie Pepper. tt' " -:,~ .'.'t.o\<:’t .st; Gian 7,.71Catn tr" Mur‘t’: t ’Xnfi ‘Rtea'tf,' text a st) 'Ba'.‘ a: (he

I Marga {if I (t Hint: /~.'.i;t.n43, fit .’

N()./ and (LT. C(lft}. i Edi/it).;/_t;r:. wreck itsfxtigs‘ far .”if)’t? details

.'.(,‘t.'rl. [Nth/‘1"?

88 THE LIST 0.1


I Blow at Bongo ('ltih. lllpm 3am. £5 til-ll. Zl .\'oy. Drum & hass night trom lfdilors Three l’ltis.

I CC Blooms at ('(' Blooms.

10.30pm 3am. l-‘ree. \Veekly. trip the light fantastic to Hi-.\'R(i dance action at this eyer-popular gay har.

. Definition ill in l‘lt‘llt‘ .\tigele. ll).3()pm Ram. 7 .\'o\ only. .\'eyy night tor La Belle as residents .\'ast l’. l’ Selt/ and Jay P tdo you see a trend deyclopitig'.’i are joined hy Roots .\lanuya's DJ .\lK. So espect the hip hop to he tip top. Djinniditto at ligo. lllpin 5am. to £7 tt5 rm. 3i ()ct. .\tonthly. .\ shoyycase tor artists yyorkiiig iii cyery medium “ith a musical policy to match. hut t'ocusing on the electro. nu “the side ot~ things. Join your hosts DJ ('hoyy. the Dame Ditto. DJ .\lingo-go as they join tones with the Beltane Society to play host to their olt'tcial Saiiihtiinn alter party. So once yott heen tip hill join the Djiiiniditto creyy and special guests the Weird Attractors and .\'lil) tliyei tor some indoor lreakiness.

I Fame at (‘outiting House. Spin lam. £3. 7 NM. Sensational sounds from round the Slls. so htist ottt those leg yyarmci‘s. cos it you it ant l‘ame. \\ ell l‘ame costs. ()theryyise _|oiti DJ tin and DJ Smooth tor all the galtnour and glit/ from the decade lashion torgot.

I For Those About to Rock Hallowe’en Special at the lion. 8.30pm lain. £2. 3] ()ct. .\ night ol'old school tiietal and rock is ith added scariness just to lit the mood.

Hedflux at l’o .\a Na. ltlpm 3am. £5. 3| ()ct. Hedllti\ is hack “ith a \engeance iii its neyy monthly toriii. eclectic heats “ith a touch ot' style. Hallone'eii special yy ith the considerahle tour de\ and hidden gems skills ol hip hop. l'unk. \ my I junkies the l’sy chonauts.

I Intergalactic :tl .liL'V tot Rots littton.

l lpiii 3am. l-‘ree. \Veekly. A night of indie goodness in the company of Barichello. \tateh otit tor esclusiye alhutn play hacks and \ztt'totls lreehies.

I Makavelli at the Venue. lllpni 3am. " .\‘m. Nets Rth night tor Thu at the Veiitie. I MIB2 at liros and lilite lllpni 3am. Weekly. The hest in l'S h't‘ hop and R&B troni 'l‘ce-l'N'l'. Jay ('ee aid Mr H. Returning alter a hriet' hiatus htit hack it ith the same music yoti all loy ed so much

yy hen MM \\;is hased at .\lassa t('ltih .\lercadoi. \y ith plenty ot' drinks promos to hack tip the music.

I Nexus at Studio 24. llpm 3am. Ll \Veekly. .\ neyy night that nii\es the hest ot‘ rock. metal. industrial and goth “ith a touch ot' cheese. l’rom your hosts Smelly. Kynon. Ba/ and Ross.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lounge.

()piit 5am. £5. \Veekly. lit‘ik Da Viking yyith his hlues and soul t'olloyyed hy Stey ie (i “ith timeless \oL‘al house. disco and party tunes.

I Opium at ()pium. lll._5(lpllt 3am. l‘ree. \Veckly. Rock. nu—iiietal and altct'tiatiye/itidie.

I Outta Sight! at the Honeycoiiih. ltlfitlpm 3am. l-"ree hctore midnight; £3 alter. " .\'o\. l'ortnightly. Brand neyy 'l'hti nighter t'rom those kind t'olks at .\lotlierttiiik tSpectrunii. Snatch tSpaiiky i and Ho“ iii‘ t(‘unniei play iiig a mi\ed hag ol Rth. hip hop. soul. disco and righteous l'titik.

I Snatch at the Liquid Room.

lofitlpm 3am. £3.50 t£2.5()i. \Veekly. .\ tilth l'iyatcd t'unky discti-cttm-caharet. comically compered hy .\lr Harry Ainsyyorth and deck manipulated iii a cod ttmk and hip hop sty lee hy Bahcs. Biggie and Spatiky.

I Sub-Machine at Bongo ('ltih. “hillpllt 3am. t5 iE-li. l4 Not. Deep and l\\ istcd hi'eaks trom the yyorlds ot' hip hop and drum & hass.

I Thrust at l.a Belle :\iigele. l lpiii 3am. £4 £5. 3] ()ct. .\toiithly. .\'eyy night teatiirmg the hest in Scottish talent hoth in the Inc music arena lllll<\\;l\t‘ ('cltic heats ll'tilll .\lystcry Juice and (roll .\"o 5) Vsllll 'ltiiiiniy 'l‘otich‘s DJ Dolphin Boy handling the “l stilt‘.

I Traffic at lleriot-\Vatt l'ni\ci'sity l‘nion. ll.5llpttl 3am. l‘rec. \Veekly. hring you the hest iii indie and alternatiye tunes at this student shindig.

Edinburgh Fridays


I Ad Lib at the Wash. ‘lpm lam. l’ree. Weekly. The hest in Latin. sotil. tank and nu-lAI/x. limit the e\ er reliahle .'\li (‘amphell Smoking.

I BasszTrap Sessions at Bani Holt. 0pm laiii. l’ree. \Veekly. \Vise .\langa master (i-Mac hosts his weekly in ot hand-picked narcotic hreaks and heats. including all the latest hip hop. .7 step hreaks. Rth and tll'lllll i\' hass I Beluga at Beltiga Bar and (‘anteen Restaurant. 8pm laiii. Free. Weekly. liuaii Rohei'tson spinning soul. ia//. ttink and hip hop. (iood times music to tit those l-"i'i \ihes.

I DJ Kid at ('ity (‘ale 0pm lain. l-"ree. \Veekly. (iet in the mood \y ith the drum & hass sty lings ol' D.| Kid resident at .\langa tor the last seyen years and one of Scotland's leading resident ()ne of the hest places iii [mm to “arm tip hel'ot'e yotir cltihhing proper tpool tahle and eyerything t. See l'imr Play;

I Human Be-In at Human Be»ln. 0pm lam. l’rcc. \Veekly. Big Beat Dls playing their classic l'usioii ot' ltltlk} iii/x. Bra/than :Ji‘ooyes and '\t'ro heats t l .\'o\ i yyith Scott Rapson playing t'tittire soul and ja/Iy heats tS \o\ i.

I Immersed in Music at t’ixo ('atte. 0pm 3am. l‘ree. \Veekly. 'l‘he ayyard-ysinning (‘/ech theme har launches a hen |).l schedule. lt‘ttllll'lllg the cream ot local talent tatid a tcys (ilasgoyy ladsi such as (icot'gc 'l‘ (I \oyi :ttld Kt‘is KL‘L‘gtltt (S \t)\ l.

I Kalimba at Iguana. lllpni 3am. l'il'L‘L‘. \VL‘L‘kl}. (‘olin ('ook ll‘ltt'agt‘ooy c‘l hosts this night ol sotlllttl dance. deep house atid nu ia/x l'tision.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. .\'oon t)pni. l‘rec. \Veekly. litian l‘ergtison gets things started tiice and early “ith a tall mi\. t'olloyyed hy soul and l'utik trom Bertie t5 ()Pllll.

I Radio Oxygen at ()\ygen Bar and (irill. ()pm lam. l’ree. \Veekly. Blak .\lagic. a miscd hag of soul troni .\ls Siinmoiie Black.

I Spoilt it Island at .\tagoo's Basement. 8pm 1am. l-‘rce. l .\'oy. l).ls the .lei'k. .\liss Bent Youth and Stuntgirl present their eccentric mi\ ot mock rock. art punk. electro. pop. hip hop and the doyyn right yycird. Halloyye’eti special so dress code till lltL‘lt' \Vtit‘tlsli ‘horritic/spastic/enietic'.

I Yo! Below at Yo! Beltiyy.

0pm midnight. liree. Weekly. The stishi style har gets the house atid dancel'loor sotil treatment from Leon lidyyards.

Club I 21st Century Disco at

('ommples ttornicrly (‘ltih .layai.

0pm 3am. £5. Weekly. The \y ildest selection oi (ills Stls tttttk. lit/l and hot disco action. liach night D_|s \y ill he spinning tunes troni the likes ol'(lloria (iaynor. loll] .\totiltoti and the Bee (ices. ll‘ree ta\i otter an' all with receipt. ma\ [5. one receipt per person i.

I Angel Delight at the Venue.

lllpni 3am. to (£5). l .\'o\. .\tonthly. l’op-tastic inn and trolics y\ ith l).l Michelle and guests at this cltih night tor yyomen only (though men are alloyycd only it united and accompanied hy a yyoman).


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 85 for details

I Arakataca! at Bongo ('luh. lofiopni 3am. £5. S \o\. l).ls latter tSenegali and /.uppa liiglese tBogotai host a tiery mi\ ol' Salsa. .-\t'rican. Latin and ('arihhean dance. .»\s the} .\e hoth heen D.ling tor oy er it) years. this is the hest selection ot' past. present and tuture tropical dance you're likely to tind.

Big Beat ill l.;t Belle :\ngelc. ltl.5llptti 3am. U) till. 8 .\'o\. .\tonthly. Serious dancel'loor l'iink. soul and tan as residents Simon Hodge. Stuart Bennett and DJ 'l‘inkti. .\'ot only that hut Big Beat has reached lltt‘ grand old age ol~ mine. so I ee l'lt‘ltls .ind Sugarman 3 join the hoys tor the hest in t'itnked tip the tan. Sn- [’H'l‘H'H'.

I CC Blooms at (‘(' Blooms.

lo loptn iam. l‘i'ce. \Veekly. DJ .-\|ly does the decks dtity at this gay night with her tnimitahle selection of hiin camp and disco classics. moving on to pumped-tip house and dance as the eyening progresses.

I Compression at (‘ommplex tl'ornierly (‘lith .Iayat. 0pm 2am. to. l .\'o\. the hest in hard dance doysii hy the Shore \y ith residents Vertical Drop and (iracnie Keir \y itli special guest \Varner l’oyyet‘s l( 'ltlh (lillled. S“ eden l. ('heck \y \y \ tor niore into. I Cuts and Strings at (‘oeteau lounge ldtm nstairs at ligoi. .\loiithly ttt‘\l (lilik‘ 3: \m.

I Djinniditto at ligo. ltlpni 3am. £5 (£4). l5 .\m. .\lotithly. .\ sltoyy case to artists yyorking iii eyery iiicditim \\ ith a musical policy to match. hut locttsittg on the electro. ntt \ya\e side ot‘ things. .l( in your hosts D.l (him. the Dame Ditto. DJ .\litigo-go.

Dogma (formerly Lost) at Studio 3.1. .\lonthly nest date l5 .\'oy' with special guest D.l Rtish tliyel.

I Dr No’s at Studio 34. ltl.3()pm .iatii. L'thc. l .\'o\. .\lonthly. the original .laniaican ska atid classic recksteady night migrates to Studio 24's intimate upstairs space.

I El Segundo at Bongo ('luh. lll,.5(lpttl Farm. [7. l5 \tiy. .\lotithly. Hip hop \y ith a the edge from D] Redo and human heatho\ l’sy lent V and special guests Bristol‘s tinest .-\spek'ts tHomhre Records) to help celehrate tltL‘tt‘ l'ollt‘tlt hirthday. It' you caught their shots last .lan you’ll knoyy this is gonna rock mightily. especially \\ hen you learn

they re hringing their heathoser .\lonkcy .\too yy ith them this time around. Smire proy ides the t'uiik in the hack room.

I Evol at the liquid Room.

l().3(lpni Rant. [5. Weekly. lidinhtirgh's longest running indie night celehtated its eleyenth hirthday in .-\ug. With the USllil mi\ ol‘ the hest current and classic altci'natiye. crosso\ er times. It's ;t't institution already and u ith the recent addition ol the hack room. Phi} in; host to Mr and Mrs .\logyyat. the future looks like a happy place tor .ill tliitigs litol.

I Finisternis at the l’leasance t ‘ahai'et Bar. 0pm l;ttt'.. £2 tt'l i. .s‘ \oy. .\tmthly. the lighter side ot' goth til such a thug ti'tiely e\istsi yyith a mts ol' dark ainhicnt. neoclassical and ethereal tracks trom l’ctit Scarahee. Deception Boy and (iltost Dancer.

I Friscodisco at Berlin tt'ormer'ty .\'oai. ltlpm Rant. [5. S .\'o\. .\lonthly. Residents .\lartin Valentine and Steyc \Vanless return to their old stomping ground “till the Usual mi\ ol' hot hottsc selections. And they \yelconie 'l‘ronicsolc head man ('hris Harris to take the hem this month.

I Funkey Magic at ('octeati l.otitge ldtmnstait‘s at ligoi. llpm 3am. £5 t ~rec to nienihersi. S .\'o\. .\tonthly. Soul- t'tielleu deep house tor pilgrims \ ia th- Holt l’roiect lt‘tlllll'lllg Iiy e percussion trom Tag.

I Funkeymagic + 1 at the Venue. .\lonthly nest date 33 NM \y ith speciai guest .\laster H.

I House Technique at l-igo. .\‘est thtlt' 3‘) Ni“.

I Indicator v Inside Out at the llo'ieycomh. lllpiii 3am. [to l _\'oy