Glasgow’s festival for multi-seanlvpedfile-if
Abnorma service is resumed
Don’t be too dazzled by the headline act. GLASGAY has a lot more going for it than hetero porn. Words: Jane Hamilton
lasgay is hack and is looking stronger than ever
before. This year l)ayid l.eddy. l'estiyal producer. has
taken oyer the reins and put together a comprehensive.
all encompassing diary of' eyents for the gay and arts calendar.
In its ninth year. (ilasgay has become greatly respected with
bigger names taking part each year yet still retaining its grass
roots coverage. presenting cutting edge international acts such
as .-\merica's 'l‘ini .\liller. alongside locals such as the
Citizens Theatre with shows by and about Oscar Wilde (see this issue’s 'l'lieatre section for re\ iewsl.
.\'ot surprisingly. eyery journalist is focusing on the much
hyped appearance of Annie Sprinkle. The American porn star
and sex expert is screening some of. her best and worst perl'oriiiances and holding a sex workshop and panel discussion. \Vliy gays and leshians would want to watch heterosexual porn is uncertain. though heing presented by an entertaining ‘metamiirophosexiial' who dates men and women might he reason enough. If not. it looks awfully like straight sex is once again the selling tool. potentially overshadowing an excellent festival with some damn line shows. Try to see through the hype and tllsc‘thL‘l' the eclectic. exciting and challenging eyents on offer.
To ease yourself into the l'estiyal. you should prepare to haye your sensory huds well and truly tickled as (ilasgay 2002 kicks off in style with the opening party from the wonderful and proyocaliy e Ahnormals Anonymous at the
iron. If e\ er there was a reason to celehratc. this is it.
Glasgay, various venues across Glasgow, Fri 1-Sat 16
Nov. See listings for details.
Sleeping up the class system in AKA
Rhinestone cowgirls and sing-a-long-a-Julie
Glasgay has plenty of laughs on offer this year with an eclectic mix of comedy and films to suit both the hoys and the girls.
The Stand. as always. brings quality comedy. Whether you like yetir laughs camp. caharet or rust gut wrenchineg funny the marvellous CDT! in Glasgow has a lot to offer. Outrageous Australian comedian Julia Morris is the highlight. performing at l()()mph rsee comedy section) wrth support from Scottish sweetiewrfe David Kay. The host for the evening is East Kilhride‘s very own Craig Hill. the camp exhairdresser who has been getting more and more exposure on TV this year.
At this year's Edinhurgh Fringe. San Franciscan Scott Capurro struggled for audiences and. although his material can he over familiar. when he is on a roll, or has particular punters to playoff. his scathing humour is second to none.
You would expect Chris Green to he suffering from schi/ophrenia. as his two drag alter egos. Tina C and Ida Barr. demand his attention. As Rhinestone cowgirl Tina C. his Twrn Tower Tribute was a success de scandal at the l"(l|lll)lll’gll Fringe hut less successful was his musrc hall veteran lda Barr v-xho does cover versions of the latest hip hop hits.
lhe lron also keeps its toe in the comedy pond with the Bootleg Claire Summerskill. who for a
Many hands make light work in Annie Sprinkle’s sex fest
long time has been descrihing herself as a lesbian Victoria Wood. Unfortunately. this is an exaggeration. Here's hoping her routines are funnier. more cutting edge than she's been in the past.
The (EFT continues to offer the most exerting range; of gay films. Duncan Roy's British independent AKA was a hig hit at the London leshian and gay film festival. Set in Thatcherite Britain. it follows a young working class hoy changing his identity by sleeping up the class system. Quirky leshian drama comes if} the form of the American By Hook or by Crook which follows a woman on the run being pursued an ohsessive lover.
Two classics of gay cinema are given a re- scr'eening: Jean Cocteau directs his hoyfriend .Jear; Marais in the poetic myth from 19:30 Orphee while one of the few out Hollywood actors. Rohert Prestr iii. is on hilarious poignant form in Blake [:dwards' y-Jar'mest movre Victor/ Victoria. Jorn the (EFT audience in fancy dress and sing-a—Iong mode as on ss-diessing Julie Andrews sings ‘Cra/y World'.
(:‘iay enfant terrihle Francois O/on directs a cast o' France's greatest divas in his all singing murder mystery 8 Women. Also at the UGC is the ahsolutm. delightful lhai cross dressing volleyhall comedy The Iron Ladies which defies anyorie's expectations. finally. you can take part in a Discovering Gay Cinema day at the (XJA. led hy [he / i'st's .John Binnie. itlane Hamilton and .John BllllllOl
See list/rigs for details.
,i' (ii-i 1.: No. THE LIST 77