Within the space of six days, the Edinburgh Quartet give the world premieres of two new string quartets especially written for them by Scottish composers. Peter Nelson’s (pictured) Perseverance, the EQ’s own commission, takes pride of place in ecat’s New World Quartets evening, its inspiration drawn from the haunting rhythms of Africa and the influence of the Dutch in contemporary European music. The second commission is by Stuart MacCrae in celebration of the tenth birthday of Enterprise Music Scotland, an organisation that supports chamber music in clubs and societies throughout the country. (Carol Main)

I Queen's llall. l‘tlinlm/gli. Mon 7 7 Nov; lie/(l Concert Hall. Far/ibi/rgli. file :3 (‘4

fire 72 how King's Bin/(tings t riion. Ad'iriliiirgh. ‘.'/e<l

l‘niwrsit). Brion Sguarc. («is 201‘). l.l()pm. l’i'cc. ('hamhci‘ llltisic h} sludcntx ol' lhc l'nixcrxil} ol' lidinhurgh.


GRoyal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 3000.

U i.5() £23.75. \thilcl' \VL‘HL‘I‘ L‘iitttittL'l\ lhc RS.\'() and RS.\'() chorus in a poi'liit‘liitiiiL‘L' ol' \itihlci'K .S'uri/i/imn rm 2 with Susan (‘hilcoiL soprano. and lngchoi‘g l)an/. incl/o.


I Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment t‘xlici' Hall. toiliiaii Road. 223 l 155. 7.30pm. [I050 [24. Virtumo \itiilltixl \'iktoria .\Iullo\a Icadx Britain's lcaiiing pci'ioil instrumcnt cnxcmhlc in an all-Mo/ai‘t programinc including his .X'mi/i/ioiii no «III as lhc main work. This conccrt is litL‘ lint lll litt‘ lKilL‘l‘ HtIHK nc“ lntci'nalional Sci'icx. Scc pancl.

Friday 8


I BBC Radio 3 Midday Concert RSAMI). I00 chlrcu Sti‘cct. 332 5057. Ipin. £5 (£3i. l’ci‘l'ormancc ol‘ (ilinka's (imm/ .S'i'ilr'l iii 1'. Hut and l.)apuno\ ‘\ l’i'rinu Sci/«I lll ll tlul Irii‘ririr.

I Classics By Candlelight Roin (.tlliL’L‘l‘l iitlii. 2 Sittlcitit‘htlii Sli'cct. 5.5.3 8000. 7.30pm. U0 £22.50. ('andlclight. ltx'th ccntur} L'U\ltllllL‘ and lhc Mo/ai‘t i'cxtiuil ()i‘chcstra conihinc l'or an cwning ol' atmoxphcric music— making. pcrl‘oi'ining (husk \\til'i\\ h) Handcl. Bach. .\1o/art and \'i\;ilili.

73 Ni )v.


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra l-\iiL‘l' Hall. l.othian Road. 223 1 I55. £9.75 £23. Scc Thu 7.

I David Ponsford Rciil (‘oiiccri Hall. liiliiihui‘gh l'ni\cr\it_\. Brion Squarc. (iox 20l‘). |.l0pin. l‘i‘cc. ()i‘gan rcciial including \\Ul'i\\ h} Bud. (iihhoiix and Hu\tchiiilc.

I Recorder Masterclass Stockhi'itlgc Parish ('hui‘ch. Saw ('ohurg Sti'cct. 0(18 201‘). -1 7pm. U). i’ici‘x Adams it‘il\ti\ this maxtci'claxx promoch h} lidinhurgh Young Miixicianx.

I The Glorious Company Si l’ctci'\ (‘hurcIL l.utton l’lacc. (m7 9838. 7.30pm. to (U i. 'l'hc (iitil'ltlll\ ('ompaii} pl‘L‘\L‘ltl\ \\0l'iti pi'cmici'c ol' nc\\ compositions h} Scottish compoxci‘ JitlllL‘x Douglas and \Hil‘ixs h} i)Chll\\} and (‘hai'pcnticil

Saturday 9


I I Fagiolini St Andrcu \ ln 'l'hc Siluai’c. ()l'l' Saltmarkct. St .'\lltil‘L‘\\ \ Strcct. 548 ()020. lpm. Rohci't Hollinguorth dircctx this (i-piccc liui‘opcan \ocal cnxcmhlc through 'loiiikiiix‘ \cnxuoux music l'or \oiccx.

I The Organist Entertains :\t‘l (iallci'} ik Muscum. Kchingrow. .'\l‘:_!.\iL‘ Sti‘cct. 287 200‘). 2.30 3pm. i‘i'cc. Hcai' lhc \tlllllti ol' lhc itlllltlth organ at this monthl} conccrt.

I Boyan Ensemble of Kiev Si .'\|0'\'\itl\‘ (‘hurch. 2.5 Row Slt‘t‘t‘l. (iai'ncthill. 332 303‘). 3pm. (It). l'krainc'x top malc choir l'L‘ltll'll\ to Scotland \\ ith a programme ol‘ Slaxonic it) Iantinc chantx and songs ol' l‘krainc. 'I'hc concci't ittlx hccn ic--;ii‘i‘;iiigct| from Si Mar} \ iipixcopzil ('athcih'ai lax

pi'c\ iouxl) aihcrtixcdi to thix \cniic.


I Recorder and Piano Recital Stockhriilgc Parish Church. Saxc ('ohurg SII'L‘L‘I, 063 20“). 7.30pm. £0 (£2). lntci'nationall} acclaimcd rccoi'dcr and piano duo. l’ici'x Adams and Houai‘il Beach.

I The Edinburgh Light Orchestra ()uccii‘s “it”. (‘lcrk Sit‘ccl. (368 2(ll‘). 7.30pm. £4 £7.50. Planing a \clcction of light Citlxsictli linoui'ilcs. music l'roin lhc \hti\\\ and cincina \\ ith soprano iili/ahcth McKcon to cclchi'atc thcii' 25th animcrxai‘}. Highlights includc (icrxhu in’x (‘rrici' [or You ()i'i'riurr' and John Williams. Hurry I’Hllt'r .S'im/r/irmii' Sulli'.

I Boyan Ensemble of Kiev Si Mar) '\ lipixcopzil (‘athcili‘aL 23 i’alincrxtoii l’lacc. 225 0293. 7.30pm.

L") U l. Scc Sun ll). 'l'ickctx l'rom l'xhcr Hall in“ UiiiL‘L‘. (“3| 225 I '55.


I R3 Tenors ('arncgic Hall. iiaxt Port. (H333 “4000. 7.30pm. “01927.50 Uh. Scotiixh ()pci'a\ thrcc lL‘lit)l\ I)cc|an .\ic('ii\kci'. John ('ai‘lo Bcllotti and Rohcrt \V (‘i'im c cinhai'k on a lull Scottish lolll‘.


0 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra ('il} Hail. (‘andlci'iggx 353 8000. 7.30pm. L'h’ U7 (£5 £7i. ‘l'hc film in thc BBC Scottish Synphon} ()rchcxti‘a'x 'l‘chaikox \k} x) lllpiltlll} \L‘l'lL‘\. comprising Simplier no r) l’ril/ii'lir/iii' and \\til‘i\\ h} Slim inxk} and i’t‘okolim.


I Meadows Chamber Orchestra ()UL'L‘H.\ Hall. (‘iL'l'ix SllL‘L‘l. 063 20“). 7.45pm. £8 it'l £0.50). l’cicr lixanx t‘tilitillch \\t)l‘i\\ h} Htl}till. Stimuikox ich and Schuhci't. l'catui‘ing Kim Bak Dinil/cn on ccllo.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra .\'oi'th lidinhui'gh :\l'l.\ (’cntrc. |5a l’cnii}\\c|| (‘oiii‘L 3l5 215l. 7.30pm. £2.50 ichildrcn li'ccl. Tim S('() pci'l'orin music from Mo/art'x Rt't/lllt'lH and Vimldi'x l'tllll' Scuwm.

I The Edinburgh Quartet Qua-in Hall. ('Ici‘k Strcct. (itih’ 2(ll‘). 7.45pm. L“) ([3 Hi. lidinhui‘gh Quartct pci'l'oi'nix lhc \Hll'iti prcmicrc ol Scottish coinpoxcr l’ctcr Nclxon‘s ncu work. l’t’I'H'l't'I'tl/lt't' and \iorks h) .'\lllL‘l‘lL‘;tll L‘tilllptixL‘l‘x ('hai'lcs i\C\. John :\ti;llll\ and Michacl 'l'orkc.


I R3 Tenors l)undcc ch. 'l'a} Squarc. 01382 223530. 8pm. U050 (£3.50). SL‘L‘ Sill 9.

Tuesday 1 2


I A Winning Talent . . . Ritllhilttl'll 'l‘hcati'c. ‘lts’ Ingram Strch 552 348‘). l.l5pin. £2.50. .\ plall'oi'in l'oi' lhc \\ iiinci' oi lhc Hawrhill Siliiiiititi Soloist (‘ompctitioir


I The Edinburgh Quartet RL‘iti (‘oncci‘t Hall. Iidinhui'gh l'iiixcrxit). Brixto Squai'c. (ihb’ 2(ll‘). l.l0pm. l‘rcc. 'I’hc lidinhurgh Quartct pcrl‘ormx Mcliucn‘x Bisca} Qiiartct and i)L‘i1ll\\} '\ Quillimr pour con/m ()p /(l.

Wednesday 1 3


I Symphony Orchestra Concert RSAMI). [00 chl'i'cu Sti‘cct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7 ([4). Richard Armstrong conducts \tudcntx t'rom thc Ro}a| Scottish :\cai|cm} ol‘ .\lu\ic and Drama

Classical & Opera listings Music

Kirov Orchestra One of the best orchestras in the world and one of the oldest musical institutions in Russia comes to Scotland under the baton of conductor Valery Gargiev (picturediwith a blockbuster all Russian programme and their own special type of fireworks for Guy Fawkes Night. It all culminates in a resounding linale as Mussorgsky's Pictures at an I xlnbition bursts into llie Great Gate of Kiev. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. lire 5) Nov.

Royal Scottish National Orchestra there's only one work on the bill and it's Mahler's massive Sy/iipliony no 2: [lie li’esi/rredion. Prepare to be emotionally swept away by this first of Mahler's symphonies to use words. some of them by Mahler himself. and an orchestra bigger than any ever used before. Hoya/ Concert Hall. Glasgow. lliii /' Nov: Uslier/la/l.

l {linbi/rgli, l // 8 Nov.

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Keep up to date With where the BBC) 880 are at in tracing lchaikovsky's life through his complete symphonies. ()f the six, here's your chance to hear No (l and No (i the )£i{/l()fl(/ll(} that that composei was won, proud of and the rarely peformed Manfred. (Irti'lla/l. Glasgow. Mir (3] Oct; ill/oi 1' (5 Nov: Sun l0 Nov

and thc Ro};il il'l\il .'\L‘;'.th‘lti_\ ol‘ Music in a pci‘lorinancc ol’ \lahlcr'x .X'iiii/i/iuiii IIU /. l3;ii'toi\\ l’iurio (‘ii/ii‘i'rlii Nu." and John Adamx' .\ S/irirl lx’ii/i' (HI (I [in] .Uiii‘liirii'. I The Paragon Ensemble Royii (‘oncci't Hall. 2 Sauchichall Sti‘cct. 353 Milli). 8pm. till 020). (‘oniplcincnling thc Ro}a| (‘oncci‘t Hall's lntci'iiational \caxoii thc l’ai'agon liiixcmhlc takc on thcmc\ c\plorcii in thc \\cck\ pi'c\ ioux lntcrnational coiiccri. 'l‘hix onc t‘\lL‘llti\ lhc ll1l|\i\'l‘iliht' Kii'ox ()i'chcxli'a \\ itli PiL'CC\ it} \it‘i’itcl‘xoli iillti Sll'm ilhh}.


I The Edinburgh Quartet Kiiig‘x Buildings l'nion. l'nixci‘xil} ol' lidinhurgh. .\la_\ licltl Road. 050 5222. 1.10pm. l‘i'cc. Scc 'l'uc 12.

Thursday 14

Glasgow I TES Scotland Schools’ Gala Concert with compere Paul

3000, " 0.30pm. £5 lt‘l £3i. .\

\iiou ca\c Ui- lhc hth 01' Sciillhlt \L‘ilUUh. music cclchrating thc talcnt anti diu‘ixit} ol' Scotland'x musical _\oulh.

'1\*. .‘ THE LIST63