Music folk & world listings

Folk 8: World continued


I Gospel Gathering Choir, Gospel Heirs and Palmetto State Quartet ('l)de Auditorium. Finnieston Qua). 0870 040 4000.

£ l 3.50. (iala eient ol international gthpel music.

I Ceilidh Dance Rixemtle. h) llalt'penn} Bridge llUllSL‘. oll Keli in l)ri\e. 34l 0844. 8 ll.45pm. £(i. Sec Hi 8.


I Salif Keita l'xher llall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 8pm. £l2 £l4. Stlpet‘xlttt‘ trom Mali. a hugel) re\pected llltlSlL‘lilll. blending West Alrican l'll}lllllt\ and llt\ll'lllllelll\. chiming L‘lllltth and \oaring \ocalx.

The Carrying Stream Festival Concert The l’leaxancc Theatre. the l’leasance. (i50 234‘). 8.30pm. £l2 t£l0l. A celebration of llamixh llenderxon \\ ill] a hth ol' lltllxieitlth and \ingerx lrom all m er the Britixh lxlexi Singerx l.eon Roxxelxon llinglandi. l.en (irahain (Ireland). (iill Bouman and Karine l’t)l\\;tl'l (Scotlandi and lll\ll'llllletll;tl music from lidinhtirgli mandolin \tar Ke\in .\Icl.eod \iith Alec l-‘inn lt'i'om Ireland's l)e Dannani. and compere Brian .\lc.\'cill.

I Piper’s Concert titlinhurgh Academ}. llenderxon Ron. 8pm. £8 (£(il. 'l‘icketx and information ‘)5(i 3‘)l 1. Bar. l.o\\ land and Border\ l’iper'x Societ} hostx their annual da_\ ol competitionx and \\tll'l\\lltip\. and thix interesting concert of pipe duetx. Anne Marie Sunimerx and Stexe l} ler join pich \tith hurd} gurd}: l‘inla} .\lacl)onald and l‘i‘axer l‘ilield pla} l)L‘llt)\\\ pich. llighland pich and \a\: Xtiin .\ltini/ and Simon Braille} p|a_\ :\\ltlt'ialt music on gaita and liddlc: and Deal Shepherd'x Ror} ('amphell and Malcolm Stilt do their thing \\ ith bagpipex and l‘retx.

I The Big Hooley :\\\etllltl) Roomx. 54 (ieorge Street. 220 434‘). 8pm lam. ('eilidh.

I Dunedin Dancers Autumn Dance ('ltin} ('hurch (critic. (’ltm) I)ri\e. Morningxide. 447 (i745. 7.30 llpm. £(i. lidinburgh Scottixh dance group'x annual ceilidh. All \xelcoiiie.


I Cliar l’;ii\le} At'tx ('entt‘e. .\'e\\ Street. 887 1010.7.30pm. £8 (£4.50i. (iaelic lllllSlL‘ and \ottg l'rom Arthur (‘ormaclc Mar} ~Anne Kenned). Bruce .\lac(iregor and the othcl‘x in the leading Highland traditional hand.


I Fiddlers Rally lltm llelt l’tll‘lx.

lloudett. (H.500 433634. 7.30pm. £(i l£5i. l.i\ing\lott l‘iddlerx and gtiextx.


I Salif Keita 'l‘he Archex. Ali-2‘ lk' SW“. 000] 022 0 300, Sec lutlttthurgh. Sal U.

I Georgie and Peter (‘aie (‘tmaehok King Street. 553 07 33. 8. 30pm. RtlSSltlll mime li‘oni (icorgic (iaiiic on accordion and Peter llke} on guitar.

'Ever? little parcel of time hat we have here should be spent . enio ing this gift of life. So i a person wants to celebrate their birthday, I got my hat oft.‘

Lee Fields joins the ninth

birthday fun at Big Beat, see Clubs, page 89.

62 THE LIST :' '.-1 Nu


0 The Carrying Stream Workshop Ro)a| ()ak. lttllt'ltt;tl‘}' Street. 557 2976. 4 6pm. £5. (illilztl‘ixl Ton} .\lc.\lanu\ leadx thix \\ttt‘l\\ltttp ilx pal’t ol the ('url'iing' Strut/n I'k'xlri‘ul.

I Alison McMorland, Geordie McIntyre and Frank Harte 'l‘tie l’leaxance (‘aharet Bar. the l’leasance. 650 234‘). 8.30pm. £8 t£(il. 'l'uo great Scots \ingeix and their friend. the leading lrixh singer and ltillxlttt'lSI l‘rank llai'te. \iith \tor}teller lixxie Ste\\ai't. (iaelic \inger (iraeine .\'ei|\on. .'\llf_‘ll\ \inger Jim Reid. and Borderx ltat'pt\l l’hamie (ion. Songx. halladx. tall tale\ and music in honour ol' the late. great Scottixh academic. poet. l'ollxlorixt and \ong collector. llamixh llendcrxon. l’art ol the (‘ur/jii'ne the Stream /'(’\Ill'(l/.


I Boo Hewerdine 'l'he Archex. Arg}le Street. 0‘)0l 022 0300. 8pm. £8 (£(il. li\-Richard 'l‘hompxon hand gtiitarixt lottt‘\ his new album xllIn/t.

I Allison Moorer Renl'i-eu lien}. ('l)de Place. 353 8000. 8pm. £l2.50. l‘amed countr) \inger Allixon .\loorcr and her hand.


I Singing Session Ro};tl ()ak. llllll'lllitt‘) Street. 557 207o. 3 opm. l’ree. Alternoon ol' inl‘ornial \ong in mentor} ol' llamixh llendet’xon a\ part ol' the (‘urriing Illl’ Siren/n I’mlii‘tII.

I Carrying Stream Workshop The l’lc‘;i\;iitc‘e ('aharet l3ttt'. 'l'hc l’leaxance. (i5() 234‘). 4.30 (i.30pm. £5. \Voi'lxxhop on Scotlanth great hallad tradition ax part ol' the textual celebrating the late great llamixh lletidet‘xott. l’at‘t ol the ( Urn/Ire I/lt' Stream l't'\lll‘(l/.

I Dougie Maclean Brunton 'lheatrc. Lad)“ ell \Va}. Mitxxelhurgh. (io5 2240. 7.30pm. £l2 t£‘)i. Sec Hi 8.

Tuesday 12


I Session Sand) llcll\. l‘ort‘cxl Road. 225 l 15o. 8.30pm. l-ree. .-\ \ong-haxcd ~e\\ion to celebrate \xhat \Hlllltl ha\e been the 83rd hirtlida} ot' the much lo\ed late llamixh llenderxon. in the pub he lo\ ed and l'requented.

Wednesday 13


I Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman lidinhurgh l'ttll\ (lull. (‘aharet Bar. the l’leaxancc. (L50 234‘). lleautilul \oc;tl\ and guitar in a modern take on traditional l3t'itt\lt niti\ic.

I Absolute Beginners Ceilidh Dance Boroughmuir High School. \'ie\\l'orth. Bruntxlield. 337 5442.

7 Will]. £3.50 I£l.5lll. See “ed 0.

East Kilbride

I Liz Doherty l'.;i\l Kilhridc Artx ('entre. ()ltl (.llilk'll Ritttll. ill 355 JOHN"). 8pm. £7 i£5i. Superb l:\ \oinox and llunihlehee'x liddler. brought up in l)onega|. accompanied h) j_‘llll.tl'l\l l).i\c ()INL'II.

Thursday 14

Glasgow I Mambo Tango (’uha .\'oi'te. .lohn Street. 552 3505. ‘lpm. l'ree. See lllll 3l.


I Out of the Bedroom Water-lei liar. St .\lar_\ '\ St. 557 NW).

0pm midnight. l't‘ee. Sec ‘l'liu 3|.


I Maurice Dickson l-'alldrk loll. ('luh. 'l‘he l’olixh ('ltih. Arnot Street. 0l324 M 3305. 8.30pm. £5 t£4i. liolk/hlum guitar picking lrom Northern ll'lxll \ingei'.

Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.


I Scottish Opera (‘oiiper llt\lllltle. 8o ('larkxton Road. 332 0000. 2pm. £2 t£l i. l‘ull ()rchextra and (‘hortix perl'orm popular muxical la\ourite\.

I Carmen 'l‘hcatre l{o_\al. 282 Hope Street. 332 0000. 2.l5pm tk 8pm.

£l0 £35. l.a ()uadra di Se\ illa l'tixex theatre. ltlllSlL‘ and dance to create a llamenco \pectactilar.

0 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra ('it} llall. (‘andlei'iggm 353 anon. 7.30pm. £8 {I750 (£5 £7». llle third in the BBC Scottixh Simphon} ()rclie\tra\ programme ol 'I'chaikox \l\) \) mphoniex. perlorming .\'u 3 l’o/ix/i along “lllt Rachmaninm '\ I’iunu ('nni‘i'rln no .2. \\ ith \elxon (ioerner ttx \(lllllSl.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘llleell'\ llilll. ('lerk Street. 003 2(ll‘). 7.45pm. £0.50 £2l. linergetic \Ulllltl\ are dri\ en h} conductor .loxeph

S\\ elixen in lleelhtn etiK .Si/np/nini‘ no 7. Schumann’x ()H'I'llll'l’. .S't'lierro um/ l’lllll/U and Strauxx'x Horn ('unt't'r/u no 2. perl'ornied h} Radman \‘latox ic.


I BBC Radio 3 Midday Concert RSAMl). I00 Renlrcxt Street. 332 5057. lpni. £5 i£3i. ’l'he llenxchel String Quartet perl'orm .\lendel\\ohn\ Slrme Qnu/‘It'l in .l minor and

SI} manou \lxi'x String Qinu'lcl No.3.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('it_\ llall. (‘andlei'iggx 353 8000. 7.30pm. £(i £l8. See llttl 3l.

I Carmen ‘l'liealt‘e Ro}al. 282 Hope Street. 3.32 0000. Split. £lll £35. See 'l‘hu 3 l.


I Christopher Dyter .\lcli\\an llall. llrixto Square. (i50 4381. l.|0pm. l’ree. ()rgan recital including \Vidor\ :l/lt'gm [mm .Si'm/t/Innr NH () and \Vall'oi'd l)a\ iex‘ Solemn .l/('/(H/\'.


I Carmen ‘l‘heati‘e l<tt_\;tl. 282 Hope Street. 332 0000. 2.l5pm tk 8pm.

£l0 £35. See 'l'hti 3|.

I Jorge Luis Prats RS‘AMI). loo Renl're“ Street. 332 5057. 7.3llltm. £l0 t£8i. llllL‘l'llitllttltltll} acclaimed claxxical Plillllfl .lorge l.ui\ l’ratx. ai‘tixtic director and \ttlttixl \\illt the (‘uhan \ational S_\inphon_\ pet‘lot'ttix \\Ul'l\\ h} (’arlox l‘arinax. Ignacio (‘er\ante\.

Slrax llt\l\} '\ \uite l'roin the ballet I’vlrirx/t/ur. l’art til .37 ('n/nr.’ and [fig li’rg llin'lt/ l-e\li\;tl\.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}al (‘oiiceri Hall. 2 Satichiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l l.50 £23.75. RS.\'() la\ourite \Valter Weller c‘ttlttltleh 'lt‘lttlilxtn \k} .\ Sim/thorn nu 5 alter a lll‘Sl hall ol- Schuhet't'x li’im/mnnt/i' ()l'l'l'llll'l' and .\lo/art\ li’mwun ('unt‘t’r/o \\lll1 .liilian Rohei‘lx ax \oloixt.

I Lesley Garrett with the Northern Sinfonia l<o_\al (‘oneei-i Hall. 2 Saucliiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £20.50 £39.50. the opera di\a [let‘lttl‘llh tl \L‘leL'ltttll ttl her l'il\tllll'llt‘ piece\ and original \ongx l'rom her late\t alluiitt [lure/ling lie/n.


I Orgathon Barcla} ('hurch. la lh Barclay l’lace. ’l’ollcrosx. noon 4pm. l)onation. Drop in for as long or as little ax )ou \\;ttll in thix epic organathon. m‘utinixed ax a l'undraixer tor ('hildren in Need.

I Four Seasons By Candlelight l'xhel' llall. l.othian Road. 228 l I55. 7.30pm. £l4 £22.50. The .\lo/art l-"extixal ()rchextra pt'e\L‘tll\ an e\ening ol' haroque muxic in tall l8th centur} CHSllllllL‘.


I Chamber Group from RSNO Chorus .\tel.ellaii (ialleriex. 37o Sauchiehall Street. 33l l854. 2.30pm & 3.45pm. l’ree \\ ith admixxion ticket. Alternoon Itlll\lc‘ to accompan} the ROI e\hihition.

I Sunday Promenade Organ Concerts Art (killer) & .\lu\eum. Kel\ ingro\e. Arg} le Street. 287 260‘). 2.30 3pm tk 3.30 4pm. l'irec. l-‘ortnightl_\ organ concert gi\ en h} local llllISlL'lttltx.

Monday 4


I Tamsin Little, Martin Roscoe, Paul Watkins and Joan Enric Lluna Queen'x llall. ('lerk Street. (io8 20l‘). 7.45pm. £0 £lo i£7.50 £l4l. 'l'attixttt Little. \it'tuoxo \iolinixt. leadx lllt\ quartet through a programme ol' l‘rench lllthlc' h} l)ehu\\_\ and .\le\\iaen. including the lilllL‘l'.\ Qlull'lt’l [Ur I/lr’ Iii/Ir/ of lime. l)el‘ll\\} '\ Sunqu for tin/in u/n/ I’nmu; Sunqu lm‘ (t’l/U and Piano and RUPHH/ll' [or ('lm'im'l (IIN/ I’ninu.

Tuesday 5


0 Kirov Orchestra Roin (‘onceri Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £10.50 £23. \'aler_\ (iet‘gie\ conduclx one ol l{ti\\i;i\ moxt dixtingtiixlied orchextras. l-‘ainoux l'or itx \xork “ith the Kirm ()pera and Ballet. the orchextra pla) \ a \election ol \iorlxx h} Riixxian greatx including Rachmaninm \ I’m/m ('unu'r/u no 4, and .\l0\\ltl':_'\l\_\ \ l’i't'lim'i t1! (III Inhibition.

I Piano Gala RSAMI). too Remit-ext Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £l0. Shoucaxe ol RS.v\.\ll)\ piano pla} ing talent in a programme ol music lor No and tour hand\.

I Pupils of the Music School of Douglas Academy Rtltlhlltil‘tl 'l'heatre. 08 lngram Street. 552 348‘). l.l5pm. £2.50. A programme or Mill) and chamber inuxic pert'ormed h) p|a_\er\ l'rom (ilaxgott \ \cltool lot" llltl\lc;lll_\ gilted children.


I The Edinburgh Quartet Reid ('onccrt llall. lidinhttrgh l'nixerxit). Hrixlti Square. (i(it\’ Zill‘). l.l(lpltl. l‘ree. 'llie lidinhiirgh Quartet are joined h} llelen Bruce. \oprano. and liduau rd llarper. pianixt tor a perl'ormance ol (ii'ieg\ I’l'i't’ llm'n Sunex from ()/t._35 and Sir/nu Quin/cl in (/ minor.

Wednesday 6


0 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (it) llall. (‘andleriggx 353 8000. '7.30pm. £8 £l7.50 (£5 £,_t. 'l‘he l'otii'th in the lllK' Scottixh

S} mphon} ()i‘cltextra‘x 'l'chaikoi \k} \}mphon_\ \eriex. comprixing .llcltn/mmti.‘ Dance In I/Il' lint/(mm. tuna/mm on (I li’m'ut'u l‘ln'mi' arid .lltm/n't/ .Si'm/t/iuni. ()p 5N.

Edinburgh I Edinburgh University Chamber Music Club Concert

lx’eid (‘oncert llall. ladinhtirgli