Comedy listings


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglettrs. t'(}(‘ Building. Rentrew Street. 0870 787 0707. 7.30pm. £6. Phil Butler. Scotland's Vladimir Mc'l'ay'ish. Andrew Pipe and l’ortncr paramedic Brian Higgins.

The Stand The Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 ()00 (1055. 9pm. £5 (£4). ('hirpy Yorkshire lad Alun ('ochrane. Dundee's Ben Darcy and Delia (iallagher join host Raymond Mearns.


The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £5 (£4). Sltarpcr than a porcupine's posterior. Bruce Deylin introduces l.cith‘.s (‘olin Ramone. 'l’eddy and Blair Watt.

Snatch Club The Liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Street. 225 256-1. lllptn 3am. £3.50 (£2.50). Resident cotnpere attd DJ Harry Ainsworth hosts this weekly ('urry ()n-tnects-Ili Dy lli debauched caharet. liach week there will he a selection of guests. and competition host Daye Strong conducts the participatory inn and games.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. t'(}(‘ Building. chl'rcw Street. 0870 787 0707. 7.30pm. £12. Sec Thu l‘).

The Stand The Stand. 33.3 \Voodlands Road. 0870 600 (i055. 9pm. £7. lntitnidating comedy hard man Jel'l‘ Innocent dishes out his hi/arre one liners. (‘olin Ramone. .\'ige| Bttckland and Bratchy stand-up in support. Jane Mackay comperes.


The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £7. Laconic lrislt mirthster Michael Redmond is this evening's top dog. The comedy pttps joining him tltis ey'ening include hotly- tipped youngster Altitt (’ochranc.

Dundee lad Ben Darcy and compere Susan Morrison.

Will Smith and Sandy Nelson 'l'rayerse 'l‘heatre. ('amhridge Street. 228 140-1. l0pnt. £l0 (£4 £0). l.ikeahle ohsery'ational comedy from the t‘amottsly named Will Stnith. Support comes from local lad made good. pop satirist Sattdy Nelson.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. t’(i(‘ Building. Renl‘rew Street. 0870787 0707. 7.30pm. £l2. Sec Thu 1‘).

The Stand The Stand. 333 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 ()00 (t055. 9pm. £8. Sec Hi 20 only with cotnpere Susan Morrison.

Madcap Comedy Club State Bar. l-l8 llolland Street. 883 233-1. 9.30pm. £5 (£4). Billy Bonkers introduces a selection of acts l‘t‘ont the local circuit.


The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. ()pm. £8. See l’ri 20 but with cotnpere Jane Mackay.


Velvet Soup (illlllol‘eltlll(il2. t) l'niyersity' Ayenuc. 338 3040. 7pm. liree. l’rey icw screenings ol the new series ol' Bl3('2's sketch show li'Il't'I Suit/t.

Craic@the Sac (‘ul de Sac Southside/Attic. 1 l7‘) l’ollokshaws Road. (>49 l8|‘)/o4‘) 47l7. 8pm. £4. BB(‘ .\'ew ('ontedy Award linalist Des McLean joins host Alan Anderson. The Comedy Coop ()‘Neill's. Bell Street. 07870 8o‘)l‘)‘). 8.30pm. £4 l£3l. (ilasgow patter merchant .latnic McKcn/ie introduces tlte w l’_\ l_\‘-sty led Joe lleenan. pltts Bratchy and storyteller James ('amphell.

Mandy Knight sees red in The Ginger Show

70 THE LIST 7’; Sup I-l Hat .'"l’,.’

at the Stand’s Comedy Theatre Double

Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 \Yoodlztnds Road. 0870 (300 ()()55. 8.30pm. £4 (£2). Yottng Yorkshirentan. and rising comedy star. Alttn ('ocltrane headlines. Ahle support comes l'rotn John Ross attd a ltost ol' \clyct Virgins.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. lpttt. l-‘ree. l’reestyle lttttttiness attd hangoycr-hanishing antics l'rom resident duo l’attl (iraham and Stuart Murphy.

Sunday Safari The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £4 l£2l. l.eith’s ('olin Rantone tops a hill which includes Blair Watt and resident host Allan Miller.


Velvet Soup (iilmorehill(il2. ‘) t'niyersity Aycnttc. 338 30-10. 7pm. l‘ree. Sec Still 22.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £l. (‘ltt'is ('ooper introduces around eight stand-up try ~ ottls. alongside headliner Sey mour Mace.

Tuesday 24


Velvet Soup (iilmorchill(il2. 9 liniyersity Aycnuc. 338 30-10. 7pm. l-ree. See Still 22.


Comedy Theatre Double The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £o (£4). Two one-man shows lor the price ol' one. ()tttragcotts letnalc comic Mandy Knight presents (Ii/1c (finger S/mn. whilst Dundec's catty comedian Bruce Dey lin presents his l‘ringe ol'l'ering ()m' l‘tll Imlyi from Him In /)H.\.\('I'.

Wednesday 25


Comedy Theatre Double The Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 (till) 0055. 8.30pm. £0 l£5l. See Tue 24.


Walkout Wednesday The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £4 l£3l. Slcycn Dick. Bruce Dey lin. ('olin Simpson and Teddy get down and dirty in this monthly csploration ol‘ all things ol‘l‘ensiye. otttt‘ageous and downright lilthy.

Thursday 26


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglettrs. t'(i(‘ Building. Rent‘rew Street. 0870 787 0707. 7.30pm. £(t. l’hil Butler. cheeky Matte Tony Burgess. committed Mo/art lan Rainer llersch attd the irrepressible Rtldl l.ickwood.

The Stand The Stand. 333 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 ()00 ()055. ()pm. £5 (£4 l. Sandy .\'elson regales with his pitch- perl'cct pop parodies. ('up A Soup w inner Seymour Mace and Allen ('halnters stand—tip in support.


The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £5 t£—l). Raymond Mearns. (’olin Simpson. Bratchy attd Sandra Johnston join cotnpere ls'eara Murphy.

Snatch Club The Liquid Roottt. ‘lc Victoria Street. 225 25o4. lllpttt 3am. £3.50 t£2.5l)l. See Thu l‘).


The Stand The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 (Mt) 0055. 9pm. £7. Surclire lrislt mirth master .lolnt Henderson

headlines. with Raymond Mearns. Sandra Johnston. Woody and cotnpere Sttsan Morrison.


The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £7. lixpect a male hloodhath as (iina Ryan let's rip with her hitchy hanter. Mttsical comedian Sandy .\'elson. Seymour Mace and guest cotnpere (‘raig llill complete the line-up.


Phil Kay ('unthernattld 'I‘heatrc. Kildrunt. ()l23o 732887. 7.45pm. £l0 l£ol Scotland's l'rce-l'ortn comedy maestro and resident columnist ol~ The list takes you on a surreal journey ittto his warped yet wicked mind.


Bob Doolally’s Football Flashbacks Dundee Rep. Tay Square. ()l382 223530. 10.45pm. £8 t£ol. A life in l'oothall reliyed hy the w ashed—ttp l‘ootie manager and sell-sly led pundit.

Saturday 28


The Stand The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 ()00 ()055. 9pm. £8. See Hi 27.

Madcap Comedy Club State Bar. I48 llolland Street. 883 2334. 9.30pm. £5 l£~ll. See Sat 2].


Bill Bailey t'sher llall. l.othian Road. 228 l 155. 8.30pm. £9.50 £l-t. Musician comedian maestro giyes a one-off treat. Sec prey iew.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 0pm. £8. See Hi 27.


Bob Doolally’s Football Flashbacks Paisley Arts Centre. New Street. 887 l0l0. 8.30pm. £8 (£4.50). See Fri 27.


Craic@the Sac (‘ul de Sac Southside/Attic. 1 I70 l’ollokshaws Road. (t—T‘) lSTWh-l‘) ~17 l 7. 8pm. £4. John (iillick. Kit'sty Moss and Andy Reid. The Comedy Coop ()‘Ts'eill‘s. Bell Street, 07870 8(i‘)l‘)‘). 8.30pm. £4 (£3). Yet another ol~ Scotland’s comedian's comedians. Des McLean perches atop a hill which includes cotnpere Jamie McKen/ie and support acts Stcy en Dick. Day e llcl'l‘ron and Scott Agnew. Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 \Yoodlallds Road. 0870 ()0() (i055. 8.30pm. £4 l£2l. (iuitar-totting humorist Sandy Nelson. pltts Seymour Mace and a bunch of \cly'et Virgins.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. lpm. l’rce. Sec Stilt 22.

Sunday Safari The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £4 (£2). Allen (‘halmers joins Allan Miller on his weekly outing.

Monday 30


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £l. liigltt comedy newcomers step iitto the stand-up limelight tutdcr the watchful eyes ol' .lolm Ross and host Des Mclcan.


Richard Herring - Talking Cock The l’leasance. (ill The l’leasance. (L50 234‘). 8pm. llerring's answer to The liter/tit .llmtn/ugm'y iny estigates manhood throughout the centuries lrom l’riaptis to Bohhit. l)espite ottr initial