
Outside the Cities continued

The Soundtrack to my Life Mon 33 & ‘l'ue 23 Jul. llatn 4pm. £7. .-\dam Smith 'l'heatre. Bennoeh} Road. Kirkeald). lll5‘)2 -l l 292‘). :\:_‘e\ ll l—l. '\d\;tllL‘L‘ lttmkltlg neeexxar}. .\ two-da} inuxie~inxpired drama workshop resulting ill a short perlormanee till [he \L‘L‘lttld da}.

Back to the Stone Age Wed 34 Jul. 2 3.30pm. L'l. llotixe ()l'l‘he liinnx. l.inlithgow. Wed l.otliian. l.mlilhgo\\. (153 5595. it") )our hand at lire—making arid other stone age \urx ixal skills.

Dancing Kids! Well 34 iii 3(» .lul.

3 5pm. U5. .-\dam Smitlt ‘l‘lieatre. Bennoeh} Road. lx'irkeald). lll5‘l2 4 l 202‘). :\g‘e\ 3 l3. .v\d\anee ltoitkittg IlL‘CL'SSIII'}. Learn the latest danee moxex at this l'un three-da} \Hit'ksllUP.

Lace Making and Tatting Demonstration ‘l‘hu 35 Jul.

l2.3ll 3.30pm. l’ree. l,ow l’arkx .\lu\eum. l2‘) .\luir Street. Hamilton. (HMS 328232. learn about the traditional art ol~ laee making and tr} it l'or _\oui\ell.

Celtic Flag Workshop Sat 37 Sun 38 Jill. noon 4pm. £2.51). Kelhurn ("axtle and (‘ountr_\ l’ark. liairlie. largx. lll475 563085. Paint a eolourlul hanner tixing ('eltie dexigtlx

Wind Things Sat 37 Sun 3\’ Jul.

l.3(l 4.l5pm. £51L‘3 Hi. lilairquhan Castle. Straiton. .\l;i}ltole. (llh55 770239. \Vateli the e\pert\ in aetiott in [lllx kite-

l‘l_\ ing demonstration.

Artspace Mon 2‘) Jill 'l'hu l :\ug.

lilam noon & 2 4pm. ()ne week L'l5 ttltli. l’aixle} .-\rt\ ('entre. New Street. l’aixle). (llJl SS." Hill). .'\:_'C\ (1 H) k

l l l3. llll'L‘L‘ \\ L'L‘k\ til~ l'tltl ttt'l\ and truth aetix itiex ineluding t-xhirt printing. mask making and glass painting.

Up in the Air 'l'hu l .-\ug. 2.31) 3.3llpm. l-‘ree. Sltotlx l.ihrar_\. Benhar Road. Shottx. (ll5lll S2l55o. :\ge\ under S. ('reate eolourl'ul air balloons and paper aeroplanes.


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Spot’s Birthday Party t'niil Sat 31) Jul. l lam & 2pm. L") l£7lL laniil} tiek‘et £25. Adam Smith I heatre. Beniioeh} Road. Kirkeald}. lll5‘)2 4 | 292‘). lirie llill's popular erealion. ptlpp) dog Spot. is brought to life in a l'un-paeked \lltm for all the lattiin

Wind in the Willows Sat 20 Jul. l lam «k lpm. £4 (£2501. l’aixle} :\l’l\ ('entre. NC“ Sll‘L‘L‘l. l’;1l\lL‘_\. (ll-ll 337 llllll. Ages 4 S. l‘ollow the ad\enture\ ol'l'oad. Ratt). Hole and Badger in the Wild Wood iii this adaptation h) l’endle l’l'tttlllL‘lltlllx.

Ahoy There! It’s the Happy Gang Sat 21) Jul. 2.30pm. £(i.5(li£5.5lll: tour tieketx £22. l‘alkirk Town Hall. West Bridge Street. l'httlkll'k. (H.524 50(135”.

Shn er me timbers. the llapp} (iang are back with another muxieal \peetaeular. Monsters in my Wardrobe the 33 Jul. 2pm. £2. llowden l’ark (’entre.

llow den. l.i\ ingston. (ll5llo 43363-1. Ages 5 l2. .\ _\oung ho} eonlronlx his l'earx h} entering a w ardrohe and embarks on a magieal iourne} in this aeelaimed produetion lrom Bluehoat l’uppet (‘ompan_\.

Ahoy There! It’s the Happy Gang Wed 24 Jul. 2.30pm. U1: l'ottr tiek’els for £22. low H Hall. Marxhill. :\lloa. (H259 2l3l3 I. See lialkirk.

Mr Boom - The Man from the Moon ‘l‘liu 25 Jul. 2.30 3.30pm. £51“). B) re 'l‘heatre. Ahhe} Street. St Andrew \. (ll33-l 475(llll). Agex 5+. More llllhlL‘ill antiex t'rom the man from the moon. Ahoy There! It’s the Happy Gang Hi 20 Jul. 2.30pm. [(11 tom tieketx tor £22. ('orran llallx. l-Lsplanade. ()han. (ll(i3l 5(17333. See l-‘alkirk.

The Last of the Trolls Sat 37 Jul.

1 lam & lpm. £418.50). l’aixle} Arts (t‘llll'C. NC“ Sll‘L‘Cl. l’;ll\lL‘). (ll-ll SS7 Illll). Ages 5 9. See photo eaption.

Tum Tum Tinker Tue 31) Jul. 2.30pm 3: 7.30pm. L") {12 lie 9)). .\lull l.itt|e


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The Last of the Trolls Sat 27 Jul. 1 lain & lpm. 524 ($2.50). Paisley Arts Centre. New Street. Paisley. 0141 887 1010. Ages 5—9. There are Just tour trolls left living in the Coalby Mine. Young Rocky is the youngest and must decide whether to stay in the safety of the mine. or go in search of fellow trolls and risk being turned to stone. Could two humans provide the answer to his dilemma?

'l‘heatre. l)er\aig. .\lull.()l(188 400377. llll‘tlllgll puppets. muxie and mayhem. Blue Boat 'l'heatre's aeelaimed show

w eaVex together the stories of a greed} IlSllL‘l'lllttlI. l)ealh\ godson and the Sltll'} ol‘ llum Hunt. the world's worst l'oothaller. Journey to the Centre of the Earth Wed 3] Jul. 2.30pm ck 7.30pm.

L") U211!» £9). .\lull l.ittle 'l‘heatre. l)er\aig. .\lull.()l(188 400377. Join :\.\el. Hans and (iertrude the duck on a magical adxenture through lll_\ xtet'ious males. exploding \oleanoes and other lantastie \lglllx.

The International Purves Puppets Biggar l’uppet 'l‘heatre. Broughton Road. ()l81)1)22()()3l. £5l£4lz laiiiil) tiekets £23

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& £36. Book in adumee ilx times are \uhjeet to eliange. Reductions for parties ol‘ the or more. Shows on otter m er the next two w eekx are:

Pips and Panda in Circusland Thu l8. .\lon 22. Sat 27 Jul. \Ved 3| Jul. 2pm. :\:_'C,\ Up to 7. .-\n tlllltslltll basket \Cls oil a Ill} lel‘iUlls ehain ol exents l'or famous duo as the} eneounter Jill} and Jail") the funny geese and Sugar the daneing llm’xr.‘ when the) spend a da) at the eireux.

Nessie Meets Morag Sun 3 I. Thu 35. 'l'ue 31) Jul. Thu l Aug. 2pm. :\ng UVCI' 7. Nessie the l.oeh Ness monster hears t'ttltltlllt's of a strange intruder with a red heard and sets on" on an adventure to unem er the truth.

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