Summer Show Sat l3 Jul Wed 7 Aug. A large Selection ol works by invited artists including Bellany. Morrocco. llarrigan and many tilltct'x. NEW SHOW.

Ceramic Sculpture Sat 1.1 Jul-NVed 7 Aug. (‘et'amic sculpture by invited artists.


17- l‘) Barclay Place. 477 2933.

Tue Sat llatn 6pm.

Mixed Exhibition :\ changing selection of painting\ including reproduction art Van (iogh. Dali. Monet. Kandinsky. .\liro originalx and work by up-and-coming local artist\.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (\VASI’SJ l’atriothall Silltlltix. oll4S Hamilton Place. 225 I25").

Bare City Vessel Stuff t'ntil Wed l() Jul. (Mon l’ri noon 6pm; Sat & Sun noon ~4ptnl. .\'ew work by recent graduates Anja Reynolds. Becca I‘aulding. limin Speed and Katie (iamtnie.

Shall I Tell you a Secret? Sat

l3 Tue 2.3 Jul. ('l‘ue l‘ri noon 6pm: Sat 8; Sttn noon »4pm). :\ group \how cticoltlpztssing photography. printed textilex. installation and \Ulllltl \kot'kx by artists Susan Stewart. Maria Benjamin. Naomi (iat'riock and (iary ()'(’onnot'. NEW SHOW.


St John's Church. Princes Street. 467 ()744. Mon Fri l()ant 4pm.

Sharing Will Save the World l'ntil Sat l3 Jul. A \et'iex ol‘ photographic panelx reprexenting themes of pm ert). sharing. greed. seryice and human right\ prexented by Sharp International tnaga/ine.


25 Marchmont Crescent. 22‘) 2063. .\Ion I'tl ‘)1llll‘5._3()pttl; Sat ltlatn 2pm. Mixed Exhibition A photographic gallery and framing \\()l‘k\llop lt‘ulllt'lltg a range of l‘ramed tnounted image\ with space for local phologt‘aplicrx to \ltou their work.


l2 Bristo Place. 226 1715. Wed Sttn

1 6pm.

We’re not here to give you pleasure Sat 6 Sun 2| Jtll. .\lembct\ of three artixt-run space\ in liranklttrt. chnex and ('ardill get together for thix group Slit)“. NEW SHOW.


1.5 Rtttland Square. 22‘) 7545. Mon Fri ()am Sptn1Sat l()am 4pm.

More for Less: Cedar House l‘mil Hi 2 .-\ug. An exhibition curated by Mark Walker. the architect attd owner ol~ (‘edar House. a typically \i/ed lour bedroom detached houxe in l’erthxhire. dexigned to create a feeling

ol opulence. NEW SHOW.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnyerleith llouxe. lm'et‘leith Row, SS2 7l7l. \Vcd Mon ll).3()atn 5.30pm. Alan Charlton l'ntil Sun 28 Jul tlm'et'leith llouxel. New work by linglixh artist Alan Charlton. w ho \incc 196‘) hax produced paintingx characterised by two lixed L‘tittxlillllx panels the width ol 4.5cm and the colour grey. See reyiew. Sce lll\t) Sleeper.

The Dapuri Botanical Drawings l'ntil Tue 23 Jttl tlmerleitlt llouxel. An exhibition drawn l‘rotn the collection ol RBGli to accompany a new book llimt/t'rx [Vim/(l; .'l/('\(lll(/('I' (ii/MUN And The [ht/Hut liolmt/r‘u/ I)rutt't'ncr.x by Dr Henry Nollie which describe a remarkable collection of l‘)th century Indian botanical draw ingx. Timely Cures l'ntil Sttn 23 Jul tlixhibition llall: l()atn 5pm). ('ltelxea l’hy \icx (iitl'tlcll\ photographer in

rcxidencc Sue Sncll c\lnlnt\ photograplh takctt lollow mg a tewatclt project into plantx uxed in phat‘tnacetttical medicine.


Bakehottxe (low. 146 (‘attongalo 55“ 660‘). ’l‘tte l‘ri noon 3pm. Anatomy of the House l’lm Ix .llll Sill Al .'\llf_.‘. .llltllrtllfl. tt/ l/lt l/t't'IH i\ an acccxxiltlc attd llllt'l';lt'll\t‘ tottt lllf.‘ \how l't'otn 'l‘he liglttliottxc \\ lttt‘lt ll;l\ been dexigned to dc\ clop an undct‘xtanding ol our built an It'ontncnt. ('rcaled by (ira\cn llll;t;‘t‘\. the e\hibition leatut'cx litxtot‘tcal L‘\;tllllll;llltlll\ ol li\c major 1} pc\ ol Scottixh dontextic at‘cltitcctttt'c lopcllict with a nnntltct‘ ol' contemporary caxc \llltllL‘\. Ni ‘.'. W l”

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE lloward liar. (it'indlay Slt‘ccl. 2-l.\ ~4S4S.

Reflection: Kate Holden l'ttttl 'l‘htt l .'\llf_‘. Painting by .\l|\ll';lll.'lll itl'llSl Kate lloldcn. inxpired by 1th lra\el\ around Scotland. \\ Itct'c \ltc currently lixex.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landingx ( taller}. lllll l’l‘inccx Sttcct. 225 l5lll. l)ai|_\ lllant (tpnt. Grace O’Connor Jim 4 .lttl l'l'l ‘) Aug. New work\ by ll'|\l1 .\incttcan itl'llSl (it'ace ()‘( 'onnor. IV ' '


lo l)ttnda\ Street. 55S |2llll. \lon l'll Illatn 6pm: Sat Illatn 4pm. Summer Exhibition \ltm S

.llll Sat 3 .'\llf.‘. .-\ \tnnntct‘ \clcctton ol painting\ by gallct'} ;tlll\l\ [taxl attd pi‘cxent including the Scolttxlt

Leon (circa 1946) by Alberto Morroc

co on show at the Open Eye Gallery

(‘olotntxlx l'iall‘ilI'LI lx’ae. .\nnc lx’edpatlt and .l;llllt‘\ \lot’rtwn. ii? i. Sophie MacCarthy \ltm S Jul Sat i.\n;.'. \ew cct'anncx.

Ann Oram _\lon \ .lul Sat 3 .\ug. \ew [\;tlllllllj,'\ b_\ .\nn ()l';lltl lx’S\\'.

A Field of Silver .\lon .\ .lnl Sal 3 \ttjn. \ llll\t‘tl \i|\ct c\ltibilion It‘alllllllj.‘ |c\\cllct'_\ attd obicclx.


5 (‘t tcltlonk ( ‘loxc. (attongatc. 557 .‘S‘b \lon l-ri noon 6pm: Sat

ttoott lpnt.

Poet’s Portraits l'nlil Sat 3.\ttg. \cw photographic pol'll'allx ol' \c\cn Scotltxlt poelx created by \llltlt‘lllS limit the l‘.d1nl\tttglt ('ollegc ol .\t't.


5 larony Street. 1".\ "llll. 'l'ttc Sat lllatn 6pm.

Contemporary Scottish Art and Design .\ g'allct'y attd \ltop lt‘;lltll'lll_‘.‘ a changing \elcction ol hand \\o\cn attd ctnlnotdet‘ed rug and tc\ttlc\ lt‘ont llte lttt‘knten. l/ltck. liqittclt and \tntatl triltcx ol (‘cntt‘al .\\l;l.


l\)\‘l;l\’ll Llllll ll.lll \lt'llll\‘\‘l\. (l l)atnaw.t\ Sltcct. 2.3.5 S 1 ll _\lon l'Il'l 2 5 Hit. 5

Alan Charlton l'nlil l-ri 26 Jul. .\n lllSl.tll;llltlll ol wall painting\ attd panclx It) \lan (‘ltat‘llon to coincide \\llll ltix \“\llll‘lllttlt al lnwrlcitli Home


lllltg'lt Sltccl. 55" S361). l)atl_\

Illattt (tpttt.

Mixed Exhibition .\ changing

\clct'lton ol patnlntg'x lty pt'cdotntnanlly

listings Art

Italian :tl'll\[\. lt‘ltllll‘lllg \till lil‘e. Iandxcapex and liguratiye. with all work\ l‘ot' \alc.

THE SOUTHSIDE GALLERY 5S Ratclil‘l'e 'l‘et't'ace. 667 Who. Mon 0am 5pm: 'l‘ue l‘ri 9am 6pm; Sat lllant 5pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil Wed Bl Jul. A nii\cd Show oi limited edition pt‘ittlx and original paintings.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'ni\er\ity ol' lidinhurglt. South Bridge. 65() 221 l. 'l’ue Sat lllatn 5pm. Jonathon Brown: Road Movies l‘ntil Sat 6 Jul. Lyrical paintings by Nice-lubed artixt .lonathan Brown e\plot‘ing the Iandxcapex and roads ol' hix with e Scotland and his current ltotne in l‘rance. l AST CHANCE TO SH. .

Martin Fowler: Wish you were Here l'ntil Sat 6 Jul tt'ound l'tmnll. A \eriex ol' paintingx exploring I’ot'tobello by lidinbttt’gh-hased Ltl'llSI Martin

to“ ler.


36 l)unda\ Street. 556 6366. .\lon l’t'i llatn 6pm; Sat l().3()atn 4pm. Joseph Maxwell Stuart l’ntil Sat l3 Jul. Landscape pltlllllllgx by Joseph .\Ia\w ell Stttart.


'l‘rmetxe 'l'heatre. ll) (’atnbridge Street. 22S 53S3.

American Pride: Fish Eye Portraits from San Francisco 8: California Wallflowers l'nlil Sat 27 Jul. l’hologt'aphx by l.i/ 'l'ainxh ol San l-rancixco'x gay pride celebrations.


I66 High Street. 22() 1044. l‘t'i

l latn 5.30pm: Sat llattt 5pm. Unframed l'ntil Sat 27 Jul. 'l‘ltix new gallery and \tudio. set tip by photographic partnerxhip Janeanne (iilcht'ixt and Reuben Paris. opens with an e\hibition ol' original photographic and original art. (iraduatex l‘rom Napier l'ni\er\ity. the duojoined l'ot'ced in l‘)‘)‘) and Inn e been working for the last three yeat'x ill the L‘l'L‘illl\ e L‘lld ol the commercial tnarket. 'I‘hix new \enture will ol'l'et‘ cuxtonterx contemporary work\ to wit any hotne or ol‘licc.

UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Department ol‘.’\t‘chitecture. 2U 22 ('hatnberx Street. 650 2306.

Master of Architecture Degree Exhibition l'ntil l‘ri l2 Jul. l-‘inal year work by \llltlL‘HIS ol' the master of architecture degree courxe.


l(t Sotlllt l'iot‘l Street. 47S 78“).

Mon Sat llatn l|.45pm: Sttn

12.30 ll.45pltl.

Marc Marnie t'ntil Sat 27 Jul. Marc .\larnie\ black attd white photographic nnagex ol' \omc ol' the world's most inl’lttential lllllSic‘lLlllS.


ll'ortnerly Malcolm Innex (ialleryl. 4 I)unda\ Street. 558 0544/5. .\Ion l‘t'i Illant 6pm: Sat llatn 4pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil Tue 30 Jul.

Spotting and natural history paintingx.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 107.

BANK OF SCOTLAND MUSEUM ON THE MOUND lllt‘ Mound. 52‘) l2SS. Mon liri Illatn 4.45pm.

Money Matters l'ntil l-‘ri 6 Sep. .-\ tllSIild) on the story ol~ money through the centuriex.

.‘ X .‘ THE LIST 101