I Lush at the Polo Lounge. l().3()pni~3am. £5. Weekly. lieaturing Andy in the Trophy Rootii with hits from the (i()s to the 80s. while Toni pl'oy'ides an up-l'i'ont dance selection in the main room at the city"s prettiest gay club.

0 Masters of Groove at the (‘(‘A. 9pm—2am. £16. 8 Jtiii. Anyone who’s anyone from the Blue note. sotil. jan aiid l'tink world is iii this band: Bernard Ptirdie. accompanied by Bltie Note's Reuben Wilson aitd (irant (ireen Jr on

Hammond organ and guitar respectiyely. It

you like ltink. you iiitist come to this ey‘ent organised by Bughouse.

I Melting Pot at the Riyerside Social. Next date 2‘) Jtiii.

I Mish Mash at the Arches. llpm-3am. £12 (£10). 15 Jun. Monthly. ()ne of the linest l)Js in the LR tlilliot Iiastwickljoins ltll'c‘es with another of the finest l)Js iii Scotland l()scarl for this night of unbridled musical ecstacy. ()scar and [Elliot will join ltll'c‘c‘s with (‘hris Cruiks ol' Rae and (‘hristian oit percussion. Nordin Zaoui on meals atid l)ey in on jembi for a night of summer sotil lunk. toastin‘ and a roastin' iii the main ai'cli.

I Missing Link at Ad Lib. l lpiit 3am. £5. 8 Jttii. Monthly. The Very best ol‘ hip hop. nu jazz. and R'ii'b mixed tip by two oi Glasgow's linest- Paul ('aw ley attd Naeem. And all iii this great intimate

I My Machines at (ilasgow School of Art. “pm—311m. £6 (£5411). Weekly. They'ye had some of the greatest names in techno come and bless their decks. so they ktiow how to mash it tip. Be here now with Hamish and Wilkes.

I Pussypower at the Soundhaus. Next date 29 Jtiii.

I Red and Gold Room at Ai'ta. ltlpm—Bam. liree before 1 lpiii. £8 alter. Weekly. DJ Jorito mans the decks tor a line night ol‘ Latin house. This will seriously spice tip your me. it that's what is required.

I Relief at Alaska. llpm-zidlll. £ l() t£Si. 8 Jtiii. Monthly. Straight-up Reliel‘ action with the increasingly lamous Silicone Sotil in session upstairs. whilst (‘olin McLaren and Billy Woods warm you tip down in the front room.

I Remedy at Ad Lib. l lptll 4am. £5. Weekly. Dayey Thomson. (‘olin l)a\ ey and someone without l)ayey in his name ()wen Caldwell ~ get iitto the tech-house groove with the Ad Lib massiy'e.

O Shake the Disease at the Queen Margaret L'nion. ltlpni —2ain. £10. 8 Jun. Andrew Weatherall. Richard i‘t‘tll'less. Shut L'p And Dance and Bosco. Sound like a good line up‘.’ It is! (iet down to the QM tor a night ol‘ anti-nostalgia and shake that ass. for this date only ‘A-ltsl't'tml holders t‘t’t £2 (gift/(Inf price before midnight.

I Soulsa at Soba. 9pm - 2am. l’ree. Weekly. The mighty popular residency from Andy l'nger and Lady Shae-l) gets back into full swing alter a short hiatus. playing underground disco. yocal house and New York garage. liai'ly ai'riyal makes more sense. doesn't it‘.’

I Subculture at MAS lin association with the Sub ('ltibi. llpiii 3am. £ll). Weekly. Straight tip Subculture tor the first week of this fortnight. then more of the same on IS Jutt. btit with a twist young Matt (iray iii the hold liring all you bad boys tip in the light room.

I Traxx at the Soundhaus. Next date (i July.

I Triumph at the Tunnel.

10.30pm --3.3()ani. £9 l£7 l. Weekly. ('olin 'l‘eyendale and Stey'en Mc('reery supply the dressed-up glamour kids with progressiy'e house and trance in the main room. while Keyin Macliarlane and Stephen Lee mix tip garage. disco and vocal house in room two, It you're iiol wearing aw lully nice clothes. how ey er. don't expect to get in.

I Notun at Budda. l lptii 3am. £7

(£5 l. Weekly. Btidda squee/es (ieol‘l‘

Altllllltll'd attd (‘hris Harris to carpet bomb land yes. there are carpets inyolyedl the central city \cnue w itlt the kind ol' house tracks that would start a riot on either side of the Atlantic.

I Vegas at the chl‘i‘ew liet'i‘y. Next date 22 Jttii.

I The Winchester Club at the Woodsidc Social. Next date tbc.

I Wired at Asy ltitii. ('aledonian l'niy‘ersity l'nion. ltlpni 3am. £3. Weekly. (ilasgow ‘s longest running alternatiye indie night with drinks promos aplenty.

I Xposure at Archaos. llpm 3am. £S (£(il. Weekly. Sery iitg tip hedonistic hard house and trance. your hosts Stey ie ls’err. lain Thompson and Day e (iilmour keep the kids Ull their toes.

Chart & Party

I Bankers at Bonkers. llptit 3am. £~l bel‘ore midnight: £5 alter. Weekly. Who are we to argue w itlt this night ol~ unbridled popularity and silly ltm'.’ Mainstream pop mingles w illt the hits ol the 80s. arid the crowd go wild w eck alter W CClx.

I Boogie Nights at Media.

llpiii 3am. £(i. Weekly. Step back it] time to reyel in the tunes ol‘ the 7(ls aitd Stls. Arriye early to ayoid a crushing disappointment.

I Classic FM at l‘ury Murry ‘s.

llptit .‘yam. £(i t£~ll. Weekly. Nicely named itight of happiness limit the old club undergoing something ol‘ a renaissance. Dance classics atid party tunes. with altei‘natiye and rock tunes upstairs itt Twister.

I The Garage at the (image.

lllpm 3am. £5 t£.‘~i beltu‘e llpm: £(i (£4) alter. Weekly. ()ne ol' the busiest nights iii towit. Stiper-commei'cial party sounds on the tnain dancel'loor and indie classics iii the Attic.

I Graduate Club at g2. llptit 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Designed to still those who haye always etijoy ed a (iai'age~sty le night out. bttt l'eel a little long iii the tooth when surrounded by li'esh—l‘aced. lager- stainedyoungsters. Slcye Day is proy ides the party anthems.

I The Shack at Shack. lllfillpm 3am. £7 l£5 l. Weekly. (’hecsy chart tunes and comtttcrcial daticc ti'acks lrom l).l (iraeme.

I Seduction at Destiny. lllpm 3am. £(i below I lpm: £" alter. Weekly. Tonight the club would like you to dress to impress' while enjoying the usual commercial house'n‘trance pap.

I Strawberry Fields at Straw berry liields. ll).3l)pin 3am. £5. Weekly. ('lassic party nonsense lt‘ont the (ills to lilsl W c‘c‘k‘.

Glasgow Sundays


I Budda at Bar Budda. Spin midnight. l‘i'ee. Weekly. l)ispel the night-alter blues with 1)] ('olin Walker ol' the New York Alliance. who will be playing only the deepest house and most progressiye

C9 The Chill on the Hill at Brel. 3pm lam. l‘ree. to Jun only. Sit on grass at the back ol' Bt'el and listen to lltish l’uppy‘ and guests play all eclectic mix ol' retro sounds. l’i'ey ious guests hay c included l)i\ itie. Scott attd (iary l'rom (ittodlttttt and Jill .\llll (io (it). sit this should be another pleasant iitidsttmmer night's dream.

I Divine Intervention at lhel.

0pm midnight. l‘i'ee. Weekly. l).l lltishpuppy blends mod. old grooye and ltink iiilo a pleasing mash. sei'y ed w itlt some line house red.

I The Hustler at Au- ( )i-gauic.

5pm midnight. Lice Weekly. Straight ottl the ‘hood to your neck o' the woods: Johnnie Bla/e and his occasional guests supply grooyes so smooth they 'd mote yo‘ mointna's ass.

I The Man with no Suitcase at the (iril'liny. Next date 7 July.

I The Medicine Room at the]. Spin midnight. l't'ec. Weekly. Medicine Room l).ls turn a nasty mid~week mood iiilo a smooth. sedttcliy e ey ening \L‘Sslttll.

I Moloco at Moloco. Spin midnight. l'il'L‘C. \VL‘L‘kly. .\l;ll‘llll Si .lttlttl keeps it mixed tip. w illi a selection that takes in stompin’ northern soul. roots. rock and l‘t‘g'g‘dc‘.

I Nico’s at Nico's. llpm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Turn that l'rown upside down. Billy Milligan. the laii Mellis ol'

dance music. otters a cheesehoard iii no

small yaricty.

I Phonic at Moskito. 0pm midnight. l'hliCC. \Vt‘t‘kly. llillL‘SL‘ l’ltttlllc lt‘lltl“ s are popping tip eyery w here. Winding down the weekend. (ioi'don and Stey en play Hill) lllL‘ L'llttlc‘c‘sl litttlsc‘ t'llls.

I Passionality at (‘uhe

ll..‘l)pm 3am. l‘i‘ee. Weekly. 1)] Shawn ensures that the w eekcnd is slay ing aliye w illi this post weekend night ot' pleasing

charlislry I Ross McMillan at .\‘ieo‘s. 0pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Resident

presents the cheesiest chart layotii'ites to

Ills .‘Nlc‘ttK lt‘lt‘llds

I R&B at Bar ll), "pm midnight. l’ree.

Weekly. Relax with RAB ti'acksiiiilhei'y and lake adyantagc ol the generous drinks promos at this classy city centre bar.

I Scratch’n’Sniff at .\lc(‘liulll‘s. ‘lpiit midnight. l’i'ee. Weekly. New pre- clttb \enttii‘c. letittit'iitg l)anny Barbour

playing house. garage and whaleyei' else

he ltlllc‘lc‘S.

I Soulful Sundays at lcltai-t )\ na. 3 "pm. l’i'ee. Weekly. It’s all conduciyc [H ;t tlc‘c‘ll \t‘llst‘ UL c‘llllli tll'lllk obscure

listings Clubs

teas. play chess. giy'e your body a rest. Hosted by Ray mondo and Rodriguez ll‘ools ()nly ). this is a sottllttl session to help rejoin the human race alter the

w cckcnd‘s silliness.

I Sugar Shack at the Baby Grand to [film Batik (iai'densl. Spin midnight. l‘t'ee. Weekly. A blend of l'unk. jazz. sotil and Latin lt‘om l)J Marcelo.

I Sunday Social at the Arches. Monthly. Next date the.


I Bennet’s at Bennet's.

l l..‘~()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. In which we are conl'ronted by a strange parity. Torn play s tunes loyed by twely'e-year-old girls. pltis some haiigin' handbag. to equally appreciatiy'e gay tnen. littnny old world.

I Bite at the ('athouse. ltl.3()pm—3ain. l‘rec bel‘ore 1 1.30pm; £2 t£l.5()) alter. Weekly. A milder mix of indie and rock than you‘ll lind at the city's premier rock \enue on l't’l or Sal.

I Bump’n’Grind at the Velvet Rooms. 1 lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Wind down the weekend with I)M(i's niix oi R&B and street soul.

I Chittlin’ Hoedown at the 13th Note ('al‘e. l lptn 2am. £l. Weekly. A new night deyoted to pretty much

w hatey er the l)Js please. including dub. hip hop aiid electro with added splashes ol' indie sltllT.

I Club Tropicana at the (iarage tAttict. llpiii 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lndie. botli classic and contemporary. with a healthy dose of Bl'itpop.

I Dream at Strawberry Fields. ll)..‘\(lpm 3am. £15. Weekly. l’ilteen quid to get in‘.’ You’re ‘ay'in' a laugh. aint ya‘.’ Btit wait: the bar is completely l‘ree all night. so stop moaning and get drunk.

The List is proud to present

Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow & Edinburgh

Valid from: 06/06/02 Until: 20/06/02



ti .‘ THE LIST 75