
Gay listings

Gay listings continued

Edinburgh Mondays


Gay Men’s Swimming Group Call 226 4476. 8pm. Weekly. Informal swimming session. Call for tnore infortnatiott.

Diverse Drinkers Holyrood Tavern. 9a Holyrood Road. 556 5044. 8pm. Free. Mon 6 May. Monthly. Appreciation of real ale in a gay friendly environment.

Clubs Trendy Wendy Planet ()ut. Greenside


Bennet’s 90 Glassl‘ortl Street. 552 5761. l lpm—3.30am. £3—£6 (£2—£5). Dance action Wed to Sun and a student nigltt on Thu.

Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8990.

l l.30pm—3am. £3 (£2 with flyer). Gay nights on Mon (Passionality) and Tue (F.t'..\'.) both playing cheesy chart. Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. l()pm—3am. £5 Clubs Fresh. Lush and Carry on Polo Fri to Sun.


Candle Bar 20 Candleriggs. 564 1285. 9pm. Free. Lively bar.

Court Bar 69 IIutcheson Street. 552 2463. 6.30—l0pm. Free. Popular traditional bar.

Delmonicas 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 9pm. Free. DJs on Fri. Sat. Mon and Tue. a quiz on Thu. karaoke on Stm and a games night on Wed.

LGBT Centre I 1 Dixon Street. 22! 7203. 1 Iain I2am. Free. Bar/cafe pltis karaoke frottt Fri to Stilt.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 I221. I0pm- lam. Free. Iintertainment from Mon to Thu.

Revolver 6a John Street. 553 2456. 8.30pm. Free. Weekly. Popular bar whiclt hosts arcade game and quiz nights on Sat afternoons and also has a free jukebox with over 5000 top tunes to choose from. Sadie Frosts to West George Street. 332 8005. l2pm-- l2am. Free. DJs (Fri. Sat and Mon). karaoke (Thu and Sun) and quizzes (Tue and Wed). Tue is qui/oke while Sun is women only in the Blue Room.

Waterloo Waterloo Street. 229 589 l. l2pm~ | 2am. Well known gay bar.


Clone Zone LGBT Centre. Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Mon—Sat l lam—9pm: Sttn l2pm~9pm. Wide range of videos. magazines and toys.


Beyond Barriers LGBT. Dixon Street. 574 0242. Scotland-wide project

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Place. 524 0061. l().3()pm—3am (bar frotn 6pm). Free. Fortnightly. DJ's every week with Trendy Wendy every fortnight (Mon 2‘) Apr).

Theatre Lovesong Of The Electric Bear Sun 28—Tue 30 Apr. See Sun.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Fairy Liquid I.oca. 235 Cowgate. 225 54l3. l()pm—3am. £3 (£2 with student ID). Weekly. Popular gay night of uplifting chart. dance and disco.

challenging homophobia. More information at www.beyondbarriers.org.uk. Bi-G-Les C/() LGBT. l l Dixon Street. 22] 7203. Group offering befriending and support for LGBT under the age of 25.

Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 332 50l0. Support and advice for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Sandyford Place. 21 l 6700. Information for women and services for lesbians.

Glasgow Lesbian Line [’0 Box 686. G3 7TI.. 552 3355. Giving advice attd support either by telephone or SAI‘Z.

Glasgow Women’s Library l()9 Trongate. 552 8345. Open Tue—Fri 1—6pm: Sat 2—5pm. Library ftill of women's literature.

Phace West 49 Bath Street. 332 3838. For those affected by HIV/AIDS. Steve Retson Project 2 Sandyford Place. 21 I 860]. Open Tue & Thu 5.30—8.30pm. Sexual health advice and counselling for gay men.

Glasgow’s Revolver is now in its second successful year

Vibe Iigo. Picardy Place. 478 7434. l().3()pm--3am. £2. Weekly. .\'ew eharty party night featuring dancers. singers. a miming mm and all the glitter you could wish for.

Theatre Lovesong Of The Electric Bear Stilt 28—-Ttie 30 Apr. See Sun.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


Women’s Group Drop-In l.(iB Centre. 60 Broughton Street. 478 7069. 7pm. Free. Weekly. Informal drop-in

Strathclyde Lesbian 8: Gay Switchboard PO Box 38. (i2 2Qli. 332 8372. Open 7-‘l0pm daily. Confidential advice.



C.C. Blooms 23—24 Grecnside Place. 556 933 l. 10.30pttt—-3ant (bar from 6pm). Free. A bar arid club with a playlist of high camp and disco classics.


Blue Moon Cafe 1 Barony Street. 557 ()9l 1. Mon Fri l lam ~l 1.30pm. Sat-Sun 9pm l2.30am. Free. Iidinburgh's longest running gay cafe.

Nexus 60 Broughton Street. 478 7069.

l lam l Ipm. Free.

The I.(iB Centre cafe.

C.C. Blooms 23~24 (ireenside Place. 556 9331. 10.30pm 3am (bar from 6pm). Free. A bar and club with a play list of high cantp.

Habana (ireenside Place. 558 I270. l2pm~ lattt. Free. A popular drinking and mingling spot.

group for wonten.

Edinburgh Gay Women’s Group Nexus. Broughton Street. 557 8847. 7pm. Free. Weekly. Social group. lcebreakers CC Blooms. 23—24 Greenside Place. 5569331. 8—9.l5pm. Free. Wed 8 May. Monthly. Group for lesbians. gay men. bisexuals. and transgender people.


A Solemn Mass For A Full Moon In Summer Wed l—Sat 4 May. See Thu.

Flashback 9 Hope Street. 226 090]. 4pm—lam. 70s and 80s feel with cheesy disco and pop Mon to Sun.

Frenchies Rose Street. 225 7651. [pm—lam. Free. Trivia quiz Sun and karaoke with Titty Galore Wed.

The Gilded Saloon 233 Cowgate. 226 6550. 9pm—-lam. Free. Every Sun the Saloon Itolds the pre-club session for Taste at the Liquid Room.

The Laughing Duck 24 Howe Street. 220 2376. .‘vIon—Thu l lam—l lptn. Fri & Sat 1 lam-lam. Sun I l.30am—l Ipm. Stylish. comfy bar.

New Town Bar Dublin Street. 538 7775. Mon—Thu l2pm—lam. Fri—Sat l2pm~-2am. Sun l2.30pm—Iam. Gay cruise bar.

Planet Out Greenside Place. 524 0061. Mon-Fri 4pm--lam. Sat—Sun 2pm—lam. Free. Fine bar with DIs every Mon. a quiz on Tue. Trendy Wendy doing her sttiff every fortnight and DJ's Craig and Dale every Sat.


Out of the Blue Barony Street. 478 7048. Mon—Fri l lam~7pm. Sat

l lam-6pm. Sun l2pm—6pm. Books. mags. toys and videos.

Bobbie’s Bookshop 220 Morrison Street. 538 7069. Mon—Sat l()am-5.30pm. Gay magazines from the UK and abroad.


A.D. Contact 556 4049. Group for lesbians over 40. Meets monthly to plan social events. Newcomers welcome. Call for more details.

Dykes Night Out PO Box I69. EH1 3I.t,'. lnfortttal get togethers.

Lesbian Line 557 ()751. Mott & Thu 7.30-- l()pm. Helpline.

LGBT Police Link LGB Centre. 60 Broughton Street. Mon 6—7pm. Weekly. Call 620 5 I 38. 620 5 I40 if you want a chat with your comntunity officer. Lothian Gay & Lesbian Switchboard 556 404‘). 7.30—-l0pm every day. Gay and lesbian helpline. Stonewall Youth Project Contact 622 2266 (Office) or 0845 I I30 005 (Yotithlinel. Regular meetings and social events for I.GBT under 26.