Glasgow Tuesdays
Bi-G-Les Youth Group l.(;l%'l‘ (‘entrc. ll Dixon Street. 22l 7203.
7 ltlpni. l‘ree. Weekly. An open meeting Mr young l.(iliT.
LIC Social Group l.(;l3'l‘ (‘entie l I l)i.\on Street. 22l 7203. 7pm. Tue 30 Apr. Monthly. Regular meeting. lcebreakers Sadie lit-ost's. 8 ll) \VL‘st (iL‘Ul'gL‘ Street. 552 800.5.
8 9.30pm. Free. Tue 7 .May. Monthly. See Sun.
Theahe Singles Night Thu 25 Apr Sat 4 May. See Thu.
Glasgow Wednesdays
Bi-Glasgow l.(il3'l' ('cntre. l l l)i.\on Street. 22] 7203. 7.30pm. l‘ree. Wed 1 May. Monthly. Regular meeting ol‘ the bisexual group.
Crosslynx Group l.(itl'l‘ (‘entre l 1 Dixon Street. 22l 7203. 7 lllpnt. Wed 8 .May. Monthly.
Theahe Singles Night Thu 25 .\pr Sat 4 Witt}. See 'l‘lttl.
Something To Tell You - Hearing the Voices of Young, Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People The lighthouse. l l Mitchell Lane. 22l 6362. Want 3pm. l’ree. Wed 8 May. ('onl‘erencc giy ing young lesbian. gay and hise\ual people the opportunity to communicate with policy and decision makers. Sec panel.
Edinburgh Thursdays
Gay Dads Scotland l.(iB Centre. 58a & 6t) Broughton Street. 478 706‘). 8pm. Thu 25 Apr. Monthly.
A Solemn Mass For A Full Moon In Summer (iateway 'l‘heatre. lilrn Row. l.cith Walk. 3l7 3000. 7pm. [6 l £4l. Wed l Sat 4 May. l-rench (‘anatla's most latnous gay dramatist Michel 'l‘reinhlay and his heautil‘ul choral meditation on larnilies and relationships.
Edinburgh Fridays Clubs Lush ligo. l’icardy Place. 478 7434. lt).3llpni 3am. £5 inernher: £6 non- incinhers ll-"ree membership ayailahle on the nightl. Hi 26 Apr. Monthly. l).l\ l)ale t.lo_\ /l’lanct ()utl and (‘raig tl’lanet ()utl dish up a line blend of pop. handbag and l‘ttnlxy dance. Woman’s Own (‘luh .laya. (‘otntttercial Stl'L‘L‘l. l.L‘lllt. 555 .5022. lllptn 2am. £5 before midnight; £7 alter. l’ri 3 .May. Monthly. \ewish cluh l'or women \\ ith resident DJ Rox. Ta\i fares of up to £5 can he claimed hack by groups ol' the when paying into the club and show ing a \alid receipt.
Juice Solas. 2/4 Ahhcy mount. 66l (N82. 2 4pm. l’rec. Weekly. Social group ol‘l‘ering support for gay men alt'ccted by HIV/AIDS.
A Solemn Mass For A Full Moon In Summer Wed l Sat 4 May. See Thu.
Kathy McKean’s lesbian gladiator monologue is part of Singles Night
The Lighthouse, Glasgow, Wed 8 May 8
Are you lesbian. gay or bisexual and under 25’? WOuld yOu like the opponunity to meet the people in power who make the laws and poltcres that determine our lives. so you can tell them of your experiences and bring about a Change in the law?
Something To Tel/ You. a groundbreaking report on the day to day lrvrng experiences and needs of young lesbian. gay and bisexual peOple. is to be launched at the Lighthouse with a conference from 10am—3pm. Carried out by Glasgow Women's Library and Greater Glasgow Health Board. Something To Te// You focuses on inCidents of con‘ing out. housmg lSSues.
listings Gay
mental. phySIcal and sexual health. as well as violence and crime. (John Binniel
Edinburgh Saturdays
The Claremont I33 I35 Iiast ('larernont Street. 556 5662. 8pm. Free. Sat 4 .May. l-‘ortnightly. MSC and the Bears organise the night with a w ild dress code.
Joy ligo. Picardy Place. 478 7434. lt).3()pin 3am. £lt) 1L8). Sat 27 Apr. l’ortnightly. Residents Maggie and Alan whoop it up in the Main Hall while Dale\ltlj()ll‘t\ ('octeatt Lounge residents 'I‘rendy Wendy and Sally [7.
Eye Candy (‘luh Mercado, 36—39 Market Street. 226 4224. l lpm- -3atn. £l() (£8 l: L6 in fancy dress. Sat 27 Apr. l’ortnightly. Residents (iraeme Popstar. .\'e‘iat Barton and Neil (‘rookston host their infamous. glam house party. Mingin’ Studio 24 (upstairs). (‘alton Road. 558 3758. l().3()pin~ 3am. £5. Sat 4 May. l-‘ortnightly. (iay-triendly clubbing with hard home and sexy trance from residents Brian Dempster and Alan Joy. Luvely The Liquid Room. ()c Victoria Street. 225 2564. l().3()pm--3atn. £6. Sat 4 May. Monthly. Iixuherant house party. Up The Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. lt)pnt~3ant. £8 (£6). Sat 4 May. Monthly. l)l‘s Michelle. Adrian Dayenport and .\'ic (‘ayendish deal out a heady blast of progressiy e house and tribal trance.
Scottish TV/TS Group The Phoenix ('ellar Bar. 46 Broughton Street. 557 ()234. l- 5pm. Sat 27 Apr. Monthly.
A Solemn Mass For A Full Moon In Summer Wed l—Sat 4 May. See Thu.
Edinburgh Sundays Clubs Taste The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. £8 (£6). Weekly". Tasty hrew of house and garage with Dis l-‘isher 6’; Price and guests. Tackno (‘luh Mercado. 36~39 Market Street. 226 4224. l().3()pm—3am. £3—L‘6. Sttn 28 Apr. Monthly. [impress ot' the lidinhurgh club scene Trendy Wendy
Beautiful and affecting but tinged with sadness
Mark Robertson on the Pet Shop Boys, page 107
mixes it at her most celebrated showcase. Tackno.
Celsius Ego. Picardy Place. 478 7434. l().3()pm—3am. £10. Sun 5 May. Fortnightly. New gay night featuring a playlist of hard dance and progressive house.
Lovesong Of The Electric Bear Netherhow Theatre. High Street. 556 9577‘). 8pm. £5 (£4). Sun 28—Tue 3() Apr. Snoo Wilson's new play about gay maths genius. Alan Turing and his teddy bear.
25 ACME? May 2(702 THE LIST 71