We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Thursday 28 .


American Wrestling I’a\ ilimi 'I‘heatre. I3l Renlield Street. 333 I84(i. 7.30pm. £l0 (£8). Tribute to the stars ol the American wrestling \cene. leaturing Rock Steadlast as The Rock altd Rick .\l;t\tel‘.\ as The l'ndertaker. Prepare for a night ol piledrixing and clothes line\.


Sir Giles Gilbert Scott: Architect Of The Century I'nherxit) ()l Stiathelyde. Lecture ’I‘heatre I. .\lc(‘ance Building. lo Richmond Street. 433 4484. 7.30pm. I-‘ree. Dr (im in Stamp on lIllx influential architect.

Other events

Careers, Enterprise And Jobs 2002 SIi(‘(‘. Iiinniexton Qua). 0870 040 4000. I0am 4pm. I‘ree. I’ractical adx ice and inlormation on admneing your career pt‘oxpeclx.

Fashion By Fernie (il'eelloek Am (itiild. ('ampbell Street. (ireenock. 0I475 733038. 7.30pm. £0. The Iatext \t} Iex on \Iltm complemented b} top jaH ltltl\ietttll.\ Bird I-‘ix e and (ille\l\.


War On Want: Annual Conference l'tti\et'\it) ()l (ilaxgow 030 7030 I I I I. I0am 5pm. S'I‘I'(' (ieneraI Secretar) BiII Spierx. peace aetix txl Bruce Kent. and president ol ('oloinbia'x SIN'I‘R:\I€.\I(‘.-\I.I I'nion Alexander I.ope/ are Illxl \ottte ol the speaket‘x at lIlIx eonlerence to di\etl\\ the world order implications alter the I I September attacks. See pre\ iew


Celtic v Aberdeen ('eItic I’ark.

Kerr} dale Street. I’arkhead. 55I 8(i53. 3pm. S()l.I) ()l'l. SI’I. football match. Motherwell V Hearts I‘ir I’ark. Maine Road. MotIterweII. 0I(i‘)8 333333. 3pm. £I3 £I7. SI’I. lootbaII thatch.


Discovering Islam Through Dialogue And Photography Si .\Iungo Museum ol Religioux I.ile .-\nd .»\rt. 3 (’axtle Street. 553 3557.

I0.30am 4pm. Free. .'\n oppot‘ltltttt) to e\plore IxIatlt with local .\Ill\lltll .Iaxed Ali.

Tom McCarthy (‘('.v\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. 3pm. I‘ree. \‘i'riting lor \ttl'ittlh ptiincationx. 'I’om .\Ic('arth} tIixettxsex The Tenth I.e\cI exhibition in relation to the :te\tItetic\ ol


_ ' . i L ~ n -' ..

Rembrandt. Botticeil;. \‘Jbstler and (Jade-Ii. Burrell Collection 9000 I’ollckshaxxs Road. IIQI'” 5W”- S‘s-530 (/81. With). MOII I'ltl <9; fifli

Other events

Careers, Enterprise And Jobs 2002 SIi(‘(‘. I‘inniexton Qua). 0870 040 4000. I0am 4.30pm. Free. See I‘ri I. Homes Overseas Exhibition SIi('('. I‘inniexton Qua}. 0870 040 4000. I0am 5pm. £3.50 tlreel. Inlormation and practical ad\ ice on bu} ing a littlISL‘ in the

Scotland’s Exclusive Wedding Event Ro}al (‘oncert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000. I l.I5am 4.45pm. £3.50. Art e\len\i\e range ol wedding e\hibitor\ \Ulll'L‘L‘tI lrom all m er Scotland \\ ill he taking part in laxhion catwalk \Ito\\\. wine and cake taxtingx. hair and beam} demonxtrations. and more.

New Plaza The Archex. 3.55 Argyle Street. 000l 033 0300. 3 8pm. I‘ree. 'I‘Iiix two-da) e\ent leaturex the unxeiling ol lob) I’;itei\oii\ \culpturaI \killebottt'd obxtaclex in which prolexxional skateboarders \\ lII put [0 the text. 'I‘Itere

\\ lII tlI\tt be \ct'eeltittgx Ul l.ttt\ Siltberg'x I)\‘I) llt\l;lII;tIiolt Man With Balls ()n IltllltI\ .-\tttI I'eet.


Scottish Eagles v London (‘eiiii-uiii (’entrc. I35 A} r Road. I’restuiek. 01393 (i7I(i00. (i.3f)pm. £(i £I5. SuperIeague ice hocke) match.

Other events

Careers, Enterprise And Jobs 2002 SIi('('. I'innie\ton Qua). 0870 040 4000. I0am 4.30pm. I‘ree. See I‘ri 1. Homes Overseas Exhibition SIi('(‘. I‘inniexton Qua). 0870 0404000. l0ain 5pm. £3.50 ilreel. Sec Sat 3. Scotland’s Exclusive Wedding Event Ro}aI ('oncert Hall. 3 SauchiehaII Street. 3538000. lI.I5am 4.45pm. £3.50. See Sat 3.

New Plaza The :\rchc\. 233 ..\r:_'.\ 'C Street. (IUIII ()3: (I300. I (tpttl. Free. See Sat 3.

Japanese Matsuri Kibble I’alace. (iI;t\go\\ Botanic (iardenx. 730 (ireat \\’e~tern Road. 334 3433. .\'oon 4pm. I‘ree. .\ LItl} til Japanese—thettied acti\ itiex including origami. taiko drumming and ornate costumex. See photo caption.

Tuesday 5

Book events

Want To Know More About Publishing? Stir\ ixorx' I’oetr} Scotland. 4 (‘4 'I'empleton lillSlllexx (‘entre. (i3 'I‘empleton Street. 550 4554. I0.30am I3.30pm. £3. Ililllllxll “hue and (ierr} I.oo\e Itoxl a workshop on dealing \\ ith rejection and submitting lllttlltlxel‘lplx.


Braehead Scottish Curling Semi Finals Braehead Arena. Kings Inch Road. Renlrew 885 I441. I Iam tmen'xl. 8pm (women's). I5ree. Scottish ('Iiampionshipx 3003 in both men\ and Iadicx‘ e\cnt\.

(lentie. Kings Inch Road. BBS 10H. Mon Sat

I()a"i 0pm.: Sun

lS‘IJEw: Iél'lllI‘, 5‘8. Ihis

attraction. situated on the



Glasgow life

University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Sat 2 Mar

Q ex”


After being set tip in 1951 by Harold Wilson. War On Want has continued to fight for international justice and campaign against poverty. exploitation and oppression. This year's conference is titled ‘New World Order?’ and will be looking at global poverty after t I September from the root causes of the attacks

to the effects they have had on the world.

To highlight these changes and challenges. it has enlisted the help of several top notch speakers including peace activist Bruce Kent; Alexander Lopez. who is the preSident of SINTRAEMCALI Union Colombia; Afif Safieh. Palestinian Authority Representative: Bill Speirs. general secretary of the STUC and Claudia Blanco of the Nicaraguan Rural Women's Association.

The day will begin with speeches on the question of the new world order while the rest of the day will be hands-on with workshops on a wide range of topics from Palestine after i I September. Colombia and the betrayal of Western Sahara to War On Want in Scotland and the Tobin Tax. The afternoon continues with more heated debate in an International Question Time session with questions being fired at a panel of representatives from Labour. SNP. Lib Dem. STUC and

the Green Party.

War On Want is not afraid to take risks and can be controverSial so this conference is an ideal opportunity to share ‘yOur views and challenge the people

who make the decisions. (Jane Hamilton)

I For info call 020 7 (320 I I I I


Seeds And Cuttings Workshop (ilasgow Botattic (iardens. 730 (ireal Western Road. 33 3433. 3pm. £I £3. A beginners guide to propagating pIttttls.

Other events

New Media Course (‘(‘.-\. 350 Satichiehall Street. 353 4000. (i 9pm. £5 indix idtial \esxiott £30 for four weeks. f('(‘.-\ 4). Led b} I)t' l'it'tttteix McKee. [Illx course pt‘m ides an introduction to artists working in new media inclttding internet based practice. ('D-Roni pt'ojeelx and digital film and \ ideo work.

Wednesday 6


Braehead Scottish Curling Semi Finals Braehead Arena. Kings Ineh Road. Renlrew 885 I44]. 8am (men‘sl. noon (women's). Iiree. See Tue 5.


Wives, Mothers And Mistresses: Portraits of Women in the National Gallery (‘eiitrc t-‘or I.ilelong Learning. l'nii'erxit) of Strathclyde.

11am «1pm. Free. This 10th century garden and glasshouses are home to an interesting and educational selection of


Glasgow Science

:30 Pacific Ouay. 420 {>000 Daily 10am—6pm.

.\Ic(‘ance Building. In Richmond Street. 548 3 I 33. (rpm. I’ree but ticketed. .\'eil .\Iac(iregor. Director ol the National Gallery. London. will be discussing the portraits ol women in the National (iallery as part ol the Town and (ioth Lectures.

Other events

Talent Match 2002 The Lighthouse. l 1 Mitchell Lane. 331 (i363. 1 9pm. Free. A \ ibrant match—making e\‘ent bringing together graduates lrom disciplines such as sales. IT and production. w ith like- minded. innovative companies.

Book events

Reading It Write - Valerie Thornton I’artick Library. Dumbarton Road. 33‘) I303. b.30pm. Author Thornton joins I’artick Poetry (iroup in this open house ex'ent.


Braehead Scottish Curling Semi Finals Braehead Arena. Kings Inch Road. Renlrew. 885 I44]. I lam tmen'sl. 3pm twiiiiieii'xl. I-‘ree. See Tue 5.

Free. Home to the university's collection of flat art and setilpture including masterpieces by Rembrandt. Chardin.

535504.714 (Eli-£710).


Whistler and Pissaro.

Art Gallery & Museum, Kelvingrove

Ager Street. 78/ 7000. Mon Ihu 6’, Sat

Iliarn 52pm: I- rt 8. Sun

I Iain fipv'i. I ree. Ihis fine example of late Victorian architectta'e houses a l)(:lI‘I£IiI(L‘III collection of work by such names as

l’la'u fipt'i; I r: I“. Silo

I Ia'ii Spin. l l(:t:. Si! ‘.v".’:llia'n Buri‘ell's .'.'orid famous collection of beautiful art objects from around the globe. Il’):.‘f;(‘:tl in a specially designed. axiairt' ‘.'./|l‘f‘illlg building. Clydebuilt Scottish Maritime Museum

Ii'aehead Shopping

Itivei Clyde. brings to life the stop. of (‘ilasgow's dexelop'nent from the tobacco lords in the l/00's right up to the 71st centti".

Glasgow Botanic Gardens

i'I-lél (heat hidiffitfifll Road. .tIt-17.'-i)?.l)aii[,

Glasgow Cathedral Castle Street. 55:32 8108. Mon-- Sat 9.30amv—4pm: Sun 2 41pm. Free. A stone—built church has stood on this site since

I 180. ho\.‘.'e\.'er most of the present building dates from the Iiith oi liith centuries.

Situated on the site of the 1088 Garden Festival. Glasg()\.'."s $3.71") million visitor attractiOn is a mine of information on seience and technology. Hunterian Art Gallery Universin of Glasgow. 82

l-lillhead Street. 3130 554131

Mon Sat S).30am---i>pm.


Mugdock Country Park Craigallian Road. IVllIllgEl‘JlC‘. 9:30 6100. This country park on the north east side of the (:in has a full programme of ranger actiVities as well as IlUl‘IUlOtlS woodland paths and \‘JilIkV-Jéit'S.

'4 Mar 700? THE LIST 91